You've probably used a microwave within the last couple of hours, no matter what time you're reading this, so a bunch of convenient tricks involving said household appliance would be stupid to pass up. From cooking to cleaning, no amount of knowledge about a device you use on the reg can be too much. On second thought, if you get through all 20 of these bad boys, you're probably set for awhile.
![microwave hacks, life hacks]()
![microwave hacks, life hacks]()
![microwave hacks, life hacks]()
![microwave hacks, life hacks]()
![microwave hacks, life hacks]()
![microwave hacks, life hacks]()
![microwave hacks, life hacks]()
![microwave hacks, life hacks]()
![microwave hacks, life hacks]()
![microwave hacks, life hacks]()
![microwave hacks, life hacks]()
![microwave hacks, life hacks]()
![microwave hacks, life hacks]()
![microwave hacks, life hacks]()
![microwave hacks, life hacks]()
![microwave hacks, life hacks]()
![microwave hacks, life hacks]()
![microwave hacks, life hacks]()
![microwave hacks, life hacks]()
![microwave hacks, life hacks]()
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