While Sweden may not be happy about their snow penis, the same can't be said for a driver in China because they were definitely showing theirs off.
A car in China was spotted driving around with a huge snow penis on top proving that just because snow might make life rough on you it doesn't mean you can't find the good in it; like driving around with a snow dick. Take a look at what other drivers in China saw on their way to work.
According to the caption, the car was on its way to a parade in a part of China where "snow is rare."
Man, I wonder how China's version of Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade is like.
h/t Complex
True art: Just Like Snowflakes, Every Snow Dick Is Special
A car in China was spotted driving around with a huge snow penis on top proving that just because snow might make life rough on you it doesn't mean you can't find the good in it; like driving around with a snow dick. Take a look at what other drivers in China saw on their way to work.
According to the caption, the car was on its way to a parade in a part of China where "snow is rare."
Man, I wonder how China's version of Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade is like.
h/t Complex
True art: Just Like Snowflakes, Every Snow Dick Is Special