Texas was unfortunately hit with strong storms recently, including some tornadoes. And after strong storms like that occur, news reporters are usually quick on the scene to survey the damage and relay information. But this was a different day for KYTX reporter Andrea Martinez.
Take a look at what Andrea spotted that made her temporarily forget about the storm's brutal aftermath:
I'd like to think that dog was humming "Break My Stride" on a loop.
h/t Someecards
Not as chill: This Guilty Dog Loves Tater Tots More Than You Do
Take a look at what Andrea spotted that made her temporarily forget about the storm's brutal aftermath:
While surveying the damage in Malakoff, Andrea Martinez KYTX stumbled upon an interesting scene, to say the least. Watch the video below! #cbs19wx
Posted by KYTX CBS19 on Tuesday, March 8, 2016
I'd like to think that dog was humming "Break My Stride" on a loop.
h/t Someecards
Not as chill: This Guilty Dog Loves Tater Tots More Than You Do