Sleazy dudes are everywhere. But now, thanks to dating apps, Facebook and good old-fashioned text messaging, they are much easier to spot. Trolling for tail via mobile device may sound convenient and all, but the lack of actual physical interaction makes your pickup lines and general creepiness that much more evident. The subreddit cringepics perfectly encapsulated these kind of exchanges and, well, exposes them for what they are. Here are a few of our favorite desperate losers showing off their "A game."
![cringeworthy text exchanges, creepy texts, sleazy texts, enterprise emergency contact]()
Enterprise: We'll Pick You(r Girlfriend) Up
![cringeworthy text exchanges, creepy texts, sleazy texts, rather be having sex]()
![cringeworthy text exchanges, creepy texts, sleazy texts, hammock pickup fail]()
Sad and Pathetic 101
![cringeworthy text exchanges, creepy texts, sleazy texts, fuck me hard too soon]()
Heyy, he held it together as long as he could.
![cringeworthy text exchanges, creepy texts, sleazy texts, creepy facebook reconnect]()
I regret this conversation very much, as well.
![cringeworthy text exchanges, creepy texts, sleazy texts, dodging moves]()
He went from desperate to overconfident way too quickly.
![cringeworthy text exchanges, creepy texts, sleazy texts, facebook people ignore phones]()
You've changed, man.
![cringeworthy text exchanges, creepy texts, sleazy texts, are you kinky text]()
Yeah, this is going to end well.
![cringeworthy text exchanges, creepy texts, sleazy texts, girl too confident]()
Whoa, I'm not looking for a girl with dignity or self-respect.
And finally, the grand two-part finale:
![cringeworthy text exchanges, creepy texts, sleazy texts, creepy personal trainer]()
![cringeworthy text exchanges, creepy texts, sleazy texts, creepy personal trainer]()
Blatant illiteracy on both ends aside, this guy got game.

Enterprise: We'll Pick You(r Girlfriend) Up


Sad and Pathetic 101

Heyy, he held it together as long as he could.

I regret this conversation very much, as well.

He went from desperate to overconfident way too quickly.

You've changed, man.

Yeah, this is going to end well.

Whoa, I'm not looking for a girl with dignity or self-respect.
And finally, the grand two-part finale:

Blatant illiteracy on both ends aside, this guy got game.