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Ferret Has Learned Nothing From Cat Jump Fail Videos


Pardon me for sounding like Seinfeld, but what's the deal with ferrets? My entire life I've heard they were illegal to own as a house pet, yet every other person I know seems to have one. Anyway, I have no idea why anyone would even care to have a cat snake with legs as a pet, unless they did stuff like this all the time. We all know what's coming. We've seen so many cats attempt it before. But clearly this ferret doesn't spend enough time on the Internet and it's pure comedy for all of us.


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Comedian Lauren O'Brien Nails Numerous Celebrity Impressions While Stuck in Traffic

This Is Pretty Much The Worst Way To Find Out Some Girl Gave You A Fake Number

You finally did it. You got up the courage to approach that super good looking girl at the bar the other night and started to chat her up. Things seemed to go well and you finished everything off by finally getting her number. Score! OK, so it's been a couple of days and you're ready to take things up a notch so you reach out. And then this happens. Not cool, Tina. Not cool at all.

wrong number text catwrong number text cat

Seriously, though, that bro does seem to have a lot of cats.


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12-Year-Old Russian Boy is a Human Magnet

It looks as though this kid has to be twice as careful as his classmates when they need to use compasses in math class.

According to UPI, a Russian kid's body recently became magnetized after he received an electric shock from a lamppost.

russian boy is human magnet
russian boy is human magnet
Nikolai Kryaglyachenko's last name might be a nightmare, but it's nothing compared to what would happen to him if he walked past a Coinstar. He said he was walking home from school one day when he leaned up against a lamppost to take a break. Unfortunately, he didn't know the lamppost had faulty wiring, and it gave him an electric shock.

Kryaglyachenko said he didn't realize something was wrong until he woke up the next day with coins stuck to body.

"Then, when I was having breakfast and dropped my spoon, it stuck to my chest," Kryaglyachenko said.

Let's be honest: either this kid is a real-life superhero with magnetic powers or he's hiding the fact that his soap is made out of glue.

This kid might really be a superhero: Young Boy Run Over by Car is Amazingly Unharmed and May Be a Superhero


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Today's Funny Photos

15 Fast Food Workers Share The Strangest Thing A Customer Has Ever Done

15 Fast Food Workers Share Strange Stories
Working in fast food can be a grueling, thankless job, but when you add terrible customers to the mix, it gets so much worse. Recently a thread on Reddit asked former and current fast food workers to share the strangest thing a customer had ever done. Here are some of the most bizarre answers from the thread.

1. Frequent Customer
I worked at McDonalds when I was 16. We had a guy that would drive through the drive-thru completely naked all the time. Like, way too many times.

2. The Passenger
I was working the drive-thru one day. Then a guy pulls up with a fully clothed blow up doll in the passenger seat. "She" was all buckled up and everything. I looked at "her", and then at him, and he creepily said, "It's so I can use the carpool lanes."

3. Sleepy Time
Had a man and woman come through and order. They get to the window and he falls asleep in the 60 seconds he is sitting there. The lady wakes him up and he pays. Then before we could hand his food out to him we noticed his truck started to roll. I get to the window in time to see the truck scraping the building. He got onto the highway woke up and floored it. He came back 30 minutes later and ordered something completely different. He didn't know that he had been by KFC already. Manager called cops and we kept him in the drive thru until they got there.

4. Pickles
I worked at a drive-thru and this guy came around to pay. When he got there, he asked, "Hey, did I say I wanted extra pickles on that? Because I want extra pickles on that." I informed him that his burger was already made and ready to go, but offered to have a new one fixed up with a satisfactory amount of pickles. The man paused, and had a look of realization. He looked up and said, "Don't worry about it! Now that I think about it, I think I might have some extra ones right here." This guy then proceeded to open up his glove compartment and pull out a giant jar of sliced pickles.

5. Free Waters
My friend was working the drive-thru late one night. Some people came through and just asked for a couple cups of water. She says it costs 0.50 for that but they said they didn't have any money. She said ah well, no big deal, come on through, and handed the two cups of water.

The guy yells "THANKS, B*TCH" and throws the two cups of water on her, then drives away.

6. No Look Coffee
I used to work at Tim Hortons and when I had to work on the window I would barely ever look out if it was crazy busy. One time I was really distracted and I took the person's money without looking and handed the coffee out the window and let go when I felt a hand grab the cup. Immediately I heard "Oh shit!" so I look out the window and the guy has nubs for fingers and is waving his hand back and forth trying to get control of the cup enough to bring it in his car. I apologize profusely and he leaves after a couple minutes.

7. Milkshake
One time a lady came through and demanded I give her a shake that she didn't get with her meal when she came through 11 months ago.

8. The Bed
Once, someone drove a truck to the window with a bed in the back. Another person got out, put the bed next to the window, and ordered their food, sitting on the bed to wait. The driver left. After receiving her food the bed woman carried the bed to a parking space, got in, and ate.

9. Drive Thru Toss
I worked at McDonald's and some lady was accidentally given a Diet Coke instead of a Coke, so she threw the drink back through the window.

The drink landed quite heavily in the fry oil and splashed all over one of our co-workers. The girl drove away pretty fast, but the manager got her license plate number off the cameras. She was sued pretty badly.

10. Long John Silver's
I worked at Long John Silver's. One time this guy came to the drive-thru, clearly high, and asked for a Big Mac. I told him this is Long John Silver's and we don't serve burgers at all. I could hear him and his friend discuss for a second, then he said, "Oh, sorry, I guess make it a Whopper, then." It took him some convincing to get him to understand, and in the end he left without getting anything.

11. Pokemon
I worked at McDonald's for almost two years. The strangest incident would have to be the kid who attempted to pay me in Pokemon cards by explaining how much each was worth on eBay. When I explained to him that his cards could not be used as currency he became upset, accused me of being a "dirty Yu-Gi-oh fan" and drove off, leaving me confused with both his cards and his food.

12. The Customer Isn't Always Right
I was working as a manager for Tim Hortons in Ontario. And I was walking through the parking lot and checking to make sure everything was up to standard. A lady that was stopped in the drive-thru queue line called me over. And proceeded to tear me a new one, that she has been waiting here for 10 minutes in front of the speaker. And that this was the worst service she has ever seen etc. After her rant, I politely told her that this was a garbage can and that the speaker box was just up a bit more.

13. The Elephant
I was working at a Tim Hortons in Newfoundland when I was 15. A guy comes up to the speaker box, orders his coffee, and then I heard a weird noise that sounded like an elephant. He approaches the window, lo and behold there is a baby elephant in the back of his pickup. At the drive through. On an island in Canada. I was so confused, but just couldn't bring up the elephant in the room - or pickup bed I guess.

14. The Confession
I was once working drive-thru orders and this lady came up the speaker, I greeted her and then told her to order whenever she was ready. She said that she wasn't going to order anything and that she just needed someone to talk to. The customer is always right so I talked with her about how my day was going and then she told me she has herpes. I was dumbstruck. This lady probably just found out she had herpes and the only one she could talk to was the drive-thru guy? I never saw her face or even her car. I kind of wish I had her come to my window.

15. Taco Bell
I had dude driving without arms come through my line at Taco Bell, driving a modified Gran Prix with his feet. It appeared to be a defect he was born with, he was even able to count out change and hand it to me with his toes!! I was 18 at the time, and it taught me that the only limits we have are the ones we place on ourselves. Inspiring.


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11 Mistakes Every Fantasy Football Team Owner Makes


Nothing can make you love football and then, in a matter of moments, hate football quite like your fantasy team. You do all the research, follow all the "experts", and do more mock drafts than Matthew Berry, but somehow you have the same record as the guy who still has Shaun Alexander in his starting lineup. Didn't he retire in 2008? Don't freak out and don't panic. You're not alone. Here are 10 crucial mistakes every fantasy football owner makes.

1. Bailing on a Superstar Too Soon
After Week 2, numerous experts were saying that, not only should you bench Tom Brady, but he shouldn't even be on your team. It's safe to say that was a bad call and he's turned it around and had a decent season since then. If you want to make early moves, then by all means, go for it. But just know that selling low that quickly on seasoned superstars can very often come back to bite you in the ass. Don't make haste decisions out of desperation. I panicked in Week 3 after my running backs got hurt or underperformed and started sending out terrible trades to fill the spot. I ended up getting Zac Stacy for...TY Hilton. Let's not talk about how that one worked out.

2. Buying High on a Guy That Had One Good Game
Branden Oliver had two big games and you'd think he had descended from the heavens down onto the field. Owners were trading their first born just for the opportunity to smell his points. Since then he's only gotten over 50 yards once and never crossed the goal line. Players that come out of nowhere and hit a hot streak can turn into valuable options (see: Julius Thomas), but you have to be careful giving up every week starters for a guy that popped out of nowhere.

3. Sending Out Terrible Trades
Nothing will make other people in your league not want to work with you like constantly sending out terrible, one-sided trades. If I have 6 wide receivers and you offer me two mid-card wide receivers for my one solid running back, I'm going to know that you're not even looking at my lineup and just trying to fix your needs. After a few of those, along with trades that are just painfully awful, I'm going to assume you're trying to rip me off every time. That's not going to be good for you in the long run.

4. Basing Opinions on Names Rather Than Stats
At this point you just have to admit that LeSean McCoy wasn't worth the number one pick in the draft. He hasn't been awful, but if someone offers you a great trade for him, forget the draft and take it. Who cares where you took someone? Cordarrelle Patterson was hyped to be the biggest thing coming out of the draft, but if he's still in your starting lineup, you're probably nowhere near first place. Forget what players you prefer on Madden, and start looking at actual stats.

5. Drafting a Defense Before the Last Round
Hey, how did taking Seattle's defense in the 6th round work out? Terribly? Don't get caught up in the hype over defenses that were solid the year before. If you happen to grab a good one late, that's fine, but you're better off playing the matchups each week. You know who was one of the top defenses in week 11? Tampa Bay. You know how many people outside of Florida drafted Tampa Bay's defense? Hopefully zero.

6. Waiting Until Sunday Morning to Set Your Lineup
We all have that person in our league that looks like they've forgotten to set their lineup, then at the last minute they're scrambling to grab injury replacements and bye week substitutions. They may get lucky on occasion, but most of the time waivers are going to be a desolate wasteland at this point. On the other side, if you just set your lineup on Wednesday and don't check it again, you're going to miss when that probable status drops to questionable and then to doubtful and now you've got two wide receivers in your starting lineup that are out because of turf toe, whatever that is.

7. Not Playing the Waiver Wire
If you aren't active on waivers, you aren't going to win. Odds are you drafted quite a few players that went out with injuries or that were named Maurice Jones-Drew and they ended up not really panning out. But did you grab Odell Beckham? CJ Anderson? Jonas Grey? Nope and now they're legitimate starters, but you keep forgetting about waivers so your bench is full of Carolina running backs and Tampa Bay kickers.

8. Wasting Bench Spots
Nothing shows that you have no idea what you're doing and you're relying solely on your autodrafted players to carry you, quite like having a bench full of players on IR, with no chance of playing the rest of the season. There's a big difference between stashing Josh Gordon away until his suspension is up and still having Victor Cruz on your bench in a non-keeper league. Even if you have some magical bye-week free team, at least grab up some potential starters to keep your opponents from loading up.

9. Relying Solely on Point Projections
Before Ronnie Hillman got injured, there were four straight weeks where he put up double-digit point totals. Each week he was projected at 4-6 points. During that stretch there were multiple players projected at a higher total based solely on the assumption that they'd score a touchdown, which didn't happen. Just by watching any of his games, you knew he was going to blow up. Plus, if you've ever been projected to win by 30, only to lose by 60, you know projections don't mean a thing.

10. Drafting Players From Your Favorite Team
Of course you're going to want all the guys from your favorite team because you're convinced that this is their year. The problem is that you've been saying that for the last decade and it still hasn't been their year. Don't be one of those owners that loves one team so his lineup is 80% of that squad and so if they have a bad game or, god forbid, a bye week, his week is over.

11. Getting Into Too Many Leagues
If you can just set your lineup and ignore the stats on Sunday, then you're fine. If you're like most of us that watch every play on RedZone, then it's going to be painfully annoying trying to keep track. You'll end up never knowing who to cheer for because you're playing Aaron Rodgers in one league but you have Jordy Nelson and Randall Cobb in another so each catch helps and hurts you. Plus, you've got AJ Green in that one but you're playing him in another and you've got the Saints defense in a third league so the only thing you can hope for is that he somehow switches to defensive back and gets three interceptions?


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This Week's 20 Funniest Tweets

The Pre-Game: Ribbing With Wrestlers

The Pre-Game: Ribbing Amongst Wrestlers

Welcome back to "The Pre-Game" with your host Cy Amundson, our show that features everything you care about in the world of sports, social media and comedy. Today's episode features comedian Theo Von and pro wrestler Chavo Guerrero, Jr. Listen as Chavo explains how the wrestling world crosses over with Theo's practical jokes world. Then standby for the most intense thumb wrestling match you have ever seen.

"The Pre-Game" host and producer Cy Amundson has quickly established himself as one of the nation's fastest rising stand-up comedians. He was a standout performer as a New Face at last summer's Montreal Just For Laughs festival and recently made his television debut on "Conan."

Named CMT's Next Big Comic for 2011, Cy has been on the "Bob and Tom Show" and has performed in the Aspen Comedy Festival, Seattle International Comedy Competition, and the Great American Comedy Festival.

Visit the Home of "The Pre-Game" for more episodes.


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Who Said It: The Smith Siblings or the Dalai Lama?

jaden smith willow smith
When you're the son or daughter of a famous pair of movie stars, you weren't just put on Earth to live in their long shadow. You have a responsibility to put your wisdom into the world's head. It doesn't matter if you aren't even an adult yet or haven't experienced half of what life's experiences have to offer. You're famous and people will listen to you no matter what you say.

So while reading a recent and bizarre interview with Jaden and Willow Smith, the son and daughter of Will and Jada Pinkett Smith, in the New York Times, we started getting them confused with the Dalai Lama -- except one of them knows what they are talking about and at least has the body hair by now to prove it. See if you can tell the difference between the craziest quotes we pulled from their interview and the wisest man on Earth. See answers at bottom

1. "There's a theoretical physicist inside all of our minds, and you can talk and talk, but it's living."

2. " School is not authentic because it ends. It's not true, it's not real."

3. "In the practice of tolerance, one's enemy is the best teacher."

4. "Home is where you feel at home and are treated well."

5. "The only way to change something is to shock it. If you want your muscles to grow, you have to shock them. If you want society to change, you have to shock them."

jaden smith

6. "When you're thinking about something happy, you're thinking about something sad. When you think about an apple, you also think about the opposite of an apple."

7. "Death means change our clothes. Clothes become old, then time to come change. So this body become old, and then time come, take young body."

8. "Time for me, I can make it go slow or fast, however I please, and that's how I know it doesn't exist."

9. "There're no novels that I like to read so I write my own novels, and then I read them again, and it's the best thing."

10. "I have a goal to be just the most craziest person of all time."

willow smith neckbrace

11. "In order to carry a positive action we must develop here a positive vision."

12. "Caring less what everybody else thinks, but also caring less and less about what your own mind thinks, because what your own mind thinks, sometimes, is the thing that makes you sad."

13. "We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves."

14. "I think technology really increased human ability. But technology cannot produce compassion."

15. "Breathing is meditation; life is a meditation. You have to breathe in order to live, so breathing is how you get in touch with the sacred space of your heart."

dalai lama

16. "Generally speaking, if a human being never shows anger, then I think something's wrong. He's not right in the brain."

17. "My main hope is eventually, in modern education field, introduce education about warm-heartedness, not based on religion, but based on common experience and a common sort of sense, and then scientific finding."

18. "I am just one human being."

19. "Appearance is something absolute, but reality is not that way - everything is interdependent, not absolute."

20. "I like to go to places with my high-fashion things where there are a lot of cameras. So I can just go there and be like, 'Yep, yep, I'm looking so sick.'"

Jaden Smith: 1, 2, 5, 6, 10
Willow Smith: 8, 9, 12, 15, 20
Dalai Lama: 3, 4, 7, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19

Follow Danny Gallagher on Twitter @thisisdannyg.


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These Street Flyers Are Hilariously Brilliant

The street flyer. Even with the advent of computers and social media, sometimes the best way to communicate is some paper and sticking it on a pole. You know the kind: selling used something, lost pets or dog-walking services, etc, etc...But here are 21 flyers that made us look twice. Pointless or brilliant? You make the call.

pointless signs, building a boat
pointless signs, lost flyer
pointless signs, lost resolution
pointless signs, how were you born
pointless signs, found dog poop
pointless signs, have you seen this pole
pointless signs, strength coach needed
pointless signs, free advice
pointless signs, missing my imaginary friend
pointless signs, reward lost 50 dollars
pointless signs, octopus fewer legs
pointless signs, do not take this flyer down
pointless signs, your hair looks great
pointless signs, have you seen these droids
pointless signs, lost boys
pointless signs, have you seen this bird
pointless signs, missing dog
pointless signs, wanted sketch artist
pointless signs, take only the star wars references
pointless signs, found stray cat
pointless signs, reward pet fly lost

h/t The Chive


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The Worst One-Liners in Film History

Cringe-worthy movie lines aren't hard to come by. Michael Bay alone has provided us with hundreds through the years. And while his movies could fill a list such as this on their own, we'll save that for another day (okay, we'll probably still throw him in for good measure). The typical bad one-liner usually comes down to one of three things: bad writing, bad delivery, or the dreaded combination of both. Even the most mundane lines ("I'll be back") can become classics if said just right, while some of the cheesiest on paper ("Yippee-ki-yay, motherf**ker") can be pulled off under the proper circumstances. But when either are off, you end up with these offenders--the 30 worst one-liners in movie history.


1. "It's turkey time. Gobble gobble." -Gigli (2003)
worst movie one-liners
It's hard to believe Affleck recovered from being in this film.

2. "Did you just waltz in here and bark at your commanding officer? If so, I regard that as a bona fide brain fart. And I resent it when people FART inside my office." -G.I. Jane (1997)

When it comes to trying to make a line work while also being intimidating, peppering in the word "fart" multiple times isn't a great idea.

3. "You SACK OF WINE!" -Troy (2004)

Speaking of lines meant to be intimidating, even one of the best actors around couldn't do much with this one. Who knew farts and wine went hand in hand?

4. "Kenner, just in case we get killed, I wanted to tell you: you have the biggest dick I've ever seen on a man." -Showdown in Little Tokyo (1991)

On a man, sure.

5. "Okay, cocksucker. Fuck with me, and we'll see who shits on the sidewalk." -Death Race (2008)

Deliver this line any way you like. There's absolutely zero chance it's going to land.

6. "I hate to break it to ya, but it's not gonna be an open casket." -Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters (2013)

Always leave 'em wanting their money back.

7. "Pain don't hurt." -Road House (1989)

Umm, what?

8. "I thought Christmas only comes once a year." -The World is Not Enough (1999)

You can turn pretty much anything into sexual innuendo, but that doesn't mean you should.

9. "Dude, I'd eat the peanuts out of her shit." -2001 Maniacs (2005)

Okay, almost anything.

10. "I'm gone. Long gone. Like a turkey in the corn...Gobble, gobble gobble." -Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me (1992)

Another turkey quote. We've clearly lost control of the situation here. Moving on.


11. "Coming...to a decision." -Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze (1991)

worst movie one-liners
And we thought Disney liked to get subliminal.

12. "Put the bunny back in the box." -Con Air (1997)

We told you we wouldn't let Michael Bay off the hook. Especially when he's trying to let Nicolas Cage get away with this garbage.

13. "While you were still learning how to SPELL YOUR NAME, I was being trained to CONQUER GALAXIES!" -Battlefield Earth (2000)

But let's face it, for every horrible Nic Cage delivery, there's an equal if not worse Travolta gem.

14. "Bodhi, this is your fuckin' wake up call, man! I am an F. B. I. agent!" -Point Break (1991)

Not very alarming for a wake up call. Not very anything, actually.

15. "Whoa, what is going on?" -Twilight (2008)

The best way to follow up a poorly delivered Keanu Reeves line is with an even more poorly delivered line from the female Keanu, Kristen Stewart.

16. "You betrayed the law!"/"LAAAW!" -Judge Dredd (1995)

This is kind of a two-for-one. Sly Stallone is no stranger to a poorly delivered line, but the guy he's yelling at certainly gives him a run for his money.

17. "Oh man! Oh God, oh man! Oh God, oh man! Oh God, oh man! Oh God, oh man! Oh God!" -Tough Guys Don't Dance (1987)

Something tells us the screenwriter of this film didn't write "Oh God, oh man!" fifty times, so this one falls solely on delivery. Can't blame him for trying to own it, though.

18. "Too bad YOU will DIE." -Mortal Kombat: Annihilation (1997)

We'd say it takes talent to mess up five words so badly, but honestly, YOU just have to STRESS random WORDS.

19. "Is it still raining? I hadn't noticed." -Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994)

Is she still acting? We hadn't noticed.

20. "Happy, the gold jacket's yours! Shooter's gonna choke!" -Happy Gilmore (1996)

We just assumed "shoes, collar, choke" was some sort of golfing terminology for the longest time.
(Side note: Watch him look around at the end like, "Nailed it.")


21. I did not hit her, it's not true! It's bullshit! I did not hit her! I did nawwwt. [throws water bottle] Oh hi, Mark. -The Room (2003)
worst movie one-liners
We gotta hand it to Tommy Wiseau; the dude's got range. In fact, you could say he's all over the place.

22. "You know, I'm really wired. What do you say I take you home and eat your pussy." -Shark Attack 3: Megalodon (2002)

This movie could learn a thing or two from the writing and delivery in a porno flick. Or maybe it's the other way around.

23. "Pancakes!" -Cabin Fever (2002)

Some one-liners are so bad, only one word is required.

24. "They're eating her. And then they're going to eat me. OH MY GOOOOOD!" -Troll 2 (1990)

Anybody else having a hard time following this complicated plot?

25. "Garbage day!" -Silent Night, Deadly Night: Part 2 (1987)

You can say that again. Actually, no, please don't.

26. "Flash, I love you! But we only have 14 hours to save the Earth." -Flash Gordon (1980)

Perfect timing.

27. "No, I'm just...the postman." -The Postman (1997)

(begins the slow clap)

28. "I'm the Juggernaut, BITCH!" -X-Men: The Last Stand (2006)

worst movie one-liners
'Nuff said.

29. "Semper fi, motherfucker." -Doom (2005)

Also known as "Always faithful, motherfucker," delivered with the subtlety only a pro wrestler could pull off.

30. "What killed the dinosaurs? The ICE Age!" -Batman & Robin (1997)
For the sake of this list, we had to pick ONE, but we went ahead and provided you with all of them anyways. Play us out, Arnie.


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Woman Gives HJ to Two Guys on Toronto Streetcar, #TorontoStreetcarSex Blows Up on Twitter

There was a meeting at Toronto City Hall last night where citizens could express their concerns about the city's transit service, but one woman allegedly didn't do them any favors.

Well, except for the two guys sitting next to her, she allegedly didn't do them any favors.

According to CBC News, no charges were filed against three intoxicated people who "engaged in sexual activity" on a Toronto streetcar during rush hour and caused a 20-minute delay. And while city officials were pretty mum on the topic other than suggesting they should "get a room," it was quite the opposite on Twitter, as the incident quickly spawned #TorontoStreetcarSex as well as one witness saying the "sexual activity" was in fact a "handjob."
These tweets should also tickle your funny bone: This Week's 20 Funniest Tweets


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Watch This Australian Reporter Get Drilled by a Runaway Skateboard

If 7News reporter Mike Amor is looking for any kind of positive spin to put on this story, here's one: At least people actually know who he is now.

According to Yahoo! News, Amor was recently at a Venice Beach, Calif. skate park doing a story on a company developing hoverboards when a skater behind him lost control of his skateboard. And while that didn't bode too well for the skater, it looks as though Amor took the brunt of the punishment.

Surprisingly, taking a skateboard to his dome didn't cause any bleeding and Amor was not seriously hurt from the blow. He even went on to finish the piece he was doing despite the massive lump that had formed on the back of his noggin.

No word if Amor also survived the most treacherous part of Venice Beach and was able to refrain from paying twenty bucks for an aspiring rapper's demo.

If that clip didn't scare you from getting on a skateboard, then these should do the trick: Our Favorite Skateboarding Fail GIFs


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These Are The Worst Possible T-Shirts To Be Wearing For Mug Shots

The Latest Edition of 'Celebrities Read Mean Tweets' Does Not Disappoint


By now, we've all come to know and love the recurring segment on "Jimmy Kimmel Live" where he has celebrities read mean tweets about them. This latest edition lives up to the hilarity with a whole slew of new celebrities including Gwyneth Paltrow, John Stamos, and Britney Spears. Keep on insulting, Internet. It's incredibly entertaining.


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Mandatory Viewing: French Kissing Can Kill You

Mandatory Viewing: French Kissing Can Kill You

Welcome to Mandatory Viewing, our weekly show where men talk sports, politics, current events and really weird Internet videos they hope their children will never see. This week: vacation boobs, and more! But do you really need more?!


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How to Eat Kate Upton for Thanksgiving

How to Eat Kate Upton for Thanksgiving

In our latest video series on Mandatory, "Fast Food Formations," we play with dinner like total pros. In this week's episode, we combine two things we are passionate about -- Thanksgiving dinner, and Kate Upton in a bikini. Eat 'em up. You're welcome.


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Crazy Facts You Don't Know About the NBA

Crazy Facts You Don't Know About the NBA

You're a bit of a know-it-all when it comes to sports, aren't you? Well, prepare to be thoroughly embarrassed as we school you in NBA factoids that'll put you back on top of sports pub trivia.


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Iliza Shlesinger Is the Hottest Comedian on Earth

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