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Who Said It: Shia LaBeouf or Norman Bates?


Even the most sane men go a little mad sometimes but for some reason, some decide they like how it feels and decide to wear it like a giant garbage bag with holes for our arms and head. Shia LaBeouf seems to still be wearing his Hefty brand sport jacket thanks to his outbursts at press conferences, his public outburst outside of a Broadway theater and his crazy interview with the aptly named Interview Magazine. Some of his bizarre responses reminded us of another crazy person who had an inordinate connection to his mother, "Psycho" serial killer Norman Bates. See if you can tell the difference between the serial killer with the psycho looks and the serial psycho with the killer looks.

1. "A hobby should pass the time, not fill it."

2. "I have a hard time with free time."

3. "I'm a little territorial and defensive. I don't like having my space invaded."

4. "I'm an only child, so I'm pretty much a loner."

5. "A boy's best friend is his mother."

6. "Probably the sexiest woman I know is my mother."

7. "Crime is sexy."

8. "Sometimes I feel I'm living a meaningless life and I get frightened."

9. "If you love somebody, you wouldn't leave them even if they treat your badly."

10. "I think that we're all in our private traps, clamped in them, and none of us can ever get out. We scratch and we claw, but only at the air, only at each other, and for all of it, we never budge an inch."

11. "I've been going through an existential crisis. If you look at my behavior, it's been motivated by a certain discourse."

12. "Well, I'm not a fool. And I'm not capable of being fooled! Not even by a woman."

13. "I know that in the cosmic scheme of things, little boys are small, but some days they can be... some days little boys can be giants."

14. "My mom is at my house every day and she nags me about everything, especially hygiene."

15. "You smell like, like the toasted cheese sandwiches."

16. "It's perfectly natural for a son to love his mother."

17. "I think I must have one of those faces you can't help believing."

18. "I'm trying to find a way to have some control over my actions, my behavior, my ideas, my thoughts, my path in life. But it's very new for me."

19. "When the seagulls follow the trawler, it is because they think sardines will be thrown into the sea."

20. "Oh, I've killed before, and now I'm gonna have to do it again."

Shia LaBeouf: 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 11, 14, 18, 19
Norman Bates: 1, 5, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 20

Danny Gallagher can be found on Twitter @thisisdannyg


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The 10 Worst Good Jokes You Will Ever Hear

If you want your comedy current, tune into any late-night show. If you want your jokes timeless, classic and so-bad-they're-good, then you've come to the right place. Yep, they're eye-rollers. Don't fight it, though. They still provide a chuckle. You'll see.

The 10 Worst Good Jokes You Will Ever Hear, grandpa ban from zoo
The 10 Worst Good Jokes You Will Ever Hear, ray charles married
The 10 Worst Good Jokes You Will Ever Hear, blue and red paint joke
The 10 Worst Good Jokes You Will Ever Hear, horse walks into a bar joke
The 10 Worst Good Jokes You Will Ever Hear, six offender joke
The 10 Worst Good Jokes You Will Ever Hear, calendar stolen joke
The 10 Worst Good Jokes You Will Ever Hear, sleepwalking nun joke
The 10 Worst Good Jokes You Will Ever Hear, parrot carrot joke
The 10 Worst Good Jokes You Will Ever Hear, helen keller in a bar joke
The 10 Worst Good Jokes You Will Ever Hear, two cats swimming joke
h/t I Raff I Ruse


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10 Amazing Stories Behind NBA Tattoos

Let's be honest: Tattoos on an NBA player are almost as common as Amanda Bynes saying something stupid. But they're not all crosses, barb wire and portraits of Jesus. Here are some of the more amazing tattoos current and former NBA players are sporting as well as the stories behind them.

Quentin Richardson
10 Amazing Stories Behind NBA Tattoos, Quentin Richardson tattoo
The former Clippers, Knicks, Heat and Magic forward's entire body is one giant collection of tattoos, but the one featuring the skyline of Chicago over the phrase "Chicago's Own" is the ink that stands out the most. According to the Orlando Sentinel, the tattoo represents his amazing loyalty to his hometown, where he played both high school and college hoops before going pro. We have to admit, it's hard to be more loyal than covering your entire abdomen with an homage of your city.

Monta Ellis
10 Amazing Stories Behind NBA Tattoos, month ellis tattoo
Ellis is apparently also a very loyal player, and to show his loyalty to the Golden State Warriors, Ellis had the Warriors logo inked on his back (near his left shoulder). The problem with that? You guessed it: He now plays for Dallas.

Kevin Durant
10 Amazing Stories Behind NBA Tattoos, kevin durant tattoo
We're not sure about the meaning behind Durant's massive back tattoo, but damn, it looks like a painful one. It's probably not as painful as the fact that his tattoo artist initially misspelled the word "mature," though. Everybody from teenagers on Twitter to The Washington Post posted a picture of the back tat along with a couple of quips in regards to the "mautre" mistake. The good news is that since everybody was talking about it, Durant quickly went back under the needle and got it fixed.

Jason Terry
10 Amazing Stories Behind NBA Tattoos, jason terry tattoo
On the surface, the veteran forward's tattoo of the Larry O'Brien championship trophy on his right bicep isn't that breathtaking. But throw in the fact that Terry had the ink job done the October before he became an NBA champion with the Dallas Mavericks during the 2010-11 season, and you now have one of the greatest NBA tat stories of all time.

Chris "Birdman" Andersen
10 Amazing Stories Behind NBA Tattoos, chris birdman anderson tattoo
With more than 600 tattoos covering his body, Andersen would probably have trouble getting a job as a bank teller. But being the NBA's most illustrated man sounds like a lot more fun anyway. Andersen decided to get inked because he liked his mom's tattoos. After playing basketball in China, Birdman returned to the States to play ball for the New Mexico Slam. His mother rode her Harley 800 miles to see him play, and she took him to Route 66 Tattoo afterward to get his first taste of ink. He decided on the Chinese symbols for "good" on his left forearm and "evil" on his right one.

DeShawn Stevenson
10 Amazing Stories Behind NBA Tattoos, Deshawn stevenson tattoo
This is why you never tell anybody about your tattoos until after you get them. Stevenson said he told his then teammate Gilbert Arenas that he was going to get a tattoo of Martin Luther King, Jr. Arenas thought that was such a good idea that he went out and got it done for himself. Never the follower, Stevenson opted for Lincoln instead because he freed the slaves.

Wilson Chandler
10 Amazing Stories Behind NBA Tattoos, wilson chandler tattoo
A ton of NBA players have tattoos of cartoon or comic book characters, but try finding one as impressive as this. The Nuggets forward said he chose the Juggernaut because it reminds him to be one on the basketball court. Chandler also said he got the tat because likes X-Men. Obviously.

Mike Scott
10 Amazing Stories Behind NBA Tattoos, mike scott tattoo
The Atlanta Hawks forward has a ton of emoji tattoos on his body, but none are more interesting than the "two girls kind of dancing side by side." When Sam Laird asked him about that one, Scott said, "Yeah, I just like it. I got the two girls on one arm and then the lady in the red dress on the other. I guess you could say I got my girls on one side and then my mistress on the other side."

Marcin Gortat
10 Amazing Stories Behind NBA Tattoos, Marcin Gortat tattoo
If you think NBA players only care about money, think again. When Marcin Gortat was asked by Reebok to remove his Air Jordan tattoo from his hairy right leg, he said, "It helped me get to the NBA, it's not going anywhere." In a related story, Gortat might be our new favorite player.

Kobe Bryant
10 Amazing Stories Behind NBA Tattoos, kobe bryant tattoo
Most people heard about the $4 million diamond ring Kobe bought for his wife after he cheated on her and was accused of sexual assault in 2003. But you might not have heard about the "Wifey" tattoo he got in October of that year because, well, he pretty much had to at that point.


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The 11 Most Memorable TV Teachers

The relationship between students and teachers is a complicated one, as it's adults educating youngsters with critical information and ideas for their future in the very last place they want to be. Our relationship with TV teachers is different, though, because we are choosing to willfully show up to their class day after day, week after week. So it's to our benefit that we've been exposed to some great examples of fictional educators who have given us enough insight and knowledge to last us a lifetime. Here are 11 of TV's most memorable teachers. There may or may not be a pop quiz to follow.

Mr. Shuster, "Glee"
mr. shuster glee, most memorable tv teachers
Most students would find it strange to see their teachers do most anything outside of what their professional role normally requires, let alone sing and dance. But at William McKinley High, it's rare to even get past fourth period without this happening. Leading the musical brigade is Spanish teacher turned glee club director Will Shuster in the comedy/drama/musical phenomenon "Glee." Within the school's confines he's got friends and enemies and ex-girlfriends. Not to mention a hunger to please others and crippling moments of self-doubt. Frankly, if he didn't have a college degree or look like a grown man, some might mistake him for one of the students. (Photo credit: Fox Broadcasting/Photofest)

Mrs. Krabappel, "The Simpsons"
mrs. krabappel, most memorable tv teachers
Somehow TV's most realistic portrait of a public school teacher is played by a cartoon character. Gloomy and apathetic, and often unable to wait for a smoke break between class or during lunch, Edna Krabappel ruled Springfield Elementary's fourth graders with an iron-deficient fist. Though too many years had passed her by and too many men had left her cold, her libido seemed healthy, and with a little liquor in her, uncontainable. A long-suffering victim to Bart's schoolroom hijinks, Mrs. Krabappel took it all with stoic stride, often simply laughing it off with a definitive "Ha!" Say what you will about this downtrodden teacher, at her core, the lady had class. (Photo credit: 20th Century Fox Television)

Mr. Kotter, "Welcome Back, Kotter"
mr. kotter, most memorable tv teachers
Do you know what a Sweathog is? Oooohhh! Ooooohhh! Gabe Kotter did because he used to be one. Then he returned to his alma mater to teach a roomful of these underachievers, hoping to bring something enlightened out of them all. (And maybe throw in a Groucho Marx impression or two in the process.) Society had given up on these inner city kids, but not Mr. Kotter, instead choosing to show them how to turn a troubled home life into the building blocks for life lessons. Have a problem you can't solve on your own? Mr. Kotter could tell you how to do it and if you were lucky, an amusing story about his Uncle Herman as well. (Photo credit: ABC/Photofest)

Mr. Moore, "Head of the Class"
mr. moore head of the class, most memorable tv teachers
While most Gifted and Talented teachers might try to aggressively challenge their students to strive further and further ahead with their academic strengths, what Charlie Moore saw in the young members of his class was a group of socially awkward misfits who also needed to learn how to fit in. Just because his students had big brains didn't mean they didn't have big adolescent problems, and Mr. Moore was there to give them all the encouragement and guidance they needed, reminding them that their pursuit for the highest GPA possible shouldn't result in the failure to have some fun along the way. (Photo credit: ABC/Photofest)

Miss Bliss, "Good Morning, Miss Bliss"miss bliss, most memorable tv teachers
Though Zack, Lisa, and Screech were all "Saved By the Bell" each week in the early 90's, Miss Bliss was not so lucky, never graduating on with them from the 80's. Before the "Bell" rang in LA's Bayside High, the aforementioned students lived in Indianapolis and studied under the tutelage of Carrie Bliss in "Good Morning, Miss Bliss." Zack was still a fast-talking conniver here at John F. Kennedy Junior High, but Miss Bliss saw his full potential, as she did all her students, and was resultingly adored. The magic of television transported the young trio (and Principal Belding!) to a new, wildly popular sitcom, but Miss Bliss stayed behind -- left, we imagine, to bring joy to the mornings of countless other untelevised eighth graders for many years to come. (Photo credit: NBC Productions)

Mr. Chang, "Community"
mr. chang community, most memorable tv teachers
This would be the first college professor on our list if Ben Chang actually had the qualifications to be one. But that didn't stop him originally from teaching Spanish at Greendale Community College on "Community." Deranged and prone to destroying things, a real Spanish professor might go so far as to call him "loco." Unmasked as a fraud, the campus was still never spared his mayhem as he went on to serve there as a security officer, dictator, and then, obviously, a math teacher. If community colleges want to improve their standing here in the US, they need to stop hiring and then rehiring nutty professors like Mr. Chang. (Photo credit: NBC/Photofest)

Mr. Arthur Collins, "The Wonder Years"
mr. arthur collins the wonder years, most memorable tv teachers
One of the things that made the "Wonder Years" so wonderful was how well it balanced the school life and home life of Fred Savage's Kevin Arnold. And even though he walked around for years with Daniel Stern's voice rattling around his head narrating all his doings, we rooted for him anyway. Like we did in his dealings with also stern math teacher, Arthur Collins. Unlike many of the teachers on our list, Mr. Collins never wanted to be Kevin's friend, and once even corrected Kevin by reminding him that he wasn't. But as Kevin struggled with polynomials and coefficients, Mr. Collins was there to support him in his path to understanding and achievement. Proof that a teacher needn't be the friendliest or most fun to be a favorite. (Photo credit: ABC)

Mr. Feeny, "Boy Meets World"

mr. feeny boy meets world, most memorable tv teachers Some might call a teacher who follows his students from 6th grade through college a stalker. On "Boy Meets World," he's called George Feeny. Mr. Feeny otherwise resembles a classic archetype of the TV teacher: a serious, hard exterior fortifying a deep, warm and fuzzy love for his students. His students love him back and are eager and grateful for his wise council and advice. And his wisdom was indeed legendary and vast, perhaps sizable enough to legitimately stretch from secondary school to undergraduate studies. (Photo credit: ABC/Photofest)

Mr. Garrison/Mrs. Garrison, "South Park"

mr. garrison south park, most memorable tv teachers In this time of increased transgender awareness, maybe everyone needs a teacher like Mr. Garrison/Mrs. Garrison. "South Park's" complex third then fourth grade teacher takes the audacious approach of letting his sexuality all hang out in front of his students like a pair of Ms. Choksondik's pendulous breasts. Facts are not Herbert-then-Janet-then-Herbert Garrison's strong suit, so like his animated counterpart Mrs. Krabappel, (s)he's also a realistic portrait of a public school teacher. (Though ours never channeled their mental illness through a puppet named Mr. Hat. They just showed theirs in actions like making us compete in an intense game of dodge ball right before class pictures or eating lunch in a room right after it hosted mass pig dissections.) (Photo credit: Comedy Central/Photofest)

Mr. White, "Breaking Bad"
mr. white breaking bad, most memorable tv teachers
The teacher becomes the student for Walter White when a cancer diagnosis sends him into the unpredictable world of drug dealing in order to posthumously provide for his family in "Breaking Bad." It's not exactly better living through chemistry, but since that is his field, creating and selling meth seems like a reasonable side career choice. Mr. White started out as a hopeful teacher looking to inspire high schoolers with science, a subject cherished by him. But meth changes everything, and Mr. White's life instead takes some very dark and amazing turns. (Photo credit: AMC)

Charlie Brown's Teacher, various "Peanuts" Specials
charlie brown teacher, most memorable tv teachers
While we'd love to quote some of the intelligent things spoken by Charlie Brown's teacher, we can't since we've never been able to understand one word she's ever said. Adults were unimportant in the "Peanuts" world, and when they spoke, it was reduced to an unintelligible "Wah wah wah." Most of us can relate because that's exactly how many of our own teachers sounded. The noise was actually derived from a trombone, but unlike "Glee's" Mr. Shuster, there was nothing musical about Charlie Brown's teacher's voice at all. (Photo credit: YouTube)


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Jade Bryce Is into Charity And We're in Need of Some

Devin Justine Sets a Good Example

Nicole Meyer Models Lingerie Like No Other

What Are You Looking At On Your Phone Right Now?

If you're out in public right now, look around. Everyone is staring at their phone, aren't they? Must be something really important, huh? Nope. Definitely not. They're all just scared of interacting with the real world. Here's a pie chart breaking down exactly what you're looking at on your phone right now.

phone pie chart


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Santa Pees On Obama In Arkansas Man's Christmas Lights Display


At least now we know who Santa voted for in the last election.

David Wheeler of Rogers, AR, is using his front yard Christmas lights display to spread more than just holiday cheer. He's also spreading his political views. Check out the video to see Santa and his lit up urine stream soaking President Obama's name.

Wheeler claims it's his right to put whatever he wants in his front lawn. Most of his neighbors agree. Although one neighbor was caught off guard on live TV when the reporter told him what Santa was actually doing in the display.

No matter what you think of our president and the job he's done in the White House, I think we can all agree that more front yard Christmas light displays need to involve Santa urinating on things.

Via 4029tv


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The 20 Worst Things About Christmas

I love Christmas as much as the next person, but let's not ignore how many terrible things we have to deal with around the holiday season. The presents are great, but at what price do they come? Get ready to have your yuletide cheer deflated with the 20 worst things about Christmas.

The 20 Worst Things About Christmas, gross eggnog
1. Everyone starts serving eggnog like that's something a human body should actually ingest. It tastes like if the insides of a real egg had the texture of a Cadbury Egg, and not in a good way.

2. You get to have a moment of panic every time you greet someone because if you say "Merry Christmas" to the wrong person they'll freak out, but if you say "Happy Holidays" to another group they'll freak out. It's better just to tell everyone you're Jewish.

3. If you need one little item from the store you'd better set aside 4-13 hours because everyone is aggressively shopping for Christmas presents until literally seconds before Christmas. That bag of sugar will be the most difficult thing you've ever tried to purchase.

4. You have to go through everyone you know in your mind and figure out which people will probably buy you a gift so you can buy them one to make it even. However, if you buy someone a present that didn't buy you one, it can throw off the entire structure of your friendship.

The 20 Worst Things About Christmas, man sleeps on small bed
5. Seeing family is great, but sleeping on a bed intended for a 12-year-old while visiting your family almost makes it not worth it.

6. What am I supposed to do with a Christmas card? I can't throw it away as soon as I get it, but I don't want to hang it on my wall like I'm a detective piecing together the clues of a murder. I guess it'll just be on my refrigerator for the next seven months instead.

7. When you go visit your family on Christmas, your dad will either keep the house so hot you'll swear you were on the surface of the sun, or it'll be so cold your drinks will freeze sitting in the living room with no ice in them.

The 20 Worst Things About Christmas, christmas decorations outside
8. You have to put up lights, which means you're either going to have to work all day out in the freezing cold to make it look halfway decent, or you're going to slop it together and look like you live in a festive meth house for the holidays.

9. You're going to get an onslaught of those idiotic commercials where someone walks into their yard and finds a brand new car with a bow on top. Who is buying a car without consulting with their spouse? How did they get that car home without anyone noticing? Did they pay the car off or does the recipient now have an expensive car payment? This is stressing me out.

10. The other commercials are about Santa working undercover in a bunch of menial jobs. They usually end with a child noticing and Santa shushing them so they don't blow his cover. You're wearing a nametag that says "Santa", so I don't think it's really that big of a secret.

The 20 Worst Things About Christmas, bad christmas music
11. Christmas music isn't terrible, but every time you have to hear a terrible pop cover of a classic Christmas song, an angel loses his wings and is forced to drive an Uber in Heaven.

12. Please stop making everyone watch the parades. No one wants to see dated bands lip-sync on the back of a flatbed trailer being pulled through the snow.

13. Someone in your family is going to attempt to buy you clothes, but they'll be 6 sizes too big and they won't have the receipt, so by the time you get it back to Kohl's it will have been on clearance and you'll get $1.19 store credit.

14. One of your siblings or cousins is going to bring a new boyfriend or girlfriend over for Christmas and they're going to be the worst. Plus, your sibling is going to try and act mature, but it'll just come off creepy and weird.

The 20 Worst Things About Christmas, ugly sweaters
15. Someone is going to invite you to an ugly Christmas sweater party and they'll think it's the most original and hilarious idea in the world.

16. Every TV network is going to make their own cheap Christmas movie called something like "I'll Be ROME For Christmas" about a woman who can't find love, until a magic lamp transports a Roman soldier into the 21st century and she finds herself falling in love with him.

17. There is a 100% chance of you gaining weight while you're off for Christmas. I hope you've got sweatpants in your stockings because none of your other jeans are going to fit if you keep eating fudge like that.

18. You end up having to text "You too!" back to dozens of people who send out mass holiday texts, but you'll get a few from numbers you don't have in your phone so you'll have to decide if you should ignore it or ask who it is. They'll be upset you deleted their number and now you've got a whole situation to deal with.

The 20 Worst Things About Christmas, christmas story film
19. "A Christmas Story" plays on a continuous loop for 24 hours, which means you're going to have to watch that awful movie with your relatives who howl at the same corny lines they've been howling at for years. Stop lying to yourself and admit that movie is terrible.

20. By the time it's over you'll want to take a break and relax, but now you have to clean up, take down the decorations, then drive home because you have to work on Monday. Merry Christmas!


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'Jingle Boobs' is the Best Christmas Carol for Spreading Holiday Cheer


If you haven't quite felt the holiday spirit yet this season, this video should do the trick. Prolific musical boob bouncer Sara X is back with a rendition of the classic Christmas tune, "Jingle Bells," and obviously she is letting her lovely breasts do the singing. Sara would like you to all to know that unlike her boobs, this talent of hers is very real--no tricks involved. Merry Sara Christmas!


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Complete Stranger Slips Guy a Note Informing Him That His Wife is Cheating

Of all the lousy things that can happen to you on Thanksgiving, being a Lions fans is usually near the top of the list. But this year they are actually pretty good, so finding out your pregnant wife is cheating on you while attending a Thanksgiving Lions game is the new #1.

Apparently--and this story has yet to be refuted--a man attending the recent Lions-Bears game noticed that the woman sitting in front of him kept texting whenever her husband would leave. She was texting a person named "Jason" about how much she wanted to be with him. So, this man decided to slip the husband a note after the game. Here it is:

letter about cheating wife, pregnant wife cheating letter
As you can see, our Good Samaritan decided that he couldn't sit by and watch a pregnant woman secretly cheat on her husband, so he let his fellow man know. The stranger who left the note, whose name is reportedly Lye, posted an explanation for his actions on Facebook:

stranger leaves husband note about cheating wife
We don't know what happened after this either, and there's a good chance we could all find out it's a hoax soon, but it brings up a good question: Would you do the same thing if you were Lye?

h/t Reddit


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This is the Best Way to Deal With a Wrong Number Texter Looking to Sext

This fantastic story comes to us from Death and Taxes. It is about a poor sucker named Dre who thought he had scored a lady's number, but she gave him the wrong one. So, the number he called and left a voice-mail at (that's how we know his name) and later texted was instead the number of our hero, Joe Veix, who decided to mess with Dre on his quest for nude pics. Here's how it went down:

horny guy wrong number, sext fail, dre wrong number sexting fail
But the next morning, Dre was ready to give it another shot. This is when Joe decided to kick it up a notch by convincing Dre to draw pictures of animals in exchange for some "sexy pics."

horny guy wrong number, sext fail, dre wrong number sexting fail
horny guy wrong number, sext fail, dre wrong number sexting fail
horny guy wrong number, sext fail, dre wrong number sexting fail
horny guy wrong number, sext fail, dre wrong number sexting fail
horny guy wrong number, sext fail, dre wrong number sexting fail
horny guy wrong number, sext fail, dre wrong number sexting fail
At this point, horny Dre was getting pretty frustrated, but our hero Joe was able to convince him to go one final step.

horny guy wrong number, sext fail, dre wrong number sexting fail
horny guy wrong number, sext fail, dre wrong number sexting fail
And finally ... the big reveal.

horny guy wrong number, sext fail, dre wrong number sexting fail
Poor Dre.


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Today's Funny Photos

Hilarious Business Cards That Should Easily Lead to More Business

We all have that dream job we want or a client we're dying to land. Sometimes it's as simple as a good business card to get your foot in the door. These funny business cards, however, would require that your new networking contact have a sense of humor. But even if they don't, it's their loss, because you're the guy with the awesome business card.

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Hilarious Business Cards, cheese shop businesscard
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Hilarious Business Cards, scott not a douchebag businesscard
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7 Drinking Games That Are Way Better Than Flip Cup

So, you've got your classic Quarters, Flip Cup, Beer Pong and A**Hole. All are well-worn paths up the hill of drunkenness. But when you're ready to mix things up, might we suggest these alternatives? They all look like a blast, and it's certain that they'll only get more fun the longer you play.

7 Drinking Games That Are Way Better Than Flip Cup, battleshots drinking game
7 Drinking Games That Are Way Better Than Flip Cup, quidditch pong drinking game
7 Drinking Games That Are Way Better Than Flip Cup, volleybeer drinking game
7 Drinking Games That Are Way Better Than Flip Cup, jenga drinking game
7 drinking games better than flip cup, chess or checkers drinking games
7 Drinking Games That Are Way Better Than Flip Cup, shot roulette drinking game
7 Drinking Games That Are Way Better Than Flip Cup, you honk we drink game
h/t Cozybabe


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Was Tom Selleck Constantly Hiding An Erection On 'Magnum, P.I.'?

Tom Selleck has played a lot of great roles, most notably the character Thomas Magnum on "Magnum, P.I." But one thing that we question, which nobody has really addressed, was whether or not he was constantly hiding an erection on the show. We think he was. More often than not, it was simple hands-in-the-pockets, but after a while, Selleck got pretty clever with it. Take a look for yourself and be the judge, but we promise you, those short '80s shorts cannot tell a lie.

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Was Tom Selleck Constantly Hiding An Erection On Magnum, P.I.?, tom selleck butt


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These Animals Look Absolutely Thrilled To Be Dressed Up In Holiday Costumes By Their Owners

Watch This Magician Get Out Of A Speeding Ticket By Performing A Magic Trick


This is video of a man named Steven Brundage getting pulled over at 3 AM on his way home from a holiday party in New York City. Brundage was going 42 MPH in a 30 MPH zone. After they pulled him over, the cops asked Brundage why he had so many cards in his car, and he told them it was because he's a magician. At this point, the cops asked him to perform a trick for them, so he solved a Rubik's Cube in one second with one hand. BOOM -- just like that, his speeding ticket disappeared. Magic!


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Snow Gif Hall Of Fame

In case you haven't been outside (or Facebooked or Instagrammed) recently, it's pretty damn cold out. Want to feel better about scraping the ice off your windshield in 20 degree weather? Here are some outrageous snow gifs that make your morning dig-out look like kid stuff.
1) This rooftop shovel fail
That's one way to get the job done.
2) This new winter sport
Move over, Michael Phelps
3) This epic snow jump
No word on if he ever made it out.
4) A new mode of winter transportation
Get there faster than it takes for your car heater to even warm up.
5) This epic snow lapse
Time flies when it's blizzarding.
6) This clueless truck driver
We'd hate to be that guy.
7) The most overlooked winter animal
Why should penguins get to have all the fun?
8) This guy who should probably be paralyzed
Don't try this at home, kids.


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