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Lauren Vickers is a Vixen in Lingerie

Trivia You Didn't Know About Skiing And Boarding

Trivia You Didn't  Know About Skiing And Boarding

You're a bit of a know-it-all when it comes to sports, aren't you? Well, prepare to be thoroughly embarrassed as we school you in all things snow. Time for a lesson in powder, son.


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Dutch Guy Rents Crane for Marriage Proposal, Crane Destroys Neighbor's House

If BBC News is covering your marriage proposal, odds are you are in deep shit.

According to UPI, a man in IJsselstein hoped to propose to his girlfriend over the weekend by singing her a song while a crane lowered him outside of her bedroom window.

Yeah, that didn't happen.

The crane apparently wasn't secured correctly, and it crashed into a neighbor's home. When workers tried to "return it to a standing position," it came crashing through the poor neighbor's house yet again.

In all, six homes had to be evacuated while officials tried to remove the crane from the crash site.

Luckily for the guy attempting to propose, not only was nobody injured or killed during the train wreck of a serenade, but his girlfriend also said yes despite the mishap. The couple quickly headed to Paris to celebrate the engagement, which is probably the right move considering her neighbor has to be one pissed off dude right now.

No word if she still would have said yes if the crane would have fallen through her house instead her neighbor's.

The girls somehow still said yes during these disasters, too: These Horrible Marriage Proposals Don't Exactly Scream Romance


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Oh No! Lisa Ann is Done With Porn

Stunning news from the porn world today, as Lisa Ann, whose films such as "Lesbian Hospital 2," "Boob Bangers 6" and "Who's Nailin' Paylin?" have wrecked computers from Boston to Bakersfield, is retiring from the industry.

According to Busted Coverage, Lisa Ann is calling it quits in an effort to "slow down a bit" and "stop and smell the roses."

Lisa Ann Quitting Porn
The 11-time award winner posted a 10-page note on her Facebook page this morning, announcing her decision to leave the business so she can focus on her new consulting company called "ThePornStarBootCamp.com" as well as her dream of going through a fantasy football season undefeated.

Lisa Ann said she is also planning on expanding her role with the Sirius/XM family beyond her normal Monday night appearance on Fantasy Sports Radio. She thanked her dedicated fans and asked them to refrain from taking pictures of her in public so she can "go on a date without taking a picture with another guy."

The good news for Lisa Ann fans is that she still plans to make appearances at conventions, so they will be able to snap photos of her there. Or they could see much more than that just by spending 20 seconds online.

Lisa Ann apparently loves football players: Notre Dame Wide Receiver Beds Porn Star Lisa Ann


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Summer Bishil Makes Magic in 'The Magicians'

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The 10 Toughest Jewish People of All Time

The 10 Absolute Worst Songs of 2014

How bad was music in 2014? Let's put it this way: Nickelback put out a new album and they still don't have a song on this list. Yes, we managed to really dredge the barrel this year, with hokey YouTube hits, corny country and hideous hip-hop all represented in full. Grab your earplugs, America. These were, without a doubt, the worst songs of 2014. (Editor's note: Song titles link to music videos...if you want to torture yourself.)

The Chainsmokers - #Selfie
The Absolute Worst Songs of 2014, The Chainsmokers - #Selfie worst song
It wouldn't be a year without a novelty techno anthem that you can't escape, and this year's was especially awful. "#Selfie" (yes, the hashtag is part of the title) dropped in January and immediately started getting play at awful Vegas pool parties, Booty Barre classes and other hellholes. The track is anchored by a nattering monologue from a brainless club girl overlaid on ultra-generic EDM that sounds like somebody emptied their FruityLoops trash can onto the master tape. (Photo credit: YouTube)

The Absolute Worst Songs of 2014, Fergie - L.A. Love worst song
Nobody on Earth was clamoring for Fergie to release a second solo album, but contracts need to be fulfilled. The lead single, featuring a keyboard riff that sounds straight out of a middle schooler's first Casio Christmas and a phoned-in verse from YG, debuted on the charts at 97 and peaked at the fairly dismal rank of 27. There are a lot of good reasons why, from the verses that are mainly "Fergie names all the cities she can think of" to the incredibly irritating "la la la la la" that makes up the hook. Thankfully the rest of the album has not materialized, and hopefully never will. (Photo credit: YouTube)

Florida Georgia Line - Dirt
The Absolute Worst Songs of 2014, Florida Georgia Line - Dirt worst songs
Country music continued to spiral further and further down the toilet in 2014, and no band epitomized the utter crap of bro-country than Florida Georgia Line. "Dirt," the band's lead-off song from their Anything Goes album, steps away from the limp-dicked anthems they're famous for. Instead, they deliver a limp-dicked power ballad about... dirt. Packed to the gills with awful metaphors and delivered in a constant blare of hyper-processed vocals, it's so boring that you forget what you're listening to as you listen to it. (Photo credit: YouTube)

The Absolute Worst Songs of 2014, Iggy Azalea - Black Widow worst songs
"Fancy" was the summer jam you wanted to throw into a trash can and set on fire, but at least it had a hook. The follow-up, "Black Widow," was a track rejected by Katy Perry and re-tooled for the increasingly problematic New Zealand rapper. Throw in a grotesquely over-processed hook sung by Rita Ora, whom literally nobody on Earth gives a crap about, and you have a track that's perfectly emblematic of popular music in 2014: insistent, dull beats, generic production and embarrassing lyrics rapped by an untalented model. (Photo credit: YouTube)

Shy Glizzy - Awwsome
The Absolute Worst Songs of 2014, Shy Glizzy - Awwsome worst songs
The world of hip-hop has room for all kinds of voices, but do we really need a rapper who talks like, as one YouTube commenter puts it, "Cow from Cow & Chicken?" Shy Glizzy is a D.C.-area rapper who had an unexpected viral hit with "Awwesome." The track itself is a fairly generic collection of hip-hop boasts about cars, girls and money, but it's Glizzy's delivery that puts it into the Hall of Shame. The insanely repetitive chorus (basically just the rapper repeating "I'm so awesome" over and over) inspires laughter more than it does admiration. (Photo credit: YouTube)

Buck 22 - Achy Breaky 2
The Absolute Worst Songs of 2014, Buck 22 - Achy Breaky 2 worst songs
Miley Cyrus didn't make the list this year, but amazingly her dad Billy Ray did. Buck 22 teamed up with producer-rapper Buck 22 to squirt out "Achy Breaky 2," which fuses the riff from his one and only hit with the most generic, awful production to create a track that hits all the sour spots. Of particular note is the synth flourishes during the chorus, which are so atonal and obnoxious that it's almost a relief when the rap airhorn comes in instead. It would be hard to create a track as pandering and idiotic as this outside of a biohazard lab. (Photo credit: YouTube)

Milky Chance - Stolen Dance
The Absolute Worst Songs of 2014, Milky Chance - Stolen Dance worst songs
There's a certain kind of music that's basically made to be played for moms waiting in line at Starbucks to get their lattes, and I hate it. Probably the year's worst example was "Stolen Dance," by German duo Milky Chance. Not only do they have one of the worst band names in recent memory, their smash hit song is the equivalent of bathroom wallpaper, with inanely dumb lyrics ("do the boogie all night long?" Seriously?) and a maddeningly repetitive guitar loop. The only good news is that it apparently took the band three years to write the track, so we might get a reprieve for another three before they do another one. (Photo credit: YouTube)

PSY - Hangover
The Absolute Worst Songs of 2014, PSY - Hangover worst songs
The life of a one-hit wonder is a tough one - do you take the money and run, or do you artificially try to extend your stardom as long as you can? "Gangnam Style" zillionaire PSY made a second run at the U.S. market in 2014 with "Hangover," a collab with Snoop Dogg that took all of the charm of his breakthrough and sucked it out like a vampire at a blood bank. Everything about this song is aggravating, from Snoop's phoned-in verse to the aggressively quirky video. The song's only five minutes long but it feels like an eternity. (Photo credit: YouTube)

Jerrod Neimann - Donkey
The Absolute Worst Songs of 2014, Jerrod Neimann - Donkey worst songs
Attempts to modernize country music almost always end in disaster, but "Donkey" by Jerrod Neimann is a veritable Hindenburg. A messy mélange of repetitive banjo picking, hick "rapping," thumping Jersey Shore club beats and clumsy Guitar Center power chords, this surprise hit had singer Neimann delivering a hard-luck tale of his truck breaking down before introducing a supremely idiotic chorus about riding an ass down to the bar. Once the donkey sound effects come in, you know you're listening to a truly awful piece of music. (Photo credit: YouTube)

Meghan Trainor - All About That Bass
The Absolute Worst Songs of 2014, Meghan Trainor - All About That Bass worst songs
There could be only one song to top this list, and it's "All About That Bass." No song perfectly encapsulated how lazy we are than this one-hit wonder by Meghan Trainor that blared out of every soccer mom SUV all summer. This one has it all - body positivity, corny throwback production and some Vine idiot in the video. Sure, there's nothing deeply wrong about anything Trainor's saying, it's just hilarious that even "big butts" have been bleached for white person consumption in 2014. In a year when Nicki Minaj went full-on bare-assed on a single cover, this was the butt song that we rallied around. And that's cheeks. (Photo credit: YouTube)


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Guys vs. Girls: Instagram Hashtags

The Craziest Holiday Decorations You Will Ever See

A Timeline of Waiting for the Cable Guy

Nothing fills my stomach with dread like seeing my cable and Internet service crash. Not only does that mean that I have to face the real world without distractions, it also means that I'll have to set up an appointment with the worst human being on the planet: the cable guy. Here's a timeline of the most dreadful experience on earth, waiting for the cable guy.

waiting for the cable guy


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Elyse Knowles Is One Fine Aussie Ace

Natalie Loren Has London Calling With Good Reason

South Dakota Pulls 'Don't Jerk and Drive' Campaign

Let's be honest: No matter which way you interpret that message, it's good advice.

According to Huffington Post, the South Dakota Office of Highway Safety has been forced to cancel their campaign aimed at warning drivers about the dangers of over correcting in snow and ice because it is instead being interpreted as a message about not masturbating while you're behind the wheel.

Highway Safety officials admitted the double meaning behind the campaign slogan "Don't Jerk and Drive" was intentional, as the ad was aimed at young male drivers.

"The message is that we'd prefer drivers keep their cars out of the ditch and their minds out of the gutter," Director of the Office of Highway Safety Lee Axdahl said.

Despite the fact the ad campaign had outperformed previous public safety campaigns on Facebook to the tune of 25 to 1, officials decided to pull the plug on it. Much of the pressure came from Rep. Mike Vericho, who said the office made a "terrible error in judgment."

No word if this puts the kibosh on the department's next campaign aimed at combating drifting and unnecessarily pulling the emergency brake called "Stop Yanking Your Crank."

This guy apparently didn't get the memo: Drunk Man Crashes Into Restaurant Then Gets Out and Masturbates


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How to Chop Down Your Own Tree The RIGHT Way

You're the type of guy who likes to do things the hard way. Your home-smoked meat's the most delicious, and that bookshelf you built will always take pride of place in the man cave (despite your GF's constant threats to chuck it out). The joy of doing most anything with your own two hands outweighs just about any failure when compared to a pre-fab product. So why would you buy a tree from that shady character down at the lot when you could get the rush of chopping down your own?

You wouldn't. But we're not all natural lumberjacks. Here are a few key tips before felling your holiday centerpiece this weekend.
1 -- What to bring to the farm
Work gloves (not the ones you wear to work, with the iPhone-touchable fingertips), a handsaw (an axe will just make a mess of things), plenty of rope and a tarp. Most farms have tools you can borrow, but if you've got your own, keep it real. Most farms also ban chainsaws, but they really are the best thing for an even cut, and if yours allows for it let 'er rip.
2 -- When you get there
You measured your space at home, but guys have a tendency to go all Chuck Griswold in the candy land that is the tree farm. Stay within your space limits.
3 -- Use a straight cut
You may've heard that a diagonal cut will make your tree last longer. And though that may be true, you're chopping down a fresh guy, so this is outweighed by it sitting flat in your holder. Use a handsaw, and steady yourself by resting your side and shoulder in the cold, damp snow to keep things level.
4 -- Cut low to the ground
You can always shorten your tree, but there ain't no way to grow it once he's chopped. Think back to that haircut you gave yourself the night before third grade picture day. No one wants to look at that for the next three weeks.
5 -- The drive home
Bring a tarp -- the wind you'll encounter on the drive home from the tree farm will definitely dry your guy out, and potentially alter the shape.
6 -- Before setting up
Give your guy another fresh cut, half-an-inch from the bottom. This'll ensure he's thirsty enough to suck up as much of his first watering as possible and thus ensure those needles don't drop until the New Year.
7 -- Interesting fact
Did you know you can cut your tree in one of 17 national forests and seven national grasslands? Chop down a bit of Americana in Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota and Wyoming and know you're actually helping the rangers control the growth in the park.


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Robin Williams was Google's Most-Searched Topic in 2014

If the late comic's body of work doesn't speak volumes to just how amazing he was, then the fact that people searched for him more than a nude Kim Kardashian in 2014 should do the trick.

According to Gawker, Williams topped the list of Google's most-searched topics of 2014, beating out both the World Cup and Ebola.

Robin Williams Google's Most Searched
Malaysia Airlines and Flappy Bird rounded out the top five, with the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge just missing out and coming in at number six.

Ray Rice was the most-searched athlete on Google this year, but it sadly was because of his actions in an Atlantic City elevator rather than on the football field. He was followed by Adrian Peterson, who is currently suspended indefinitely for using a switch to discipline his son. Richard Sherman's mouth landed him at number three, Paul George's horrific leg break put the Pacers' guard/forward at number four, and Carmelo Anthony landed at number five, presumably for his lack of winning.

Macaulay Culkin was surprisingly third on the list of most-searched actors, and that has to make him feel good because he has absolutely nothing else going for him.

More fun with Google: 13 Fun Google Home Page Tricks You Need to Know


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Best Holiday Song Remakes


Sick of the same old, worn out holiday tunes every time you walk into a store? We dug around on Spotify to find you some fresh takes on the Christmas classics. Read on for a list of our faves -- your eardrums will thank us. Log in to Spotify, then have a listen by clicking the links below.

1) "All I Want For Christmas Is You," Trey Songz
If Mariah's recent performance fail left you too depressed to listen to this staple one more GD time, Trey Songz can restore your Christmas spirit.
2) "I'll Be Home," Meghan Trainor
When thinking of Meghan Trainor, you no doubt hum "All About That Bass." But she's no one-trick pony, and offers a soulful update here that really proves her range.
3) "Do They Know It's Christmas?" Band Aid
British pop sensations One Direction teamed up with Ed Sheeran, Ellie Goulding and Sam Smith to pull off this single, which is already topping iTunes charts.
4) "Winter Wonderland," Lady Gaga and Tony Bennett
It's an odd pairing, for sure, but Gaga and Tony kill it in their kicked-up rendition of Winter Wonderland.
5) "Mary, Did You Know?" Pentatonix
This a cappella group's take on an old religious tune will absolutely give you chills.
6) "Little Drummer Boy," Justin Bieber feat. Busta Rhymes
This is probably the most ridiculous version of LDB out there, with rap breaks that include lyrics like, "I'm surprised you didn't hear this in the Bible." But we're willing to bet you'll prefer it to the mall muzak edition played perpetually. Pa rum pum pum pum.
7) "Last Christmas," Ariana Grande
Tons of female pop stars have covered this one, but Ariana does it in a way that's less whiny, and more "bad girl."
8) "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas," Sam Smith
If the British singer's "Stay With Me" scenario had played out on Christmas Eve, this is what it would probably sound like.


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30,000 People Bought a $6 Box of Bull Feces From Cards Against Humanity

This might be one of the funniest yet saddest things we have ever seen.

According to Gawker, 30,000 people actually sent Cards Against Humanity six dollars for a box of "literal feces, from an actual bull" when they pulled their super popular card game from their webstore to protest Black Friday.

In fact, so many people took them up on their "Bullshit" offer, that the company sold every box in just one hour. But if any of them were holding out hope that the box contained something other than poop, here's a video that will crush their souls.

The website advised people who purchased the box to use its contents to "fertilize your garden, adorn a festive tree, or surprise a loved one with the gift of poop."

Forget loved ones. Hell, if you're still looking for a present to give those Facebook friends who won't stop inviting you to play Candy Crush, a box of bullshit sounds like a great way to tell them how you feel about it.

Here's how much fun Cards Against Humanity can be: 20 Truly Horrible 'Cards Against Humanity' Submissions


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16 Sexy Selfies Gone Wrong

At this point, it's fair to say that selfies have become an epidemic. You can't go anywhere in public without seeing people holding their phones out, striking a stupid pose, and taking a photo of themselves. However, as annoying as that is, it's not nearly as bad as when someone tries to get sexy with their selfie and fails miserably. Often times, sitting on the toilet is involved. Don't let this happen to you.

sexy selfie fails, sexy selfies gone wrong, selfie fails
sexy selfie fails, sexy selfies gone wrong, selfie fails
sexy selfie fails, sexy selfies gone wrong, selfie fails
sexy selfie fails, sexy selfies gone wrong, selfie fails
sexy selfie fails, sexy selfies gone wrong, selfie fails
sexy selfie fails, sexy selfies gone wrong, selfie fails
sexy selfie fails, sexy selfies gone wrong, selfie fails
sexy selfie fails, sexy selfies gone wrong, selfie fails
sexy selfie fails, sexy selfies gone wrong, selfie fails
sexy selfie fails, sexy selfies gone wrong, selfie fails
sexy selfie fails, sexy selfies gone wrong, selfie fails
sexy selfie fails, sexy selfies gone wrong, selfie fails
sexy selfie fails, sexy selfies gone wrong, selfie fails
sexy selfie fails, sexy selfies gone wrong, selfie fails
sexy selfie fails, sexy selfies gone wrong, selfie fails
sexy selfie fails, sexy selfies gone wrong, selfie fails


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