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The Funniest Photos You Will See Today 12-5-12



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Arianny Celeste Reveals Her Health and Fitness Routine for a Shoot


World-famous UFC Octagon girl Arianny Celeste takes you behind the scenes of her photo shoot for the official magazine of the UFC, "UFC 360." Arianny's work will be featured in a five-page spread and the issue will be available on December 11.

For more, visit Arianny Celeste's website and follow her on Twitter.


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The Funniest Photos You Will See Today 12-6-12



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The Funniest GIFs You Will See This Week - December 6, 2012



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Mandatory's 2012 Holiday Gift Guide



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How a Single Guy Decorates for Christmas

It's a well-known fact that the moment forks are down on Thanksgiving the Christmas season has officially begun. Now your single guy intuition might tell you it's safest to lay low and sport the bare minimum when decorating for the festivities, like a foot-tall fake tree with one 10-bulb strand of lights, half of which are out, that was pulled off a clearance shelf and placed on the coffee table. The ironic reality is that your Christmas spirit, or lack thereof, is merely a gauge for measuring your extreme insecurity and thus, probably another reason why you're single in the first place.

As a single guy myself, I appreciate and enjoy the luxuries of my independence. There's nothing wrong with being alone, especially if you prefer it. I go to movies by myself without hurting anybody's feelings, cook my own meals and get drunk and hit on girls with little remorse when the mood strikes. However, I'd be a shell of the man I am if I were to stand against ceremony and resist letting my inner holiday psycho out.

Nobody can tell you how to decorate, but maybe you could use a few pointers on how to get it done, feel liberated and not look like a total ass in one fell swoop. It's your decision to make, so you can fly under the radar like the little Scrooge that sulks in his underwear until 5 p.m. with the shades drawn on a Saturday, or you tear open the shutters, throw up the wreath and give it hell.

First things first, and this is easy - simply get real...with your tree. Nobody is going to have anything nice to say about your Walgreens pole with six branches and plastic stand. They're like fake breasts; they might look real, feel great and withstand the rain nicely, but everybody knows immediately they're fake and you're dead inside. Spend the day outside of the city at a good old-fashioned tree lot and breathe in the fresh scent of pine, sap and sawdust before you choose your prize-picked tree. The right kind of lot is the kind where they let you pick out your tree, cut the sucker down in front of you and wrap it up for that classic "Christmas Vacation"-esque ride home. Or just go to the local tree lot if you're that lazy.

While you're getting real, don't forget to go big. There's no point in going out of your way to come home with some dainty piece of forestry ass when you could bring home the big boy to blind the neighbors. So what if you're living paycheck to paycheck in a studio apartment that barely fits your bed? Maybe your New Year's resolution should be to stop being so generous to strange women at the nudey bars with your single pals (which by the way is creepy that you force them to go with you there) and start saving up for happy holiday decor.

If you need a tip on tree placement, the answer is to always stick it right in the window for all to see. Throw out all the useless crap you don't need, live simply and get that damn tree front and center for the neighbors to gawk at so they can Instagram a photo of your hard work to people they've never met.

Next, the most crucial rule of all for any human being hell-bent on avoiding public scrutiny, family emancipation and an insurmountable loss of Facebook friends: No tinsel whatsoever. Aside from a relentless mess and puppy-choking hazard, tinsel just looks like cheap crap and should be outlawed along with bootleg fireworks and other holiday hazards we still smuggle in anyways.

Finally, there's one more thing to keep in mind; some food for thought. It's the holidays, gentlemen, a time when our differences, insecurities and shoes are best left at the door. There is no right or wrong, hate or greed that should show its face during these rare and gifted times. Invite your friends and enemies together into your home, show off your decorating skills and your ability to let bygones be just so and celebrate another year on this wild rock we live on.

And if nothing else, rub their faces in your Christmas spirit and show them how a real man decorates for the holidays, single or otherwise, then proceed to throw back a few too many drinks and pass out under your beautiful tree like the single guy you were meant to be. Happy freaking holidays!


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Perfectly Timed Photos Vol. 2



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The Worst Songs of 2012



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The Worst Movie Action Figures of All Time



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Athletes With Weird Phobias



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How To Keep Your Cat Off Your Kitchen Counter


Hey you! Are your cats constantly jumping onto your kitchen counter whenever you're trying to cook? Do you love your cats but can't stand it when they get in your way? Well, this video has just what you need to put an end to it all in a completely harmless manner. As it turns out, curiosity didn't kill the cat, it just scared the absolute crap out of it.


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The Worst Gangnam Style Parody So Far


Is Gangnam Style over yet? If the answer is no, I'm hoping this epically bad parody by Spartan High School students drives the final nail in the Gangnam coffin.


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This Is How Louis CK Shuts Up a Heckler

Vegan Foods Are More Gangsta Than You Realized

Mandatory Presents: SlickforceGirl Erika


We sometimes tend to think of models as girls with pretty faces and hot bodies, and not much else. But if we found out that some of these gorgeous women were out there using their smoking hotness for good, raising awareness for important causes, would that change our minds? Well, it should, and that is exactly the idea behind the SlickforceGirl series developed by photographer and filmmaker Nick Saglimbeni.

SlickforceGirl brings together a diverse group of talented models and actresses to fight for a common good. The project blends cutting-edge photography with comic-book-inspired visuals to showcase empowered women from all corners of the globe, as they join forces and use their beauty, brains and courage to help those in need.

The first model we are featuring in this series is SlickforceGirl Erika, played by Erika Medina. Erika is an Air Force Airman, and when she isn't busy saving the world, she's thanking real heroes who fight for freedom every day. Erika salutes the troops with a special Erika "Unzipped" limited-edition 24"x36" poster (pictured below, above the sexy behind-the-scenes shots) to say, "Thank you for your service." If you like what you see, the Airman Erika pin-up image is now available along with other SlickforceGirl artwork (click here). A portion of profits from poster sales will be donated to the Special Operations Warrior Foundation. Erika and the SlickforceGirl team are also busy sending care packages to deployed troops in Afghanistan.

Furthermore, a portion of the profits from all sales of SlickforceGirl items are donated to related charities. This year, SlickforceGirl teams up with the Breast Cancer Charities of America (BCCA) to promote their iGoPink campaign. SlickforceGirl is awesome.


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This Week's 20 Inappropriately Hilarious Tweets



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Be Safe and Avoid a DUI This Holiday Season

'Tis the season to be jolly, but unfortunately 'tis also the season for DUIs. Along with bell-ringing, colorful lights and yuletide cheer, DUI cases are also on the rise during the holidays. The numbers are alarming, especially for men. The infographic below calls to attention just how important it is to be safe and smart when it comes to drinking. So, take a look, and take the advice to ensure the happiest of holidays.


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The Top 10 Celebrity Meltdowns of 2012



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The Many Questionable Decisions of David Stern



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The Funniest Photos You Will See Today 12-7-12



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