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Ross Marquand Nails Nano-Impressions Of A-List Hollywood Actors

Skilled impressionist Ross Marquand does a bang-up job mimicking guys on Hollywood's A-List.

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Ross Marquand impersonates Hollywood A-list actors

In a video shared by Vanity Fair, Marquand compiles a series of moments impersonating the reactions of various film stars in not-so-glamorous situations, such as Al Pacino missing a straw with his mouth, Christopher Walken realizing he sees himself on a Jumbotron, and Christian Bale trying to decline a call but accidentally answering, among others. Have a look:

Marquand's impressions of John C. Reilly and Michael Caine were totally spot on.

Related: Comedian Lauren O'Brien Nails Numerous Celebrity Impressions While Stuck In Traffic


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Waiter Sees $20 Tip, Is Beyond Pissed To Discover What It Actually Is

If you want to yell Bible sermons on the subway or stand on the street and tell everyone all the reasons they are going to hell that's one thing, but messing with a waiter's tip in order to get your religious beliefs across is just plain fucked up, and the waiter in this story had to deal with the latter.

Garrett Wayman, a 17-year-old waiter from Kansas, was elated to find a $20 tip tucked under a ketchup bottle. But upon closer inspection he discovered what was the probably the worst "tip" ever. Take a look at the trio of pics below and feel Wayman's pain.

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So there you have it; instead of actual cash the customer did his part to promote God's word.

"I'm 17 years old, $7,000 in debt because I had to buy myself a car, juggling full-time school, and working seven days a week," Wayman told Tech Insider after realizing that his tip was actually a Bible pamphlet informing him that there is something "more valuable than money."

"I wanted to tell him that I only make $3 an hour and bust my ass at my job to make way less than I deserve, but he was gone by the time I had the chance to," Wayman adds.

Here's the original tweet:

Now that his tweet has gone viral I'm sure Wayman will be getting better, legitimate tips.

And then there's this asshole: Some Douche Left A Horribly Racist Comment Instead of A Tip At A Thai Restaurant


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Man's Henry The Hoover Tattoo Above His Penis Has Made His Love Life Hell

"I know laser removal is painful but never getting laid again would be more painful."

Those are the words of now 21-year-old English lad, Lewis Flint, who at the age of 16 thought it would be a good idea to get a Henry the Hoover tattoo right above his penis, with his penis acting as the obvious "hose." Lewis also has the vacuum's black cord and socket tattooed on his ass. Smart decisions all around.

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It's no surprise that Lewis completely regrets it now. "When I first got it done aged 16 I couldn't stop getting it out, I got loads of attention and I was a bit of a local hero, I loved it," Lewis tells Bodyshockers. "But I was with a girl recently and I liked her, things were going well until we got naked. When she saw it she said 'What's that? I am off!' I was gutted, I never thought I would regret my tattoo when I got it done."

This is clearly a bright fella.

Lewis reveals that the tattoo artist responsible for the tattoo had no idea he was underage at the time: "I feel like the joke is about me now, I am not telling the joke. Henry needs switching off...when I think about that night the girl walked out it does haunt me and puts me off showing it to other women in the future."

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While the tattoo has kept the gals away, it doesn't sound like Lewis is brave enough to get it removed: "The thought of that going round near my balls is unbearable.I don't know how people put up with 20 minutes of it, Wayman states. "Laser is too painful for me to get rid of this tattoo, I am going to have to put up with it."

Let's all remember to think before we do something, folks. Or better yet, let's just not get vacuum tattoos near our genitals.

More pics available via The Sun

And this is somehow worst: We Know It's Early, But This Has To Be The Worst Tattoo of 2016


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Watch The Intense El Chapo Raid Footage Captured On A Head Cam

El Chapo was recaptured and newly released head-cam footage shows just how intense his capture was.

According to Foxtrot Alpha, it took the Mexican Navy commandos nearly 90 minutes to find the secret escape route, giving El Chapo a huge head start. He escaped from the raiding force via a secret passage hidden behind a mirror in a bedroom closet. A mechanical door opened behind the mirror via toggling a mechanism hidden in the closet's light fixture. The passageway led to the sewage system below the city of Los Mochis.

Viewer discretion advised, this is very violent footage:

You can see exactly what this escape route looked like in this video:

Related: 10 Shocking Mexican Drug Cartel Facts


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This Guy Made A 'Drinking Jenga' Game

Since the original Jenga game simply involves not toppling over a tower of blocks, one man decided to make it a tad more entertaining by adding liquor to the equation. Because adding liquor to any classic game should make things a hell of a lot more interesting.

Take a look at what it took to build the fantastic new Jenga game he calls "Drinking Jenga."

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This Guy Just Build A Drinking Jenga Game

Here he is bringing home the material from Home Depot, probably. I only go to that store to use the restroom.

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This Guy Just Build A Drinking Jenga Game

Here he is using his picnic table to begin his most important project ever.

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This Guy Just Build A Drinking Jenga Game

He had "enough wood for 4 sets," but plenty of liquor to forget worries, hopefully.

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This Guy Just Build A Drinking Jenga Game

The logo was carved on rubber to stamp the sides using a sepia colored permanent ink pad. Take that, HGTV.

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This Guy Just Build A Drinking Jenga Game

Because some people use stamps for important things.

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This Guy Just Build A Drinking Jenga Game

Letter stamps from the local hobby shop came in handy to stamp out the rules. A thin coat of wax paste was applied to make them slippery. I don't know what that means but hopefully this ends in drinking.

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This Guy Just Build A Drinking Jenga Game

A carrying case out of 1x10 plank is shown here. Shout out to the banana that stood in for scale.

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This Guy Just Build A Drinking Jenga Game

Handles were cut with a hole drill bit, then a fen saw was used to remove the middle. Banana wearing out his welcome, clearly.

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This Guy Just Build A Drinking Jenga Game

The logo was transferred by "first printing it out in reverse on a sheet of paper," followed by tracing "the reversed image with a pencil." What he said.

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This Guy Just Build A Drinking Jenga Game

According to this dude "the bottom of the box acts as an emergency play area in case outdoor drinking is required." I feel outside drinking is always required.

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This Guy Just Build A Drinking Jenga Game

Here's the outcome. The guy who made this gave it to his brother as a Christmas present. No word yet if a travel edition is available.

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This Guy Just Build A Drinking Jenga Game

There are 56 blocks in total, and the rules to the game can be found here in case you want to give yourself a pretty entertaining home project this weekend.

Or you can just use your normal Jenga game and write the rules on the blocks in marker. #thrifty

Via Imgur

Or just build this: Man Builds Custom Monopoly Board To Propose To Girlfriend


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NYC Starbucks Refuses To Let Homeless Man Use Restroom So He Poops On The Floor

She called the shit "poop."

According to BroBible, a homeless man who said he was "not mentally ill" recently walked into a New York City Starbucks and crapped on the floor after employees refused to let him use the restroom because he was not a paying customer.

Several paying customers didn't care too much for the man's actions, so one called police while another filmed the man dropp a deuce. Employees "encouraged" the man to go elsewhere, but you could hear him respond with things like "Can't help it" and "I ain't going to shit all over myself."

You can actually hear one employee or customer laughing at the situation. We'll go ahead assume she wasn't the one who had to clean it up.

Hey, it could have worse. He could have done something like this instead: Watch This A**hole Owl Poop On Another Owl


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Indian Man's Stomach Pain Turns Out To Be Parasitic Twin With Hair And Teeth

This is pretty much the exact opposite of a wingman.

According to IFLScience, an 18-year-old Indian man who had been suffering from sickness, weight loss and stomachaches for the majority of his life was shocked when a recent surgery revealed the cause of his misery was a "malformed fetus of his unborn twin."

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Indian man with stomachache turns out to have parasite twin instead

After years of stomach pains and illness, Narendra Kumar's family decided to take him to a hospital in northern India. Doctors there used ultrasound and CT scans in an effort to diagnose Kumar's condition, but they weren't able to figure it out until they operated on him on Monday and pulled out a 7.8-inch, 5.5-pound "mass of bone, hair and teeth."

Doctors determined Kumar had been suffering from a rare condition known as "fetus in fetu" that occurs during the early stages of pregnancy with twins when one fetus somehow jumps into the other one through the umbilical cord.

At that point, it is no longer cute. It becomes a parasite, and the only way it can survive is by "living off its sibling's body for survival." And when it's finally discovered and removed through surgery, it looks like this:

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Indian man with stomachache turns out to have parasite twin instead


Seriously, if you asked me if that came from a human being or the set of the latest Tim Burton movie, I'd have to go with Burton.

Shit, man: Chinese Man Has 11-Pound Turd Surgically Removed After 10 Years Of Severe Constipation


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Craigslist Ad Promises Capitals Tickets But Tries To Sell Raunchy Taylor Swift Memorabilia Instead

The Washington Capitals are the best team in the NHL, and that means there is no hotter item in our nation's capital than a ticket to watch the Caps destroy the competition at the Verizon Center.

Perhaps the second-hottest item? You guessed it: A whiff of a guy's fingers that he says were recently inside Taylor Swift's vagina.

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craigslist ad promises capitals tickets but tries to sell you smells of taylor swift's vagina instead

No caps tickets,
So I was recently in LA and I went to a party and bumped into Taylor swift. She said she liked my shoes, I told her she had one song that I thought was ok and one thing led to another and I ended up finger banging her. This was last night so deal only last a day or two as smell will wear off. Email if interest, in calls and out calls

$5 bux 1 second whiffs
$10 bux 3 second sniffs
$50 bux 5 second sniff and taste

Serious inquiries only

To his credit, the dude immediately makes it known that he really doesn't have Capitals tickets available for purchase and that he was obviously just luring you with the thought of $10 tickets in hopes that you hop on board for another great opportunity: The chance to smell Taylor Swift's vagina because he finger-banged her the night before in Los Angeles.

I, for one, will pass this time around. But if he happens to bump into Kate Upton the next time he's in LA, then I might have a serious inquiry.

h/t Barstool Sports

There is nothing funnier than a Craigslist missed connection: Unfortunate But Hilarious Missed Connections On Craigslist


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Tiffany Luu Looks Amazing Swimming Into Character For SlickforceGirl

Tiffany Luu is getting dressed up for SlickforceGirl, and we don't mind watching. Slipping into a wetsuit and armed for an aquatic shoot by Nick Saglimbeni, the clip runs us behind the scenes as we watch Tiffany continue on the legacy of sexy SlickforceGirls with no problem at all. If you missed our Slickforce TV post last week with Melanie Iglesias, we suggest you do your civic duty and click on that too.

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Here Is Your New World Record Holder For Most Lit Candles Extinguished By Farting

Weird. A kid in my fifth grade class once got a detention for doing the same thing at a talent show.

Meet Gerard Jessie. We're sure some know him as Uncle Gerard or Cousin Gerard, but we just know him as the Filipino man who just set the world record for most lit candles extinguished by farting.

It's unknown how often Jessie practices his craft to ensure he stays at the top of his game or what he eats to build up his flatulence, but we think it's safe to assume he lives alone.

h/t Laughing Squid

And here we have a farting horse: We Should All Be As Happy As This Farting Horse


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Weird News: South Carolina Stripper Arrested For Stealing Condoms And Biting Off Walmart Worker's Finger

That's strange. We didn't know girls in the South used condoms.

According to The Smoking Gun, police were called to a Myrtle Beach Walmart Sunday afternoon after a 23-year-old stripper reportedly tried to steal condoms, lube and panties and then bit the finger off of a loss prevention officer who attempted to stop her.

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South Carolina stripper bites finger off of Walmart worker

Police said Carolynn Wright was approached by two female loss prevention officers after they watched her conceal the merchandise. That's when Wright allegedly punched one of them in the head, causing bleeding around her left ear. She then turned to the other officer and bit down so hard on her finger that a portion of it fell off.

Wright ran out to the parking lot and jumped in a minivan with a 71-year-old man behind the wheel. Despite the fact that there was a person standing in front of the van, Wright demanded the man to "Drive!"

He did not, and police eventually pulled Wright from the minivan and arrested her. She was charged with felony aggravated assault, simple assault and larceny.

Unfortunately, the loss prevention officer's portion of her finger could not be reattached, meaning that finger is done. And I guess you could say the same about Wright's career on the pole, although it looked like it was fun while it lasted:

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South Carolina stripper bites finger off of Walmart worker

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South Carolina stripper bites finger off of Walmart worker

Photos via Facebook

You wouldn't be able to tell based on the shithole Wright was snapping selfies in, but strippers make a boatload of cash: Stripper Posts A Photo Of The Whooping $3,345 She Made In A Single Day


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You Won't Believe The Phrases Wisconsin Athletic Officials Have Banned At High School Basketball Games

Remember how offended you were the last time you went to a high school basketball game in Wisconsin when the students began chanting "Air ball?"

Oh wait.

Well, according to the Appleton Post-Crescent, somebody at the Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association thought that chant along with others such as "Fun-da-men-tals," "Season's over," "There's a net there," "We can't hear you" and "Score-board" were hurting the feelings of players and other fans and will therefore be deemed "not acceptable" at all high school basketball games going forward.

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WIAA bans harmless phrases such as "Air Ball" and "Fundamentals" from basketball games

WIAA director of communications Todd Clark said in an email to school officials that "any action directed at opposing teams or their spectators with the intent to taunt, disrespect, distract or entice an unsporting behavior in response is not acceptable sportsmanship." He also included the aforementioned chants as well as "Sieve" and "We can't hear you" as specific examples of such "unsporting behavior."

Not surprisingly, there are many who are upset with the WIAA's decision to turn high school basketball games into a gathering of pussies. One of those people? You guessed it: April Gehl, a 5-foot-10 senior forward for the Hilbert Wolves:

Gehl's tweet unfortunately landed her a five-game suspension, but ESPN's Jay Bilas won't be sidelined for calling out the WIAA for lacking common sense:

Only time will tell if the WIAA removes the ridiculous ban or if they come up with other ways to encourage students to stay at home and raid their parents' liquor cabinets.

What's next in line for the pussification of America, banning funny signs? 25 Funny Fan Signs That Will Make You A Fan Of These Fans


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This Leanna Decker Video Is Manna From Heaven For You Redhead Lovers

Leanna Decker is definitely one of those beautiful redheads so hot they'll make redheads your new thing. In fact, Playboy's 2012 Cybergirl of the Year is practically the captain of those redheads, dancing in a loose-fitting white top to a cover of Chris Isaak's "Wicked Game." If you're into redheads or underboob or anything Leanna, the next 53 seconds of your life are going to be real great. Check out more Leanna Decker below, as well.

Hello😊 📸: @geaphoto 💄: @aliciacarbajal 👗: @glamenvy

A photo posted by Leanna Decker (@leannadecker_) on

Goodmorning world 😘

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Happy New Year everyone ❤️❤️❤️

A photo posted by Leanna Decker (@leannadecker_) on


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Today's Funny Photos

What would you do if you could switch bodies with the opposite sex for a day? I sure know what I'd do *imagines sitting in an all-girls circle and everyone is braiding each other's hair*. Man, that would be sweet. Enjoy this hilarious hump day batch of funnies, everyone!

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More: Yesterday's Funny Photos

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Related: 50 Photos That Perfectly Sum Up The 50 States

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Don't leave yet! There are more funny photos right here.


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13 Lip Readers Share Things They Accidentally 'Heard' And Weren't Supposed To

Being a lip reader seems like a handy skill, but with the good also comes the bad. You end up learning things that you definitely shouldn't have and probably didn't want to either. A Reddit thread asked lip readers to share the most memorable time they accidentally read the lips of someone they shouldn't have or "heard" something they weren't supposed to know. Here are some of the best ones.

1. Free Bird
I was at a Lynyrd Skynyrd concert years ago in the second row. The show was at a resort in California, so there was a hotel adjacent to the amphitheater. At the end of the show, I noticed the guitarist mouthing words to some girls in the front row. "Room 404! Room 404!!" I figured he was inviting them back to their room for a few after show drinks. On the way back to our room, we walked by 404 and sure enough the door was wide open with some band members inside. Eventually got to meet the whole band and hang out with the lead singer for a bit. It was a pretty good night!

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Lip Readers Reveal Weird Things They Accidentally Overheard

2. Misheard Conversation
A deaf friend of mine was a shameless eavesdropper. At a party once she trotted across the room and slapped the host for not telling her about his cancer. Somehow she'd mistaken a conversation about video games and children for one about impending death.

3. Um, what?
"There's a pickle stuck in my butt, want to see it?" It was a soft whisper and I tried to read her lips. I'm pretty sure it's what she actually said.

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Lip Readers Reveal Weird Things They Accidentally Overheard

4. The Girlfriend's Friend
My girlfriend's friends calling me unattractive and planning on hooking her up with someone else. I visited my then girlfriend at her college for a week. She had just finished being a part of a performance of the musical "Hair," and she took me along to her cast party. The guy they wanted her to be with was also at the party. It was not a good night.

5. The Bar Scene
At a bar I was staring at a table of four girls, two of whom were facing me. They were very clearly talking about blowjobs; not only could I read their lips, they had appropriate hand and mouth movements to go along with it.

Later that night, I and a friend approached them and asked if they would like to dance. When the one girl said 'We're really not into dancing', my friend (who had been told about their earlier conversation) said "Well, I guess a blowjob is out of the question, then." It was hilarious watching both of them blush so hard.

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Lip Readers Reveal Weird Things They Accidentally Overheard

6. Herpes
My lip-reading friend once stopped mid-meal in a restaurant and demanded everyone in the party swap seats. The couple four tables behind me was having a conversation about herpes, and it was putting her off her dinner. After another few minutes she stood up, grabbed a chair from another table and sat in the aisle facing the wall. In her new seat she could see right into the kitchen and she couldn't understand a word of the Spanish they were speaking.

7. Not a Good Time For a Conversation
I was in a class with a deaf woman when two girls nearby were having a very distasteful conversation about how weird deaf people talk. She then shows me her laptop, which had written out on her notes in bold, "They don't know I can read lips."

It probably should have occurred to those girls that the woman could read lips on one of the many occasions she would have verbal conversations with people without her helper typing it all out.

8. Former Boyfriends
Amazing what can be "heard" in Starbucks. I think of several examples of lesbians talking about their former boyfriends before they "turned" (to use their word).

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Lip Readers Accidentally Overhearing Strange Things

9. Sheep
I was overheard by a deaf woman while I was talking about how sheep are essentially the larval form of sweaters. I caught her when she started laughing while sitting alone at the table next to us.

10. Terrible Boss
Not really lip reading but pretty funny. My manager has somewhat of an undiagnosed hearing problem. He always talks much louder than necessary and what he considers a whisper can be heard several feet away. The day before our company picnic I overheard him telling one of my coworkers that she should wear those short shorts he likes, the ones that show off the bottom of her ass cheeks. They're both married (not to each other).

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Lip Readers Reveal Weird Things They Accidentally Overheard

11. Football Games
I love watching conversations on the sidelines of NFL games. Lots of swears: "What the hell was that?" "Oh, shit." They really go out of their way to cover their mouth while talking into the microphone due to lip readers.

12. Nice Try, Grandma
My SO's nearly deaf grandmother TRIES to lip read. But she really just mouths along to what other people are saying, I find it incredibly hilarious at an inappropriate level -- to the point where I break out laughing at dinner tables etc. I ain't even gonna apologize.

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Lip Readers Reveal Weird Things They Accidentally Overheard

13. Story Time!
I am deaf, and I don't sign -- I'm 100% speaking/lipreading. I have a lot of funny stories. First, here's a joke.

Three old deaf men are on a train. As the train approaches a stop, the first man looks out the window and says, "Ah, it's Weston." The second man says, "Wednesday? I thought it was Thursday." The third man says, "Thirsty? I am too."

Now, for my lip-reading stories:
  1. While watching President Reagan's televised funeral in 2004, at the very end when Nancy Reagan laid her head on his coffin and said goodbye, I think the media turned off the microphones to give her privacy because there were no closed captions for this part, but I clearly saw her say, "Goodbye, Ronnie. I love you." I was not a fan of Reagan, but it was a poignant moment.
  2. At one of my previous jobs, the VP of my division was often late for and/or missed meetings, much to my manager's chagrin. On one instance, my manager decided to stop waiting for him and start the meeting without him. My manager: "OK, so David is at a sweat lodge." I mis-lipread that as "David sweats a lot." My manager: "Have you guys ever done that?" Me: "Umm, no, I wear deodorant." -- silence around the conference room. Finally a coworker figured out what happened and said, "Oh no, she said 'sweat lodge,' not 'sweats a lot!'"
  3. This isn't so much a mis-lip-reading, but more of a context error: friends went traveling in Africa for a few months, and when they got back, a group of us went out to eat while they regaled us with stories of their trip. I turned away from them for a few minutes to make a comment to the person sitting next to me, and turned back in time to see them say, "... and while we were in Mombasa, we had really bad crabs." Without missing a beat, I said, "Damn, I've heard those things itch like a motherfucker. How did you get rid of them?" There was an uncomfortable silence around the table for a few minutes while people tried to process what I said, until someone figured out I'd misunderstood the type of crabs they meant. "No, not pubic crabs; the kind of crabs you eat!" Ooops.
  4. There was the time back in college when I said to my roommate, "I'm going to the store. Do we need anything?" She responded, "Dryer sheets." I thought she said trucker cheese and I was very confused for a few seconds.
  5. Of course, there have been a few times when people were making fun of the way I talk, not realizing that I can read their lips, and I went over and gave them a piece of my mind.


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15 Awesome Facts About Russia And Their Love For Vodka

When you think of Russia, almost without hesitation, you think of vodka. Perhaps that's a problem. But it's a reality, as Russian fondness for the cool, clear booze is known throughout the world. Hell, even the bears there get smashed. So in honor of that icy landmass east of Europe, here are 15 facts about Russia and their love affair with vodka that'll make you say "Nostrovia!"

1. Researchers estimate that the average Russian drinks nearly one bottle of vodka every two days.
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2. After the Nazis surrendered to the Soviet Union on May 9, 1945, the Russians partied so hard the entire nation ran out of vodka.
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3. According to legend, in the 10th century Vladimir the Great rejected Islam as a state religion because of its ban on vodka. He told the Muslim emissary who offered the idea, "Drinking is the joy of all Rus'. We cannot exist without its pleasure."
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4. Per capita, Russians drink twice as much alcohol as Americans. Step it up, guys.
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5. In 2002, Russian writer Victor Erofeyev wrote about the effect of vodka on the people: "It seems to punch a hole directly into the subconscious, setting off a range of odd gestures and facial expressions. Some people wring their hands; some grin idiotically or snap their fingers; others sink into sullen silence. But no one, high or low, is left indifferent. More than by any political system, we are all held hostage by vodka."
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6. Peter the Great is rumored to have drank a half a gallon of vodka per day.
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7. Every Russian soldier during World War II was given a ration of vodka per day (roughly a shot's worth — but many saved their rations for special battles).
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8. Twenty percent of Russians die due to alcohol-related causes, in comparison to 6.2 percent of men globally.
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9. In 2012, two elephants were saved by vodka during a blistering freeze in Siberia. The elephants, which belonged to the Polish circus, "started roaring like they were in the jungle! Perhaps, they were happy," said one official.
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10. Russian Scientist Demitry Mendeleev invented the periodic table of elements. He also invented the standard formula for vodka—40 percent alcohol by volume.
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11. In 1860, vodka was 40 percent of the government's revenue.
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12. In the coldest place in the world, Oymyakon, Russia, where the average winter temperature is -50 F, locals refer to vodka as Russki chai (literally translated as Russian tea). It helps keep them warm.
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13. The origin of the word vodka comes from the Russian "voda," which means water.
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14. According to Peter Baker of the Washington Post, "Many Russians ascribe medicinal, almost supernatural, qualities to vodka. Parents soak cotton balls in vodka and dab them on children to bring down a fever or ease an earache. Vodka with pepper is prescribed for an adult's cold; vodka with salt for an upset stomach. Some nuclear scientists even drank it to protect themselves from radiation."
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15. Russia ranks no. 1 in the world in alcohol spending.
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Here Are Some Scientific Facts About Sex We Learned In 2015

We know that 2015 has come and gone, but that doesn't mean we didn't take everything we learned into this year. That's why these sex facts should always be kept in the back of your mind in case you need to impress a girl on a first date because I've been told girls won't be scared off by that.

Take a look at ten scientific facts about sex that we learned last year.

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Scientific Sex Facts

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Scientific Sex Facts

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Scientific Sex Facts

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Scientific Sex Facts

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Scientific Sex Facts

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Scientific Sex Facts

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Scientific Sex Facts

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Scientific Sex Facts

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Scientific Sex Facts

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Scientific Sex Facts

Via Izismile

And don't forget about these: 20 Fun And Fascinating Facts About The Male Genitalia


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President Obama's Final State Of The Union Address Gets Remixed And It's Catchy As Hell

A lot of you are probably unaware that President Obama's final State of the Union address was last night, and since we don't know the first thing about politics we won't torture you by attempting a recap. Instead, we will show you a hilarious video done by the folks at Schmoyoho that perfectly recaps last night's address using nothing but a hot beat and some catchy lyrics.

Check out the video and be amused by politics for once:

Future presidents should sing all their speeches so they can entertain the only person that matters: me.

More of this, too, please: 'Bad Lip Reading' Takes On The First Democratic Debate And It's Hilarious


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An Exclusive Look At The Cleveland Browns' Offseason Plans

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Another NFL season is in the books for the Cleveland Browns, and yet another disaster has unfolded in the face of their fans. You deserve some kind of award for sticking with a team like the Browns for this long. They constantly find a way to lose and just when things seem like they might be turning around, they somehow get even worse. But maybe all those things are about change. The general public hasn't seen it yet, but here's a look at the Cleveland Browns' plans for the offseason. Time to get excited, Browns fans!

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Let's take a closer look at these new strategies for 2016:

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Related: An Exclusive Look At The Cleveland Browns' Preseason Notes


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Linkin Park's 'In The End' Sung By 183 Different Movie Scenes Is Brilliant

Once you hear the opening piano riff that kicks off Linkin Park's "In The End," it's hard not to sing along and remember a more simple time when yelling at your folks while wearing your favorite t-shirt from Hot Topic was considered a good day's work.

Well, it's time to get back to singing along to the extremely popular tune thanks to YouTube user The Unusual Suspect, who perfectly cut 183 movie scenes in order to have them sing the entire song. Take a look at the fantastic video below.

I suddenly have a strong urge to put up my Linkin Park posters again after I yell into my pillow.

h/t Maxim

Another perfect mashup: Here's A Fun Mashup of 100 Movie Dance Scenes


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