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Another week, another batch of inappropriately hilarious tweets compiled just for you. Be sure to follow these guys and gals, and check back here every week for more jokes you can tell your friends and pretend you came up with them yourself. They'll think you're hilarious, but inside you'll be cold and dead.
Follow @robfee on Twitter.
What kind of emotional tailspin causes people to "like" Lysol on Facebook?
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Twitter2 of 20
Fun Fact: 100% of people don't know what to do with a dirty dish at someone else's house.
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I just ate a whole can of spinach in 2 seconds and violently threw up. Cartoons are full of shit.
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The sidewalk is a little road for people who are so poor they have to drive their legs.
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Twitter5 of 20
If she says "I'm fine" that means she's fine and you can keep playing Xbox.
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Twitter6 of 20
"Girl, your rhinestone encrusted flip phone tricked me into thinking you were a princess!" - No one ever
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Twitter7 of 20
Me: Got any more of those debbled eggs?
Friend: Did you just say DEBBLED eggs?
Me: No, I said the right thing...
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Twitter8 of 20
Rest areas are weird. The guy in the stall next to me has four feet.
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Twitter9 of 20
My wife is one of those people who can read five books at the same time but I can barely finish the one I'm coloring.
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Twitter10 of 20
I want to wear glasses just so I can take them off and rub my eyes with my palms in exasperation when someone says something stupid.
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Twitter11 of 20
My other calendar is a packet of birth control pills.
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Twitter12 of 20
I liked dubstep when it was called starting your dial-up modem.
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"What have I done?!! Everybody run!!" - Creator of the boomerang
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Oh what a tangled a tangled web we weave when we ingest a bunch of opiates and try to operate a loom.
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Twitter15 of 20
No one eats chocolate in tiny orgasmic bites like the women in the commercials. You shove it in your face hole as fast as you can, then cry.
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"Alrightalrightalrightalrightalrightalright..." Andre 3000 on the phone with his mom.
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After I tweet, I usually recline in my chair with my hands behind my head & say "let the retweets begin!" Sometimes I bleed from my ears.
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Twitter18 of 20
The best thing about being single is sleeping around. You can sleep all over that lonely bed of yours. Left, right, middle, whatever.
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Why does the person right in front of me at Subway always treat building a sandwich like they're buying a fucking car?
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Twitter20 of 20Next: Last Week's Most Hilarious Tweets
Seeyuhadaloda crooks tryasteeyohawt neverrellyhala coolenevuhfigyaow howdaluv. Howdaluuuv. (rough translation of that Lil Wayne song)
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