Our friends over at StyleList want to help you out. So, instead of just assuming you know everything a woman desires, why don't you listen to the editors at the premiere fashion site on the Web and make sure you are doing the right thing when it comes to the opposite sex. This week: jewelry on men.
Hmm, jewelry? On guys, you say? This is a tricky question. We're all about self-expression and personal style, but when it comes to guys wearing jewelry, most women (that is, the women we polled in our office) just aren't that into it.
It's not that we don't love jewelry, because believe us - we do. We're just not sure we love it on you guys. Here's the thing: when we think of big, clunky chains, stacks of bracelets, and cute rings, we're thinking of ourselves - not our significant others. We don't want to compete with you on the accessories scale. As much as you don't love your girl to be more high maintenance than you, girls don't love to feel as if their guy is more high maintenance than them.
So, with all that being said, there's nothing wrong with a tasteful signet ring, or perhaps a necklace bearing a religious or significant meaning to you. We understand the need to represent the family heirlooms, and we're all about a little fashion flair every now and then. Our recommendation is not to overdo it. And of course, we're suckers for a great watch. If you're loaded down with gold chains and bling, you may want to ask yourself, "Is this too much or is this too much?"

Hmm, jewelry? On guys, you say? This is a tricky question. We're all about self-expression and personal style, but when it comes to guys wearing jewelry, most women (that is, the women we polled in our office) just aren't that into it.
It's not that we don't love jewelry, because believe us - we do. We're just not sure we love it on you guys. Here's the thing: when we think of big, clunky chains, stacks of bracelets, and cute rings, we're thinking of ourselves - not our significant others. We don't want to compete with you on the accessories scale. As much as you don't love your girl to be more high maintenance than you, girls don't love to feel as if their guy is more high maintenance than them.
So, with all that being said, there's nothing wrong with a tasteful signet ring, or perhaps a necklace bearing a religious or significant meaning to you. We understand the need to represent the family heirlooms, and we're all about a little fashion flair every now and then. Our recommendation is not to overdo it. And of course, we're suckers for a great watch. If you're loaded down with gold chains and bling, you may want to ask yourself, "Is this too much or is this too much?"