Daaaamn girl is your name Katrina because my lower 9th just flooded
- EireannMichaelDolan (@EireannDolan) February 7, 2013
Girl are you my coffee because every day I put cream in you and then run out of the house
- MattyTalks(@mattytalks) April 22, 2013
girl are you Super Mario Bros 1-1? because I'm worried if i die my brother will jump right in there and try to go down your pipes
- lawblob (@lawblob) April 9, 2013
Girl are you the first level of Donkey Kong because I lasted 20 seconds
- Brian Gaar (@briangaar) April 3, 2013
Girl are you my butthole because I don't see you very often but when I do it takes a lot of effort
- Jeffrey Hadz (@Hadzilla) April 12, 2013
mmmm girl are you a pineapple because you gave me a bunch of sores all over my mouth
- Bryan Donaldson (@TheNardvark) April 5, 2013
Girl, are you North Korea? 'Cause news about you heightens my anxiety.
- Mindy Furano(@MindyFurano) April 3, 2013
Girl are you an underfunded science program because there is no chemistry
- MattyTalks(@mattytalks) April 15, 2013
Girl are you gun control legislation? Because there's no way ill manage to get you in my House
- lawblob (@lawblob) April 18, 2013
Girl, are you a parking ticket issued by a college campus police officer, cause I'm not gonna pay you.
- OhNoSheTwitnt (@OhNoSheTwitnt) April 1, 2013
Girl are you a Sith lord? Because it looks like the lightsaber next to my bed is making you awfully nervous.
- Nick (@NickBossRoss) March 29, 2013
Damn girl are you a Ponzi scheme because you just Madoff with my heart
- Brian Essbe (@SortaBad) February 22, 2013
damn girl, are u the band behind the 1999 hit "all star", cause you're so aesthetically pleasing 2 me that i think we oughta smash mouths
- ☆ lil lemon ☆ (@electrolemon) April 3, 2013
hey girl, are you an elegant deer cus i'm in the distance, submerged within the undergrowth, watching your every move through binoculars
- Spoonicorn (@MrSpoonicorn) March 30, 2013
damn girl are u legolas because u got some ashy bows
- Horton Atonto (@crushingbort) March 31, 2013
"Girl, are you a suspicious device? Because I just evacuated... wait, uh..."
- STEVE HUFF (@SteveHuff) April 23, 2013
daaammmnn girl are you the sun cuz you need to stay about 92,960,000 miles away from me
- Common White Girl (@girlposts) April 22, 2013
Girl, are you a cemetery? Because I'm dead inside and want bury myself in you.
- braden graeber (@hipstermermaid) March 12, 2013