According to the New York Daily News, a US Airways flight from Los Angeles to Philadelphia had to make an emergency landing in Kansas City last week ... wait for it ... because a dog dropped a deuce in the aisle. Twice.

US Airways Flight 598 had already been delayed for more than two hours after refueling crews at LAX International Airport dumped fuel all over the tarmac. That was more than likely a factor in Fido dumping his brownies in the aisle.
Passengers of course took to Twitter to bitch about the episode, with some going as far as saying people were dry heaving and becoming nauseous thanks to the stench left behind from the service pooch. But nobody captured #DogShitGate better than Chris Law:
So the full sized dog that's on my flight, well it did what dogs do & went to the bathroom when it felt like it smack dab in middle of aisle
- Chris Law (@ChrisLaw) May 28, 2014
Can't make this up. The dog has now shit twice. Plane is emergency landing cuz ppl are getting sick. Hazmat team needs to board @USAirways
- Chris Law (@ChrisLaw) May 28, 2014
The Proud, The Few, The @USAirways dog shit cleaning crew
- Chris Law (@ChrisLaw) May 28, 2014
I don't think the dog poop was initial issue, it was more the people around getting sick, a la when Chunk ralphed over the balcony #Goonies
- Chris Law (@ChrisLaw) May 28, 2014
With 3.5 extra hours on 2 tarmacs in 2 cities Pilot announced lavatory's full they now need to empty it.
- Chris Law (@ChrisLaw) May 28, 2014
"Go-Go in flight" has taken on a whole new meaning today
- Chris Law (@ChrisLaw) May 28, 2014
For all twelve of you concerned The flight finally landed... at its intended destination.
- Chris Law (@ChrisLaw) May 28, 2014
Just told my 95-year-old grandmother the #fuelleak #dogpoo plane fiasco story from yesterday. She insists I'm lying
- Chris Law (@ChrisLaw) May 29, 2014
Who knows? Maybe Law's grandmother was just jealous the dog only had to poop twice in one day.Hey, at least this isn't the reason why a human being and a dog had to deplane: Florida Man Had Sex With His Pit Bull in Front of His Neighbors