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Each day we drive around the Internet's bad neighborhood's to bring you the funniest photos the world wide web has to offer. But, not without a price. The things we've seen, to bring you the wonderful goodness that is our daily funny photo gallery, cannot be unseen. Cherish this.
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2 of 17
Oh jeez, the puppies fell off the wagon, again.
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3 of 17
Yep, this is pretty much every Friday and Saturday. And Monday through Thursday.
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4 of 17
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5 of 17
What else do you expect him to do?
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6 of 17
She really gets to the point.
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7 of 17
Jesus' deadbeat friend.
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8 of 17
Best. Lawsuit. Ever.
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9 of 17
It's subtle, but it's very different.
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10 of 17
Click here for more hilarious expectation vs reality photos.
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11 of 17
Finally, we have an answer to the age-old question of how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop.
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12 of 17
And if the Bronx is known for one thing, it's definitely hand jobs.
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13 of 17
Finally, Mitt says something he really means.
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14 of 17
Click here for more perfectly timed photos.
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15 of 17
Hand this out to assholes.
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The real Captain America.
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17 of 17Next: More Hilarious Photos
Yes, yes, you did make a terrible mistake you stupid rock climbers.
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