There's big money in crap. If you are ever in need of quick cash, never underestimate the power of poop and pee. Take a cue from these companies:
![9 businesses that use poop and pee, poopsenders]()
Company: Poop Senders
Industry: Fecal Delivery
What They Do: Have you ever been slighted? Have you ever wanted to take revenge? Enter Poop Senders. They let you send animal dung to your enemies! Whether you want to prank your annoying neighbor or baffle your ex-wife, here's your chance.
And you won't believe the variety! They have droppings from cows, elephants and gorillas-lending one to believe the company is zoo-based. The poop arrives neatly packaged, complete with a cute note on a card. Just check out the testimonials. Get crappy!
![9 businesses that use poop and pee, scoop masters]()
Company: Scoop Masters
Industry: Poop Pickup
What They Do: "If your dog can poop it ... we can scoop it." That's the slogan of Scoop Masters, a poop pickup company out of Santa Clarita, Calif.
For a flat monthly fee, professional poop scavengers will show up to your house and pick up your pet's crap. They service more than 400 residences in LA County alone, charging $45 a month.
At their height, Scoop Masters were making $10,000 a month. If you live in Los Angeles County and hate picking up after your dog or cat, try Scoop Masters.
![9 businesses that use poop and pee, pee pocket]()
Company: Pee Pocket
Industry: Standup Pissin'
What They Do: At first glance, it seems like it's meant for those female dreamers who only want to pee standing up, if only for once. But when I asked heart surgeon and inventor Dr. Jacob DeLaRosa if the consumer response has been positive or negative, he replied: "It's not only for women. There have been a lot of men as well." The Pee Pocket is also very popular in the senior community.
Yep, it's not about peeing standing for the sake of peeing standing. It's meant for avoiding those nasty germs in bathrooms. But it could have diverse uses.
Said Dr. DeLaRosa: "People have been very happy with the option of being able to stand up and take a pee."
![9 businesses that use poop and pee, poop coffee]()
Company: Kopi Luwak
Industry: Sh*tty Coffee
What They Do: They use feces from the Asian Palm Civet, a wild feline out of Southeast Asia, to brew yummy java. Kopi Luwak isn't the name of a specific company; it is simply the name of the coffee's brand. The Civet takes a crap, people pick it up and they make coffee with it.
As one of the world's most exotic coffees (yes, you read that right), it costs up to $50 a cup. Never has animal dung been so tasty.
![9 businesses that use poop and pee, urine]()
Company: Dustin
Industry: Clean Urine
What He Did: A man named Dustin sold his urine on Craigslist in South Florida. He sold it for $20 per ounce. Meant as a solution for nervous drug addicts hoping to outsmart drug testers, Dustin has been a godsend for many.
![9 businesses that use poop and pee, poopsenders]()
Company: Frozen Poop Pills
Industry: Poop Transplantation
What They Do: Clostridium difficile hospitalizes more than a quarter million people a year, and it kills 14,000. It is just one of the many stubborn bacterial infections that affect millions in the U.S. alone.
To the rescue comes Frozen Poop Pills.
You ingest other people's crap. During the testing phase, patients took 15 multivitamin-sized pills a day and 90 percent of them had success. The next time you suffer from butt infections and don't want to face a doctor or receive a colonoscopy, know that there is an alternative: snacking on poo.
![9 businesses that use poop and pee, energy]()
Company: Bristol Robotics Laboratory
Industry: Pee Power
What They Do: Put your worries away, Third World, because now you can charge your smartphones with your very own urine. A scientist from Bristol Robotics Laboratory has created a product that harnesses human waste and creates power. And Bill Gates is funding this.
The science behind it involves using a microbial fuel cell, which contains microorganisms that break down the pee, to produce electricity. One liter of wee is enough to generate six hours of battery power.
Just leak and you're ready to Instagram.
![9 businesses that use poop and pee, loot]()
Company: Loowatt
Industry: Poo Power
What They Do: Bill and Melinda Gates are also funding this one. Apparently they're into poop, too. They're funding Loowatt, the creator of a waterless toilet composed almost entirely of horse shit. Loowatt encourages users to take their droppings to a biodigestor to convert it into energy.
Since 40 percent of the world doesn't have toilets, the Loowatt toilet could prove to be a useful product for the environmentalist.
![9 businesses that use poop and pee, pregnancy tests]()
Company: Positive Pregnancy Tests
Industry: Making Your Boyfriend Want to Die
What She Did: I don't even want to think about the reasons why women would want a positive pregnancy test. (Perhaps fill us in in the comments.) Anyway, a woman out of Buffalo, N.Y., sold positive pregnancy tests for $25 a pop.
A perfect gag for Halloween, it'll sure scare the living sh*t out of your boyfriend.

Company: Poop Senders
Industry: Fecal Delivery
What They Do: Have you ever been slighted? Have you ever wanted to take revenge? Enter Poop Senders. They let you send animal dung to your enemies! Whether you want to prank your annoying neighbor or baffle your ex-wife, here's your chance.
And you won't believe the variety! They have droppings from cows, elephants and gorillas-lending one to believe the company is zoo-based. The poop arrives neatly packaged, complete with a cute note on a card. Just check out the testimonials. Get crappy!

Company: Scoop Masters
Industry: Poop Pickup
What They Do: "If your dog can poop it ... we can scoop it." That's the slogan of Scoop Masters, a poop pickup company out of Santa Clarita, Calif.
For a flat monthly fee, professional poop scavengers will show up to your house and pick up your pet's crap. They service more than 400 residences in LA County alone, charging $45 a month.
At their height, Scoop Masters were making $10,000 a month. If you live in Los Angeles County and hate picking up after your dog or cat, try Scoop Masters.

Company: Pee Pocket
Industry: Standup Pissin'
What They Do: At first glance, it seems like it's meant for those female dreamers who only want to pee standing up, if only for once. But when I asked heart surgeon and inventor Dr. Jacob DeLaRosa if the consumer response has been positive or negative, he replied: "It's not only for women. There have been a lot of men as well." The Pee Pocket is also very popular in the senior community.
Yep, it's not about peeing standing for the sake of peeing standing. It's meant for avoiding those nasty germs in bathrooms. But it could have diverse uses.
Said Dr. DeLaRosa: "People have been very happy with the option of being able to stand up and take a pee."

Company: Kopi Luwak
Industry: Sh*tty Coffee
What They Do: They use feces from the Asian Palm Civet, a wild feline out of Southeast Asia, to brew yummy java. Kopi Luwak isn't the name of a specific company; it is simply the name of the coffee's brand. The Civet takes a crap, people pick it up and they make coffee with it.
As one of the world's most exotic coffees (yes, you read that right), it costs up to $50 a cup. Never has animal dung been so tasty.

Company: Dustin
Industry: Clean Urine
What He Did: A man named Dustin sold his urine on Craigslist in South Florida. He sold it for $20 per ounce. Meant as a solution for nervous drug addicts hoping to outsmart drug testers, Dustin has been a godsend for many.

Company: Frozen Poop Pills
Industry: Poop Transplantation
What They Do: Clostridium difficile hospitalizes more than a quarter million people a year, and it kills 14,000. It is just one of the many stubborn bacterial infections that affect millions in the U.S. alone.
To the rescue comes Frozen Poop Pills.
You ingest other people's crap. During the testing phase, patients took 15 multivitamin-sized pills a day and 90 percent of them had success. The next time you suffer from butt infections and don't want to face a doctor or receive a colonoscopy, know that there is an alternative: snacking on poo.

Company: Bristol Robotics Laboratory
Industry: Pee Power
What They Do: Put your worries away, Third World, because now you can charge your smartphones with your very own urine. A scientist from Bristol Robotics Laboratory has created a product that harnesses human waste and creates power. And Bill Gates is funding this.
The science behind it involves using a microbial fuel cell, which contains microorganisms that break down the pee, to produce electricity. One liter of wee is enough to generate six hours of battery power.
Just leak and you're ready to Instagram.

Company: Loowatt
Industry: Poo Power
What They Do: Bill and Melinda Gates are also funding this one. Apparently they're into poop, too. They're funding Loowatt, the creator of a waterless toilet composed almost entirely of horse shit. Loowatt encourages users to take their droppings to a biodigestor to convert it into energy.
Since 40 percent of the world doesn't have toilets, the Loowatt toilet could prove to be a useful product for the environmentalist.

Company: Positive Pregnancy Tests
Industry: Making Your Boyfriend Want to Die
What She Did: I don't even want to think about the reasons why women would want a positive pregnancy test. (Perhaps fill us in in the comments.) Anyway, a woman out of Buffalo, N.Y., sold positive pregnancy tests for $25 a pop.
A perfect gag for Halloween, it'll sure scare the living sh*t out of your boyfriend.