The Best Pumpkin Carvings You Will Ever See
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View ArticleThe Pre-Game: Picking NFL Games Based On 'Celebrity'
#fivemin-widget-blogsmith-image-988852{display:none;} .cke_show_borders #fivemin-widget-blogsmith-image-988852, #postcontentcontainer #fivemin-widget-blogsmith-image-988852{width:570px;display:block;}...
View ArticleJerk Ex-Boyfriend Emails Nudie Pics of Teacher to His Students
No word if his defense will be that the email was meant to be educational (as in, he was trying to teach his ex-lover's students that they shouldn't keep naked pictures of themselves on their...
View ArticleTexas Woman Arrested for Unwanted BJ
Usually when a guy awakes to a woman in the midst of a fellatio sesh, he considers it the perfect start to what is probably going to be the greatest day of his life. Megan Hoelting didn't find that...
View ArticleMac's New Yosemite OS X Is Here, And It's Free
For those of us who like our computers working smoothly, the latest Mac operating system Yosemite, which became available for download, will keep us from cussing out our desktops and throwing laptops...
View Article10 Outrageous Deeds Done By Drunk People
Alcohol is a hell of a substance-it can make us geniuses or idiots, weaklings or superheroes. Explore ten tales of men and women who got massively blasted and used their booze powers to do incredibly...
View Article10 Toasty Winter Beers Perfect for Toasting the Upcoming Holidays
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View ArticleAll of the Things You See in These Photos Serve Absolutely No Purpose
There are a lot of things about life that I don't fully understand; like why my pee reeks immediately after I eat asparagus, or why the NBA allows so many timeouts in the last minute of a game. But the...
View ArticleSorry To Say These Apology Notes Are Incredibly Funny
Saying "I'm sorry" is never easy. However, the following people make it look like it is. For those of you out there who have something to apologize for, you should really use these notes as your...
View ArticleThese Are Easily The Stupidest People On Facebook
Before the Internet, if a person was dumb, maybe only a handful of people might know it. They would say something and the few people they might be talking to would respond with a "Wait...seriously?" or...
View ArticleRosie Jones and Sexy Friends Get Risque With Utah National Guard
Rosie Jones is a national treasure-everyone knows that-but when she brings her jaw-dropping model friends along for a risqué Hot Shots calendar shoot, all bets are off on whether or not there is legal...
View ArticleLeanna Decker is Sexy Red Riding Hood
If the title wasn't telling enough, Leanna Decker is decked out as Little Red Riding Hood, but only if you imagine the Playboy version of the story, which we can all agree is better. In a little red...
View ArticleFlorida Rapper Gets Blown Into Water During Epic Photo Shoot Fail
You've got to admit those neon shorts are super fly. Literally. According to Uproxx, an aspiring rapper at the Clearwater Harbor who was mean muggin' during a recent photo shoot was blown into the...
View ArticleClassical Orchestra Performs After Eating Some of the World's Hottest Chili...
Playing the violin after devouring a delicious three-course meal at Chili's is hard enough. Now imagine how challenging it would be after swallowing some of the world's hottest chili peppers. That's...
View ArticleAlabama Man's Dog Rats Him Out to Police
Bo knows football, baseball and apparently where to find his owner when he runs from police. According to CNN, Edward Melvin Henderson bolted for the woods last week when police arrived at his...
View ArticleThe Funniest Fast Food Signs You Will Ever Drive By
Fast food is terrible for you but it is also delicious. We consider it a bonus when the signs for these popular chain restaurants go the extra mile to make us laugh. (Or make a terrible typo that...
View Article9 Businesses That Heavily Involve Poop & Pee
There's big money in crap. If you are ever in need of quick cash, never underestimate the power of poop and pee. Take a cue from these companies: Company: Poop Senders Industry: Fecal Delivery What...
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