1 of 17
Let's just cut to the chase. You like funny photos. We have funny photos. So what if we put our funny photos into a gallery and you click through them? Deal? Deal.
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2 of 17
So, so sad.
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3 of 17
Well, I guess that's pretty different.
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4 of 17
RIP Twinkie.
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5 of 17
Somehow this is funnier when it's in Spanish.
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6 of 17
I will sneak cheezburger.
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7 of 17
Isn't it nice when things work out?
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8 of 17
The best part of this is that it claims to create a "calming effect."
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9 of 17
Click here to see our 20 funniest tweets of the week.
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10 of 17
This is a pretty good comic.
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11 of 17
Every hotel needs to have this option.
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12 of 17
Another one of life's mysteries solved.
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13 of 17
This show would still be on the air if they had categories like this.
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14 of 17
I hope Pete is the dog.
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15 of 17
Uhh, sir, the escalators are usually just for walking.
Click here to see funny gifs of people getting bested by escalators.
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16 of 17
Hmm. There's only two options here:
1. Either that school gives out very racist awards.
2. Uhhh, it's pretty much just #1.
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17 of 17Next: More Hilarious Photos
I can barely tell them apart.
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