Good, clean fun is totally overrated -- that's why we slide in to base, are a mess of grass stains following some football, and, if we're playing right, downright stink after any game at all. Well we got nothin' on these guys, who play the actually filthiest sports in America.
1) Wild Boar/Hog Runs
1) Wild Boar/Hog Runs

Test your speed and agility on some real nasty and challenging courses that'll have you writhing in the mud like a ... well ... you know.
2) Mud Volleyball

Falling flat on your face after you tried to spike that ball doesn't hurt so bad when you're landing in a sea of watery mud. You'll still look like an ass for missing the spike, though.
3) Belly Flop Competitions

The only sport where having a gut gives you an advantage.
4) Those Races Where They Throw Colored Dust At You

Inspired by the ancient Hindu Festival of Colors, you don't want to wear your whites to one of these assault-by-pretty-powder events.
5) Swamp Swimming

A great way to get in touch with nature -- and with the parasites waiting for some fresh meat at your local swamp.
6) Catfish Wrestling

If something smells fishy, it's probably you, days after you've tried your hand at this sport.
7) Jello Wrestling

This is probably not what Bill Cosby had in mind. Actually, come to think of it ...
8) Mud Sliding

Get your fill of water park fun without the burn of chlorine.