Fan Runs on Stage at NOFX Concert and Gets Punched and Kicked in the Face
There are a million good reasons not to jump on stage during a concert, but "because you will get kicked in the face by a shirtless guy named Fat Mike" would probably be near the top of the list....
View Article12 Reasons Why Going To The Club Is The Worst
I think it's safe to say that, if you love going to the club, you should not be trusted. Going to the club is the absolute worst and if you somehow don't realize that, then please, let us educate you...
View ArticleSexy Ana Cheri is the Cherry on Top
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View ArticleKeira Knightley Posed Completely Topless to Protest Photoshop
Actress Keira Knightley is sick and tired of having her body manipulated for various reasons, whether it be for film posters, magazine covers or by paparazzi photographers. That's why, for a recent...
View ArticleTerann Hilow Makes Sports So Much Sexier
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View ArticleThe Actually Dirtiest Games You'll Really Want to Play
Good, clean fun is totally overrated -- that's why we slide in to base, are a mess of grass stains following some football, and, if we're playing right, downright stink after any game at all. Well we...
View ArticleSelfie Secrets: Photo Bomber
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View ArticlePersonal Fouls: What To Never Do At A BBQ
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View ArticleThe NFL Trivia You've Gotta Know Before Your Next Bar Bet
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View ArticleThe Country's Most Awesome Underground Restaurants
We're going to let you in on a little secret -- there're hugely cool things happening in the culinary world under your nose that you're totally not at all privy to. But rather than teasing you for...
View ArticleDogs Wearing Masks Are Funny All Year Round
If you've been wondering what you should do with that stupid Halloween mask you paid way too much for, the Internet has got you covered. Put it on your dog, take a picture and share it with everyone...
View ArticleThe Cast of 'The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air' 24 Years Later
It's hard to believe that "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" of NBC fame is more than 24 years old, first airing in September 1990 and ending in May 1996. It revolved around a teen (the titular Will Smith)...
View ArticleJeannie Santiago Rides Better Than Any Amateur Cybergirl
Jeannie Santiago is doing wonders for Playboy as their site's latest amateur cybergirl, but we assure you, she's much more than amateur. Jeannie tells us how she likes to exercise and ride bikes to...
View ArticleThis is the Best Way to Deal With Junk Mail
If you're like us, there's always a tiny sense of excitement when you head to the mailbox. It's one of the few surprises left in life. You wonder, what's for me? Yeah, there are bills, and sometimes an...
View Article15 Pizza Delivery Guys Reveal The Strangest Thing They've Seen on the Job
Being a pizza delivery person isn't exactly the most glamorous occupation. Most of the time, if someone's ordered pizza it's because they didn't feel like doing anything else. And don't let the adult...
View ArticleFlorida Woman Tries to Steal Brandy by Hiding It in Her Vagina (Slightly NSFW)
BAD: A woman walked into a liquor store and attempted to steal a bottle of booze by shoving it up her vagina. WORSE: She did it in front of a kid. EVEN WORSE: The kid is hers, meaning she has...
View ArticleColorado State Student on Molly and Cocaine Steals Ambulance and Masturbates...
If your parents are still giving you crap about your C-minus in Physics 101 last semester, here's a story that should get them off your back. According to Deadspin, an 18-year-old student at Colorado...
View Article12 Totally Useless But Interesting Facts About Actors and Musicians
If your goal this coming weekend is to be the guy at a party who spouts a bunch of interesting and random facts about the entertainment industry, then you've come to the right place. Memorize these...
View ArticleNYC Subway Fight Erupts After Woman Hits Guy With Her High Heels and He Slaps...
Here's another good reason to use Uber. According to Uproxx, an ugly brawl erupted on the New York City subway last week after a woman hit a man in the back of his head with her high heels and he...
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