1 of 52
We live in an amazing country, with amazing privileges. We also have amazing problems.
My soda is so big, that it went flat before I finished it.
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2 of 52
Forgot I was watching a recording, sat through commercials.
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3 of 52
I'm so full, that it's uncomfortable.
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4 of 52
My illegal download, is taking sooo long.
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5 of 52
Got caught up with a new T.V. series, now I have to wait a week between each episode.
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6 of 52
One of these delicious nachos, just stabbed me in the roof of my mouth.
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7 of 52
Shoe came untied, had to re-tie it, now it's tighter than the other one.
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8 of 52
Too rich for financial aid, too poor to pay for college.
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9 of 52
I want food from the back of the fridge, but it's blocked by all the food in the front of the fridge.
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10 of 52
I am kind of hungry, but my roommate has guests over and if I go to the kitchen I'll have to introduce myself.
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11 of 52
I want to find the name of the techno song I like, but it doesn't have any lyrics.
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12 of 52
I had something witty to say, but the topic was changed before I could say it.
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13 of 52
My first class seat was so comfortable, I fell asleep and missed the inflight movie.
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14 of 52
My house is so big, Wi-Fi signal is weak in my room.
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15 of 52
I never get to miss school, my immune system is too strong.
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16 of 52
The channel I switch to during commercials, is also showing commercials.
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17 of 52
My house is so new, that my car's GPS can't find it.
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18 of 52
This bag is so full of fries, I can't reach my burger.
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19 of 52
The cashmere lining in my calfskin gloves, keeps getting stuck on my diamond engagement ring.
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20 of 52
Spent too long on the toilet playing on my phone, now my legs are asleep.
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21 of 52
I want Chik-Fil-A, but it's Sunday.
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22 of 52
Had to wear a winter coat out to the bars, now I have to hold on to it the whole night.
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23 of 52
I want to wear my headphones while I fall asleep, but I like sleeping on my side.
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24 of 52
Too old for highschool parties, too young for bars.
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25 of 52
My HDTV is too thin, the Wii sensor bar falls off.
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26 of 52
Mom asks what I want for Christmas, can't think of anything.
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27 of 52
5 minute drive, the radio was on a commercial break the whole time.
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28 of 52
Misspelled the URL once, browsers first suggestion is always wrong.
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29 of 52
Bite into chocolate chip cookie, it's oatmeal raisin.
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30 of 52
Eating chips, can't hear TV.
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31 of 52
Made a witty status on Facebook, mother commented on it first.
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32 of 52
Staying with relatives, they don't know their Wi-Fi password.
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33 of 52
College essay prompt is about overcoming obstacles, I haven't had any obstacles.
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34 of 52
My burger shifted while I was eating it, now I have too much bun.
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35 of 52
There's nothing to drink at home, except a virtually unlimited supply of clean fresh drinking water.
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36 of 52
Have to take a shit at work, but the cleaning lady is in the bathroom.
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37 of 52
I want to watch this YouTube video, but I'm already listening to music at the same time.
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38 of 52
The car my parents bought me to replace the one I totaled, IS USED.
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39 of 52
Someone didn't refill the Brita pitcher, and now I have to wait 30 seconds for water.
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40 of 52
I was looking for a song on YouTube, but all I could find were live versions.
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41 of 52
Opened the can, befoer I saw "Shake Well".
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42 of 52
I have to wake up at 4 AM, becasue I'm going on vacation.
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43 of 52
Too tired to get up to pee, need to pee so bad I can't fall asleep anymore.
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44 of 52
Just used my last Pandora skip for the hour, next song is even worse.
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45 of 52
I'm so hungry, but I don't want to cook.
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46 of 52
Go to take poop, forget to bring smartphone.
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47 of 52
One pillow is too low, two pillows is too high.
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48 of 52
Sat down in living room with dinner, got comfortable, I left my drink in the kitchen.
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49 of 52
The dialogue in the movie is too low, but the music and sound effects are too loud.
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50 of 52
I hate my Government, but I live too comfortably to get motivated enough to do anything about it.
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51 of 52
Wanted to play an old computer game, but my computer is so advanced it didn't run it properly.
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52 of 52Next: Hilarious Meme; Really High Guy
Got hired, will have to start waking up early again.
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