Auction sites like eBay are typically full of pre-owned items from users looking to clean out their closets. But when those used goods have been sneezed on, or sweated into by A-listers, bidding wars ensue, and ridiculous items get purchased for astronomical prices. Read on for some of the wackiest top-tier celebrity auction items in recent years.
3) Justin Timberlake's Half-Eaten French Toast
7) Justin Bieber's Hair
1) Justin Bieber's Spacesuit

Sharon Osbourne is no fool. When her hubby Ozzy performed with Biebs at the 2011 Super Bowl, Sharon put Justin's suit up for auction, and it sold for $5,800. The cash was donated to the colon cancer program at Cedars-Sinai.
2) Scarlett Johansson's Used Tissue

When ScarJo came down with a cold right before her 2008 appearance on Jay Leno, the host saw it as a money-making opportunity (for charity, of course). Her dirty tissue, bagged and signed, sold for $5,300 (!!!) and the cash was donated to hunger charity USA Harvest.
3) Justin Timberlake's Half-Eaten French Toast

Back in JT's 'N Sync days, he gave an interview over breakfast for radio station Z100, and never got around to finishing his meal. His leftovers were listed on eBay, and sold for $3,154. Because America.
4) Gary Coleman's Sweatpants

When Jimmy Kimmel saw that Gary Coleman had listed his autographed XL pair of navy blue Gap sweatpants on eBay, he had to have them. At one point, the bidding war escalated to $400,000 -- but since the other guy was unable to pay up, Jimmy got the sweatpants at a steal -- $500.
5) John Lennon's Tooth

When John Lennon asked his housekeeper to dispose of a tooth he lost in the 60s, she held on to it and passed it down to her son, who auctioned it off for over $31,000. Is nothing sacred?
6) Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's Breath In a Jar

One fan was able to catch the breath of Brangelina, jar it up and sell it for $530. This is why we can't have nice things.
7) Justin Bieber's Hair

If you were surprised to hear his spacesuit sold for $5,800, you'll be extra shocked to know that the toddler tantrum's hair sold for $40,668 when Ellen Degeneres auctioned it off.
8) Jennifer Lawrence's Sports Bra

She got sweaty in 'Silver Linings Playbook.' And didn't do her laundry. And then a member of the general public paid $3,175 for the pleasure of sniffing her grubby gym clothes.