10 Awesome Celeb Responses to Fan Letters That Made Us Fans
We remember the days when we'd write a fan letter and plop it in the mail, waiting eagerly, only to get some lazy-ass form letter response back. You know the kind - clearly written by an autopen or...
View Article11 Hilarious Corporate Social Media Fails
Many people miss out on job opportunities because the company they applied to found something embarrassing on their social media. You know, like a picture of them drunk, or a weird political rant...
View ArticleIf You Do These Things When You Drive, You Are An Asshole
There are terrible people everywhere in the world, but most of them seem to be out on the road. Every time I get in a car, I encounter at least one of these types of people, usually more, and it makes...
View ArticleThe Worst Husband In The World Pranks Wife By Pretending To Kill Their Kid
You know what's a good idea for a funny prank? Smothering some shaving cream on a sleeping person's hand and then tickling their nose. You know what's not a good idea for a funny prank, convincing...
View ArticleThe Top 10 Celebrity Nude Scenes of 2014
As we race towards 2015, it's that time of year where lists come out. You know the kind--best of this, best of that. Bah humbug. But the one list we do look forward to comes from Mr. Skin, where he...
View ArticleThe Pre-Game: Does Electronic Dance Music Suck? A Very Serious Debate
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View Article18 Things You Need To Stop Posting On Instagram
If we're being honest, Instagram is pretty much the worst. If you think Facebook is bad for people pretending to live perfect lives, you haven't traveled over to IG to see an endless stream of brags,...
View ArticleThe World's Strangest Fighting Styles
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View Article15 Infamous Rock 'n' Roll Mugshots
Anybody who thinks it's fun to get arrested is out of their mind. Sure, rock 'n' roll mugshots like these make it seem badass, but remember, they have a team of lawyers and millions of dollars at their...
View ArticleA-list Auctionables
Auction sites like eBay are typically full of pre-owned items from users looking to clean out their closets. But when those used goods have been sneezed on, or sweated into by A-listers, bidding wars...
View ArticleMandatory Viewing: NYPD's Finest Fined for Being Fine
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View ArticleIs She Into You On This Date? A Flowchart
So you finally got that girl you like to go out with you. Now comes the hard part. You're out and things are going well, or at least you think they are. Use this handy flowchart to find out if she's...
View Article10 Curses That Came True
When it comes to the supernatural, it's fair to say that we're skeptics. Even so, the idea of some creepy dude or lady putting a curse on us still proves a little chilling--especially after researching...
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