12 of the Most Inappropriate Kids' Shirts Ever Made
I have a big pet peeve with kids' shirts that have animals doing mundane human tasks on them. Why is there an elephant driving a truck while a giraffe delivers mail? It's stupid. I thought those were...
View ArticleThe Weirdest Hotel Rooms From Around the World
Typically, one hotel room is the same as another. Standardizing lodging makes it easier to clean, price and maintain. But in this feature, we'll delve deep into the hospitality industry to show you ten...
View ArticleThere Are Funny Faces Hiding Everywhere in the World
This is a paranoid person's nightmare. Yes, you are being watched nearly all the time by inanimate objects. Here are 20 examples of everyday items, and one microscopic, that prove we find visions of...
View ArticleThese Girls Definitely Went Too Far With Plastic Surgery
Look, we don't want to judge. If wearing a lot of make-up makes a girl feel beautiful, then we say go for it. Same with a few nip/tucks. But is there a line some cross in seeking attributes they...
View ArticleThe Best and Worst Films of Kevin Costner
Kevin Costner has a confusing history as one of Hollywood's favorite leading men. Starting at the end of the '80s, he carried one beloved blockbuster after the next. But less than a decade later, he...
View ArticleElena Belle is the Belle of the Internet
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View ArticleThe Internet's Official Guide to Twerking
Twerking is a worldwide phenomenon that doesn't seem to be slowing down. Ever since I first exposed myself to it, I've been hooked. Is it a dance? Is it a mating ritual? I'm not sure. Nevertheless,...
View ArticleBrittanya O'Campo Knows How To Rock Love
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View ArticleTopless Madonna Poses For Interview Magazine
Even though it's been over thirty years since Madonna released her first album (titled Madonna, no less), she's still staying relevant in pop culture. In December's issue of Interview magazine, she was...
View ArticleJackie Dawn Will Make You an Early Riser in More Ways Than One
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View ArticleLara Pulver Shows Off Her Tea and Strumpets in 'Sherlock'
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View ArticleCelebrities Who've Exploded Social Media
So Ellen broke Twitter with her Oscar night selfie -- and Kim K failed in her recent attempt to explode the internet with her recent butt pic (but came close). But there are other famous folks who are...
View ArticleSeeing Double: Stunt People And Their A-List Actresses
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View ArticleDog Fetch Fails Can Brighten Up Any Ruff Day
You're having one of those days, aren't you? Nothing a little dogs completely failing miserably at playing fetch can't fix. h/t Tastefully Offensive Permalink | Email this | Linking Blogs | Comments
View ArticleThis Is The Absolute Meanest Thing You Can Do To A Girl During Homecoming Season
This starts out as a very sweet gesture that probably made this girl feel very special inside. It does not end that way. You all remember the movie "Carrie," right? You know, the one about the lonely...
View Article20 Stats About China's Economy That Will Make You Feel Very Small
Everything's bigger in China. In October, the IMF said China had the world's largest economy, displacing the grand ol' USA for the first time in 142 years. It seems our friends in the Far East are on...
View ArticleThese Kids' Toys Seem Very Inappropriate for Kids
We would've loved to have been a fly on the wall when some of these toys were pitched to executives. "Hey, wouldn't it be neat for kids to play with pretend dog crap?" Who knows, maybe some kids would...
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