If you want your comedy current, tune into any late-night show. If you want your jokes timeless, classic and so-bad-they're-good, then you've come to the right place. Yep, they're eye-rollers. Don't fight it, though. They still provide a chuckle. You'll see.
![The 10 Worst Good Jokes You Will Ever Hear, grandpa ban from zoo]()
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![The 10 Worst Good Jokes You Will Ever Hear, blue and red paint joke]()
![The 10 Worst Good Jokes You Will Ever Hear, horse walks into a bar joke]()
![The 10 Worst Good Jokes You Will Ever Hear, six offender joke]()
![The 10 Worst Good Jokes You Will Ever Hear, calendar stolen joke]()
![The 10 Worst Good Jokes You Will Ever Hear, sleepwalking nun joke]()
![The 10 Worst Good Jokes You Will Ever Hear, parrot carrot joke]()
![The 10 Worst Good Jokes You Will Ever Hear, helen keller in a bar joke]()
![The 10 Worst Good Jokes You Will Ever Hear, two cats swimming joke]()
h/t I Raff I Ruse

h/t I Raff I Ruse