Who Said It: Shia LaBeouf or Norman Bates?
Even the most sane men go a little mad sometimes but for some reason, some decide they like how it feels and decide to wear it like a giant garbage bag with holes for our arms and head. Shia LaBeouf...
View ArticleThe 10 Worst Good Jokes You Will Ever Hear
If you want your comedy current, tune into any late-night show. If you want your jokes timeless, classic and so-bad-they're-good, then you've come to the right place. Yep, they're eye-rollers. Don't...
View Article10 Amazing Stories Behind NBA Tattoos
Let's be honest: Tattoos on an NBA player are almost as common as Amanda Bynes saying something stupid. But they're not all crosses, barb wire and portraits of Jesus. Here are some of the more amazing...
View ArticleThe 11 Most Memorable TV Teachers
The relationship between students and teachers is a complicated one, as it's adults educating youngsters with critical information and ideas for their future in the very last place they want to be. Our...
View ArticleJade Bryce Is into Charity And We're in Need of Some
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View ArticleNicole Meyer Models Lingerie Like No Other
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View ArticleWhat Are You Looking At On Your Phone Right Now?
If you're out in public right now, look around. Everyone is staring at their phone, aren't they? Must be something really important, huh? Nope. Definitely not. They're all just scared of interacting...
View ArticleSanta Pees On Obama In Arkansas Man's Christmas Lights Display
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View ArticleThe 20 Worst Things About Christmas
I love Christmas as much as the next person, but let's not ignore how many terrible things we have to deal with around the holiday season. The presents are great, but at what price do they come? Get...
View Article'Jingle Boobs' is the Best Christmas Carol for Spreading Holiday Cheer
If you haven't quite felt the holiday spirit yet this season, this video should do the trick. Prolific musical boob bouncer Sara X is back with a rendition of the classic Christmas tune, "Jingle...
View ArticleComplete Stranger Slips Guy a Note Informing Him That His Wife is Cheating
Of all the lousy things that can happen to you on Thanksgiving, being a Lions fans is usually near the top of the list. But this year they are actually pretty good, so finding out your pregnant wife is...
View ArticleThis is the Best Way to Deal With a Wrong Number Texter Looking to Sext
This fantastic story comes to us from Death and Taxes. It is about a poor sucker named Dre who thought he had scored a lady's number, but she gave him the wrong one. So, the number he called and left a...
View ArticleHilarious Business Cards That Should Easily Lead to More Business
We all have that dream job we want or a client we're dying to land. Sometimes it's as simple as a good business card to get your foot in the door. These funny business cards, however, would require...
View Article7 Drinking Games That Are Way Better Than Flip Cup
So, you've got your classic Quarters, Flip Cup, Beer Pong and A**Hole. All are well-worn paths up the hill of drunkenness. But when you're ready to mix things up, might we suggest these alternatives?...
View ArticleWas Tom Selleck Constantly Hiding An Erection On 'Magnum, P.I.'?
Tom Selleck has played a lot of great roles, most notably the character Thomas Magnum on "Magnum, P.I." But one thing that we question, which nobody has really addressed, was whether or not he was...
View ArticleThese Animals Look Absolutely Thrilled To Be Dressed Up In Holiday Costumes...
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View ArticleWatch This Magician Get Out Of A Speeding Ticket By Performing A Magic Trick
This is video of a man named Steven Brundage getting pulled over at 3 AM on his way home from a holiday party in New York City. Brundage was going 42 MPH in a 30 MPH zone. After they pulled him over,...
View ArticleSnow Gif Hall Of Fame
In case you haven't been outside (or Facebooked or Instagrammed) recently, it's pretty damn cold out. Want to feel better about scraping the ice off your windshield in 20 degree weather? Here are some...
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