We sometimes tend to think of models as girls with pretty faces and hot bodies, and not much else. But if we found out that some of these gorgeous women were out there using their smoking hotness for good, raising awareness for important causes, would that change our minds? Well, it should, and that is exactly the idea behind the SlickforceGirl series developed by photographer and filmmaker Nick Saglimbeni.
SlickforceGirl brings together a diverse group of talented models and actresses to fight for a common good. The project blends cutting-edge photography with comic-book-inspired visuals to showcase empowered women from all corners of the globe, as they join forces and use their beauty, brains and courage to help those in need.
The first model we are featuring in this series is SlickforceGirl Erika, played by Erika Medina. Erika is an Air Force Airman, and when she isn't busy saving the world, she's thanking real heroes who fight for freedom every day. Erika salutes the troops with a special Erika "Unzipped" limited-edition 24"x36" poster (pictured below, above the sexy behind-the-scenes shots) to say, "Thank you for your service." If you like what you see, the Airman Erika pin-up image is now available along with other SlickforceGirl artwork (click here). A portion of profits from poster sales will be donated to the Special Operations Warrior Foundation. Erika and the SlickforceGirl team are also busy sending care packages to deployed troops in Afghanistan.
Furthermore, a portion of the profits from all sales of SlickforceGirl items are donated to related charities. This year, SlickforceGirl teams up with the Breast Cancer Charities of America (BCCA) to promote their iGoPink campaign. SlickforceGirl is awesome.