Let's be honest: Nobody in the history of this planet has aged has well as Angelina Jolie.
According to the Daily Mail, Jolie got her start modeling some rather boring beige outfits for Debenhams and Miss Selfridge in LOOK magazine in 1993, and her once "lost" pictures have since resurfaced.
![angelina jolie first modeling pictures]()
At the urging of her mother, Jolie decided to give modeling a shot. She signed with the Nina Blanchard Agency and was just 18 years old when her first photos appeared in the British magazine under the title "Honeychild."
![angelina jolie first modeling pictures]()
Jolie was such an unknown at the time that the magazine spelled her name wrong, throwing a "j" in Angelina instead of the "g." She would star in her first feature film later that year when "Cyborg 2" went straight to video, probably because it didn't feature Jean-Claude Van Damme.
![angelina jolie first modeling pictures]()
By the looks of things, Jolie was just as stunning then as she is now, and there was nothing regrettable about her first gig. Now, humping Billy Bob Thornton in the car before the 2000 MTV Movie Awards is another story.
![angelina jolie first modeling pictures]()
Somebody must have smoked some really good stuff before coming up with this: If Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie Had Asses for Faces
According to the Daily Mail, Jolie got her start modeling some rather boring beige outfits for Debenhams and Miss Selfridge in LOOK magazine in 1993, and her once "lost" pictures have since resurfaced.

At the urging of her mother, Jolie decided to give modeling a shot. She signed with the Nina Blanchard Agency and was just 18 years old when her first photos appeared in the British magazine under the title "Honeychild."

Jolie was such an unknown at the time that the magazine spelled her name wrong, throwing a "j" in Angelina instead of the "g." She would star in her first feature film later that year when "Cyborg 2" went straight to video, probably because it didn't feature Jean-Claude Van Damme.

By the looks of things, Jolie was just as stunning then as she is now, and there was nothing regrettable about her first gig. Now, humping Billy Bob Thornton in the car before the 2000 MTV Movie Awards is another story.

Somebody must have smoked some really good stuff before coming up with this: If Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie Had Asses for Faces