Then & Now: 12 Forgotten Child Actor Dorks From '90s Movies
Being a child actor is tough for many reasons. If you're lucky enough to get through it without completely losing your mind, there is still the matter of transitioning your early success into...
View Article11 Guys Who Seem To Have A Difficult Time Handling Rejection
We've all been rejected at some point. It's a part of life. And hopefully we've all handled it with some sort of calm grace and in the complete opposite way that all of the following guys handled it....
View ArticleThe 10 Steps To Creating a Girl's Facebook Profile Picture
If you think any picture posted on social media is as simple as snapping a pic, then uploading it, you could not be more wrong. It's a process. It's a journey. Before you scroll by one more new profile...
View ArticleWatch This Poor Mop Boy Wipe Out at NCAA Tournament Game
The Wisconsin-Oregon game Sunday night was a lot closer than most experts predicted. So was the floor to this poor kid's face. According to Barstool Sports, the Badgers were clinging to a six-point...
View ArticleThis Girl Is All Of Us On A Monday
Nothing out of the ordinary to see here. Until you look a little closer at the girl in the glasses. And then you realize, we are all that girl today. Mondays suck. Via Tumblr Permalink | Email this |...
View ArticleCheck Out 18-Year-Old Angelina Jolie's First Modeling Pics
Let's be honest: Nobody in the history of this planet has aged has well as Angelina Jolie. According to the Daily Mail, Jolie got her start modeling some rather boring beige outfits for Debenhams and...
View ArticleHere's a Woman Who Has Sex With a Tree
Well, maybe it has a really big trunk. According to "Closer" magazine, a 31-year-old woman wants to marry a tree she calls "Tim" because the sex she has with it is the best she has ever had. Emma...
View ArticleWatch This Golden Retriever Fail Miserably at Catching Food
Fritz the Golden Retriever is obviously a very good boy, because the treats his owner is giving him are better than what I normally have for dinner. The problem is, Fritz has not quite mastered the...
View ArticleThis Gas Station Receipt Tells a Very Sad Story
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and that has never been more true than it is for this photo of a gas station receipt. This photo tells the tale of heartbreak, despair, loneliness and...
View Article13 Very Uncomfortable Facebook Breakups
Look, how many times do we have to tell you people not to air out all of your dirty laundry on social media for the world to see. It's perfectly alright to keep some things to yourself, you know? Trust...
View Article23 Animals That Are Living The Good Life
We may have speech, thumbs, and badass frontal lobes, but you never see an animal getting pissed off in traffic. We can learn from them, especially when it comes to the greatest desire of all:...
View Article10 'Saturday Night Live' Cast Members Who Died Way Too Young
With the recent 40th anniversary celebration of "Saturday Night Live," there was a small void-- ten voids actually--left by the deceased cast members we would've loved to see there. So, we'd like to...
View Article15 Hilarious Tinder Profiles That Have to Be Getting These People Laid
We've paid tribute to Tinder pickup lines, honest girls on Tinder, and the guy who re-creates girls' tinder pics, and now it's time to give a shout-out to even more folks who know that humor is the...
View ArticleFlorida Woman Arrested for Smearing Dog Doo on Her Neighbors
Yeah, you can't do that. Even if it isn't your own, and even if it's in Florida. According to Huffington Post, a 57-year-old Boca Raton woman is in deep doo-doo after police said she allegedly smeared...
View ArticleThe Definitive Guide to Complaints By Seasons
It's officially Spring, so all of your complaining about the weather should be over, right? Wrong. Because we're all a bunch of spoiled brats and no matter how good things might be, we'll find...
View ArticleThat Super Scary Girl From 'The Ring' is Now Super Attractive
Now I'm begging her to crawl out of my TV. According to Complex, the evil girl who used to crawl out of wells and scare the crap out of us in "The Ring" has grown into a hot young woman. Daveigh Chase...
View ArticleUniversity Lecturer Shows Students Video of Her X-Rated Performance Art
Um, is this going to be on the midterm? According to The Telegraph, a university lecturer in London named Lauren Barri Holstein recently screened an X-rated film of herself titled "Splat!" to her...
View ArticleUkrainian Politician Leaves Wife Because of Her Racy Social Media Posts
In America, it is typically the politicians who get themselves in trouble with their wives because of social media. In Ukraine, it is apparently the other way around. Alena Politukha is the wife of the...
View ArticleCowardly Spring Breaker Receives Instant Karma After Instigating Fight
If you're going to talk smack to people and then hop in your friend's ride to make a clean getaway before they can attack you for it, don't do it like this guy. As you'll see, he thought he was...
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