Now I'm begging her to crawl out of my TV.
According to Complex, the evil girl who used to crawl out of wells and scare the crap out of us in "The Ring" has grown into a hot young woman.

Daveigh Chase was just 12 years old when she was cast as one of the creepiest movie villains of all time. Since then, she has appeared in numerous movies and TV shows, including "Big Love," "S. Darko" and of course, "Lilo and Stich: The Series."
And outside of "Back to the Future," it looks like the now 24-year-old Chase is giving us another reason to consider purchasing a DeLorean.

Chase apparently also has that rare ability to make smoking look sexy these days.

She also has that rare ability to turn a gun pointed at you into a titillating experience.

According to her IMDB page, Chase has two movies currently in post-production, including one with the dude who had no legs in "The Deer Hunter."
More: Eminem's Daughter Hailie is Now a Beautiful Young Woman