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15 Totally Insane Photos With Even Crazier Explanations

If you're a connoisseur of viral Internet photography, please don't get your panties twisted if you've already seen one or two of these. There are only so many that give you a visceral WTF reaction. The following pics have explanations that (nearly) exceed their weirdness. The next time a friend shows you one of these, spit some knowledge and impress everybody in Starbucks.

crazy photos crazy explanations
1. The Alpine Ibex can climb nearly 90 degree surfaces. There's a few of them climbing the Cingino Dam in Italy, 150 feet high, not giving a shit. (They do it to evade predators and eat yummy cliff vegetation.)

2. The Interwebz occasionally explodes over this one. Don't worry, though, those aren't parasites. They're pieces of feces used to protect larvae from predators. It's poop ... protective poop.

3. Ladies and gentleman, we present Rabbit Island. A literal place off the coast of Japan. Referred to by the locals as Okunoshima, it was a poison gas testing island during World War II. The bunnies were set free after the war, and multiplied. They're known to be extremely tame and approachable.

4. In Morocco there's a type of tree that yields such delicious-tasting fruit, it causes hordes of goats to climb trees. But that's not the WTF part. The goats poop seeds which are then used to make Argan oil. Knowing this, it's a mystery as to why anyone in Morocco would have a taste for Argan oil.

5. Yes, those are walruses. Thirty-five thousand of them. Scientists snapped this pic and concluded they congregated there as a result of climate change, melting the ice and warming the waters. They say it's an unprecedented occurrence.


6. While Urban Dictionary has a different, unflattering definition of "dirty thunderstorm," that is what indeed these are called. Scientists say rock, ash, and ice particles collide to make electrical charges.

7. Death Valley's "sailing stones" were a mystery for years. No one knew what caused them to move on their own. That was until 2014 when they concluded freezing nights caused ice to form underneath the rocks; wind would then move them inch by inch, until they gave the impression of ghostliness.

8. Day after day, year after year, lightning strikes in the same place on the Catatumbo River. As if you needed another reason to call Venezuela the freakiest place on earth, the Guinness Book inducted this location as the record-holder for most lightning strikes in one place (sometimes 200 in a minute). They say it has to do with enclosed wind circulation within the region; but it remains a highly contentious debate. Fun fact: Explorers in the 1500's used it as a natural lighthouse.

9. In 2010, a massive flood devastated Pakistan. One-fifth of the country was submerged under water. As a result, millions of spiders sought refuge in trees. Yes, those are spiders in trees. Millions of them. The photo was taken near Karachi. So don't go there.


10. This is a picture of a dirty beach in China. More than 362 tons of garbage. More than 480,000 people descended upon Dampish Beach Park in Shenzhen during the Dragon Boat Festival and left unimaginable heaps of trash in their wake.

11. At first glance it seems like an offer you can't refuse. We question the authenticity of such an ad, but ordering brides from overseas is quite the budding business. In places like China, female brides are in high demand due to gender imbalance, and there's even a website dedicated to it. Buy your wife today!

12. Have you ever wanted to ship a penis to someone? Cardboard, of course. Here's the motivation behind ShipADick.com: "Because shipping giants dicks to people brings us more joy than anything else in life (after handies from your mother of course)."

13. The Inuits of northern Canada don't give a shit.

14. The Decebal Hotel in Romania is 150 years old. It was closed for more than five years recently and construction workers - among visitors of all backgrounds - claim to have seen a woman in a white dress. This picture was snapped in 2008. Spooky.

15. It's true. David Geffen sold a classic Jackson Pollock in 2006 for a staggering $140 million. It became the record for the most expensive painting ever sold.


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