Arizona Yoga Instructor Arrested for Performing Sex Acts at Bar Mitzvah
Well, here's something you don't see everyday. According to FOX 10, a 32-year-old yoga teacher has been arrested after she allegedly let several underage boys fondle her "newly augmented" breasts at a...
View ArticleDo Bigger Breasts Equal Bigger Tips?
Well, what do you think? This clip from "MythBusters" is from a few months back, but it helps answer an age-old question that you probably already know the answer to. But, just to be certain, the...
View Article12 Bold Predictions for the End of the 'Mad Men' Era
As sad as we are to see it, the end of the exceptional era of "Mad Men" is nearing. With the team mourning the loss of their head honcho, Bertram Cooper, and his bow ties before heading into a...
View ArticleToday's Funny Photos
Friday funny photos are the best kind of funny photos. I'm gonna stop typing so you can stop reading and just get to the good stuff. Click here for more funny photos. Click here for more funny photos....
View ArticleThis Man Really, Really Wanted Some Extra McDonald's Chicken McNugget Sauce
We've all had to deal with a stingy cashier at McDonald's not giving us enough dipping sauce for chicken mcnuggets. And most of us just deal with that rejection and wind up eating the last few nuggets...
View ArticleThis Sweet Emoji-filled Birthday Text Gets Dark Pretty Fast
One thing that is a guarantee on your birthday is a ton of texts. But let's be honest, they're all pretty forgettable. How many "Have a great one!" and "Hope all is well!" texts do you even pay...
View Article15 Totally Insane Photos With Even Crazier Explanations
If you're a connoisseur of viral Internet photography, please don't get your panties twisted if you've already seen one or two of these. There are only so many that give you a visceral WTF reaction....
View ArticleThis Week's 20 Funniest Tweets
Another week, another batch of the most hilarious tweets compiled just for you. Be sure to follow these guys and gals, and check back here every week for more jokes you can tell your friends and...
View Article12 Types of Girls You Should Never Date (But Will Anyway)
Do you ever get out of a terrible relationship, look back at it and think, "What did I expect was going to happen?" We've all done it and we'll probably do it again and again and again. It's easy to...
View ArticleModel Wears Corset 23 Hours a Day So She Can Have 20-Inch Waist
And that may not even be her most recognizable feature. According to the Daily Mail, 25-year-old Venezuelan model Aleira Avendano has been defying doctors' warnings and wearing a corset 23 hours a day...
View ArticleBasketball Player's Attempt to Dunk Over Car Results in Epic Fail
Odds are you didn't pay any attention to the Golden Chihuahua All-Star Game in Mexico last weekend, and that's probably because it was the Golden Chihuahua All-Star Game. But thanks to former Southern...
View ArticleWatch This Dude Slip on Icy Street and Almost Get Smoked By a Car
We're pretty sure he used crosswalks the rest of the day. We don't know where this video comes from, but I think it's safe to say that it didn't come from the streets of Cancun. Actually, since the...
View ArticleKatya Elise Henry Shows Off Some Bodacious Backside Cleavage
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View ArticleThe Surprisingly Easy Way To Break Free From Duct Tape Handcuffs
I hope you never find yourself in a terrible situation that involves having your wrists bound by duct tape. But just in case, this is insanely easy and super helpful. Apparently there are only a few...
View ArticleHoly Crap - Is This The Cruelest Prom Rejection Ever?
OUCH. Look at how much work and effort this poor kid put into trying to impress this girl. And look at how swiftly and coldly she rejects him. If this happened to me in high school, I'd still be in the...
View ArticleThis Guy Really Can't Take a Hint
Hey fellas, sometimes a girl is just not gonna be interested in you. Signs may be subtle, but often times they're glaringly obvious. Let's take Mark's case, for example. Perhaps after the second or...
View Article13 Odd But Perfectly Legal Things To Do in the USA
There are a lot of things you can do to get yourself in trouble in America. Surprisingly, though, there are also a lot of strange things you can do that seem very illegal, but are not. Here are 13 odd...
View Article20 All Too Accurate Before & After Memes
There's plenty in life to poke fun at, and hilarious before and after shots is never a bad way to do it. Often, a then and now comparison is used to show the results of a hot new workout program or to...
View Article16 Reasons 'Married With Children' Wouldn't Survive on TV Today
When I was a kid, I would watch "Married with Children" until I reached a catatonic state. I was obsessed. But today - only 20 years later - it seems like characters like Al Bundy and Co. would be...
View ArticleRutgers Student Takes LSD, Stabs a Guy, Strips Naked and Gets Busted With...
It's not everyday you can look somebody in the eye and tell them they would have been better off doing a line of nose candy off the back of a squad car. But that's exactly what you can tell Kevin Huang...
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