Like the rest of her family, Kylie Jenner is a reality TV star. She is also apparently known for her plump lips, and that sparked a trending topic on Twitter recently called #kyliejennerlipchallenge. The gist of this challenge is to make your lips look as voluptuous as Kylie's through "natural" methods, such as sticking them in a small glass and sucking in as hard as you can. This causes the lips to briefly swell and appear as they would through cosmetic injection.
Obviously, because this is moronic and what you are ultimately doing is injuring your lips, kids are hurting themselves attempting the challenge. As a result, #KylieJennerChallengeGoneWrong is now trending, and what you see below are examples of the painful swelling and bruising that occur when young girls try (and fail) to acquire Kylie's lips.

Just in case it isn't perfectly clear -- you should not attempt this challenge yourself. Cosmetic surgeons advise against it, and while they say the injuries should heal fully on their own, there is a chance for some scar tissue and "permanent disfigurement." You've been warned. (via USA Today and TMZ)
Hey look, Kendall Jenner is in the news, too: Kendall Jenner's Sexy GQ Shoot