Oklahoma Roommates Stab Each Other During Argument Over Smartphones
Well, now you'll get no phones and like it. According to The Smoking Gun, two men who live together in a Tulsa apartment got into a heated debate early Thursday morning over whether the iPhone or...
View Article21 People Reveal The One Thing They Absolutely Hate About Sex
No matter if you want to admit it or not, there are things about sex you simply don't like. To be honest, there are things you absolutely hate. A Reddit thread asked users to share that one little...
View ArticleSoccer Player Gets Cut For Having Postgame Sex With Woman in Dugout
It looks like one player took Fan Appreciation Day to a whole new level. According to Screamer, a striker for an eighth tier English soccer team has been relieved of his duties after he was filmed...
View ArticleUCF Student Tripping on LSD Gets Tased by Campus Police (NSFW Language)
"You can't be acting like this." "That's good. Where am I?" According to Knight News, police detained a UCF student who was tripping balls on campus Sunday afternoon after he allegedly punched one...
View ArticleThe Body Double For Khaleesi On 'Game of Thrones' Is Also Extremely Sexy
If you have yet to see the body double for Daenerys Targaryen in "Game of Thrones," you'll want to make sure you're sitting down. According to Metro, Khaleesi's body double is an 18-year-old model...
View ArticleEnglish Woman Leaves House for Third Time in 10 Years and Falls Down Manhole
As long as Janet Faal has a pulse, it looks like anybody who wants to see her will have to go to her house. According to the Daily Mail, the 57-year-old agoraphobic grandmother recently decided to...
View Article10 PSA's That Went A Little Too Far
We get it. Shock is important. Like a dad spanking a child or a mom shoving soap down your mouth, trauma causes learning. But these PSAs muddle the line between promoting awareness and torturing the...
View ArticleThis Girl Figured Out The Perfect Way To Stop Getting Dick Pics From Strangers
It seems that the majority of women out there do not enjoy receiving dick pics, so they especially don't enjoy receiving them from strangers. Sadly, this does not stop a lot of guys from sending them...
View ArticleWoman at Pittsburgh Pirates Game Got Drilled in the Head by a Foul Ball Last...
The odds of getting hit in the head by a foul ball while you're behind a protective screen have to lie somewhere between getting struck by lightning twice and having a threesome with Charlotte McKinney...
View ArticleInappropriate Church Signs are The Best Kind of Church Signs
Whether they meant to be dirty or not, there is something satisfying about an absolutely filthy sign outside of your local church. Some of these signs were clearly the work of a prankster, but the...
View ArticleThe 10 Sexiest UFC Octagon Girls
There are basically two main reasons why men watch UFC fights: to see two dudes kick the living crap out of each other and for the unfathomably hot ring girls. While broken bones and TKOs certainly...
View Article10 Jobs That Sound Too Good To Be True But Aren't
In a world where everybody either coordinates accounts or manages somebody, we tend to forget we live in an age where anybody can do anything they want. In that same world, there are jobs so amazing...
View Article9 Things New Parents Just Don't Care About Anymore
I'm a new parent and I'm every one of the most obnoxious stereotypes you can imagine. I'm tired. I'm irritable. I only talk about my kid. If you try to talk about anything else, I will just take out my...
View ArticleA Look at the Most Recycled Movie Franchises of All Time
If there's one thing we can count on Hollywood for, it's successfully beating us over the head with recycled and overly abundant movie franchises. Between recasting, rebooting and reviving, none of our...
View ArticleThe Kylie Jenner Lip Challenge is Leaving Teens Bruised and Swollen
Like the rest of her family, Kylie Jenner is a reality TV star. She is also apparently known for her plump lips, and that sparked a trending topic on Twitter recently called #kyliejennerlipchallenge....
View ArticleThe Ultimate Guide to Constructing Easy and Innovative Drunk Snacks
You have a ton of crap in your kitchen and your cupboards, but nothing of any substance after a long night of bottle tipping. Why not combine a bunch of snacks into some of the most easy and innovative...
View Article10 Secret Celebrity Nerd Obsessions You Probably Didn't Know About
It's important for celebrities to maintain the facade of cool. Sometimes, though, that veil falls to reveal a nerd who goes to the bathroom and puts their pants on one leg at a time, just like us....
View Article10 Ridiculous Published Sex Positions That Will Definitely Send You To The...
Every guy likes himself some sex. This is a well-established notion perpetuated by both pop culture and the fact that 85% of the websites that men visit are pornographic. In order to satisfy this...
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