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15 '90s Television Characters And How Old They'd Be Right Now

Want to feel old? Hopefully you do, since nothing shines a bright spotlight on how old you're getting like realizing T.V. heroes you loved such as Clarissa Darling and Johnny Bravo are technically in their Thirties by now. If you were a child in the '90s, brace yourself, because these are the ages of some of TV's most beloved sitcom characters, like, right now. I can assure you, after this you'll realize just how much time flies.

Clarissa Darling
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90s TV Characters Ages Today, Clarissa Darling age

Currently: 38
When "Clarissa Explains It All" began, Clarissa was 14. Now she's teetering on 40, surely much wiser, which means Clarissa can probably explain even more. Finances, parenting, general wisdom - you name it, Clarissa can likely clue you in on it, now in a motherly fashion.

Kevin Arnold
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90s TV Characters Ages Today, Kevin Arnold age

Currently: 59
You gotta remember that "The Wonder Years" took place in the late 60s/early 70s, and Kevin was born March 18, 1956, which means he's knocking on 60's door. While Kevin and Winnie Cooper didn't wind up together when the series ended, one can only hope that somehow they found each other and are living the latter part of their lives together.

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90s TV Characters Ages Today, Doug Funnie age

Currently: 29
While the Mr. Funnie we all knew and loved from Nickelodeon's classic cartoon series "Doug" was 11, he's about to reach dirty 30. The guy was balding and had no more than eight strands of hair on his head back in the day, but hopefully whatever he lacks in luscious locks is made up for in personal accomplishments. The guy had a crazy imagination and loved writing in his journal, so I reckon he'd be somewhere in between struggling blogger and super successful author of a teen trilogy.

Baby Sinclair
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90s TV Characters Ages Today, Baby Sinclair age, Dinosaurs

Currently: 25
The youngest character on "Dinosaurs", Baby Sinclair would now be old enough to rent a car. However, it's worth noting that this series had a dark, depressing, soul-crushing ending that indeed made it appear the entire family died long before Baby Sinclair had the opportunity to reach his terrible twos.

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90s TV Characters Ages Today, baloo age, talespin

Currently: 60
One must wonder if Baloo, who was 35 at the time of "TaleSpin", is still capable of being a pilot. Surely the vision is going, or he's needing more frequent bathroom breaks, and sooner than later, his days of flying will come to an end.

Ash Ketchum
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90s TV Characters Ages Today, ash ketchum age, pokemon

Currently: 28
The determined-to-catch-all-of-the-"Pokémon" Ash was 10 when we first saw him, which would have him in his late 20s right now. Is he still catching Pokémon? Did he get a real job? Has he found a wife and started a family? If I had to guess, I'd say that's a yes, and two hard nos.

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90s TV Characters Ages Today, Dexter age, dexter's laboratory

Currently: 27
He was a mere eight years old on "Dexter's Laboratory", but now he's a 27-year-old man who I'd imagine spends just as much, if not more of his time in that lab. In all likelihood this guy is heavily involved in Reddit and doesn't' get out much, which doesn't seem likely to change no matter how much he ages.

Johnny Bravo
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90s TV Characters Ages Today, johnny Bravo age

Currently: 37
Wow. "Johnny Bravo" series' namesake protagonist was a 19-year-old bro when we knew him, and now he's a grown ass man who is pushing 40. There's no way that type of personality changes significantly, so I'm willing to bet he's equally, if not more thirsty and pesky towards the ladies than he ever was.

Tommy Pickles
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90s TV Characters Ages Today, tommy pickles age

Currently: 25
The baby of "Rugrats" is now in his mid-20s, and based on the smarts and leadership he showed as a baby, there's no way he wouldn't be a success now. Tommy always had that future CEO vibe to him, and as long as Angelica didn't absolutely annihilate his confidence throughout the years, he'd be crushing it in real life.

Will Smith
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90s TV Characters Ages Today, will smith age, fresh prince of bel-air

Currently: 42
On "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air", Will's birthday is July 3, 1973, meaning he's 42 right now. Just to help you grasp the time that's passed, the Uncle Phil character was 45 when the show began, and would be 70 years old now.

The Powerpuff Girls
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90s TV Characters Ages Today, the powderpuff girls age

Currently: 22
Bubbles, Blossom and Buttercup were youthful five-year-olds when we first met them on "The Powerpuff Girls", but now they'd be in their early 20s, in the prime of their bar + club nightlife years.

T.J. Henderson
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90s TV Characters Ages Today, tj henderson, smart guy, age

Currently: 28
"Smart Guy" sitcom's 10-year-old whiz kid T.J. Henderson is a full-grown man. It's safe to assume that he would've accomplished all of the things by now, and a five-minute conversation with him would have you wanting to update your resume and LinkedIn account.

Rachel Green
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90s TV Characters Ages Today, rachel green age, friends

Currently: 44
"Friends" ensemble hottie Rachel was born May 5, 1971, which puts her in that mid-40s area and one can't help but wonder if her and Ross would've remained together this far. Is mid-40s Rachel satisfied with Ross? Is she miserable and on the brink of leaving him for Joey? We can only speculate some things, but Rachel Green being 44 as heck is not one of them.

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90s TV Characters Ages Today, yakko, animaniacs age

Currently: 36
Yakko's behavior in "Animaniacs" was juvenile as a 14-year-old, so one can only hope he's matured in his 30s because that shtick would just come off awkward and creepy at this point.

Eric Forman
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90s TV Characters Ages Today, eric forman, that 70s show

Currently: 55
According to "That '70s Show", Eric was born March 18, 1960, meaning he's currently in his mid-50s, hopefully 20-plus years deep into marriage with Donna Pinciotti.

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