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The Deal With It meme has been around for a very long time which means there are many hilarious GIFs and pics to collect. When confronted with this enormous task, I decided to put on my sunglasses and deal with it. Enjoy the fruits of my labor.
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Lakers fans have been dealing with a lot of it this season.
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I liked this originally as a video but I like it a lot more as a Deal With It GIF.
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Deal with it x3.
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Will Smith has been dealing with it for decades.
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Deal with it, banana kick, you are no longer the coolest shot in soccer.
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Dealing with it can really help clear out your sinuses.
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Dealing with it is as easy as riding a bike.
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Sometimes the deal-ee becomes the dealer.
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Sometimes you just have to...deal with it. YYYEEEAAAHHH.
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Poor Lindsay Lohan. I'm not totally sure I understand this one but I definitely like it.
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Dealing with it via text is even harder than dealing with it in real life.
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Seal with it.
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Apparently sunglasses aren't always for your eyes.
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I don't know how to speak any other languages, but I'm pretty sure that text reads, "Deal with it."
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Yeah, he was in Reading Rainbow and Star Trek. Deal with it.
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President Obama had the ultimate deal with it moment in history.
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This dog is not going to let you graffiti his wet cement and you're just going to have to deal with it.
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"They call me Larry Legend. Deal with it."
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This is why Neil deGrasse Tyson is so popular in the Internet.
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When a cat asks you to deal with it, you deal with it.
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Just about everyone in my high school tried out this deal with it at one point or another.
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When you have to walk a giant group of dogs, you can bark and complain or you can deal with it.
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Nailed it.
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Not sure about you, but this is pretty much how I viewed the Lance Armstrong interview.
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It's stuff like this that proves cats deserve all the attention they get online.
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If anyone has earned the right to tell us to deal with it, it's Jack Nicholson.
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I'm not sure that's how you wear a bra but I am sure that's how you deal with it.
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Maybe you should practice your parkour a little more before you try to deal with it next time.
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30 of 30Next: The Best Internet Burns Ever
"You're not getting any work done right now. Deal with it."
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