I've heard that once you hit the one million subscribers mark on YouTube, the amount of sponsors that come calling is almost as crazy as watching a fat kid do his thing at Golden Corral.
And by the looks of it, once you accumulate two million subscribers, you'll have so much money that you can pretty much afford whatever you want.
Well, in the case of British inventor Colin Furze, that whatever you want turned out to be two million fireworks strapped to a giant wheel mounted on a truck. Oh, and a flame.
h/t BroBible
Here's what it looks like when fireworks go off indoors: Fireworks Factory Explosion In Colombia Caught On Video
And by the looks of it, once you accumulate two million subscribers, you'll have so much money that you can pretty much afford whatever you want.
Well, in the case of British inventor Colin Furze, that whatever you want turned out to be two million fireworks strapped to a giant wheel mounted on a truck. Oh, and a flame.
h/t BroBible
Here's what it looks like when fireworks go off indoors: Fireworks Factory Explosion In Colombia Caught On Video