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10 Awesome Celeb Responses to Fan Letters That Made Us Fans

We remember the days when we'd write a fan letter and plop it in the mail, waiting eagerly, only to get some lazy-ass form letter response back. You know the kind - clearly written by an autopen or even worse, a copy of a copy of a copy. So when we came across these responses, written by actual famous people, it made us smile. They put in the time. Almost. (We're looking at you, Rupert Grint and Space Ghost.) Check out some of the neatest fan letter responses and ask yourself: If you were famous, would you be as cool?

John Cleese
Great Fan Letter Responses, john cleese fan letter

Kurt Vonnegut
Great Fan Letter Responses, kurt vonnegut fan letter

Joe Biden
Great Fan Letter Responses, Joe Biden fan letter

Rupert Grint
Great Fan Letter Responses, Rupert Grint fan letter

Space Ghost
Great Fan Letter Responses, space ghost fan letter

Conan O'Brien
Greatest Fan Letter Responses, conan o'brien fan letter

David Bowie
Great Fan Letter Responses, David bowie fan letter

Mr. Rogers
Great Fan Letter Responses, mr. rogers fan letter

Steve Martin
Great Fan Letter Responses, steve martin fan letter

Ren & Stimpy creator, John Kricfalusi
Great Fan Letter Responses, John Kricfalusi fan letter
Great Fan Letter Responses, John Kricfalusi fan letter
Great Fan Letter Responses, John Kricfalusi fan letter
Great Fan Letter Responses, John Kricfalusi fan letter
Great Fan Letter Responses, John Kricfalusi fan letter
Great Fan Letter Responses, John Kricfalusi fan letter
Great Fan Letter Responses, John Kricfalusi fan letter
Great Fan Letter Responses, John Kricfalusi fan letter
Via Dorkly


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11 Hilarious Corporate Social Media Fails

Many people miss out on job opportunities because the company they applied to found something embarrassing on their social media. You know, like a picture of them drunk, or a weird political rant they'd forgot about, or their detailed multi-part plans to embezzle the hell out of whoever is foolish enough to hire them. Well, two can play that game, and there are plenty of examples of big businesses and their expensive marketing teams looking like a bunch of jackasses online. Here are 11 of our favorites.

Corporate Social Media Fails, dave & busters
The only thing older and lamer than the "said no one ever" meme is the "Juan/one" pun, so Dave & Busters decided to spice things with a little casual racism. This went over about as well as you might imagine, and D&B's ended up apologizing for the tweet less than an hour later. Time will tell if the chain has learned its lesson or if they'll repeat the joke with an eggroll special and the name Wong.

Corporate Social Media Fails, digiorno's pizza
Shortly after the Ray Rice video leaked, #WhyIStayed started trending on Twitter as a way for abuse survivors to share their stories...and as a way for DiGiorno's to share how delicious their pizza was. To their credit, DiGiorno's quickly realized their mistake and set about making amends. Unfortunately, they chose to do so using the same twitter account and avatar, making it seem like a talking pizza spent half the night apologizing for domestic violence.

Corporate Social Media Fails, cheesies
Man, people just can't get enough domestic violence jokes, can they? Chicago-area grilled-cheese restaurant Cheesie's Pub & Grub briefly promoted a "knockout" deal named after Ray Rice. Cheesie's claimed it was the work of a disgruntled employee who had access to the Twitter account. They fired both the employee and the person in charge of making sure nobody made wife-beating jokes under the company name, and then hired a professional social media company to run the Twitter moving forward. Hopefully, this will work out better for them than it did for DiGiorno's.

Corporate Social Media Fails, chick-fil-a
After doing a little bit of digging, it would seem that Chick-Fil-A's twitter team has not actually gone out shooting people with assault rifles and/or becoming truck drivers. This tweet looks like it was automatically generated by the cellphone game "Call of Mini." Of course, if you're dumb enough to turn on automatic tweets from a game on the same device you use for official social media, maybe driving a truck is a better career option.

Corporate Social Media Fails, pinterest
Pinterest, the mysterious cupcake-filled social network the ladies seem to love, analyzes what users pin and comment on in an effort to target their email ads more effectively. As a result, a bunch of women with lots of marriage photos, wedding cakes, and similar stuff on their Pinterests received a mass email from Pinterest congratulating them on their engagement and offering them deals on wedding invitations. Unfortunately, it turns out Pinterest's marketing algorithm can't distinguish between women who are actually getting married and really depressing single women who collect huge amounts of wedding photos.


Every social media team should know by now that if you give the Internet a chance to name something, someone on 4chan will mount a successful campaign to name your product HITLER BONER POOP DICK. The Patriots somehow missed this lesson and allowed a racial slur to create its own custom Patriots jersey. The Pats claimed that the filter they used to block offensive language had failed them, since apparently adding that extra S to the n-bomb was enough to fool the Patriots' Twitter Supercomputer (an 1999 iMac containing the disembodied brain of Rob Gronkowski).

Corporate Social Media Fails, LG
When it turns out you can fatally bend the new iPhone just by keeping it in your pocket, while your company makes a phone that's naturally curved and super durable, most of your PR work is basically done for you. You just have to be careful not to screw it up as badly as LG's French division did, who tweeted something about their G Flex phone that might have been very clever in their unreadable moon-man language but was also quite clearly written on an iPhone. Apple fanboys all had a good laugh about this shortly before their new iPhones caught fire and started spewing corrosive acid into their eyes.

Corporate Social Media Fails, british embassy
Okay, the British Embassy isn't technically a corporation, although if you visit it between 8 and 5 on weekdays you can buy a Harrier II for tuppence on the dollar and get your picture taken with Mr. Bean. This is still a pretty classic dumb tweet, right down to the immediate awkward apology, it's just that instead of some clueless intern it was a staff of dedicated career diplomats who decided it would be a cool idea to joke about setting fire to another country's capitol. Maybe it's for the best that the British don't have an empire anymore.

Corporate Social Media Fails, Delta Airlines
Research is an important part of any branded social media post, so Delta deserves a pat on the back for this World Cup tweet that not only spelled Clint Dempsey's name correctly but even threw in a shout out to his MLS team, the Seattle Sounders (FC) (which means "football club") (which means "soccer team"). They get less of a pat for identifying Ghana with a giraffe, an animal that does not actually live anywhere in Ghana except maybe a zoo. Really, it's sort of a dick move to represent the USA with one of the greatest architectural achievements we ever grudgingly accepted from France and Ghana with just some random African animal, but hey -- maybe when Ghana scores the fifth fastest goal in World Cup history they can choose what picture Delta uses to represent them on Twitter.


Honestly, the only reason an airline should have a Twitter account is so you can yell at it when they screw up, and the tweet-grunt handling USAir's account was doing a decent job handling an irate customer until the unthinkable happened. @USAirways probably intended to link the customer to the company's feedback form, but because the Copy-Paste command is a tricky mistress, the airline posted something VERY, VERY different. If that wasn't enough, the NSFW tweet stayed up for a FULL HOUR before someone at one of America's biggest airlines realized they had posted a picture of a woman with a model airplane all up in her business.

Corporate Social Media Fails, chrysler
This would be a pretty funny/embarrassing tweet from any car company, but Chrysler seemingly dumping on Detroit after making the city star of dozens of schmaltzy soft-focus TV ads seems almost too good to be true. Apparently Chrysler is so committed to the "imported from Detroit" angle that it forces its social media team to actually work there, but that's probably not going to be a problem for this tweeter any longer.


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If You Do These Things When You Drive, You Are An Asshole

There are terrible people everywhere in the world, but most of them seem to be out on the road. Every time I get in a car, I encounter at least one of these types of people, usually more, and it makes me a very unhappy individual. If you do any of these things, you are destroying society as we know it and you need to change how you live. Here are the 10 worst types of assholes you encounter when driving.

The Drive To The Front Of The Merge Lane And Then Force His Way In Asshole
I get it. It's really annoying to have to wait. You're in a rush. No one else is, just you. You're more important than everyone else. Of course you should be able to drive up to the front of the line and then force your way over two lanes at the very last possible moment. The concept behind merging only works when everyone cooperates like civilized adults and allows enough space for the correct cars to change lanes. The line moves much smoother that way. But your tiny brain clearly can't comprehend that logic or else you wouldn't be speeding by everyone on the shoulder. You're hopeless and you're a selfish piece of shit who never learned how to share and you're the cause of 88 percent of all traffic jams on freeways. So go to hell.

The Instant Honk Asshole
If you are in a line of 12 cars at a light and you are the 12th car and the light turns green and the split second that light turns green you are not moving so you decide to honk your horn as loud and as long as humanly possible, you sir, are an asshole. You are not providing a gentle reminder to the 11 cars in front of you, you are just being an impatient dipshit who does not realize that there is a certain amount of reaction time involved when the 11 cars in front of you each individually react to that green light and then step on their respective gas pedals. That means you are not just an asshole, you are a stupid asshole. You do not deserve a car horn, let alone a car.

The Way Too Loud Motorcycle Engine Revving Asshole
I'm guessing you've either got a small penis or you just turned 50. Either way, that's not the rest of the neighborhood's problem. There are many better ways to deal with your insecurities than buying a overpriced toy bike that obnoxiously announces your presence to everybody within a three-quarter square mile radius every time you accelerate. Get some dick pills online or a leather jacket and leave the rest of us alone.

The Double Parking For Way Too Long Asshole
So you just need to run in and grab your dry cleaning but you can't find a spot close to the store. The horror and anguish that wash over your body as you realize you might have to walk an extra 33 seconds is quickly replaced by a release of endorphins thanks to your ingenious idea to flick on the hazards and park wherever the fuck you want. I guess this is almost acceptable if you are only running somewhere for less than a minute, but there's a line at the dry cleaner and now they are having trouble finding your linen khakis. Now there are horns honking outside because of the clogged up traffic on the only street in town that takes you to the highway. The ensuing traffic repercussions spread quickly and lead to literally everyone in town being late for work all because you decided your time was more valuable than everyone else's, you selfish piece of garbage.

The Needs Three Tries To Parallel Park On A Busy Street Asshole
Oh look, you hit the curb again. And you're still poking out just far enough from your spot to not let me through. And now you're pulling all the way back out. Oops. Bad angle. Let's try that one more time. By now there are 13 irate drivers piled up behind me and every one of them is laying on the horn. That should totally calm your nerves and help you snuggle right into that spot. Nope. Missed again. And now you've given up and driven off to find another spot. Meanwhile, we all just lost eight minutes of our lives because you need a spot large enough for an 18-wheeler to park your Mini Cooper in less than five attempts.

The Looking For Something But Won't Pull Over Asshole
So you're on your way to your friend's new apartment for a potluck and you're trying to spot the address from your car. Those address numbers are pretty small and pretty far away so you'll need to slow way down and squint to make out the numbers next to the door of every...single...god...damn...apartment...on...this...block. Take your time. 12 miles per hour seems like a totally reasonable speed to cruise an entire city block with a quickly growing number of increasingly irritable drivers behind you. Don't mind us while you keep leaning forward over the wheel to squint up to see if that's Brad's place yet. Nope. It's not. Looks like we'll all just slowly creep forward until you find it, getting angrier and angrier, until you realize you're on the wrong block and need to make a u-turn anyway.

The Phone Asshole
If you have enough time to check to see how many people liked your selfie with that jumbo spiced pumpkin latte on Instagram in the middle of rush-hour traffic, you should probably re-allocate that time to Googling how many people die every day because of assholes looking at their phones while driving. You're navigating a crowded interstate while operating a gigantic pile of steel that is operating at speeds of up to 75 miles per hour. You just have to type "OMG LOL" to Cindy right now? That can't wait? Oh, shit. You're reading this on the road right now, aren't you? PUT THE PHONE DOWN AND LOOK UP.

The Parks Across Two Spots With A Small Car Asshole
That Mazda Miata is one sweet ride, bro. Better make sure you keep all of those losers in the Target parking lot as far away as possible from your pride and joy. After all, avoiding scratch marks on your newly leased sports coup is what everyone in the parking lot cares about, especially the mother of three who now has to park her gigantic minivan in the back of the lot and haul all three of her kicking and screaming offspring an extra half mile to buy school supplies.

The I Need To Eat Right Now Asshole
If you think eating a double bacon cheeseburger is important enough to drive through rush-hour traffic on a six-lane highway with your knees, I can't believe you were ever smart enough to pass a driver's test.

The Doesn't Attempt To Turn Right During A Red Light Asshole
It's legal and you could definitely save us all a lot of time if you just slowly started poking out a little to see if there's space for you to get moving and out of my way. But I guess we'll all play it safe today. And I'll be late to work. In all that spare time you have waiting for the light to turn green can you write up a quick note for my boss so that he understands why I'm not at this morning's meeting?


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The Worst Husband In The World Pranks Wife By Pretending To Kill Their Kid


You know what's a good idea for a funny prank? Smothering some shaving cream on a sleeping person's hand and then tickling their nose. You know what's not a good idea for a funny prank, convincing your wife that you have just accidentally killed your child. But that didn't stop professional prankster (yes, that's a real thing apparently thanks to all of us) Roman Atwood from doing this to his wife. You can watch it all unfold above.

But instead of trying to decide if this was all fake and the wife was in on it the entire time, let's first wonder why this idiot, who pretends to kill his child on the Internet, gets to have a giant house with a fish tank in his living room while I just ate a piece of string cheese for breakfast. Hashtag writer problems, amirite?!

via Gawker


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The Top 10 Celebrity Nude Scenes of 2014

As we race towards 2015, it's that time of year where lists come out. You know the kind--best of this, best of that. Bah humbug. But the one list we do look forward to comes from Mr. Skin, where he ranks the best nude scenes of the year. There was an embarrassment of riches to choose from, and we think he chose wisely. Did he miss any other noteworthy, um, performances?

10. Cameron Diaz in Sex Tape

9. Shailene Woodley in White Bird in a Blizzard

8. Nathalie Emmanuel in Game of Thrones
Top 10 Nude Scenes 2014, Nathalie Emmanuel in Game of Thrones.
7. Keri Russell in The Americans

6. Lizzy Caplan in Masters of Sex
top ten nude scenes 2014, Lizzy Caplan in Masters of Sex
5. Olivia Wilde in Third Person

4. Stacy Martin in Nymphomaniac

3. Eva Green in Sin City: A Dame to Kill For; Eva Green in 300: Rise Of An Empire
Top 10 nude Scenes 2014, Eva Green Sin City
2. Scarlett Johansson in Under the Skin

1. Alexandra Daddario in True Detective
Top 10 Nude Scenes 2014, Alexandra Daddario in True Detective.
Of course, if you want a better version of the above shot, you should check this out: This Topless GIF of Alexandra Daddario Will Make You Watch The Show No Matter What


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The Pre-Game: Does Electronic Dance Music Suck? A Very Serious Debate

The Pre-Game: Does EDM Suck?

Welcome back to "The Pre-Game" with your host Cy Amundson, our show that features everything you care about in the world of sports, social media and comedy. Today's episode features actor Michael Willett and celebrity tattoo artist Romeo Lacoste. The guys are here to talk about what they do in their down time before launching into a very spirited and well-informed debate over Electronic Dance Music. (Or EDM, as the kids call it.)

"The Pre-Game" host and producer Cy Amundson has quickly established himself as one of the nation's fastest rising stand-up comedians. He was a standout performer as a New Face at last summer's Montreal Just For Laughs festival and recently made his television debut on "Conan."

Named CMT's Next Big Comic for 2011, Cy has been on the "Bob and Tom Show" and has performed in the Aspen Comedy Festival, Seattle International Comedy Competition, and the Great American Comedy Festival.

Visit the Home of "The Pre-Game" for more episodes.


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Today's Funny Photos

18 Things You Need To Stop Posting On Instagram


If we're being honest, Instagram is pretty much the worst. If you think Facebook is bad for people pretending to live perfect lives, you haven't traveled over to IG to see an endless stream of brags, flaunts and selfies ... upon selfies upon selfies. Don't worry, there's still time to change your ways. Here are 18 things you need to stop posting on Instagram.

1. The Bathroom Selfie
It doesn't matter how great you look, if you're standing next to a toilet I'm going to be staring at it wondering if it's clean or not. Plus if you're at work, I'm sure your boss is going to be thrilled to know you've stopped worked 8 times to post a photo shot in the bathroom while Karen, the pregnant lady in accounting, has been standing outside the door in agony because a baby is pressing against her bladder.

2. 800 Hashtags on Every Picture
Just a heads up: No one can read what you write when there's a hashtag in front of every single word. Hashtags are used to find pictures by a keyword. Do you really think it's necessary to hashtag your selfie with #Hanging #Out #Tonight? Who is possibly searching those keywords?

3. A Selfie With So Many Filters It Looks Like a Ghost
If you need multiple layers of filters before you can post an image of yourself, maybe just don't post that picture?

4. Blurry Concert Pic
We're all thrilled you went to see Jack Johnson in concert, but that blurry shot of an arm waving in front of a blur of lights probably isn't the best way to convey your experience and joy.

5. 20 Pictures in a Row of a Concert
OK, WE GET IT: YOU'RE AT A CONCERT. If we cared to see that much of the concert, we would have just gone to the show ourselves.

6. 20 Pictures in a Row of Anything
If my Instagram timeline looks like you made a flipbook on it, I am unfollowing you and calling the police.

7. The Sun
Believe it or not, we all have access to this celestial treat at any time, so you don't need to post any photos of it unless you're an astronaut.

8. A Screenshot of a Post from Twitter or Facebook
I liked that joke you posted on Twitter. I liked it a little less when I read it again on Facebook. I hoped you fell down a flight of stairs when I saw a screenshot of the Facebook post and tweet on Instagram.

9. The Downplay
Is there anything worse than when someone posts, "Oh no big deal, just ..." and then reveals that they're in Scrooge McDuck's coin vault or getting a piggyback ride from Obama? It may be even worse when they act the same way because they saw a swimming pool or ate at Olive Garden.

10. Food That Isn't Mind-Blowingly Amazing
You can stop posting pictures of your Subway sandwich. We've seen them. Also your homemade soup looks like the contents of a colostomy bag.

11. The Wing of an Airplane
My, how poetic. Next can you post a picture of you staring out a window while it's raining and you look like you're trying to figure out if you should follow your heart or chase your dreams?

12. Screenshot From a Phone with a Low Battery
If your battery is below 10%, I won't focus on anything else in the photo. As a matter of fact, I won't focus on anything because I'm having a panic attack.

13. Screenshots of Texts with Your friend That Only Makes Sense to You and Your Friend
"This is SO us." Haha, it is. Can you keep it that way?

14. Boobs with a Caption Claiming It's Not About Boobs
If you want to post your boobs, then by all means, go for it. However, if you post a close up of your boobs busting out of a bra with the caption "New watch" you're not fooling anyone. Just write "Dem titties" below it and call it a day.

15. The Spoiler
If you post a spoiler to a movie or TV show on any social network, you're the devil. But if you post a photo of a person that died on a show with a RIP caption right after it happens, everyone that DVR'd it will hunt you down and harm you.

16. Latte Foam in the Shape of a Heart
Unless the face of Christ manifests in your latte, you're not going to show us anything we haven't seen a thousand times before. Just drink your dumb $8 coffee.

17. A Professional Photo with a Casual Caption
If there was a professional lighting crew, you're not allowed to add #nomakeup or #ILookTerrible. You wouldn't post it if you think you look terrible. Scram, you fisherman of compliments.

18. A Starbucks Cup
Yes, we're all very familiar with their product. Thanks for sharing.


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The World's Strangest Fighting Styles

15 Infamous Rock 'n' Roll Mugshots

Anybody who thinks it's fun to get arrested is out of their mind. Sure, rock 'n' roll mugshots like these make it seem badass, but remember, they have a team of lawyers and millions of dollars at their disposal. You do not.

Jim Morrison
Rock N' Roll Mug Shots, jim morrison mug shot
September 28, 1963, Tallahassee, FL
Charged With: Public drunkenness and stealing a police helmet and umbrella. Six years later, Morrison upped the stakes when he was famously arrested for indecent exposure, lewd acts, profanity and public intoxication.

Jimi Hendrix
Rock N' Roll Mug Shots, jimi hendrix mug shot
May 3, 1969, Toronto, ON
Charged With: Possession of heroin and hashish at Toronto International Airport.

Jerry Garcia
Rock N' Roll Mug Shots, jerry garcia mug shot
January 30, 1970, New Orleans, LA
Charged With: Possession of cocaine, which inspired the song "Truckin'" by The Grateful Dead. The band had history with drug arrests since 1967, starting with cocaine and leading into heroin.

Mick Jagger
Rock N' Roll Mug Shots, mick jagger mug shot
July 18, 1972, Warwick, RI
Charged With: Assault and obstruction of justice following a scuffle with a photographer.

David Crosby
Rock N' Roll Mug Shots, david crosby mug shot
April 13, 1982, Dallas, TX
Charged With: DUI of cocaine, drug possession and carrying a concealed .45 pistol.

Michael Todd
Rock N' Roll Mug Shots, michael todd mug shot
July 10, 2011, Mansfield, MA
Charged With: Armed robbery for threatening to detonate a bomb if he wasn't given oxytocin before Coheed & Cambria's gig opening for Soundgarden.

Willie Nelson
rock 'n roll mugshots, willie nelson mug shot
November 26, 2010, Sierra Blanca, TX
Charged With: Possession of marijuana.

Billie Joe Armstrong
Rock N' Roll Mug Shots, billie joe armstrong mug shot
January 2003, Berkeley, CA
Charged With: DWI and speeding.

Jack White
Rock N' Roll Mug Shots, jack white mug shot
December 2003, Detroit, MI
Charged With: Aggravated assault after attacking Jason Stollsteimer of Von Bondies in a Detroit bar.

Kurt Cobain
Rock N' Roll Mug Shots, kurt cobain mug shot
May 25, 1986, Aberdeen, WA
Charged With: Vandalism for spray-painting "God Is Gay" on a brick wall and again for trespassing.

Scott Weiland
Rock N' Roll Mug Shots, scott weiland mug shot
November 19, 2001, Las Vegas, NV
Charged With: Domestic abuse at Hard Rock Hotel-Casino Las Vegas.

Steven Tyler
Rock N' Roll Mug Shots, steven tyler mug shot
March 1967, Yonkers, NY
Charged With: Pot possession at age of 18. For more bad news on Steven Tyler, click here.

David Bowie
Rock N' Roll Mug Shots, david bowie mug shot
March 1976, Rochester, NY
Charged With: Felony pot possession charge along with Iggy Pop and two others at a Rochester hotel after a concert.

Ozzy Osbourne
Rock N' Roll Mug Shots, ozzy osbourne mug shot
May 14, 1984, Memphis, TN
Charged With: Public intoxication along Beale Street, years after his arrest in San Antonio for pissing on the Alamo dressed as a woman.

Johnny Cash
Rock N' Roll Mug Shots, johnny cash mug shot
October 4, 1965, El Paso, TX
Charged With: Possession of illegal amphetamines from Mexico.

Some celebrities seem to court trouble. Don't believe us? Here are 12 Celebrities Who Have Completely Destroyed Their Hotel Rooms.


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The Funniest GIFs of the Week

A-list Auctionables

Auction sites like eBay are typically full of pre-owned items from users looking to clean out their closets. But when those used goods have been sneezed on, or sweated into by A-listers, bidding wars ensue, and ridiculous items get purchased for astronomical prices. Read on for some of the wackiest top-tier celebrity auction items in recent years.
1) Justin Bieber's Spacesuit
Sharon Osbourne is no fool. When her hubby Ozzy performed with Biebs at the 2011 Super Bowl, Sharon put Justin's suit up for auction, and it sold for $5,800. The cash was donated to the colon cancer program at Cedars-Sinai.
2) Scarlett Johansson's Used Tissue
When ScarJo came down with a cold right before her 2008 appearance on Jay Leno, the host saw it as a money-making opportunity (for charity, of course). Her dirty tissue, bagged and signed, sold for $5,300 (!!!) and the cash was donated to hunger charity USA Harvest.

3) Justin Timberlake's Half-Eaten French Toast
Back in JT's 'N Sync days, he gave an interview over breakfast for radio station Z100, and never got around to finishing his meal. His leftovers were listed on eBay, and sold for $3,154. Because America.
4) Gary Coleman's Sweatpants
When Jimmy Kimmel saw that Gary Coleman had listed his autographed XL pair of navy blue Gap sweatpants on eBay, he had to have them. At one point, the bidding war escalated to $400,000 -- but since the other guy was unable to pay up, Jimmy got the sweatpants at a steal -- $500.
5) John Lennon's Tooth
When John Lennon asked his housekeeper to dispose of a tooth he lost in the 60s, she held on to it and passed it down to her son, who auctioned it off for over $31,000. Is nothing sacred?
6) Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's Breath In a Jar
One fan was able to catch the breath of Brangelina, jar it up and sell it for $530. This is why we can't have nice things.

7) Justin Bieber's Hair
If you were surprised to hear his spacesuit sold for $5,800, you'll be extra shocked to know that the toddler tantrum's hair sold for $40,668 when Ellen Degeneres auctioned it off.
8) Jennifer Lawrence's Sports Bra
She got sweaty in 'Silver Linings Playbook.' And didn't do her laundry. And then a member of the general public paid $3,175 for the pleasure of sniffing her grubby gym clothes.


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Mandatory Viewing: NYPD's Finest Fined for Being Fine

Mandatory Viewing: NYPDs Finest Fined for Being Fine

Welcome to Mandatory Viewing, our weekly show where we talk sports, politics, current events and really weird Internet videos we hope our children will never see. This week: NYPD's finest (and we DO mean finest!), the new face of British porn (bad teeth warning for the faint of heart), the best damn dancing dad you've ever seen, and more.


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Is She Into You On This Date? A Flowchart

So you finally got that girl you like to go out with you. Now comes the hard part. You're out and things are going well, or at least you think they are. Use this handy flowchart to find out if she's really into you and wants to take things to the next level or if she is totally creeped out by you so much so that she's trying to escape by any means necessary.


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Stacy Martin is a 'Nymphomaniac'

45 Sexy Ladies in Leather and Latex

The Best Food Handles on Twitter

Amanda Lee Works Out and It Shows

Today's Funny Photos

10 Curses That Came True

When it comes to the supernatural, it's fair to say that we're skeptics. Even so, the idea of some creepy dude or lady putting a curse on us still proves a little chilling--especially after researching for this article. Below we examine ten hexes that actually had real-world results.

The Jake Bird Hex
10 Curses That Came True, jake bird hex
Jake Bird was a low-down evil man, an axe murderer who claimed to have ended the lives of 46 people in dozens of states. Bird is one of the few African-American serial killers in history, and when he was arrested he confessed to killing two women in Tacoma, Washington. On the witness stand, he recanted that confession, but was found guilty due to forensic evidence and sentenced to death. In court, he erupted in anger, telling the assembled throng "I'm putting the Jake Bird hex on all of you who had anything to do with my being punished. Mark my words you will die before I do." Within a month, the judge was dead of a heart attack, as were one of the officers that took his confession, the court's chief clerk and a prison guard. Bird's lawyer himself died a year to the day after the sentencing. (Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons)

Tecumseh's Curse
10 Curses That Came True, tecumseh's curse
One of the most famous curses in American history started with the Presidential election of 1840, where William Henry Harrison was elected in no small part due to his routing of Native American leader Tecumseh at Tippecanoe. Harrison's Presidency was short-lived, however - after contracting pneumonia during his inaugural speech, he was dead within a month. Since then, almost every President elected in a "zero year" has died in office. Abraham Lincoln, James A. Garfield, William McKinley and JFK were murdered, Warren Harding had a stroke and FDR a cerebral hemorrhage. Some say the failed attempt on Ronald Reagan's life in 1981 broke the curse for good. (Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons)

The Curse Of The Little Bastard
10 Curses That Came True, curse of the little bastard
Some curses are carried by inanimate objects, dooming whoever comes into contact with them. One famous example is the "Little Bastard," the Porsche 550 Spyder that James Dean bought while filming "Rebel Without A Cause" and later wrecked spectacularly on Route 466, taking his own life in the process. After the crash, the car was bought by George Barris, who had originally customized it, and then the scary stuff began. He sold parts from the car to a pair of drivers who went on to race against each other and both got into horrific accidents (one fatal). When he lent the Bastard to the California Highway Patrol, the building it was in burned down. A truck transporting it had a mechanical failure that resulted in the Porsche slipping off and killing the truck driver. Even thieves trying to swipe the Bastard came away with grotesque injuries. (Photo credit: Photofest)

Johnny Garrett's Curse
10 Curses That Came True, johnny garrett's curse
Here's a particularly grisly story that begins with the rape and murder of an 83-year-old nun in Houston, Texas and just gets scarier from there. The crime was pinned on Johnny Frank Garrett, a mentally deficient young man who had been seen in the area. He claimed innocence, but the evidence was enough to send him to Death Row. On the way to his execution, Garrett placed a curse on everybody responsible, and a body count immediately began to stack up. One juror fell down a flight of stairs, lawyers came down with cancer and many people who testified against him committed suicide. (Photo credit: Murderpedia)

The Nepalese Royal Family Curse
10 Curses That Came True, The Nepalese Royal Family Curse
Curses and royalty go together hand in hand, because plenty of people have ill will toward their rulers. One of the most famous curses in history belongs to the Nepalese royal family, who have been dogged by it for generations. In the 11th century, as the legend goes, Prithivi Naryan Shah came across the monk Gorakhnath in the woods. The monk puked some curd into his hand and asked Shah to drink it, and when he refused Gorakhnath cursed him and his family, saying that they would die out in ten generations. Sure enough, ten generations later the family of King Bipendra was wiped out and Parliament removed the power of the monarchy. (Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons)

The Curse Of The Basano Vase
10 Curses That Came True, The Curse Of The Basano Vase
Quick question: if you found a vase that came with a note that told you "this vase brings death," would you buy it? If not, you're smarter than the people who had their lives taken by the Basano Vase. This silver vessel was made in the 15th century for a bride who died on her wedding night. It passed through her family, bringing death and misery to all who owned it before vanishing for a few centuries. In 1988 it popped up again, and the pharmacist who purchased it died in three months. It changed hands several more times, killing its owners until it vanished again. Some theorize it was buried in a lead coffin to prevent its malevolent curse from taking another life. (Photo credit: Chacha)

The Curse Of The Billy Goat
10 Curses That Came True, the curse of the billy goat
Here's a curse that's a little more light-hearted, unless you live in Chicago. In 1945, the Cubs were in the World Series against the Detroit Tigers. In the stand was local businessman Billy Sianis...and his pet goat. Sianis owned the Billy Goat Tavern, a popular spot for Cubbies fans, and his goat was his constant companion. Unfortunately, some fans were a little upset by the smell of the barnyard animal and Sianis was ejected from Wrigley Field. When he left, he cursed the team, saying "Them Cubs, they ain't gonna win no more." Since then, the Cubs have not won a single National League pennant. That's 69 years of failure because of one goat. (Photo credit: Billy Goat Tavern)

Sarah Good's Curse
10 Curses That Came True, Sarah Good's Curse
If you're going to mess around with a witch, you better be ready for the consequences. We all know that the Salem Witch Trials didn't actually punish any supernatural figures, but one story makes us wonder. When Sarah Good was tried for witchcraft in March of 1692 and put to death, she cursed her accuser, the Reverend Nicholas Noyes, with "I'm no more a witch than you are a wizard, take my life and God will give you blood to drink." Years later, Noyes suffered a hemorrhage inside his mouth and actually choked to death on his own blood. Creepy. (Photo credit: Tim Bouwer via Flickr CC)

The Curse Of Henry Timmerman
10 Curses That Came True, The Curse Of Henry Timmerman
Here's another tale of a murderer who managed to punish his enemies from beyond the grave. Henry Timmerman was arrested in 1886 for the murder of a man named William Sterling. A judge sentenced him to hang two years later in the tiny Washington town of Goldendale. At the gallows, Timmerman smoked a cigar and laughed at his executioners, bragging that if they put him in the ground, Goldendale itself would burn. Less than a month later, his curse came true, as the whole town was caught aflame and completely destroyed. Interestingly enough, an unknown person dug up Timmerman's body after the blaze and buried it in an unmarked grave that has never been found. (Photo credit: Discovery AkimAvalley)

The Curse Of Thomas Busby's Chair
10 Curses That Came True, The Curse Of Thomas Busby's Chair
A chair that can kill you just for sitting in it? Sounds like a normal trip to IKEA. Thomas Busby was a lout and a drunkard who murdered his father-in-law in 1702 over an argument about sitting in his favorite stoop chair. On the way to the gallows, he cursed the chair, and it began to rack up a serious body count. During World War II, men who sat in it at the local pub never came back from combat, and it also claimed the lives of bricklayers, roofers and deliverymen over the years. The chair was eventually given to a local museum, who hung it up on the wall to remove the temptation for anyone to risk their lives by sitting in it. (Photo credit: Blogspot)


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