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The Funniest Photos You Will See Today 11-9-12



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This Week's 20 Inappropriately Hilarious Tweets



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A Guide to College Football's Top Rivalry Tailgates

November 24, 2012 will mark college football's rivalry weekend with three of the most legendary rivals playing for pride and possibly a BCS National Championship game berth. Whether tailgating in the LA Coliseum parking lot, in The Grove at Ole Miss, or jumping into the OSU campus lake, fans are getting revved up for the games of their lives. Want to get in on the action? Check out the college football events from TicketCity.


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The Denzel Washington Venn Diagram

Denzel Washington, Denzel Washington venn diagram, Denzel Washington Venn diagram movies funny

With Denzel Washington appearing in the recently released "Flight" I thought it would be a good time to refresh this piece I did a couple years ago. It's simple, Denzel has three different looks in each movie: facial hair, a hat or glasses. He's either wearing one, two, or a combination of them in all of his films. And what better way to illustrate this point than with a Venn Diagram.


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Hot Girls Cover Hit Songs: Christina Aguilera 'Genie In a Bottle' Edition


There isn't much that is more attractive than a gorgeous girl playing and singing a song like an angel. That is a scientific fact. However, like the sirens in Greek mythology, a girl like this can also be very dangerous, luring men in with her enchanting music and voice, and making us do dumb things. But that's a risk we're willing to take with our weekly feature of hot girls playing and singing hit songs for your enjoyment. This week's cover of "Genie in a Bottle" by Christina Aguilera comes from Katie Carson. Try not to fall in love.


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Volleyball Spike Causes a Series of Unfortunate Events


At first glance, it seems that this video is all about a volleyball player unleashing a monster spike at a poor girl's face. But if you keep your eye on the ball after it destroys said girl's face, you'll notice that the unfortunate (hilarious) incident continues on a little more.


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Secrets To Making The Best Grilled Cheese Ever


If there is one thing a man should absolutely know how to cook, it's a grilled cheese sandwich. But before you make the claim that you can make the best grilled cheese ever, let our friends over at Tasted give you a little lesson.

Grilled cheese award-winner, Eric Greenspan of the Foundry Restaurant offers his expertise on how to make the "finest grilled cheese sandwich known to man". Some of the advice might surprise you. Greenspan suggests that the best grilled cheese sandwiches require mediocre bread. Watch the video to find out why.


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Meet Larisa Fraser, Ryan Braun's New Fiancee



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Captain Hindsight: Hilarious Meme Gallery



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A Gallery of Hilarious Cakes



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10 Weird Inventions That Made Millions



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The Funniest Photos You Will See Today 11-12-12



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Happy Birthday, Arianny Celeste



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Behind The Scenes With Presidential Secret Service Agents



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20 Hot Photos of the Kansas City Chiefs Cheerleaders



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Does Exercise Make You Eat More?

When most people finish a hard workout, they want a reward--possibly a sandwich, or some pancakes, or maybe even a burger and fries. What they don't want? To not eat anything. And yet, a few recent studies found that moderate intensity aerobic training could actually decrease your appetite or increase your feelings of fullness or satiety. Strange, right? Who doesn't love shoving their face after a big cardio session? In fact, previous research has shown that people who exercise often reward themselves with food, increasing overall calorie consumption, and often sabotaging their weight loss goals. So, what gives?

"Exercise can definitely suppress hunger," says Barry Braun, Ph.D., director of the Energy Metabolism Laboratory at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, who has co-authored multiple studies on the subject. How, why, and for how long afterward is something researchers are still working out. They do know that workouts trigger changes in the hunger hormone, acylated ghrelin, and the satiety hormones, PYY and GLP-1--though research has yet to establish the exact relationship. (Starving all the time? Here's Why You're Still Hungry--Even If You Just Ate.)

A recent study published in the journal Metabolism found that perceived fullness--both while fasting and after eating--was higher among participants after 12 weeks of aerobic training, but not after resistance training for the same amount of time. And another study out of Brigham Young University revealed that women appeared to be less interested in food on mornings when they walked on a treadmill for 45 minutes than on days they didn't.

But if sweat sessions make you want to eat less, then why aren't exercisers everywhere losing weight like crazy? "In most studies, there is a poor correspondence between appetite and actual food intake," says Braun. In other words, just because you may not feel as hungry as normal, it doesn't prevent you from eating too much after a workout anyway.

"The effect of exercise on appetite will likely vary from person to person," says Paul MacLean, Ph.D., associate professor of medicine at the University of Colorado Anshutz Medical Center, who has also performed research on the subject. And actual food intake may be more influenced by things like wanting to be rewarded for your "work," the social pressure of having burgers and beers with the guys after a game, or simply being in the habit of eating a big breakfast and not holding back when you start to feel full. (Need to resist temptation? Research just revealed that this healthy activity can help.)

"I'm pretty certain the average person greatly overestimates the number of calories burned during physical activity," adds Braun. "Running 40 minutes at a 9 min/mile pace burns about 450 calories, and there are 500 calories in a Starbucks Venti Mocha Frappucino (with whole milk and whipped cream). So it's incredibly easy to negate the weight loss effects of exercise."

The fix: Nix food rewards--treat yourself to a Redbox flick instead--and write down everything you eat into your iPhone for a week. Studies show that simply logging your meals can make you eat less. Don't skip the gym either, says Kym Guelfi, associate professor at The University of Western Australia, and co-author of the Metabolism study. "Exercise gives you benefits that dieting alone cannot, such as increased fitness, decreased stress, and increased muscle mass, which helps you burn more calories and fat at rest." For a plan that only takes 30 minutes, check out Speed Shred, the new follow-along DVD system from Men's Health.


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Office Kitchen Bingo

Everyone's gotta eat, so no matter who you are in the office - from CEO to unpaid intern - you usually wind up near the kitchen every afternoon. And that's when it happens: you're stuck in a small space with someone whose face you recognize from the hallway but you know nothing about. Next comes the inane chit-chat, as you both go about grabbing your sandwiches from the fridge or warming up your leftovers. Not many people enjoy these interactions, but pretty much everyone can identify with them, which is why we put together this Bingo chart full of just about every type of conversation that's ever taken place in the office kitchen. Check it out during your next lunch to see how many situations you can relate to.

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OK Cupid: An Exploration Into Just How Low Some Guys Will Go

A friend of mine recently signed up for OKCupid (an online dating site for those who might be unaware) and was constantly telling me about all the bizarre and pathetic lines guys try to use on her via instant message. She would very blatantly shoot them down and yet they would continue to message her. Obviously, for most women this doesn't come as a surprise whatsoever. I started thinking about it and had a thought: I wonder how far guys would go to get a date or a hook-up. So my OKCupid adventure began...

I set up a profile using the picture of a cute girl I know. Not too sexy of a picture, I didn't want her to look like a slut. So here's my basic profile:

OK Cupid, scary OK Cupid profile, how low will men go on OK Cupid

Cute girl. Everything mostly looks fine. It's a little bizarre that an adult would choose to include the fourth installment of a children's movie in their profile name for a dating site, but I digress.

Now comes the fun part: the bio. I wanted to make this so idiotic and unappealing that no one in their right mind would show interest in this girl. If you are hitting on her after reading her profile you have no interest in anything intellectual whatsoever. Here's part one:

OK Cupid, scary OK Cupid profile, how low will men go on OK Cupid, worst OK Cupid profile

Let's break this down a bit. It's riddled with typos. This girl clearly lacks the ability to read and write. In the opening paragraph she kind of quotes Katy Perry and says her passions are krumping and interpretive dance but as long as you love chili and art you're golden! She also makes an off-handed racist comment. She then describes what she's doing with her life in the most vague way possible, only sharing a horribly offensive 9/11 joke that she posted on a picture of Willy Wonka. Then you get to what she's really good at and she says iPods. What does that mean?? How are you good at iPods?

Here's part 2 of her bio:

OK Cupid, scary OK Cupid profile, how low will men go on OK Cupid, bad profile on purpose

In the first question she confesses to what seems to be a serious hit and run. Why would you show any interest in her? Under favorites she admits her illiteracy, calls it "Two and One Half Men", lists Geico commercials as one of her favorite shows, and professes love for "Bon Jorvi." Next up on "six things I could never do without", we get the mention of a dead father with September in parentheses - whatever that means - some bizarre proverbs, and then #4 just says YOLO. Finally she spends a lot of time thinking about kids! That's creepy! She doesn't have kids and says she doesn't want kids but ONLY thinks about kids. Fellas, run.

So by reading that bio you would assume most guys steered clear right? No. Not at all. Within 6 hours my profile had been viewed over 400 times and 39 guys had messaged me.

Let's give them the benefit of the doubt and say they didn't really read the bio. They just saw a cute girl and went for it. I'm not saying that's smart but I'm just hoping for their sake they didn't read that train wreck of a description and think "Ok yeah! This is what I've been searching for!"

Once they went to messaging, that's when I got really stupid with it. A few of the guys got one message, realized they were dealing with an idiot/sociopath, and stopped communicating. Others, not so much. Here's what I got within six hours of creating the profile:

OK Cupid, scary OK Cupid profile, how low will men go on OK Cupid, worst profile
OK Cupid, scary OK Cupid profile, how low will men go on OK Cupid, intentionally bad profile

Dude, the first thing she said to you was about her HORRIBLE DIARRHEA. That's her opener. At one point I just typed the word "glue" and he didn't miss a beat.

Here's the next guy:

OK Cupid, scary OK Cupid profile, how low will men go on OK Cupid, scary guys on OK Cupid
OK Cupid, scary OK Cupid profile, how low will men go on OK Cupid, dating site conversation

The first thing she says here is that she just had an abortion and he replies "Yay :) lol." If that wasn't troubling enough she then says she went to get her arm refitted. What in the world could that mean? Not only does he not question it at all but he gives her his cell number!

OK Cupid, scary OK Cupid profile, how low will men go on OK Cupid, dating site OK cupid scary guys

This guy just rolled with the punches didn't he? She tells him that she spent Halloween getting fingered by her cousin and he uses that as a segue to talk about trick or treating with HIS cousins. Sorry buddy, cousin fingering has to be a no no.

OK Cupid, scary OK Cupid profile, how low will men go on OK Cupid, crazy OK Cupid profile conversation

Look guy, there is no way you want to hang out with this girl. Her favorite movies include two Step Up sequels that don't exist, not to mention she spelled Lincoln the way Linkin Park spells it.

OK Cupid, scary OK Cupid profile, how low will men go on OK Cupid, bad profile

This guy started off with a terrible line so I knew I could push this one a little further. He asked for a secret so he got the story of a c-section birth followed by a questionable adoption. Now having a c-section and giving up the kid isn't a shameful thing but this was the first thing she comes out with after, of course, calling him a "retrad." His thumb wrestling comment was so obnoxious I had to bail. He even grossed out a fake girl. Wow, good job.

OK Cupid, scary OK Cupid profile, how low will men go on OK Cupid, OK Cupid scary profile convo

I gotta give it to this guy, at least he bailed whenever I told him I was actually 16 (although saying I was born in 1996 wasn't an immediate give away) He did ignore some serious spelling errors. He should have gone after the mom though, she seems cool!

OK Cupid, scary OK Cupid profile, how low will men go on OK Cupid, Lakers fan funny OK Cupid

He didn't respond, you'd think that line would work for sure!

OK Cupid, scary OK Cupid profile, how low will men go on OK Cupid, OK Cupid worst

He didn't realize how much I loved Ice Age 4. It's a lifestyle.

And finally, the ultimate boyfriend material:

OK Cupid, scary OK Cupid profile, how low will men go on OK Cupid, OK Cupid relationship site worst
OK Cupid, scary OK Cupid profile, how low will men go on OK Cupid, worst OK CupidOK Cupid, scary OK Cupid profile, how low will men go on OK Cupid, OK Cupid bad guys

He thought he'd be cute and just go straight for the sex so I decided to flip it on him and get him involved in prostitution. I thought $45 would turn him away since it's extremely low and was offered to him almost immediately but instead he started bargaining for the deluxe package I guess? He sent about 30 more messages asking for my number and insisting that he was serious.

Now of course I'm not saying that every guy on the internet is desperate and creepy but fellas, browse through that profile a little and make sure you aren't getting ready to message an illiterate part time prostitute with a rubber arm and a history of vehicular crimes. Have fun out there!


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The Funniest Photos You Will See Today 11-13-12



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The Worst Crimes Committed By Pro Atheletes



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