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Can You Guess The Movie By Its IMDB Keywords?



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10 Underdog Films Left to See in 2012



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Telenovas With Seinfeld Music Are Very Enjoyable


Spanish soap operas are known for their dramatic makeouts, slap fights and stare downs while transitioning from one scene to the next. Seinfeld was known for its super peppy slap pop bass. Combine those two and you have this magical mashup. I think we can all agree Seinfeld's music really ratchets up the tension.


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Telenovelas With Seinfeld Music Are Very Enjoyable


Spanish soap operas are known for their dramatic makeouts, slap fights and stare downs while transitioning from one scene to the next. Seinfeld was known for its super peppy slap pop bass. Combine those two and you have this magical mashup. I think we can all agree Seinfeld's music really ratchets up the tension.


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This Is The Most Accurate Avatar Plot Summary You Will Ever See

The Funniest Photos You Will See Today 11-14-12



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Willa Ford Will Rock You



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Funny Book Titles With Old School Cover Art

Hilariously Bad Simpsons Drawings



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The Odds of Dying a Very Bizarre Death

People are always telling me that I am more likely to get struck by lightning than win the lottery, and I'm always replying, "Get the hell outta here!" Well, turns out they are right. Not only that, but it is actually more probable that I will die by lighting strike than it is that I'll ever win the Mega Millions. How depressing. If you've ever wondered what the chances are of dying in an unusual and horrible way, check out the graphic below. And if you've been injured, get some more information on personal injury on Totalinjury.com.


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A Safe and Sustainable Seafood Guide

There are very few things more refreshing than being wrist deep in a plate of freshly served seafood, almost as if you were floating underwater in the ocean yourself, surrounded by all manners of sea creatures and brightly illuminated coral reefs. But before you tack on a bib and go to town on this lifeless delicacy, it may behoove you to know where your seafood comes from and whether you're endangseafood guide, overfishingering an already endangered species, because the phrase "there's plenty of fish in the sea" is starting to lose its meaning with the lack of awareness. Since many folks are in the dark as to what's at stake on their dinner plate, we're here as your safe, sustainable seafood guide, so that if you're eating seafood, you're eating it right.

Just as vegans and vegetarians alike are against the consumption of meaty animals, such as cows and pigs, for both personal and health-related reasons, there's also an unconscious threat to the world's sea life due to a commonly overlooked problem called "overfishing." The problem here is that the awareness level ranks very low for sea life compared to that of the everyday vegetarian.

The idea of overfishing stems from the illegal catching and consumption of fish at a rate faster than they can even reproduce. The reality is that sea life, mainly bigger fish like swordfish, halibut and blue fin tuna, are nearing the extinction phase after disappearing in our oceans by 75 to 90 percent already. Most people think there's plenty of fish in the sea, but at the rate of overfishing, that will no longer be the case in the decades to come.

The National Sustainable Seafood Guide of 2011 points out the differences between smart, okay and bad choices when it comes to ordering your seafood, and although we'd like to think that most seafood restaurants have the oceans' best interests in mind, it's actually the opposite, as some offer rare treats, which is slang for endangered.

The smart seafood choices are the abundant, well-managed and healthy fish that are captured in environmentally sound ways, as opposed to the bad choices, which are overfished outside of legal fishing territories that harm several types of sea life in its process. Picture a big net with little holes trawling the ocean floor for a specific type of fish, picking up millions of unwanted fish that are killed off or discarded just because they don't match the description of the catch of the day.

Smart seafood choices include a long list of great U.S. farmed fish we can enjoy, like lobster (spiny), wild salmon and tilapia. Bad choices include fish that are illegally caught outside of fishing territories that are already endangered, such as imported Mahi Mahi, orange roughy and imported shrimp.
seafood guide, lobster
If you've ever dove below the sea level for quick scuba or snorkel, you no doubt took the time to appreciate just how majestic and breathtaking such a sight can be, and in all likelihood, you weren't spending that time staring into the eyes of an endangered mammal thinking about how much you'd like to see it pointlessly suffer.

Mixed with our filthy habits of plastic pollution in our oceans, overfishing is just another effective method for removing a privileged delicacy from our everyday lives. There's nothing wrong with enjoying food that the sea offers, as long as it's not irresponsible. Sustainable seafood consumption is the only way that we can undo some of the damage, but if we continue to badly consume at the rate we've been going, our children won't know that refreshing, wrist-deep sensation we salivate over.

Quickly check with the National Sustainable Seafood Guide (opens in a PDF) or download a free Seafood Watch app to see if you're adding to the problem so you can fix it. If you're not sure about your seafood, just ask your seafood provider where it comes from. Finally, here are a few delicious seafood recipes to get you headed in the right direction on your own:

Sustainable Salmon Patties
Halibut Tostadas with Yogurt-Lime Sauce
Tuna Cakes
Argentine Scallop Quesadillas


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The 20 Worst Wrestling Characters of All Time



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Andy Reid's Gameday Play Sheet



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Here's What Disney CEO Bob Iger Says He Wants to Do with 'Star Wars'

by Kirsten Acuna

During Disney's Q4 earnings call, CEO Bob Iger gave no details on the upcoming "Star Wars" movie; however, he did give a hint at how the company plans to brand George Lucas's lucrative company.

For the release of "Star Wars: Episode VII," Lucasfilm will be co-branded with Disney much similar to that of Pixar.

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"The Star Wars brand, I think, basically doesn't need much help except to, obviously, will I think benefit greatly from the release of a film," said Iger. We intend in that case to co-brand ... Disney-Lucas or Disney-Star Wars in some form, different forms."

Here are a few other points Iger made during the call about the future of Lucasfilm:

More "Star Wars" online merchandise

According to Iger, the Lucasfilm acquisition won't affect retail strategy, but there may be a push for "Star Wars" Web sales with Iger saying there's "real potential" for online merchandise.

Related: Harrison Ford May Return for 'Star Wars: Episode 7'

Disney may consider acquiring any other Lucasfilm rights Fox holds

Any rights 20th Century Fox may have to distribute future "Star Wars" flicks won't affect Disney. However, Iger says Disney may acquire rights from News Corp. down the line.
"Fox has certain distribution rights to films that have already been made and released and will be released in varying forms going forward as they did recently with the 3D release of one of the Star Wars films ... We may choose at some point after closing to explore that, but all the value they were looking at is going forward value associated with all the rights that we bought from Lucas and any new IP that is created ... is not encumbered by any of the deals that Fox had."

Is Star Wars Clone Wars Moving To Disney XD?

Though Iger didn't confirm it, Disney XD will most certainly feature Cartoon Network's current "Clone Wars" cartoon series. Iger strongly hinted toward opportunities Disney has with Lucasfilm on the kid's channel citing its successful roll out of Marvel shows on the channel toward a younger male demographic.

You can read the full earnings call HERE.

via Business Insider


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Rasheed Wallace Yells "Yeah Aflac" At Arron Afflalo After Missed FT

Cabinet Door Does Fantastic Chewbacca Impression


If you never thought you could be amused by someone opening and closing a cabinet door, think again. Pretty sure the answer to the question posed in this video is yes. Behold, the Amazing Chewbacca Cabinet!


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This Nightclub Photobomber Rules

nightclub photobomber, funny photo, funny nightclub photos

Let's be honest, if you're over the age of 22, nightclubs suck (especially when they offer "Fist Pump Fridays). It's good to know someone feels the same way we do.


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Reporter Gustavo Almadovar Can't Stop Saying Gustavo Almadovar


Much like a Ke$ha song, this supercut of reporter Gustavo Almadovar signing off and saying his name over and over again is both incredibly annoying yet unavoidably catchy. One thing's for sure, the name Gustavo Almadovar will be stuck in your head for the rest of the day.


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The Funniest GIFs You Will See This Week - November 15, 2012



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The Kill Yourself Guy: Hilarious Meme Gallery



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