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Fox News Pissed Off a Guy Who Looted Alcohol in Ferguson Last Night

There is nothing quite like dropping an F-bomb during a live news report. I mean, just ask this guy how much fun it can be.

While we were watching the Baltimore Ravens hand the New Orleans Saints their third consecutive home loss last night, the guys at Barstool Sports were checking out live coverage of the protests, riots and looting taking place in Ferguson, Mo., and were able to capture what was perhaps the video of the night.

While other news outlets like CNN decided to concentrate their efforts on several fires that broke out in one section of town, the guys at Fox News had a bigger story to cover. You know, like one that focused on three stolen bottles of vodka and a two-liter bottle of orange soda. It looks like we weren't the only ones upset about their coverage (NSFW language).

It's safe to say that nobody has ever had as much fun dropping an F-bomb during a news telecast as this former anchor: Watch This News Anchor Drop an F-Bomb and Quit Her Job on Live TV to Focus on Legalizing Weed


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Katia Winter Warms Our Hearts and Our Pants

State Maps Show Which Has Hottest/Ugliest Residents and More According to Poll

People have long said that there are two Americas, Blue and Red, while others argue about a wide swath of Purple. Fact is, Americans have opinions about their fellow states, and when Business Insider teamed up with SurveyMonkey, they got some interesting results. The catch? Those being surveyed could only answer about states in which they did not live. In the maps below, the darkest colored state earned the highest number of votes, while the whitest had little to none. We'll let the results speak for themselves. Do you think the results were right, or do you live in a state that has been unfairly stereotyped?

American states survey, hottest residents state
American states survey, ugliest residents
state map poll, best and worst states poll
state map poll, best and worst states poll
state map poll, best and worst states poll
state map poll, best and worst states poll
America State poll, best food state
state map poll, best and worst states poll
state map poll, best and worst states poll
state map poll, best and worst states poll
state map poll, best and worst states poll
state map poll, best and worst states poll
state map poll, best and worst states poll
state map poll, best and worst states poll
America State poll, best sports fans state
America State poll, worst sports fans state
American states survey, state most wanted kicked out


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Guy Buys Entire Restaurant a Round of Wings After Crashing His Truck Into It

Thankfully for the guy's wallet, it looks like there were less than a half-dozen people in the restaurant at the time.

According to CBC News, a Canadian man took his Dodge Ram pickup truck quite literally Saturday afternoon and crashed it into a Wing'N It restaurant in Clarenville, N.L.

truck crashes through wings restaurant
Luckily, all of the restaurant's customers were seated in booths along the walls of the building instead of at the tables located in the center of the room where the truck made its entrance, so nobody was injured.

A restaurant spokesperson said the crash resulted in no structural damage to the building -- minus the broken windows, of course. In fact, the staff was able to clean up the mess and remove the damaged tables and chairs in time for the restaurant to open back up later that night.

The driver was apparently remorseful for his actions and bought the entire restaurant wings for the inconvenience. Although, based on the severity of his actions, he probably should have thrown in a free bowl or two of chili, as well. That way, if any of the customers hadn't already crapped their pants from the episode, they'd definitely be able to now.

It could have been much worse for the customers. I mean, this guy could have crashed his car instead: Drunk Man Crashes Into Restaurant Then Gets Out and Masturbates


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New Hampshire Woman Arrested for Slapping Boyfriend During Game of 'Monopoly'

No word if she passed "Go" on her way to the clink.

According to CBS Boston, a 21-year-old Hooksett woman went directly to jail late Sunday night after she allegedly slapped the shit out of her boyfriend during a game of "Monopoly" that was obviously taken a little too seriously.

woman arrested for slapping boyfriend during monopoly
Police say they responded to a report of a domestic disturbance just before midnight. When they arrived, Alyssa Ferraro told them she "open-hand slapped" her boyfriend in the face during an intense game of "Monopoly."

Even though the boyfriend was not seriously hurt, Ferraro was still taken downtown and charged with domestic violence-related simple assault. She was released on $2,000 bail, but there was no word of how many of her properties she had to mortgage to pay for it.

It's also unknown what the boyfriend did that warranted an open-hand slap from Ferraro, but we're guessing it was either saying the bank puts 500 bucks in the pot and you get it when you land on Free Parking, or the fact that he bought St. Charles Avenue despite not owning any other purple properties.

'Cards Against Humanity' is the best game ever: 20 Truly Horrible 'Cards Against Humanity' Submissions


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Thanksgiving Food Imposters

Today's Funny Photos

This Week's 20 Funniest Tweets: Thanksgiving Edition

Bolt Comes Loose and Smashes Into Airline Passenger's Window

Of all the things you don't want to happen to you while you're flying, having a large chunk of metal crack your window is probably up near the top of the list. That's exactly what happened to a passenger of Air Canada yesterday on his flight to Vancouver. The guy posted on Reddit that he heard a loud pop about halfway through his flight, and then looked over at his window to see that a bolt had flown off the prop and broke through the outer pane. Here is the proof:

bolt in airplane window, bolt smashed into air canada window
bolt in airplane window, bolt smashed into air canada window
Reportedly, the passenger had to stay behind after the plane landed to talk to the pilot, who told him he had never seen anything like this happen before. They came to the conclusion that the bolt was one of 12 that are on the prop spinner, and once it came loose it must have been struck by the prop and launched into the window.

Thankfully, the safety outer pane of the window did its job, and none of the passengers or crew were ever in danger. However, during the busy holiday travel season, this is not the type of news we really want to hear.


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Mountain Tech That's Changing The Way You Shred

This snow season your iPhone's going to do as much legwork as you when you hit the slopes -- no more earbuds-only/unreliable texting duties for him. Because the best mountains are installing innovative new technology that, be it delivered by way of an app or built right in to your mountain pass, will deliver you stats, expert tips, itineraries and more.

Snowboarders using cell phones

Let's start out with Vail Resorts and their EpicMix Guide, which works at Beaver Creek, Breckenridge, Keystone, Park City, Heavenly, Northstar, Kirkwood, and, of course, Vail. What started as the first chip-in-your-pass technology in the US to track your vertical feet and number of lifts you make in a day (no more inflated numbers to cover for spiked hot chocolate breaks) graduated into a version that'd share your stats on social media. The hills have since plied their Ski and Ride School instructors with spiked hot chocolates and picked their brains for the best runs for any level of difficulty or length of time, so you can best design your day's plans. There are over 350 options in the latest app, and once you've completed yours share it with pics and stats (unless you eat snow).


Heading to another hill -- even one that's abroad (lucky)? There are a few awesome apps that work just about anywhere. Our favorite's Ski Tracks, and here's why: for $0.99 this bad boy (in it's fifth year, last updated this month) offers graphs of altitude and speed unlike most, in addition to tracking your vertical pitch, steepest pitch, lifts, pics and more. There's a reason ST consistently wins awards and is one of the most popular. The fact it uses GPS means you won't have to use roaming overseas, and the app's very battery-friendly for your phone. Download it, son.

Regardless of where you are, it's important to know what to expect weather-wise. Hence the most downloaded weather app for shredders -- OnTheSnow Ski & Snow Report. It isn't the sexiest app, but it's free (that's what we say about the tortilla chips in Mexican restaurants, but hey, we eat them anyway). And it gives first-hand reports from more than 2,000 hills around the world. The best sections are the first hand reports from other skiers and boarders, the webcams (when they work), and the deals section if you haven't gotten your lift pass by the time you roll up at the bottom of the mountain.


Lastly, and non-app-ly, you know GoPro. You've probably got a HERO2 knocking around in your boot bag. But if you can convince the person in charge of the list you've been more nice than naughty (you're a good liar) it's time to upgrade. This fall GoPro came out with HERO4, and it's pretty sweet. They say it operates at 2x the performance of the HERO3 (which was already awesome); we'll save you the technical jargon and tell you that its the same size, only slightly heavier, and takes double the max frames per second in video mode. It also has a Night Photo and Night Lapse functionality your old GP couldn't handle, as well as Bluetooth.

Happy snow season!


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Bill Clinton Got A Little Distracted While Taking A Selfie With This Woman

Watch This Pro Boxer Beat The Crap Out Of A Bunch Of Thugs Who Messed With His Wife


This video teaches you two very important lessons. Lesson one: do not mess with another man's wife. Lesson two: definitely don't mess with a professional boxer's wife.

When a couple of a-holes tried to drag a woman into the VIP area of a Russian club, it did not go over well with her husband, pro boxer Nikolay Vlasenko. When two of the a-holes tried to confront Vlasenko about the incident outside the club, it didn't take long for them to realize they had made a horrible mistake. In fact, the exact amount of time for them to come to that realization was two punches.

We haven't seen knockouts that quick since Mike Tyson's prime.

(Editor's note: I'm really sorry about the music in this video. Seriously, it's terrible.)


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Did This Russian Children's Cartoon Dub Porn Audio Into This Mountain Climbing Scene?


Um...that definitely sounds way more like porn star moaning and way less like mountain climbing grunting. Go ahead, listen for yourself.

So, did this sound engineer just do this as some sort of twisted, Fight Club-style joke? Or did he just Google "grunting" and wind up with this not-so-convincing sound track? And most importantly, why did the adult filming this think that it was ok to leave that little girl in the room?

We may never know the answers to any of these questions, but they're all worth asking.


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21 Things Tom Brady Does After Every Loss

Tom Brady funny, Tom Brady loses
I know that Tom Brady is more athletic, better-looking and way more successful than most of us could ever dream of being, but that doesn't mean we can't make fun of him, right? Brady does his best to remain cool and relaxed on and off the field, but I like to imagine he goes home and vents out his anger in the most uncool ways imaginable. Here are 21 things that Tom Brady has definitely done after a tough loss. (Photo credit: Jim Rogash/Getty Images)

1. As soon as he walks in the door, he kicks off his work Uggs and puts on his casual Uggs. He wants to forget all about work for the night.

2. He'll ask for the notes and pictures from the game, but won't accept them unless they're in a moleskin notebook. If it's plastic, he'll just stare at the assistant until they walk away.

3. If he has a driver for the ride home from the game, he'll call and make sure they have at least three different kinds of hummus in the back prepared for him. His hummus taste really just depends on his mood.

4. Just to let off a bit of steam, he'll call his scarf guy and buy $800 in scarves. He won't wear those, but just knowing he has them makes him feel safe.

5. On his walk from the locker room to his car, he gets really mad and throws a bottle of coconut water against a tree. It doesn't burst and he gets even more upset.

6. Brady stares at himself in the mirror for a second and then knocks $2000 worth of hair product off the bathroom sink. There's styling paste everywhere.

7. If he just wants to clear his head for a while he'll turn on Coldplay and circle around his house on his Vespa for a few hours.

8. He'll spend hours in his sketch room trying to visualize his frustrations. If the cleaning lady moved any of his chalk or brushes, he has them fired immediately.

9. If he finds a photo of himself on the Internet that hasn't been properly photoshopped, he has the photographer banned from any future games.

10. The hotel calls him and lets him know his card will be charged for damages because he got mad and put three Uggs-shaped dents in the wall.

11. If it was a particularly tough loss, he'll just lock himself in the basement and watch "Juno" on repeat.

12. He's never confronted another NFL quarterback, but he does have sock puppets named after each opposing QB that he'll have a stern talking to if they defeat him.

13. If he's playing out of town he'll put on a disguise and go to a Japanese restaurant to watch them make sushi. He won't eat any, but just watching it brings him to a state of serenity.

14. Hot yoga no longer helps him calm down, so now he's on this thing where he does yoga in a room where women are giving birth. It costs thousands of dollars but he claims it sort of helps.

15. If someone recognizes him as a football player, he'll claim to be Drew Bledsoe and angrily flip them off.

16. He has a folder on his laptop called "Happier Times" and it's just pictures of him posing with different baked goods at farmer's markets. He'll look at those and breathe deeply

17. If Brady gets really rattled, he'll Facetime with Bill Belichik and make him watch as he practices playing "Wonderwall" on an acoustic guitar.

18. If he gets stuck in traffic he'll call Gisele and make her put their dogs on the phone. He can only hear them breathing and panting, but he'll carry on a full conversation and make sure they're not disappointed in him.

19. He always checks the shoes of his drivers and if they're not wearing Sperrys, he makes them pull over until a new driver arrives. "Only Sperry feet can transport me!" he yells.

20. Usually he's OK to eat any type of kale, but after a loss, if the kale isn't fresh he'll just lie his head on the table and loudly weep until it's been taken away.

21. If one of his receivers dropped a pass, he'll attempt to prank call them. They always know it's him because everyone has caller ID. He gets even more upset when they know it's him. He still does it every time.


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Tara Booher Goes Big on Instagram

Ela Rose Knows How To Get Our Attention

2014 Social Media FAILs

45 Sexy Girls With Tattoos

Meghan Leopard Is Quite the Puma for Playboy


If ever there was a sexy animal, it's the puma, and Playboy has managed to cage one in Meghan Leopard. She's got her spots and she's hot to trot, dressed in black and ready to pounce. Are you in? We are. Meghan is the 20-year-old Playboy has chosen for their Amateurs latest Sensual Patterns shoot. The little Canadian package, born and bred in Toronto, has only been in the modeling industry for two years and she's already wowing the boys with her moves on film. Rocking some black-on-black lingerie, this little leopard will make you want to get in the cage.


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Victoria's Secret's Casting Call Is Our Early Christmas Gift to You


Wouldn't it be great if--for Christmas this year--your parents could fill your stockings with all the girls who try out to be a Victoria's Secret model for their annual fashion show? Well, the bad news is your folks let you down, yet again, but the good news is Mandatory will never let you down, especially when it comes to supplying you with endless amounts of gorgeous girls during the holidays. CBS gives us a PG-13 behind-the-scenes take of the casting calls for Victoria's Secret's upcoming London show, the big one, where girls compete to join the ranks of Adriana Lima and other sexy company. This is better than backstage passes, as you get to see a variety of beautiful long-stemmed roses walk half naked voluntarily. If that's not enough, you're a spoiled brat who cannot be pleased by anything this Christmas, but just as a bonus stocking stuffer, you can check out the show on Tuesday, December 9 (on CBS). Stuff your stocking with that, my horny little elves.


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