Today's Funny Photos
12 of the Most Inappropriate Kids' Shirts Ever Made
I have a big pet peeve with kids' shirts that have animals doing mundane human tasks on them. Why is there an elephant driving a truck while a giraffe delivers mail? It's stupid. I thought those were the absolute worst until I saw some of these. How in the world did so many people approve these shirts without someone saying, "Hey, this is extremely inappropriate, right?" Here are 12 of the most insanely offensive children's shirts you've ever seen.
![12 of the Most Inappropriate Kid's Shirts Ever Made, nothing quite says i love you like fisting shirt]()

I would beg to differ, but to each his own, I suppose.

Unless this is some sort of novelty "Law & Order: SVU" shirt, it's very bad.

In their defense, it was supposed to say "rope" but apparently they didn't know how cursive writing worked.

Alright, technically this isn't a kid's shirt, but still. I keep trying to figure out what this was supposed to mean or why there's a moose on there, but I'm completely clueless on this one.

I'm 90% sure that's the name of a Ludacris song.

Something tells me this is not a shirt from a 1997 Bon Jovi world tour.

Those seductive lips all over the place definitely doesn't help take down the inappropriate levels.

Actually, this one is kind of awesome.

That baby is going straight to jail, unless he has a prescription.

Oh, come on. You're not even trying to disguise it on this one.

Explain to me how this couldn't be dirty. Are there different widths to brooms?

You stay away from me and my family, Elmo.
The Weirdest Hotel Rooms From Around the World
Typically, one hotel room is the same as another. Standardizing lodging makes it easier to clean, price and maintain. But in this feature, we'll delve deep into the hospitality industry to show you ten unusual rooms that are very different from the ones around them.
![The Weirdest Hotel Rooms From Around the World, Room 332, Hotel ZaZa]()
Boutique Hotel ZaZa is one of Houston's finest inns, but it holds a terrifying secret. One traveler showed up late one night asking if a room was available and was by accident put in Room 332. While the rest of the rooms are modern and inviting, Room 332 has a bare concrete floor, a bed chained to the wall and is about 1/3 the size. Hanging on the walls are creepy paintings as well as a photograph of an executive from the Stanford Group. When the renter complained, the desk clerk panicked, explained that the room wasn't supposed to be rented, and moved him to another. The hotel's official explanation is that Room 332 is supposed to be "prison themed," but some suspect it's a torture den for the Skull & Bones Society. (Photo credit: Vigilant Citizen)
![The Weirdest Hotel Rooms From Around the World, Mine Suite, Sala Silvermine]()
If you've got a major Batman fetish, a trip to Sweden to stay overnight in the Cave Suite might be in the cards. This converted silver mine hosts a single suite over 500 feet underground, accessible only through winding caverns. As you'd expect, it's cold and damp down there, and there's no mobile phone service. Guests are given an intercom to communicate with the surface, and there's always a staff member on duty to run down and cuddle you if you get afraid of the dark. (Photo credit: Salasilvergruva)
![The Weirdest Hotel Rooms From Around the World, Room 333, The Langham Hotel]()
Many hotels around the world are rumored to be haunted, but London's Langham Hotel tops them all. This historic building, constructed in the 1860s, has long been a favorite destination for the Royals and other English celebs. One room, however, draws the lion's share of the terror, and that's Room 333. This third-floor single has been the location of a variety of weird paranormal phenomena over the years, most notably a glowing apparition materializing in front of a BBC newscaster in 1973. The hotel is very reluctant to rent the room, only opening it for special requests. Maybe it's the inspiration for Stephen King's story-turned-movie "1408." (Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons)
![The Weirdest Hotel Rooms From Around the World, Mont Blanc Tube Hostel]()
Some hotels survive just because of location, but the Mont Blanc tube hostel might have a rough future ahead of it. The cylindrical shelter is perched precariously 1,000 feet over jagged rocks in the Italian mountains, and it's designed to serve as overnight shelter for climbers navigating the dangerous ascent between Italy and France. 12 single bunks provide sleeping space and the porthole view of the Fibrouze Glacier is spectacular. Amazingly, the hostel even has Wi-Fi so climbers can check weather. (Photo credit: Interestingearth)
![The Weirdest Hotel Rooms From Around the World, Mirror Room, Propeller Island City Lodge]()
Pretty much every room at the Propeller Island City Lodge in Berlin is unusual in one way or another, as the place is as much an art installation as it is hotel. The most bizarre is the Mirror Room, which is enough to induce a psychotic break in a well-adjusted guest. The diamond-shaped room is covered floor to ceiling with mirrors set at a variety of angles, reflecting what goes on inside in a dizzying, kaleidoscopic fashion. The runner-up is probably the Coffin Room, which is exactly what it sounds like. (Photo credit: Wordpress)
![The Weirdest Hotel Rooms From Around the World, Room 218, Crescent Hotel]()
One thing that can definitely make a hotel room weird is a haunting, and Little Rock's Crescent Hotel has a particularly nasty one. While the building was being constructed, a workman named Michael fell to his demise in what would eventually become Room 218. His malevolent spirit has been reported for decades since then, with all of the hotel's employees taking his existence as fact. If you're ballsy enough to rent the room, you can expect all manner of shenanigans, as guests have reported spectral hands reaching from the mirror and God-awful howling coming from the ceiling. (Photo credit: Twistedsifter)
![The Weirdest Hotel Rooms From Around the World, 727 Fuselage Suite, Hotel Costa Verde]()
If you ever wanted to pretend that you were a supporting character on Lost, the 727 Fuselage Suite at the Hotel Costa Verde in Costa Rica will make your weird fantasy come to life. Built around the shell of a Boeing 727, the suite is paneled in gorgeous teak wood and juts out over the forest canopy. A balcony is built around each wing and the view of the ocean from the pilot's cabin is spectacular. One warning: area monkeys are especially attracted to the plane and might get up to some mischief. (Photo credit: Wordpress)
![The Weirdest Hotel Rooms From Around the World, Caveman Room, Madonna Inn]()
The Madonna Inn in San Luis Obispo is full of nothing but bizarre rooms - all 110 of them are decorated and themed differently, and they all reek of pure 70s kitsch. The one room that stands out is the hilarious Room 137, fondly known as the "Caveman Room." The walls and ceiling are made of slabs of rock cemented together to look like the Flinstones' house, wooden clubs hang from the walls and the stone shower features a simulated waterfall. (Photo credit: Tony Bradbury via Flickr CC)
![The Weirdest Hotel Rooms From Around the World, Hotel CasAnus]()
Of all the inspiration to model a one-room hotel after, the human anus is pretty low on the list. Dutch artist Josep van Lieshout created this large-scale model of the bottom part of the human digestive tract and it was purchased by the Verbeke Foundation in Antwerp, Belgium and installed as a permanent fixture at their Art Park. Inside, the large intestine houses a comfortable double bed and a working bathroom, which is a bit ironic. The outside is painted a gruesome red and features visible veins that will make you think about hemorrhoids. (Photo credit: Youtube)
![The Weirdest Hotel Rooms From Around the World, Null Stern, Null Stern Hotel]()
Let's close this list with a sleeping space that bills itself as "the world's only zero-star hotel." The two large rooms at the Null Stern Hotel in Switzerland are devoid of any kind of comfort or privacy. That's because they were built from a converted nuclear bunker. The rooms accommodate 14 people each in four double beds and six singles. With no windows, no television, no Wi-Fi and no private bathrooms, it's the kind of hotel room you'll want to get out of as fast as you possibly can. The loud ventilation system that pumps air through the windowless space is tough to sleep through, but they do provide earmuffs to dampen the noise a bit. (Photo credit: Null Stern Hotel)
If strange buildings seduce your curiosity, there is always 10 Modern Examples of Weird Architecture.
Room 332, Hotel ZaZa

Boutique Hotel ZaZa is one of Houston's finest inns, but it holds a terrifying secret. One traveler showed up late one night asking if a room was available and was by accident put in Room 332. While the rest of the rooms are modern and inviting, Room 332 has a bare concrete floor, a bed chained to the wall and is about 1/3 the size. Hanging on the walls are creepy paintings as well as a photograph of an executive from the Stanford Group. When the renter complained, the desk clerk panicked, explained that the room wasn't supposed to be rented, and moved him to another. The hotel's official explanation is that Room 332 is supposed to be "prison themed," but some suspect it's a torture den for the Skull & Bones Society. (Photo credit: Vigilant Citizen)
Mine Suite, Sala Silvermine

If you've got a major Batman fetish, a trip to Sweden to stay overnight in the Cave Suite might be in the cards. This converted silver mine hosts a single suite over 500 feet underground, accessible only through winding caverns. As you'd expect, it's cold and damp down there, and there's no mobile phone service. Guests are given an intercom to communicate with the surface, and there's always a staff member on duty to run down and cuddle you if you get afraid of the dark. (Photo credit: Salasilvergruva)
Room 333, The Langham Hotel

Many hotels around the world are rumored to be haunted, but London's Langham Hotel tops them all. This historic building, constructed in the 1860s, has long been a favorite destination for the Royals and other English celebs. One room, however, draws the lion's share of the terror, and that's Room 333. This third-floor single has been the location of a variety of weird paranormal phenomena over the years, most notably a glowing apparition materializing in front of a BBC newscaster in 1973. The hotel is very reluctant to rent the room, only opening it for special requests. Maybe it's the inspiration for Stephen King's story-turned-movie "1408." (Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons)
Mont Blanc Tube Hostel

Some hotels survive just because of location, but the Mont Blanc tube hostel might have a rough future ahead of it. The cylindrical shelter is perched precariously 1,000 feet over jagged rocks in the Italian mountains, and it's designed to serve as overnight shelter for climbers navigating the dangerous ascent between Italy and France. 12 single bunks provide sleeping space and the porthole view of the Fibrouze Glacier is spectacular. Amazingly, the hostel even has Wi-Fi so climbers can check weather. (Photo credit: Interestingearth)
Mirror Room, Propeller Island City Lodge

Pretty much every room at the Propeller Island City Lodge in Berlin is unusual in one way or another, as the place is as much an art installation as it is hotel. The most bizarre is the Mirror Room, which is enough to induce a psychotic break in a well-adjusted guest. The diamond-shaped room is covered floor to ceiling with mirrors set at a variety of angles, reflecting what goes on inside in a dizzying, kaleidoscopic fashion. The runner-up is probably the Coffin Room, which is exactly what it sounds like. (Photo credit: Wordpress)
Room 218, Crescent Hotel

One thing that can definitely make a hotel room weird is a haunting, and Little Rock's Crescent Hotel has a particularly nasty one. While the building was being constructed, a workman named Michael fell to his demise in what would eventually become Room 218. His malevolent spirit has been reported for decades since then, with all of the hotel's employees taking his existence as fact. If you're ballsy enough to rent the room, you can expect all manner of shenanigans, as guests have reported spectral hands reaching from the mirror and God-awful howling coming from the ceiling. (Photo credit: Twistedsifter)
727 Fuselage Suite, Hotel Costa Verde

If you ever wanted to pretend that you were a supporting character on Lost, the 727 Fuselage Suite at the Hotel Costa Verde in Costa Rica will make your weird fantasy come to life. Built around the shell of a Boeing 727, the suite is paneled in gorgeous teak wood and juts out over the forest canopy. A balcony is built around each wing and the view of the ocean from the pilot's cabin is spectacular. One warning: area monkeys are especially attracted to the plane and might get up to some mischief. (Photo credit: Wordpress)
Caveman Room, Madonna Inn

The Madonna Inn in San Luis Obispo is full of nothing but bizarre rooms - all 110 of them are decorated and themed differently, and they all reek of pure 70s kitsch. The one room that stands out is the hilarious Room 137, fondly known as the "Caveman Room." The walls and ceiling are made of slabs of rock cemented together to look like the Flinstones' house, wooden clubs hang from the walls and the stone shower features a simulated waterfall. (Photo credit: Tony Bradbury via Flickr CC)
Hotel CasAnus

Of all the inspiration to model a one-room hotel after, the human anus is pretty low on the list. Dutch artist Josep van Lieshout created this large-scale model of the bottom part of the human digestive tract and it was purchased by the Verbeke Foundation in Antwerp, Belgium and installed as a permanent fixture at their Art Park. Inside, the large intestine houses a comfortable double bed and a working bathroom, which is a bit ironic. The outside is painted a gruesome red and features visible veins that will make you think about hemorrhoids. (Photo credit: Youtube)
Null Stern, Null Stern Hotel

Let's close this list with a sleeping space that bills itself as "the world's only zero-star hotel." The two large rooms at the Null Stern Hotel in Switzerland are devoid of any kind of comfort or privacy. That's because they were built from a converted nuclear bunker. The rooms accommodate 14 people each in four double beds and six singles. With no windows, no television, no Wi-Fi and no private bathrooms, it's the kind of hotel room you'll want to get out of as fast as you possibly can. The loud ventilation system that pumps air through the windowless space is tough to sleep through, but they do provide earmuffs to dampen the noise a bit. (Photo credit: Null Stern Hotel)
If strange buildings seduce your curiosity, there is always 10 Modern Examples of Weird Architecture.
There Are Funny Faces Hiding Everywhere in the World
This is a paranoid person's nightmare. Yes, you are being watched nearly all the time by inanimate objects. Here are 20 examples of everyday items, and one microscopic, that prove we find visions of ourselves everywhere. Makes us think of Travis Bickle: "You lookin' at me?"
![Faces Hiding Everywhere in the World, wheelchair face]()
![Faces Hiding Everywhere in the World, purse face]()
![Faces Hiding Everywhere in the World, chair face]()
![Faces Hiding Everywhere in the World, window shade face]()
![Faces Hiding Everywhere in the World, bread face]()
![Faces Hiding Everywhere in the World, vacuum cleaner face]()
![Faces Hiding Everywhere in the World, butter face]()
![Faces Hiding Everywhere in the World, handbag face]()
![Faces Hiding Everywhere in the World, light fixture face]()
![Faces Hiding Everywhere in the World, microscopic face]()
![Faces Hiding Everywhere in the World, tree face]()
![Faces Hiding Everywhere in the World, coffee lid face]()
![Faces Hiding Everywhere in the World, seatbelt face]()
![Faces Hiding Everywhere in the World, soup face]()
![Faces Hiding Everywhere in the World, computer speakers face]()
![Faces Hiding Everywhere in the World, cigarette holder face]()
![Faces Hiding Everywhere in the World, fries face]()
![Faces Hiding Everywhere in the World, house face]()
![Faces Hiding Everywhere in the World, laundry basket face]()
![Faces Hiding Everywhere in the World, office chair face]()
h/t Pleated-Jeans

h/t Pleated-Jeans
These Girls Definitely Went Too Far With Plastic Surgery
Look, we don't want to judge. If wearing a lot of make-up makes a girl feel beautiful, then we say go for it. Same with a few nip/tucks. But is there a line some cross in seeking attributes they weren't born with? A few of these women may have fallen a bit too much in love with silicone. And bigger may not necessarily be better. Here are several girls who went too far with plastic surgery.
![These Girls Definitely Went Too Far With Plastic Surgery, big boobs]()
![These Girls Definitely Went Too Far With Plastic Surgery, big boobs and lips]()
![These Girls Definitely Went Too Far With Plastic Surgery, big boobs and lips]()
![These Girls Definitely Went Too Far With Plastic Surgery, big lips]()
![These Girls Definitely Went Too Far With Plastic Surgery, big lips]()
![These Girls Definitely Went Too Far With Plastic Surgery, big boobs]()
![These Girls Definitely Went Too Far With Plastic Surgery, big lips]()
![These Girls Definitely Went Too Far With Plastic Surgery, big lips]()
![These Girls Definitely Went Too Far With Plastic Surgery, big boobs and lips]()
![These Girls Definitely Went Too Far With Plastic Surgery, big lips]()
![These Girls Definitely Went Too Far With Plastic Surgery, big boobs and lips]()
![These Girls Definitely Went Too Far With Plastic Surgery, big lips]()
![These Girls Definitely Went Too Far With Plastic Surgery, big boobs]()
![These Girls Definitely Went Too Far With Plastic Surgery, big lips and boobs]()
![These Girls Definitely Went Too Far With Plastic Surgery, big boobs]()
![These Girls Definitely Went Too Far With Plastic Surgery, big lips and boobs]()
h/t Izismile

h/t Izismile
The Best and Worst Films of Kevin Costner
Kevin Costner has a confusing history as one of Hollywood's favorite leading men. Starting at the end of the '80s, he carried one beloved blockbuster after the next. But less than a decade later, he was starring in one incredible misfire after another. Costner may be on a course to redemption today playing the wise, sane supporting character like he did in "Man of Steel" and "Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit." The upcoming Disney film "McFarland USA" looks to be another step in the right direction. But looking back, here is a ranking of his five best and five worst films so far.
THE BEST![best and worst of kevin costner movies, jfk]()
"JFK" boasted a powerhouse cast, including Tommy Lee Jones, Joe Pesci, Kevin Bacon, and John Candy, to name just a few, but Costner was at its helm as the noble and fiery real-life DA Jim Morrison, trying desperately to uncover the hidden truth about the Kennedy assassination. Clocking in at over 3 hours, the riveting twists and turns Costner's dogged investigation takes makes "JFK" fly by in one mind-blowing blur.
![best and worst of kevin costner movies, the untouchables]()
This was Costner's breakout role as a leading man, which would cement him as one of film's best dramatic actors. The novice star took on heavyweight Robert DeNiro as the cold-blooded, Prohibition era mobster, and capably held his own against him. Brian DePalma directed this intensely entertaining cops and robbers action drama that set Costner on an unstoppable path (at least in the short term) to acclaimed blockbuster after blockbuster.
![best and worst of kevin costner movies, dances with wolves]()
Perhaps the pinnacle of his career, Costner starred, produced and made his directorial debut with "Dances With Wolves." Here he plays Lt. John Dunbar, a Civil War hero who's transfer to a Western outpost, occupied only by a lonely wolf, introduces him to the ways of the Sioux Indians. They eventually adopt him into their tribe after benefiting from his bravery and loyalty. Another 3-plus-hour epic, the film was responsible for ushering back in another Western renaissance of film. Its shoot ran into budget overruns with one setback after the next and early word led many to believe this would be a career-ending endeavor for Costner. On the contrary, it was instantly embraced upon its release, finding both major critical and box-office success, and won seven Oscars, including Best Picture and Director.
![best and worst of kevin costner movies, field of dreams]()
How do you make a grown man cry? Apparently, have him watch "Field of Dreams." Sports would become a familiar subject of Costner's work, particularly baseball, and this represents his most touching and enchanting example. Voices in his head convince Costner's struggling farmer Ray Kinsella to build a baseball diamond in the middle of his cornfield defying the skepticism of his disbelieving peers and neighbors. In an homage to both America's favorite pastime and the everlasting bond of fatherhood, Costner shines in this quiet, otherworldly tearjerker.
![best and worst of kevin costner movies, bull durham]()
If you ever need proof that sex and baseball are naturally linked, look no further than "Bull Durham," Costner's best film and a role that provides a master class in what makes a true dramatic, comedic, and romantic leading man. As Crash Davis, Costner performs as all three as an aging ballplayer who's last stand in the minors is both disrupted and distinguished by his mentorship to an up-and-coming hotshot pitcher played by Tim Robbins - in a part that would make the then little-known actor a star. Add a sultry Susan Sarandon who steers this baseball diamond duo into a love triangle and you've got an unforgettable example of home run storytelling and filmmaking.
No. 5 - Waterworld (1995)
![best and worst of kevin costner movies, waterworld]()
Costner's Waterloo, "Waterworld" is where the superstar's tide turned from reliably bankable to laughable. Set 200 years in the future, where global warming has flooded the planet into one big ocean, this 1995 post-apocalyptic premise was prescient and perhaps even more relevant for us today. If Costner could tell the future however, he would find that despite some good driving action and a manically inspired performance by baddie Dennis Hopper, critics and audiences would brand this a big-budget disaster.
![best and worst kevin costner films, rumor has it]()
Supposedly a companion to "The Graduate," Jennifer Aniston discovers she might be the real-life daughter of the inspiration for the seminal 60's film and seeks out Costner, who may be her long-lost father, in a quest for the real story. The fact that she quickly ends up in bed with him is icky enough. But so is the waste of talent, Shirley MacClaine, Mark Ruffallo, and director Rob Reiner included. Costner and Reiner are not just collaborators here, but mirror images of masters of film who transitioned very poorly into the 21st Century.
![best and worst of kevin costner movies, the postman]()
The worst part of "The Postman," and there are many, is that this ridiculousness was Costner's directorial follow-up to "Dances with Wolves." Released in 1997, the film takes place in a post-apocalyptic... 2013! Maybe the ruin had something to do with Obamacare or Andy Cohen. But in a world now ruled by ruthless, brutal tyrants, Costner plays the one man who can restore hope to the country... an uncertified postal carrier! Having been drenched in bad reviews with "Waterworld" you would think he would have thought twice about charting these dystopian seas again.
![best and worst of kevin costner movies, 3000 miles to graceland]()
Costner shares the screen with a great cast including Kurt Russell and Christian Slater, all members of a gang of crooks who dress like Elvis to blend in at a Las Vegas convention and rob a casino. Ultra-violent and ludicrous, this flop also steals a trove of movie clichés along the way. Costner seems to be enjoying himself here as a bad guy obsessed with the King of Rock and Roll, but the rest of us commoners forced to watch this trifle are only left to sing the blues.
![best and worst of kevin costner movies, dragonfly]()
That Costner was in a movie called "Dragonfly" was a surprise and it is easy to see why this bomb buzzed right by us and accounts for his very worst film. Costner returns to otherworldy drama here, haunted by the unexpected death of his wife and unexplainable events that he encounters afterward. Moody, broody, and boring, in "Dragonfly" Costner falls deepest into his capacity for a sleepy performance that would come to define his later work. There are ghosts, messages from beyond the grave, and a cinematic twist that the unfortunate audience will already be rendered too numb to even care about.
No. 5 - JFK (1991)

"JFK" boasted a powerhouse cast, including Tommy Lee Jones, Joe Pesci, Kevin Bacon, and John Candy, to name just a few, but Costner was at its helm as the noble and fiery real-life DA Jim Morrison, trying desperately to uncover the hidden truth about the Kennedy assassination. Clocking in at over 3 hours, the riveting twists and turns Costner's dogged investigation takes makes "JFK" fly by in one mind-blowing blur.
No. 4 - The Untouchables (1987)

This was Costner's breakout role as a leading man, which would cement him as one of film's best dramatic actors. The novice star took on heavyweight Robert DeNiro as the cold-blooded, Prohibition era mobster, and capably held his own against him. Brian DePalma directed this intensely entertaining cops and robbers action drama that set Costner on an unstoppable path (at least in the short term) to acclaimed blockbuster after blockbuster.
No. 3 - Dances With Wolves (1990)

Perhaps the pinnacle of his career, Costner starred, produced and made his directorial debut with "Dances With Wolves." Here he plays Lt. John Dunbar, a Civil War hero who's transfer to a Western outpost, occupied only by a lonely wolf, introduces him to the ways of the Sioux Indians. They eventually adopt him into their tribe after benefiting from his bravery and loyalty. Another 3-plus-hour epic, the film was responsible for ushering back in another Western renaissance of film. Its shoot ran into budget overruns with one setback after the next and early word led many to believe this would be a career-ending endeavor for Costner. On the contrary, it was instantly embraced upon its release, finding both major critical and box-office success, and won seven Oscars, including Best Picture and Director.
No. 2 - Field of Dreams (1989)

How do you make a grown man cry? Apparently, have him watch "Field of Dreams." Sports would become a familiar subject of Costner's work, particularly baseball, and this represents his most touching and enchanting example. Voices in his head convince Costner's struggling farmer Ray Kinsella to build a baseball diamond in the middle of his cornfield defying the skepticism of his disbelieving peers and neighbors. In an homage to both America's favorite pastime and the everlasting bond of fatherhood, Costner shines in this quiet, otherworldly tearjerker.
No. 1 - Bull Durham (1988)

If you ever need proof that sex and baseball are naturally linked, look no further than "Bull Durham," Costner's best film and a role that provides a master class in what makes a true dramatic, comedic, and romantic leading man. As Crash Davis, Costner performs as all three as an aging ballplayer who's last stand in the minors is both disrupted and distinguished by his mentorship to an up-and-coming hotshot pitcher played by Tim Robbins - in a part that would make the then little-known actor a star. Add a sultry Susan Sarandon who steers this baseball diamond duo into a love triangle and you've got an unforgettable example of home run storytelling and filmmaking.
No. 5 - Waterworld (1995)

Costner's Waterloo, "Waterworld" is where the superstar's tide turned from reliably bankable to laughable. Set 200 years in the future, where global warming has flooded the planet into one big ocean, this 1995 post-apocalyptic premise was prescient and perhaps even more relevant for us today. If Costner could tell the future however, he would find that despite some good driving action and a manically inspired performance by baddie Dennis Hopper, critics and audiences would brand this a big-budget disaster.
No. 4 - Rumor Has It (2005)

Supposedly a companion to "The Graduate," Jennifer Aniston discovers she might be the real-life daughter of the inspiration for the seminal 60's film and seeks out Costner, who may be her long-lost father, in a quest for the real story. The fact that she quickly ends up in bed with him is icky enough. But so is the waste of talent, Shirley MacClaine, Mark Ruffallo, and director Rob Reiner included. Costner and Reiner are not just collaborators here, but mirror images of masters of film who transitioned very poorly into the 21st Century.
No. 3 - The Postman (1997)

The worst part of "The Postman," and there are many, is that this ridiculousness was Costner's directorial follow-up to "Dances with Wolves." Released in 1997, the film takes place in a post-apocalyptic... 2013! Maybe the ruin had something to do with Obamacare or Andy Cohen. But in a world now ruled by ruthless, brutal tyrants, Costner plays the one man who can restore hope to the country... an uncertified postal carrier! Having been drenched in bad reviews with "Waterworld" you would think he would have thought twice about charting these dystopian seas again.
No. 2 - 3000 Miles to Graceland (2001)

Costner shares the screen with a great cast including Kurt Russell and Christian Slater, all members of a gang of crooks who dress like Elvis to blend in at a Las Vegas convention and rob a casino. Ultra-violent and ludicrous, this flop also steals a trove of movie clichés along the way. Costner seems to be enjoying himself here as a bad guy obsessed with the King of Rock and Roll, but the rest of us commoners forced to watch this trifle are only left to sing the blues.
No.1 - Dragonfly (2002)

That Costner was in a movie called "Dragonfly" was a surprise and it is easy to see why this bomb buzzed right by us and accounts for his very worst film. Costner returns to otherworldy drama here, haunted by the unexpected death of his wife and unexplainable events that he encounters afterward. Moody, broody, and boring, in "Dragonfly" Costner falls deepest into his capacity for a sleepy performance that would come to define his later work. There are ghosts, messages from beyond the grave, and a cinematic twist that the unfortunate audience will already be rendered too numb to even care about.
Elena Belle is the Belle of the Internet
The Internet's Official Guide to Twerking
Twerking is a worldwide phenomenon that doesn't seem to be slowing down. Ever since I first exposed myself to it, I've been hooked. Is it a dance? Is it a mating ritual? I'm not sure. Nevertheless, it's something I'm passionate about. For those of you who simply must join in but aren't sure how, here's a quick guide to doing it successfully.
![How to Twerk, Twerking, Funny Twerking]()
![How to Twerk, Twerking, Funny Twerking]()
![How to Twerk, Twerking, Funny Twerking]()
![How to Twerk, Twerking, Funny Twerking]()
![How to Twerk, Twerking, Funny Twerking]()
![How to Twerk, Twerking, Funny Twerking]()
Oh, and if you're curious what kind of response you'll get after you master this art, here's a little sneak peek:

Oh, and if you're curious what kind of response you'll get after you master this art, here's a little sneak peek:

Brittanya O'Campo Knows How To Rock Love
Topless Madonna Poses For Interview Magazine
Even though it's been over thirty years since Madonna released her first album (titled Madonna, no less), she's still staying relevant in pop culture. In December's issue of Interview magazine, she was willing to show off her body. At least the upper half. Although, are you really shocked? This is, after all, the same artist who published a book called Sex.
But what's most interesting is her conversation with magician David Blaine, where she reveals that she (unsurprisingly) tried drugs. "I mean, I tried everything once, but as soon as I was high, I spent my time drinking tons of water to get it out of my system. As soon as I was high, I was obsessed with flushing it out of me. I was like, 'Okay, I'm done now.'"
Here's the photo that has people chattering. Not bad for a 56-year-old, right?
![Madonna Topless Interview magazine]()
For the uncensored, NSFW photo, check it out over at HuffPo.
Who do you think broke the Internet better? Kim Kardashian Tries To Break The Internet With Her Ass, Pretty Much Succeeds
But what's most interesting is her conversation with magician David Blaine, where she reveals that she (unsurprisingly) tried drugs. "I mean, I tried everything once, but as soon as I was high, I spent my time drinking tons of water to get it out of my system. As soon as I was high, I was obsessed with flushing it out of me. I was like, 'Okay, I'm done now.'"
Here's the photo that has people chattering. Not bad for a 56-year-old, right?

For the uncensored, NSFW photo, check it out over at HuffPo.
Who do you think broke the Internet better? Kim Kardashian Tries To Break The Internet With Her Ass, Pretty Much Succeeds
Melody Le Is Music to Our Eyes
Jackie Dawn Will Make You an Early Riser in More Ways Than One
Lara Pulver Shows Off Her Tea and Strumpets in 'Sherlock'
Celebrities Who've Exploded Social Media
So Ellen broke Twitter with her Oscar night selfie -- and Kim K failed in her recent attempt to explode the internet with her recent butt pic (but came close). But there are other famous folks who are totally nailing the whole social media thing, and they deserve some props. Here are eight of our favorites, including some awesome throwbacks.
2) Jeff Goldblum
4) Cristiano Ronaldo
5) Kimye
6) Jason Biggs
7) Rihanna
1) Peter Dinklage

This photo of Peter Dinklage rocking one of the most impressive mullets ever seen went crazy on Reddit, garnering hundreds of comments and thousands of shares.
2) Jeff Goldblum

What's better than having Jeff Goldblum agree to be in your wedding photo? Photoshopping in a T-Rex, Jurassic Park-style, obviously.
3) Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson

The Rock put everyone's TBT to shame with this Facebook post. We especially appreciate the carefully-curated hashtags: #90sRock #WTF #BuffLesbian.
4) Cristiano Ronaldo

Portuguese pro soccer player Cristiano Ronaldo has over 100 million fans on Facebook -- that's equivalent to the entire population of the Philippines. He keeps his fans happy with family photos, professional sports updates and info on his new shirt line. Facebook even gave him an award for hitting the big 100 mil -- pictured here.
5) Kimye

Her champagne-glass-balancing-act may not have broken the internet, but this wedding photo holds the title of Most Liked Photo on Instagram -- proof that there are over 2.3 million idiots online (and reason why we can't have nice things).
6) Jason Biggs

Jason Biggs cracked this joke just a little bit too soon ... it was retweeted and responded to thousands of times before he was able to delete it and issue an apology.
7) Rihanna

Rihanna's not exempt from Instagram's code of conduct; when she posted this topless photo from the cover of French magazine Lui, her account was shut down -- bad news for us, and her other eight million followers.
8) Kobe Bryant

While fans were missing out on Kobe on the court, during a recovery period, Bryant kept us posted on his progress and entertained three million Instagrammers with shots like this, which yielded hundreds of thousands of likes.
Seeing Double: Stunt People And Their A-List Actresses
Dog Fetch Fails Can Brighten Up Any Ruff Day
You're having one of those days, aren't you? Nothing a little dogs completely failing miserably at playing fetch can't fix.
h/t Tastefully Offensive
Today's Funny Photos
This Is The Absolute Meanest Thing You Can Do To A Girl During Homecoming Season
This starts out as a very sweet gesture that probably made this girl feel very special inside. It does not end that way.
![This Is The Absolute Meanest Thing You Can Do To A Girl During Homecoming Season, pizza prank]()
![This Is The Absolute Meanest Thing You Can Do To A Girl During Homecoming Season, pizza prank]()
![This Is The Absolute Meanest Thing You Can Do To A Girl During Homecoming Season, pizza prank]()
You all remember the movie "Carrie," right? You know, the one about the lonely girl who is jokingly invited to prom, has pig's blood spilled all over her, then uses her telekinetic power to destroy the school? Well, this girl could very well become the real life Carrie. And justifiably so.
h/t Davidhodali

You all remember the movie "Carrie," right? You know, the one about the lonely girl who is jokingly invited to prom, has pig's blood spilled all over her, then uses her telekinetic power to destroy the school? Well, this girl could very well become the real life Carrie. And justifiably so.
h/t Davidhodali
20 Stats About China's Economy That Will Make You Feel Very Small
Everything's bigger in China. In October, the IMF said China had the world's largest economy, displacing the grand ol' USA for the first time in 142 years. It seems our friends in the Far East are on their game. Here are 20 statistics that show China is an economic freak.
![stats about China, china economy facts, crazy facts about China]()
![stats about China, china economy facts, crazy facts about China]()
![stats about China, china economy facts, crazy facts about China]()
![stats about China, china economy facts, crazy facts about China]()
![stats about China, china economy facts, crazy facts about China]()
![stats about China, china economy facts, crazy facts about China]()
![stats about China, china economy facts, crazy facts about China]()
![stats about China, china economy facts, crazy facts about China]()
![stats about China, china economy facts, crazy facts about China]()
![stats about China, china economy facts, crazy facts about China]()
![stats about China, china economy facts, crazy facts about China]()
![stats about China, china economy facts, crazy facts about China]()
![stats about China, china economy facts, crazy facts about China]()
![stats about China, china economy facts, crazy facts about China]()
![stats about China, china economy facts, crazy facts about China]()
![stats about China, china economy facts, crazy facts about China]()
![stats about China, china economy facts, crazy facts about China]()
![stats about China, china economy facts, crazy facts about China]()
![stats about China, china economy facts, crazy facts about China]()
![stats about China, china economy facts, crazy facts about China]()

These Kids' Toys Seem Very Inappropriate for Kids
We would've loved to have been a fly on the wall when some of these toys were pitched to executives. "Hey, wouldn't it be neat for kids to play with pretend dog crap?" Who knows, maybe some kids would actually enjoy it and this is the perfect toy for them. On the other hand, what kind of adults are they going to become as a result? The only thing good to come out of these inappropriate kids' toys is they are very entertaining. Parents, steer clear of weird gifts like these for the holidays.
![These Kid's Toys Seem Very Inappropriate, doggy do]()
![These Kid's Toys Seem Very Inappropriate, stripper pole]()
![These Kid's Toys Seem Very Inappropriate, narwhal]()
![These Kid's Toys Seem Very Inappropriate, wonder woman scissors]()
![These Kid's Toys Seem Very Inappropriate, phallic toy]()
![These Kid's Toys Seem Very Inappropriate, titanic slide]()
![These Toys Seem Very Inappropriate, baby with penis]()
![These Kid's Toys Seem Very Inappropriate, my cleaning trolley]()
![These Kid's Toys Seem Very Inappropriate, weird babies]()
![These Kid's Toys Seem Very Inappropriate, mew stylus]()
![These Kid's Toys Seem Very Inappropriate, superman blowup doll]()
![These Kid's Toys Seem Very Inappropriate, straight jacket]()
![These Kid's Toys Seem Very Inappropriate, blow up toy]()
![These Kid's Toys Seem Very Inappropriate, toy with penis]()
![These Kid's Toys Seem Very Inappropriate, winnie the pooh]()
![These Kid's Toys Seem Very Inappropriate, buzz lightyear]()
![These Kid's Toys Seem Very Inappropriate, boobs on doll]()
![These Kid's Toys Seem Very Inappropriate, penis unicorn]()
![These Kid's Toys Seem Very Inappropriate, avenging unicorn]()
![These Kid's Toys Seem Very Inappropriate, tattoo kit]()
![These Kid's Toys Seem Very Inappropriate, batman squirt gun]()
![These Kid's Toys Seem Very Inappropriate, coat hanger as penis]()
![These Kid's Toys Seem Very Inappropriate, spiderman penis]()
