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Chinese Cyclist Somehow Survives Getting Run Over By Truck

This guy might be taking the bus for a while.

According to UPI, a Chinese cyclist in Ningbo is lucky to be alive after getting run over by a big rig. Surveillance cameras captured the dramatic event from numerous angles, each one more shocking than the next.

The cyclist somehow managed to not get his dome or limbs crushed by any of the truck's 14 wheels, but that's not even the craziest part of the video. By our count, there are five people on scooters across the street and one young lady on a scooter who drive past the dazed cyclist, and none of them help him out.

Think that's nuts? A car ran over this kid twice, and he still jumped to his feet and walked away: Young Boy Run Over By Car is Amazingly Unharmed and May Be a Superhero


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13 Disneyland Secrets That'll Surprise You


If you've ever been to Disneyland, you know it's a magical place full of wonder. (Well, for kids at least. Your $13 hot dog probably didn't taste so full of wonder.) But no matter how many times you've visited the iconic amusement park, we guarantee you never knew about these little unknown gems tucked away inside the happiest place on earth. From the only place to get booze to a misplaced basketball court, here are 13 secrets you never knew about Disneyland.


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Hustler is Making a Porn Parody of 'The Interview'

Only a limited number of people are going to be able to take in the real version of Seth Rogen's latest effort on Christmas Day, but thanks to Hustler founder Larry Flynt, everybody over the age of 18 will be able to see the porn parody of "The Interview" sometime this spring.

According to Huffington Post, Flynt can't wait to throw "This Ain't The Interview XXX" in the North Korean dictator's face.

the interview porn parody
"If Kim Jong-un and his henchmen were upset before," Flynt said, "wait till they see the movie we're going to make. I've spent a lifetime fighting for the First Amendment, and no foreign dictator is going to take away my right to free speech."

In the real version of "The Interview," one of the most controversial scenes featured Kim Jong-un meeting his maker in a fiery helicopter explosion. Flynt didn't say how he plans on taking him out in his film, but one can only hope that it involves getting hit with a big bag of dicks or something like that.

Sadly, here's one sexy woman who won't be making an appearance in the film: Oh No! Lisa Ann Is Done With Porn


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New Beer Designed to Help You Reach Your Creative Peak

You apparently can't go all Amanda Bynes with it though, as if you drink too much, it will defeat the purpose.

According to Uproxx, the gang at Rocket Brewing has come up with a new beer called "The Problem Solver" that they say is a "delicious way to reach your creative peak."

The Problem Solver beer, creative peak beer
Researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago last year discovered that people usually don't hit their creative peaks until they reach a BAC of .075. Their study suggested that those participants with a BAC just under .08 outperformed others who were sober when it came to completing creative tasks, and those who were bombed underperformed when it came to memory tasks.

In an effort to make sure a drinker reaches his or her creative peak but doesn't go too far, a scale can be found on the back of the bottle of "The Problem Solver" that correlates how much of the India Pale Ale should be consumed based on the drinker's weight.

"The Problem Solver" can be classified as a new product, but let's be honest: We all have an alcoholic uncle who has been calling his beer that for years.

Speaking of peaks: Japanese Cookies Claim They Can Make Breasts Bigger


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19 People Having A Worse Day At Work Than You


If you're at work right now, you're probably pretty miserable. But at least you're not failing at the day as badly as these people.


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Today's Funny Photos

7 of the Creepiest Cab Stories You'll Ever Hear


Taxis present an inherently creepy scenario: A stranger has complete control over your life for a certain amount of time, and for some reason we completely throw caution to the wind every time. It seems a new story of some disgruntled cabbie going berserk comes out every week, and we believe it, because we, too, have been there. Here are seven taxi stories that'll make you just want to take the bus instead.

1. Cabbie Arrested for Pee-Pee Fetish
When women would enter Toshihiko Nishi's cab, he would offer them a snack. The 41-year-old Osaka, Japan taxi driver would give them crackers laced with a powerful diuretic and tell them, "If you can't hold it in, it's OK to do it in the cab."

He intentionally took lengthy, congested routes in hopes passengers would burst at the bladder: "I got a thrill out of watching women try to hold it in," he told authorities. "I did it maybe 40 or 50 times." He would pass back an absorbent sheet and tell them to get on with it.

Police raided Nishi's home and found 120 furosemide tablets (a diuretic drug used to treat excessive fluid accumulation) and 50 videos of passengers pissing themselves on his computer.

Did anyone notice the cab smelled like a cat orgy?

2. Drag Queen Cabbie Robs $225,000 from Passengers
Three years, 60 victims and $225,000 later, Maryland "cabbie" Nyerere Mitchell was rolling in the dough. His scam was to pick up intensely inebriated passengers and pretend to be a woman -- complete with a wig and padded breasts.

Mitchell would ask for their credit card and take them to an ATM when it came time to pay. He would withdraw hundreds of dollars instead of the $10 to $40 it would normally cost. He would then hand them a credit card belonging to a previous passenger he'd ripped off. Once he had the new credit card, he would cash money orders and make oodles of profit.

Mitchell pled guilty in October and faces 10 years in prison. Let's hope he leaves the transsexual attire at home.

3. Cabbie Swings Meat Cleaver at Passenger Over Chump Change
In Ireland, a taxi driver whipped out a meat cleaver and began swiping at a passenger when he politely asked for change when he gave him $15. Nigerian immigrant Bolanje Banjo -- low on blood sugar, apparently -- sliced the passenger's shoulder and blood sprayed from the wound.

Tip your cabbie well, as I believe it is policy to brandish a machete if one under-tips. Banjo was sentenced to three years, giving him plenty of time to learn the banjo.

4. "I Do Not Know How My DNA Got in Her Vagina," Says NYC Cab Driver
Well, it did.

On September 11, police called in 40-year-old Gurmeet Singh for questioning about a sexual assault within a cab similar to his. They gave him a cup of water, which he unwittingly drank, leaving his DNA sample.

It linked police to another rape a few months earlier in which the victim was tied up, raped and held at gunpoint. He also stole her cell phone and a whopping $20.

"I do not know how my DNA got in her vagina," Singh sung. He was held on $1 million bail and left his wife and children at home wondering "WTF?"

5. Uber Driver Smashes Passenger with Hammer
In September, Patrick Karajah, 26, picked up a few night owls at a San Francisco bar. When they entered his car they immediately began quarreling over routes. Fed up, Karajah told them to GTFO out of his car, at which point he ran outside and cracked passenger Roberto Chicas in the face with a hammer.

He fled the scene as Chicas lay on the sidewalk, slipping in and out of consciousness with a bloodied eye and a fractured skull. Police apprehended Karajah in his home (probably applying to Lyft). He was released on $125,000 bail -- I've got to switch careers!

Chicas later received the Uber bill, which included a $1 SAFETY FEE. Hopefully he can have that expunged from the record.

6.Young Emily Almost Falls Prey to Violent Scam
This one comes from Reddit, told in the first person by commenter Emily:

"One night I went out with a friend near Liverpool St., London. We were in a pub and I wanted to draw more money out so we could get more drinks. I left the pub and walked down toward the cash machine, drew out my cash, then came back. As I went to enter the door to the pub a cabbie pulled up and got out and said 'Hey, excuse me?' I said hello back. 'I just won the lottery!' he said. 'I've got champagne and I'm going to have a party, do you want to come?' I laughed it off and told him no thanks and went into the pub.

"Months later I was reading the paper on the tube and saw that a serial rapist had been arrested. He was a cab driver operating in London and was luring women into his cab by saying he'd won the lottery and had champagne. I'm guessing it was the exact same guy."

7. Urban Legend or Real Occurrence? You Decide
A Malaysian cabbie was working a slow and lonely night shift when he noticed a woman in a white dress standing at a junction. He stopped, and she quietly entered the cab. It was midnight. The woman simply handed him a piece of paper with directions on it, not saying a word.

He was unfamiliar with the territory, and she soon led him down a dusty dirt road. To his shock, he noticed there weren't any houses -- just rows upon rows of gravestones staring back at him. They were in a cemetery.

The mysterious passenger tapped him on the shoulder to stop and handed him a wad of bills. He didn't turn around because he was too creeped out, but he heard the lady in the white dress open and exit the cab.

The next morning -- still disturbed by the incident -- the cabbie drove curiously to the exact location and found a gravestone. It had a picture of the woman in the white dress.

The cabbie later learned the woman had died in a horrific hit-and-run a week earlier in the same junction he picked her up. It happened at midnight.


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The Most Embarrassing Sexual Tweets by Famous Athletes

2014's days might be numbered, but that doesn't mean we're running out of athletes doing something stupid on social media, especially Twitter. Most of the time, it's players saying something asinine about the week's biggest news story -- but not these classy guys.

Here are the nine most embarrassing sexual Twitter episodes ever that involved famous athletes.

St. Louis Cardinals pitcher's favorites are mostly hardcore porn pics.
Carlos Martinez Twitter
St. Louis relief pitcher Carlos Martinez has a hell of a fastball and hell of a love for hardcore porn, and numerous media outlets ran stories about the latter during Spring Training this year. Among the tweets in his favorites that showed how excited he was for the upcoming baseball season, Martinez also retweeted nudie pics from @6969, @NaughtyBoy and @TEENS6969 that showed much more than that.

Steve Nash retweets a picture of a porn star in the shower.
Steve Nash retweets boobs
Porn star Sadie Santana got a lot of men excited in November -- especially the 12 guys on the Los Angeles Lakers roster -- when she tweeted that she would blow the entire team if they won 47 regular season games. She then tweeted a nudie pic of herself in the shower to injured point guard Steve Nash to let him know he was also on her list, and he happily retweeted it.

Russell Wilson favorites a picture of a young lady with a mouthful.
Russell Wilson beej tweet
Wilson's Twitter bio says he is "Too Blessed to Be Stressed," but it was a picture of an African-American man who was pretty blessed below the belt in Wilson's "favorites" that recently grabbed the headlines. The NSFW picture featured a blonde, shocked young lady performing oral sex on the man along with the phrase "You Love Russell Wilson," and last year's Super Bowl-winning quarterback favorited it.

Porn star Bibi Jones tweets pictures of her wearing Rob Gronkowski's jersey.
Rob Gronkowski Bibi Jones
Rob Gronkowski Bibi Jones
The Patriots tight end found himself in hot water with owner Robert Kraft after Bibi Jones tweeted several pictures of her in Gronk's official jersey. One thing Gronk had going for him was the fact that he didn't tweet the photos himself. Another thing was that she is a damn sexy adult film star, and we totally get why he did it.

Deveric Gallington announces he's signing with the Arizona Cardinals after first going back and forth with porn star Kendra Lust.
deveric gallington kendra lust tweet
Gallington signed with the Cardinals in August 2013, and he took to Twitter to tell his followers about it. But that was about an hour after complimenting porn star Kendra Lust on her legs. He probably would have gotten more brownie points with her if he would have used #GodIsGreat at the end of tweets with her, as well.

Yuri Wright reveals he needs some "p***y" tonight.
Yuri Wright Twitter bomb
Don't we all? Cornerback Yuri Wright's prep school was so embarrassed by his tweets that they expelled him despite the fact he was being recruited by Michigan, Notre Dame, Rutgers and Colorado. Michigan allegedly lost interest in him after the tweets, so he instead went to Boulder.

Logan Couture tweets a link to porn.
embarrassing athlete tweets, athlete sex tweets
The San Jose Sharks center followed this juicy tweet up with an explanation that suggested he was a real boring guy because the previous tweet was the most excitement he had ever created on the social media giant. Couture claimed his account had been hacked and said there was no way he was up at 2:30 a.m. We probably would have bought that if his explanation had been posted a tad later than 4:55 a.m.

Michael Jordan's son tweets Rachel Roxxx.
embarrassing athlete tweets, athlete sex tweets
Marcus Jordan used to play basketball for the University of Central Florida. Apparently, he also used to ask porn stars to direct message him without realizing that everybody would see the tweet. In May 2012, Jordan asked Rachel Roxxx if she was ready for "round 2." No word if round 2 ever went down once Roxxx figured out he was a #moron.

Ray Allen tweets dirty.
Ray Allen twitter dirty talk
We knew Allen's game on the court was filthy, but it looks like he also "got game" on Twitter. Well, at least he had game. Allen also claimed his account was hacked, and the future Hall-of-Famer eventually quit tweeting altogether. Good for him.

If Ray Allen's filthy tweet didn't do it for you, these Twitter pics will: The 100 Sexiest Twitter Pics


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Here's Proof That 2014 Was A Great Year For Funny Texts

Texting has become a very essential part of our lives. It allows us to interact and stay connected to people without the unnecessary hassle of drawn out conversation and small talk. More importantly, it allows us to document hilarious conversations we have and post it for the world to see. 2014 was a very good year for funny texts. 2015 has a lot to live up to, but we have a feeling it will.

funny texts

Funny Text, Funny Texts, Funny Photos, Funny Pics



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The Year Is Not Complete Until You Watch The Best News Bloopers of 2014


Well, it's been a hell of a year in news. And we're not even talking about the stories that were being reported. We mean the news itself. A lot of funny shit can go down when you're on live television and it makes the entire experience way more entertaining for those of us watching. A lot of reporters and news anchors this year solidified their place in Internet infamy, so let's take a look at the brave men and women who embarrassed themselves on live television with this supercut of 2014 news bloopers.


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New Year's Eve Party Bingo

We've made it. After all of the preparation and gift shopping, Christmas has come and gone. But the celebrations aren't over. Even if you're exhausted, you've got to hang in there for one last late night of partying. If you're dreading having to make it through another god awful New Year's Eve Party, you can at least make things a little more entertaining. Print out this Bingo card filled with New Year's Eve Party clichés and play with yourself the night of the party (not like that, you sick bastard). It will make the evening so much more enjoyable.

New Years Eve Party Bingo, Funny New Years Eve, Funny New Years


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The 10 Most Memorable Cartoon Dogs

Yes, we all know that there are cat people and dog people. One might go so far as to say that under some circumstances cats may even be the ultimate preferential choice. (Others might not.) But on an animator's table, the ARFs have it paws down. So many dandy dogs of all shapes and sensibilities have been brought to life through the artist's pen, far surpassing any comparable quantity of relevant feline examples. And though there are more than a kennel's worth, here are the 10 most memorable cartoon dogs.

Muttley, "Wacky Races" & various Hanna-Barbera series

Muttley took the term "bad dog" to sky high levels, consorting with known criminals, particularly his master, Dick Dastardly, in too many nefarious plots to count. Lots of dogs careened about the Hanna-Barbera cartoon universe, but this fan favorite was the top. He did speak infrequently in a mumbly gibberish, but his trademark wheezy giggle, usually at Dastardly's expense, made us all smiles. (Photo courtesy of: CBS/Photofest)

Mr. Peabody, "The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show"

Usually dogs are content enough to travel in a moving car with the windows down. But Mr. Peabody, with his superlative intellect, had grander ideas about transport. His curiosity and love of history drove him to build his very own time machine. In it, he and his boy, Sherman, paid visits to the some of the most famous figures from the past. And while his penchant for puns sometimes caused an offscreen brass instrument to groan, we all cheered whenever his "Peabody's Improbable History" appeared among the other cleverly chaotic "Rocky and Bullwinkle" adventures. (Photo courtesy of: ABC/Photofest)

Pluto, "The Chain Gang" & various Disney shorts and specials

Like any good dog, it's always great to see Pluto. Now how a talking mouse can own a dog who himself cannot articulate language and be about the same size is a larger question beyond the scope of this article. The Disney world is a magical one and Pluto is one tried and true mascot. First appearing in the 1930's short, "The Chain Gang," Pluto was a bloodhound pursuing Mickey, who had escaped from prison. But in the films that followed, Mickey and Pluto were lifelong friends, as can probably be said about the rest of the world's relationship with this perky long-eared pup. (Photo courtesy of: Disney)

Brian, "Family Guy"

When your household's most level-headed influence is the family dog, you know it's got its share of dysfunction. Writer, martini-lover, friend to liberal causes, if you want to find an easier dog from this list to relate to, you're barking up the wrong tree. Yes, big problems seem to come the Griffin family's way at least once every week and it is usually Brian (sometimes abetted by baby Stewie) who manages to bring their house to order. From the way he walks and the way he talks and the way he exercises judgment, you would think Brian was human himself. But get him near a running vacuum cleaner and you realize he is definitely all dog. (Photo courtesy of: Fox Broadcasting/Photofest)

Ren, "The Ren and Stimpy Show"

They may not have been the dog and cat living together that Ghostbuster Peter Venkman warned about, but mass hysteria was not an uncommon byproduct of many a Ren and Stimpy adventure. Actually Ren's personal hysteria was an even more common occurrence for he was the most short-tempered, aggressive, psychotically paranoid chihuahua ever drawn. And we loved every minute of him. Living with roommate Stimpy, with all his dopey goodness, might drive anyone insane. But it's likely Ren was that way way before that fat cat ever crossed his path. (Photo courtesy of: Nickelodeon/Photofest)

Dug, "Up"

If your house is going to be set aloft by thousands of helium balloons, you might as well share the ride with a dog named Dug. With a device on his collar that can translate his thoughts into English, here is finally proof that what a canine is thinking is really as unintelligent as we imagined. But that doesn't matter when those words are also full of love and loyalty. And as the wondrous action of the film progresses, Dug proves himself a genuine dog hero, as if the collar instead carried a small keg of brandy. (Photo courtesy of: Photofest/Buena Vista Pictures)

Scooby-Doo, "Scooby-Doo, Where Are You?"

No dog ruled Saturday mornings like Scooby-Doo. A best in show-stopper of a Great Dane, with fine features and a superhero insignia of a dog tag, Scooby, flanked by his friends, habitually fell upon one otherworldly mystery after the next as they travelled together from town to town in their decidedly groovy van.

Scooby was no Lassie: he was cowardly -- often running away from danger, sometimes right into his equally frightened owner Shaggy's arms; he was easily controlled by the enticement of snack items; and he could not contain his ticklishness, sometimes when a dire situation most called for silence or composure. But despite his shortcomings, Scooby always saw his cases solved, usually by unmasking some supernatural entity as a simple human fraud. Justice was sweet for Scooby but not as sweet perhaps as the possible reward of a pizza pie. (Photo courtesy of: Warner Home Video/Photofest)

Santa's Little Helper, "The Simpsons"

Strangely, the only dog on our list who just acts like a dog. This greyhound may be a loser at the track, but he won The Simpson's hearts during the Christmas special that launched the series and in the ensuing decades that followed, the rest of the world. SLH is not the smartest, handsomest, or most obedient dog, but he is there at your feet when you need him most, just like the best of our own non-animated, four-legged friends. (Photo courtesy of: Fox/Photofest)

Tramp, "Lady and the Tramp"

Tramp and his Lady are from opposite sides of the tracks. He an alley-dwelling dog who lives by his wits and calls home wherever he happens to curl up for the night. She an upper class pampered pooch with an impressive roof over her head and a big heart that longs for the scrappy mutt. Solid breeding and a stable home-life mean nothing when love comes a-howling. We're talking about Tramp here, and any dame would see that his attributes outweigh his pedigree. Circumstances and biases conspire to keep him and his love apart, but once you've shared the most romantic meal ever captured on film, that's just doggone impossible. (Photo courtesy of: Buena Vista Distribution Company/Photofest)

Snoopy, various "Peanuts" Specials

Snoopy is not just a cartoon dog. He's a phenomenon. The lines that curl and connect to create his shape and world are simple ones. But Snoopy is anything but. Sure he's a litterful of contradictions: loyal, mischievous, attention-hungry, temperamental, compassionate, and loving; but his influence has soared beyond the strip and television frames and made him one of the most recognized and revered images the globe has ever seen.

Snoopy's exploits as a WWI pilot, for example, so endeared him to fliers in the real world that he was made their unofficial mascot time and again on airlines, Vietnam warplanes, and NASA space shuttles. And for all he's meant and given to international admirers, that's only the tip of the iceberg. How a small, curvy reservoir of white and black ink can leave a continent-sized mark on this planet is too much to contemplate, even while lying atop the sturdiest of doghouses. (Photo courtesy of: CBS/Photofest)


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13 Hilariously Embarrassing Photo Reflections

Has flashing gone high tech? That's all we can think of with these embarrassing photo reflections. If not naked men in mirrors, it's a series of sex toys showing up in selfies. There is no hiding from a reflection's truth, though, and their cause for embarrassment is our cause to laugh.

12 Hilariously Embarrassing Photo Reflections, naked man in mirror
12 Hilariously Embarrassing Photo Reflections, naked man in tea kettle
12 Hilariously Embarrassing Photo Reflections, sex toy in photo
12 Hilariously Embarrassing Photo Reflections, man in underwear in mirror at dining table
12 Hilariously Embarrassing Photo Reflections, man checking out woman's butt in mirror
12 Hilariously Embarrassing Photo Reflections, man nude in mirror with antique table
12 Hilariously Embarrassing Photo Reflections, man nude in front of computer monitor
12 Hilariously Embarrassing Photo Reflections, sex toy in mirror
12 Hilariously Embarrassing Photo Reflections, woman's mirror reveals her gut in selfie
12 Hilariously Embarrassing Photo Reflections, nude man in guitar reflection
12 Hilariously Embarrassing Photo Reflections, man in window mirror in attic
12 Hilariously Embarrassing Photo Reflections, sex toy in sunglasses' reflection
reflection fail, reflection fail anime porn


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Chelsea Handler Keeps Posting Photos Of Her Boobs On Instagram

chelsea handler topless

Chelsea Handler is not giving up on her battle with Instagram and their policy against topless female photos. As part of the ongoing #FreeTheNipple protest, Handler posted two photos of herself looking for her dog on Instagram this past weekend. The photos feature Handler wearing all sorts of things like ski goggles, a ski helmet, a backpack ... but ... um ... not a top.

As per Instagram's policy, both photos were quickly taken down. Thanks to Twitter's slightly more friendly policies on nudity, one of those topless photos remain. Here are the cropped versions of the photos that we can show you.

chelsea handler topless
chelsea handler topless

And if you're not a prude like Instagram, you can check out the uncensored, NSFW photos of Handler on Twitter or over at Gawker.

H/t Gawker


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10 Better Alternatives to Going Out on New Year's Eve

Another year has come and gone, and tomorrow night millions of people will decide to go out and have one last hurrah in 2014 to celebrate and look forward to the future. These people are idiots. Going out on New Year's Eve is overpriced, overwhelming, overrated and ultimately not worth it. You'd be far better off staying in and doing any of the ten activities listed below, all of which are superior to venturing out on New Year's. Happy 2015, everyone!

new year's eve alternatives, better options for NYE


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The 100 Funniest Tweets of 2014

Once again, 2014 was a year filled with hilarious jokes on Twitter. It's amazing that so many brilliant one-liners can come from one site, but day after day these funny men and women just keep cranking them out. Now obviously these are not the ONLY funny tweets this year, but these were our favorites. They aren't in numeric order since they're all brilliantly funny. Here are the tweets we loved the most in 2014.

Follow @robfee on Twitter.


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Today's Funny Photos

The 2014 Buffalo Bills Season Summed Up In Dad Texts

My friend is a huge Buffalo Bills fan. So is his dad. I feel sorry for both of them. But that's not the point. The point is, they have plenty of text conversations during the season and my friend's dad has a lot of opinions about his favorite football team. Most of them are pretty negative. All of them are enjoyable. So let's look back at the roller coaster ride that was the 2014 Buffalo Bills season. (I think my favorite parts are the free movie recommendations.)

buffalo bills text

buffalo bills

buffalo bills

buffalo bills

buffalo bills

buffalo bills

buffalo bills

funny buffalo bills

Really says it all, huh.


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Alabama Football Fan Caught Crapping In Sidewalk Plant (NSFW)

pooping alabama fan

Keep reading to see the uncensored photo. A photo that pretty much sums up how all 'Bama fans feel today.

Alabama football was supposed to roll tide all the way to another National Championship this year. Last night was supposed to the be the start of that championship run in New Orleans, but things did not go as planned for Nick Saban and the Crimson Tide in the Sugar Bowl. College football's #1 ranked team came up short against Urban Meyer, his third string quarterback Cardale Jones and the Ohio State Buckeyes, 42-35. Tide fans who traveled with the team to New Orleans did not seem to take it well. Especially this young lady, who unlike her team, couldn't even find her way to a bowl.

alabama crimson tide pooping

Via @HankGerbhartIII, H/t Deadspin


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