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Dog Leaps Up To Catch Bubbles, Comes Crashing Down On Small Child


When you're a dog jumping in the air trying to catch some bubbles, you don't have a care in the world. Well, unless there is a small child underneath you as you're crashing down to the ground. Please do your self a favor and watch this dog's eyes as he realizes what is happening.


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Gabriella Lenzi Proves Athletes Really Do Have It All

13 Totally Amazing Female Body Transformations

If you're thinking about skipping the gym today, maybe you should scroll through these photos first and think again. Some of these ladies are almost unrecognizable after they dedicated themselves to getting in shape. It's really all the inspiration you should need to get yourself back to the bench press.

female body transformations
female body transformations
female body transformations
female body transformations
female body transformations
female body transformations
female body transformations
female body transformations
female body transformations
female body transformations
female body transformations
female body transformations
female body transformations


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Zoo Today Unloads a Dozen Babes in Their 'Girls of Zoo' 2015 Calendar


Zoo Today has always been good to us, but now they're bringing the best belated holiday gift of all, the "Girls of Zoo" 2015 calendar featuring a dozen deliciously beautiful Zoo babes. Expect to see familiar faces (and curves) from Mandatory favorites like Holly Hagan, Leah Francis, Daisy Watts, Alice Goodwin and Jodie Marsh. Oh, who are we kidding? We have to give shoutouts to Jessica Kingham, Melissa Debling, Caitlin Wynters and Lucy Collett too, obviously. Oh! And we clearly can't forget Sophie Reade or Rachel Williams (that would be rude and absurd). That leaves just one, Chanelle Hayes, and you can bet your sweet ass we'll have her in the Mandatory club this time next week. Check out Zoo Today's "Girls of Zoo" 2015 calendar promo before it's too late (it's never too late). And did we mention, they're all insanely voluptuous?


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10 Criminals So Dumb It's Unbelievable

In movies like "Ocean's Eleven," criminals are pretty smart people, able to create complex plans to heist valuables and get away scot-free. In reality, though, crooks are usually not all that bright. In this article, we'll spotlight a specially selected set of lawbreakers who are even dumber than their peers.

Burglar Thinks He Can't Be Arrested During the Day
dumb criminals, james blankenship
Let's start this off with a guy who has a fundamental misunderstanding of the nature of law enforcement. In July 2013, Cleveland-area man James Blankenship attempted to break into his mother's house against her will to steal from her. She chased him off and called the police, who found him hiding in a nearby crawlspace. When they took him into custody and charged him with burglary, Blankenship protested. He told officers that he couldn't be arrested for burglary because, in his own words, "It wasn't nighttime." Needless to say, this didn't hold water and he was charged and convicted. (Photo credit: Willoughby Police Department)

Drunk Tries To Buy Beer From Bartender He Stole Credit Card From
dumb criminals, david weber
When you want a beer, you want a beer. But if you're going to break the law to get it, be smart. Florida man David Weber certainly wasn't. In 2012, he broke into a car outside of a bar in Miami Beach and stole a credit card he found inside. With his newfound plastic, he walked into the establishment and tried to use it to get something to drink. Only one problem: the bartender he ordered from was the owner of the car he'd broken into, and he was naturally a little perplexed to have his own credit card handed to him. Police were called and Weber went to jail thirsty. (Photo credit: Miami Beach Police Department)

Drug Dealer Cold Calls Cops
dumb criminals, shaquille mckinney
When you're starting a new business, you need to build a customer base. So in 2007, when then-14-year-old Shaquille McKinney of Gulfport, Florida decided to get into weed dealing, he simply decided to call people at random and ask them if they wanted to buy any cheeba. Unfortunately for the clueless teenager, the first person he called was Gulfport police detective Matt Parks at home. Parks, naturally, played along and met McKinney in a parking lot to arrest him. (Photo credit: Gulfport Police Department)

Man Shoplifts in a Store With 50 Cops
dumb criminals, timothy clark
The annual "Shop With A Cop" event is designed to raise awareness of what the police do in the community, and at a Maryland Wal-Mart over 50 officers showed up to walk the aisles with local kids. We don't know whether it was idiocy or hubris, but local scumbag Timothy Clark decided to pick the very same day to try and shoplift 26 video games from the store. Security cameras picked him up shoving the games into his shirt and the small army of cops on the scene was quickly mobilized to take him into custody. (Photo credit: Charles Country Sheriff's Office)

Drunk Trespasser Says He's Superman, Jumps Out of Window
dumb criminals, tang lei
We've all had those drunk nights where making it home seems impossible. But for Chinese man Tang Lei, an evening out turned into a very stupid crime. Lei broke into a 5th floor apartment in the city of Suqian because he thought it was empty and he'd be able to sleep it off inside. Unfortunately for him, a 10-year-old girl was asleep in the room he blundered into. To calm her down, Lei told the girl that he was Superman and he'd soon be "flying off to his secret headquarters." She told him to prove it, so he stripped down to his underpants and jumped out of the window, hoping to land safely on a nearby roof. He landed, but not safely, and police took the battered boozehound into custody. (Photo credit: YouTube)

Man Cuts Hole in Wall to Dine and Dash
dumb criminals, robert engles
The old myth that you could pay for a restaurant meal by washing dishes for a few hours isn't true, but Colorado man Robert Engles should have considered trying that rather than attempting to dine and dash from Centro Latin Kitchen. Instead of paying his $33 bill, Engles pulled a knife from his pocket and cut a hole in the restaurant's plastic patio wall, crawling through it to escape. Unfortunately, a chain-link fence directly behind the patio wall stymied his plan, and restaurant workers detained him until the cops got there. (Photo credit: Boulder Police Department)

Robber Uses Clear Plastic Bag as Disguise
dumb criminals, jamie neil
When you're holding up a store, it's important to keep your face hidden from security cameras. Popular choices include ski masks and hooded sweatshirts, but moronic stickup man Jamie Neil thought outside the box and instead put a clear plastic bag over his head before he robbed an English gas station in 2013. Never mind the asphyxiation hazard, the transparent bag gave the clerk and the cameras full view of his face. To add insult to injury, his partner forgot to bring a gun and tried to use his cell phone instead. When the screen lit up, the cashier pressed the alarm button and the two beat a hasty retreat. (Photo credit: Youtube)

Child Molester Calls Cops On People Who Called Her a Child Molester
dumb criminals, arlayne curiel
If you're a grown woman having sex with a 13-year-old boy, you'd better expect that people aren't going to be cool with it. But Albany, Oregon woman Arlayne Curiel didn't really appreciate her neighbors telling her that picking up teens on the street, getting them wasted and having sex with them wasn't a good idea. So what did she do? Called the cops on her nosy neighbors, of course. When police showed up, they were less concerned with the neighbors and more worried about Curiel boozing up middle schoolers and took her into custody. (Photo credit: Albany Police Department)

Forger Tries To Cash $360,000,000,000 Check
dumb criminals, charles ray fuller
Go big or go home, we always say, but for inept Fort Worth man Charles Ray Fuller it proved his downfall. In 2008, Fuller walked into a Wells Fargo with a personal check from his girlfriend's mother that he claimed was for seed money to open a record store. But when tellers examined the check and found it was made out in the amount of 360 billion dollars, they were naturally a little suspicious. They contacted the woman, who denied giving Fuller the check, and police were called. The goofball was busted for forgery, unlawfully carrying a weapon and possession of marijuana. Maybe it was that last one that gave him the billion-dollar idea. (Photo credit: Fort Worth Police Department)

Florida Trespassers Get Trapped in Unlocked Closet
dumb criminals, john arwood, amber campbell
John Arwood and Amber Campbell were a couple of meth-heads looking for a spot to get high when they stumbled into Daytona State College's Marine and Environmental Science Center. The duo wound up inside a janitor's closet and got locked inside -- or so they thought. After two whole days of smoking meth and pooping in a corner, Arwood called 911 to be rescued. When cops arrived on the scene, they found that the door wasn't actually locked and, in fact, didn't even have a lock on it. The two clueless perps were taken into custody for trespassing, and discovered that jail cells do actually lock. (Photo credit: Daytona Beach Police Department)


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Say Hello to the Woman with the Largest Fake Breasts in the World

Beshine is a German adult model who, according to her fairly popular Twitter account, has the "largest augmented breasts in the whole universe." This is quite the claim, but once you see them, it becomes pretty tough to argue otherwise. We'll let you take a look and then let's discuss a bit, shall we?

(h/t Uproxx)
Largest fake boobs, huge boobs
Yep, there they are in all of their rotund glory. The surgically-enhanced knockers measure a full 32Z and weigh in at about 20 pounds a piece with her body measurements coming in at a gargantuan 59-28-36.

Why would anyone do this? I hate carrying two bags full of groceries from my car to the front door. I couldn't imagine having to do that all day, everyday. But to each his own, I guess.

And she's certainly not shy about any of this. You don't pump yourself full of saline with hopes that people will just let you be and go about your business in private. Here's just one sentence from the description off her website:

"Every inch of her delicious small frame with those mounted monster mountains and her attitude of becoming even more humongous makes her the hottest giant breasted woman on the planet."

But let's be honest, you didn't come here for my thoughts or to hear me rant, you came for the photos of these saline-filled monsters, so how about a few more to satisfy your curiosity?

So, yeah...if that's your thing, follow her on Twitter and become a member on her website, and seek therapy because that is a very, very unhealthy fetish you have there.

Oh, and she also seems to be trying to set some sort of record with the largest fake lips in the universe because, well...look at these beasts:

Largest fake boobs, huge boobs
Related: 'Teen Mom' and Porn Star Farrah Abraham's Plastic Surgery Gone Horribly Wrong


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Staten Island Student Beats the Hell Out of Boy Who Farted Near Her

Depending on what he had for lunch, it's probably safe to assume she overreacted.

According to Huffington Post, a 17-year-old girl at a Staten Island high school was charged with felony and misdemeanor assault after she beat the piss out of a 15-year-old boy last week who allegedly farted too close to her.

girl beats up guy for farting near her
South Richmond High School student Joquasha Rosado allegedly "bashed the boy in the head with a metal stool" last Monday and then punched him 10 to 15 times for an encore, all while swearing and yelling at him just for dropping ass. The boy needed eight medical staples to close one of his wounds but is expected to be OK.

Along with the assault charges, Rosado was also slapped with a charge of criminal weapon possession. It's unsure if she'll argue that the victim's stank was so wretched that he should be charged with that as well.

Maybe she wouldn't have been so pissed if she would have known that smelling farts can reduce the risk of getting cancer and dementia: 12 Very Interesting Facts About Farts


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Gigi Hadid is a Hot Model on the Rise

This Girl Just Created The Best Way To Keep Her Boyfriend Honest When He Goes Out With His Buddies

Whoever this girl is, she's a genius and a hero. She figured out a hilarious way to keep her boyfriend thinking about her all night, even when he's out grabbing drinks with his buddies. Two quick photos. She gets right to the point and it's funny as hell. I hope he understands he's got a keeper on his hands.

funny girlfriend guys night out
funny girlfriend guys night out

Via Reddit


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British Charity Releases Hilarious 'I Saw Your Willy' Video About Texting Dangers


Is sending a dick pic really that big of an issue in England's elementary schools? A British charity sure thinks so.

According to UPI, the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children created a video entitled "I Saw Your Willy" in an effort to combat the dangers of taking a picture of your penis and sending it to somebody as a joke.

And yes, it's beyond hysterical.

The video begins with Alex and Sam making the "natural" progression from taking pictures with a pet dog to Alex dropping his drawers, snapping a pic of his "willy" and sending it to a girl named Katie. Katie then sends the willy pic to her friends who proceed to share it with all of their friends, and Alex soon finds out that everybody has now seen his package, including a bully who thinks his willy is "rubbish," a pedophile and what looks like his grandma.

Sadly, the video was released about six years too late for Brett Favre.

Alex isn't the only one who failed at the sexting game: Sexy Selfies Gone Wrong


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Is This the Ghost of a Person Killed at Pocatello High School Roaming Its Halls?

Is A High School In Idaho Haunted?
Do you believe in ghosts? How about evil spirits? Even if you answered "no" to those questions, I'd be willing to bet that you wouldn't want to spend a night alone in Idaho's Pocatello High School. In the video footage above of Pokey High over winter break, the otherwise empty hallways seem to be visited by a mysterious translucent figure. Couple that with the fact that the lights mysteriously keep going on and off, and that makes for a very creepy situation.

According to officials of the school, these strange occurrences are nothing new at Pocatello. Reports of strange sounds such as whispers and a piano playing on its own are common, and some students and faculty are afraid to be left alone in the school's theater. Paranormal investigators examined the history of the high school, discovering that six deaths have taken place there and that the entire school was burnt down and rebuilt in the early 1900s.

So, is Pocatello High School haunted? Is that ghostly figure in the video above the spirit of one of the people killed there? If not, then what the hell is that thing that appears to walk toward a door and then away from it? Because it sure doesn't look like the overnight janitor.

Related: 10 Mysterious Photos That Are Sure to Creep You Out


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Today's Funny Photos

21 Clever Hacks Every Dog Owner Should Know


funny dog photos, funny dog pics
Having a dog can feel like a full-time job. While it's rewarding, it can still be exhausting, time-consuming, and expensive. To make your pet parenting easier and to keep him as healthy as possible, here are 21 clever hacks that every dog owner should know.

1. Instead of keeping your dog food in the bag, transfer it to containers. That way it's easier to organize, you save space and will keep it fresh longer.

2. Some dogs get sick because they eat their food way too fast and end up vomiting. To prevent this from happening, put a ball in their food dish along with the food. They'll have to keep working around the toy, which will make them eat more slowly.

3. Instead of spending all that money on a dog bed, simply take an old sweatshirt, put a small pillow inside, and sew the openings shut. That way he has something to sleep on that also has your familiar smell on it.

4. When your dog has an upset stomach, try adding in a small amount of chicken broth to his water. Just like humans, it'll help settle his stomach. Be sure it's low-sodium broth.

5. If you work from home, it can be difficult for your dog to understand why you can't play with him. Put one end of a rope toy around your foot and dangle it in front of you. That way you can still keep working and entertain your dog at the same time.

6. Instead of trying to vacuum up dog hair (that can ruin your vacuum and still not collect it all), try running a squeegee over your carpet. It'll easily collect all the loose hair.

7. During hot summer days, freeze chicken broth or treats and then let him work his way through it. It'll keep him cooled down and entertained.

8. If your dog is stung by a bee, simply scrape away the stinger with a credit card and put a combination of water and baking soda over the area to clean it and prevent infection.

9. If you notice your dog is struggling with constipation, feed him some canned pumpkin and it'll help get his system back in order.

10. If your dog doesn't like having his teeth brushed, take a little doggie toothpaste and put it on a chew toy. That way he'll clean his teeth on his own without you struggling to brush those back teeth.

11. Keep your dog's paws from getting dry and cracked in the winter by applying Vaseline to them before any lengthy walks. It's usually a good idea to wipe or rinse them off after so he doesn't track it through your house.

12. Instead of spending big money on stain removers for accidents on your carpet, simply cover the stained area in baking soda, let it sit for a few hours, then vacuum up the residue. It'll eliminate the stain as well as the odor.

13. Pet dander and loose hair are always difficult to get off your dog. Between brushings you can use a natural dryer sheet on his body to keep him clean. Plus, it's much cheaper.

14. Another great use for dryer sheets is to get rid of static electricity from his coat. This is especially helpful if your dog gets anxious during thunderstorms or bad weather.

15. Not only is chocolate dangerous for your pet, you should also avoid onions, avocado, grapes, peaches and plums. Each one can make your dog sick and can even be toxic for them.

16. If your dog does happen to eat something toxic and you know it's enough to be harmful, give him a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide to make him throw up. That'll get the dangerous foods out of his system before they can do any damage.

17. Chewing on cords can not only be expensive, it's also dangerous. Apply a bitter apple spray onto a towel and rub it all over the cord so he won't be tempted to put it in his mouth.

18. Pet hair on your couch can be a nightmare to remove. A simple and easy method is to dampen a rubber glove and simply run your hand over the upholstery. The hair will stick to the glove for an easy and natural cleanup.

19. To keep your dog's breath fresh in between brushings, mix in a few pieces of parsley with his food. He'll keep his mouth clean every time he eats.

20. If he still seems to have bad breath, put some doggy toothpaste on a lint brush and let him lick it clean. You can then disinfect the brush and use it again and again.

21. Some dogs make bath time more difficult than others. Use a teapot to make rinsing easier as well as keeping soapy water out of his eyes.


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An Earful of Albums To Look Forward To In 2015

The first thing people want to know in the new year is how quickly they'll abandon their resolutions, but after that comes the talk of new music. With the likes of Madonna, Bjork and Fleetwood Mac in the mix, Kanye attempting to stay relevant and U2 dropping another album for people to shield their iPhones from, this year will have no problem bringing an earful of new, anticipated albums. Honorable mention goes to the Lone Bellow's self-titled debut, out in late January.

Mark Ronson - "Uptown Special" (January 13)
new albums 2015, upcoming 2015 new music releases, mark ronson
If the single "Uptown Funk" is any indication of how the record might go, you better dust off your glittery dance shoes and grab that red leather jacket from its hanger. With collaborations from Drake, Stevie Wonder and Tame Impala's Kevin Parker on the album, it's like Michael Jackson came back from the dead to make babies with Bruno Mars (who is also featured on the album). Note: Drake has a new album himself, "Views From the 6," a hopeful fourth consecutive number-one. Panda Bear and Guster also have new releases on this date.

Kendrick Lamar - Unknown title (Early 2015)
new albums 2015, upcoming 2015 new music releases, kendrick lamar
The hottest young rapper in the game right now is Kendrick Lamar, and his latest studio album is set to drop early this year after debuting a new track live both in September and November on television. With seven Grammy nominations for his debut just a few years ago, new music from Lamar is clearly still in demand. In addition, hip hop fans will be overjoyed to know that Lil' Wayne and Kanye West also have projects in the works for early this year.

Butch Walker - "Afraid of Ghosts" (February 3)
new albums 2015, upcoming 2015 new music releases, butch walker
Since his departure with the Black Widows, Butch has been back solo and now under singer-songwriter Ryan Adams' producing direction, leading off his latest "Afraid of Ghosts" with a sentimental "Father's Day" single in his father's honor. The lead single offers some of the same simplicity and studying of the space between sounds that Adam's 2014 self-titled album had. Other solo projects include Brandon Flowers, Adele and Macklemore, one of the most anticipated and discrete albums in the rumor mill.

Bob Dylan - "Shadows in the Night" (February 3)
new albums 2015, upcoming 2015 new music releases, bob dylan shadows in the night
He may be ancient, but Bob Dylan is never too elderly to roll like a stone. With his latest "Shadows in the Night," Dylan returns with a unique five-piece band album with the fullness of a 30-piece arrangement, recorded live with very little studio editing, breathing new life into his musical repertoire at the bright age of 73. Check out "Full Moon and Empty Arms" available for streaming on Dylan's official site.

Father John Misty - "I Love You, Honeybear" (February 10)
new albums 2015, upcoming 2015 new music releases, father john misty
J. Tillman of Fleet Foxes fame is back with a follow-up to his new project, Father John Misty, which had its debut album in 2012. His new single, "Bored in the USA," premiered in hilarious fashion on "Late Show with David Letterman" and features large string arrangements and the bearded genius' vocally driven debut record taken to the next level. Tillman will be touring early this year in support of the sophomore effort.

Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds - "Chasing Yesterday" (March 2)
new albums 2015, upcoming 2015 new music releases, noel gallagher
The self-titled UK chart topper with his High Flying Birds will make Noel Gallagher's follow-up a real challenge, but from the sounds of his new lead-off single "In the Heat of the Moment," it shouldn't be a problem. More than half a decade away from his Oasis stardom, Gallagher returns with a psychedelic meets sublime album after more than two years since his last release, giving the people of England something to get drunk and punch each other to again.

Modest Mouse - "Strangers to Ourselves" (March 3)
new albums 2015, upcoming 2015 new music releases, modest mouse
As far as being anticipated the longest, Modest Mouse holds the prize for first album in eight years. That's nearly a decade since their 2007 release "We Were Dead Before the Ship Went Down." The band confirmed a March release date while supplying us a tease with their single "Lampshades on Fire." It's time to get out your skinny jeans and thrifty shirts because those unmistakeable vocals, infectious harmonies and punchy pop sounds are back in full force.

Ludacris - "Ludaversal" (March 31)
new albums 2015, upcoming 2015 new music releases, ludacris
Christopher Brian Bridges, better known to the kids as Ludacris, will release "Ludaversal" -- that's kind of catchy -- the final day of March. After three singles for the album bombed in 2012, the rapper went back in the studio with new producers, including Usher, and collaborated with the likes of Wiz Khalifa and Anita Baker. The album has a lot to do with his father, growing up, 20-inch grills and nasty bitches. One of the album's hits is titled "Party Girls," taking cues from the infectious '90s pop song "Barbie Girl."

Radiohead (TBA)
new albums 2015, upcoming 2015 new music releases, radiohead
After a highly successful solo September release with "Tomorrow's Modern Boxes," Thom Yorke is regrouping with the band for possibly the biggest album of the year. It'll likely be a surprise release one fine morning both in its title and contents, but rest assured Radiohead is plugging away and unearthing new musical landscapes for our curious ears in the new year. So far, rumors spell out a possibility of returning to their roots with some heavy rock influence, but either way the band will embark on one of the most sought out worldwide tours upon its release.

Incubus - Double EPs (Spring and Summer 2015)
new albums 2015, upcoming 2015 new music releases, incubus
Free from their record label, the California quintet set out to do things their own way, slow and steady, only to quickly come up with a few handfuls of songs, set to be released in two EPs to total a complete album in early 2015. Now signed short term with Island Records, the band is set to tour again around the release of the first EP, likely including their new track "Trust Fall," which debuted live at KROQ's Almost Acoustic Christmas back in December.

Tame Impala (TBA)
new albums 2015, upcoming 2015 new music releases, tame impala
As far as the Australian band circuit goes, Tame Impala was one of the best received announcements in the new music forum to start off the year. Their 2012 release "Lonerism" isn't that old, but it's so good it's had kids drooling at the mouth for more of Kevin Parker and the band's goodies. Mix that with rumored new Band of Horses music and this year is looking pretty rad for uprising indie music.

Coldplay - "A Head Full of Dreams" (TBA)
new albums 2015, upcoming 2015 new music releases, coldplay
Normally we're not big on promoting the biggest space rock band on the planet, but be that this is rumored as Coldplay's potential final full length, we decided to hoist Chris Martin and his clan on our delicate shoulders for a deserved victory lap. After wrapping on "Ghost Stories" and a soft tour supporting the soft album, the British boys went right back into the studio. Though they claim this is the end of their journey together, they haven't ruled out something in the future, but it looks as though we need to start looking for something new to represent all that is sensitive, overly emotion and fitting when we need a good cry.


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The Definitive Ranking of the 10 Best Game Show Hosts of All Time

While the weight of the outside world encroaches into much of the television entertainment we consume, one genre has sustained itself within a glorious bubble: the game show. Here, timers and buzzers and challenges and fabulous prizes swirl into one wonderful universe, one in which even we could potentially participate if we were so inclined to try. And each tried and true show is led by a likely tried and true host, who guides us through each episode ever-mindful of the rules and regulations that define their game. There have been some great ones along the way, but here is our list of the Top 10.

#10 Ken Ober - Best known for "Remote Control"
best game show hosts, ken ober
We start with perhaps our most controversial choice. Historically, game shows were a stodgy affair or definitely one where you could rarely let loose. With few exceptions, there would either be a stiff host, contestants, or both. MTV turned that tradition on its head in 1987 with the raucous "Remote Control," its first non-musical series. Here was a coach potato's game show, which meant all of us who ever watched the channel. Each episode was a party and Ken Ober was that party's master. Looking like a former fraternity president, with a mischievous smirk signaling an urge to go wild, "Remote Control" provided him the platform to do just that and most of the reason we clicked ours onto his show for another installment of marvelous mayhem time and time again. (Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons)

#9 Jeff Probst - Best known for "Survivor"
best game show hosts, jeff probst
When the dust settled from the collision of game and reality shows in 2000, there stood Jeff Probst. Competing on "Survivor" is not for the faint at heart, be it the extreme weather, extreme challenges, extreme plotting and backstabbing, or extreme hunger that accompanies all three. There at the center of these extremes is Probst, who serves as the show's foundation and sometimes guiding light. As the years have progressed, he has become a more vocal participant in the game's twists and turns, not above stirring the contestants' already swirling pot. And when he snuffs out your torch or, even better -- hands you a million-dollar check -- you realize Probst don't need no stinkin' immunity idol or necklace to make him an all-powerful host. (Photo credit: DirectTV)

#8 Bert Convy - Best known for "Super Password"
best game show hosts, bert convy
Upon seeing him behind a desk or podium, there's something immediately appealing about Bert Convy. Game shows were obviously in his blood and he hosted many great ones -- "Tattletales," "Super Password" and "Win, Lose, or Draw" among them. Game show host is usually an impressive enough job title, but Convy was also a minor league baseball player, singer and TV, film and Broadway actor. A popular game show panelist himself in the '60s, he would eventually serve as a substitute host until deservedly being given the reigns of his own. While most of the hosts on this list we remember best for their contribution to one game show, Convy had so many even besides the three we've mentioned, and brought them all to a higher level with his seasoned presence and ease. (Photo credit: YouTube)

#7 Chuck Woolery - Best known for "Love Connection"
best game show hosts, chuck woolery
Here's another entry on this list with many great game show credits under his belt, most impressive perhaps, "Wheel of Fortune," on which he served as the original host (way back then you'd solve a puzzle and be forced to buy however many prizes displayed on stage you could afford with the windfall). But "Love Connection" might be his biggest triumph. On this favorite, Woolery launched the dating game show into the video age. Audience participation and snap judgments sent two strangers off on a date together, and the results were often reality show-worthy retellings of how it all went. Often not well, and with Woolery as part host/part couple's therapist, we kept tuning in, no matter our own relationship status. (Photo credit: Warner Bros./Photofest)

#6 Regis Philbin - Best known for "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?"
best game show hosts, regis philben
Back in 1999, "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" spread across the United States landscape with the voracity of a supervirus from a doomsday movie. You would think a game show with multiple choice answers -- can you imagine if "Jeopardy!" had multiple choice answers!?! -- and a contestant's ability to get hints and guesses from others (three separate times!!!) would not be taken seriously. But with Philbin at the helm, "Millionaire" was must see TV and brought ABC the best ratings it had had in a long time. He was already a pro -- to call him a television veteran might even be downplaying his stature -- but a decade and a half ago his charisma, energy, and prominence carried "Millionaire" to incredible highs for a game show, a genre of television that was long dead and resurrected with a vengeance in no small part to this beloved show business icon. (Photo credit: YouTube)

#5 Gene Rayburn - Best known for "Match Game"
best game show hosts, gene rayburn
Gene Rayburn was great. How great was he? He was so great, he hosted some incarnation of "Match Game" from the early 1960s to the early 1980s. It started with a straight, buttoned-up format, like all game shows had at that time, with two teams captained by one celebrity along with two audience members. But attitudes loosened in the '70s and so did television programming. "Match Game," which had been off the air for a few years, was revamped, and brought back as the most outrageous, side-splitting game show audiences had ever seen. Six celebrities now graced the panel, and each tried to outshine the others with their wit, cleverness, humor, or if they had none of these, sex appeal. And Rayburn not only played ringleader to this circus, he may have eclipsed them all as the silliest, merriest, most amusing host to give audiences the _________ we always wanted. (Photo credit: CBS/Photofest)

#4 Richard Dawson - Best known for "Family Feud"
best game show hosts, richard dawson
From his bottom center "Match Game" seat, panelist Richard Dawson became the audience's and contestants' favorite. Here he was a breakout star and was eventually rewarded with his own game show. "Family Feud" premiered in 1976 and was immediately a ratings success. The charm he showed in his few featured moments each episode on "Match Game" was stretched to great affect for the entire half hour. Not only did he bring ladies to their knees with his slight English accent and heavy charisma, he made sure to give each and every one a kiss on the lips. From anyone else this might be cause for discomfort, but Dawson's lips were welcome ones. Quite simply, he was revered for what he brought to that show, how smoothly he ran the gameplay -- as if he were born to do so -- and how easily he made each contestant on both opposing teams feel like celebrities themselves. (Photo credit: ABC/Photofest)

#3 Alex Trebek - Best known for "Jeopardy!"
best game show hosts, alex trebek
He's a bit of a stick-in-the-mud. And sometimes it seems like he thinks he's so smart. But whatever superiority complex is going on with Alex Trebek, it is well-deserved. "Jeopardy!" is a game of intelligence with answers coming at the three contestants fast and furiously. Trebek conducts it all calmly and knowingly, making this test of knowledge a truly exciting half hour night after night, week after week. Yes, his level-headed and collected manner could suggest a boring personality. But there is something quite engrossing about a man who has reams of facts in his head, whether or not they are ultimately put into the form of a question. (Photo credit: King World Productions/Photofest)

#2 Dick Clark - Best known for "Pyramid"
best game show hosts, dick clark
The value of the grand prize may have changed its title throughout its decade plus run - starting out at $10,000 and rising all the way up to $100,000 - but its host remained the same and the show was better for it. Dick Clark brought so much to the world of television, and became a mogul as a result, but on "Pyramid" he was simply the most engaged, gentlemanly, devoted host the medium has ever seen. The show literally had whistles and bells that can bring camp to a series, but the gameplay here came at warp speed and contestants needed to be whip smart to contend. And the two Winner's Circle rounds of each episode were perhaps more thrilling than anything you might ever find on television before and since. Clark rode that excitement, casually but solidly steered it, in fact, and when you were liable to win it all with just enough time left on the clock, his cries of "Hurry! Hurry!" came straight from his heart and made winners of us all. (Photo credit: ABC/Photofest)

#1 Bob Barker - Best known for "The Price is Right"
best game show hosts, bob barker
If the "Match Game" stage was a circus, "The Price Is Right" was a carnival, and its barker, Bob, commanded it all with such joy and dignity that whatever silly challenge a contestant was up against took on the gravitas of an Olympic sport. He bore the image of a favorite grandfather -- or uncle in its earlier days - and his suited frame didn't need to hide behind a desk or podium. With just a pencil-thin microphone in hand, Barker was all in on the action. And oh, was there action -- a raucous audience, cutthroat bidding, flashy games decked out with lights and glitter, and beautiful dames waving their hands around grocery items, electronics, appliances, and vehicles with robotic abandon. As home viewers, this all made our heads spin like a firmly pulled Big Wheel. Later years have proven that Barker is the only one who can host this show, not just because he is definitively the Best Game Show Host ever, but because for decades he made "Price" a thriving home for us, his every move a pleasing one, even his well-worn pleas for animal sterilization. (Photo credit: CBS/Photofest)


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Jimmy Kimmel's Mean Tweets: College Football Playoff Edition


Jimmy Kimmel has always been great at bringing famous people down a couple of notches by making them read mean tweets about themselves. Now he's shining the Internet's hate on the college football world. Check out all of the big names in NCAA football, including Oregon head football coach Mark Helfrich, ESPN reporter Tim Tebow and many more, read some really nasty things about themselves. (Scott Van Pelt's is my personal favorite.)

Click here for more amazing Jimmy Kimmel Mean Tweets.


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The Predictions for 2015 in 'Back to the Future II' Weren't Too Far Off

The iconic 1989 fantasy adventure sequel "Back to the Future II" made a bunch of bold predictions about what life would look like in 2015. Now, a little more than 25 years after its release, here we are. So what did the film get right? Turns out, quite a lot. Here are 18 inventions the movie predicted would be a reality in 2015, and where we actually are today. The Cubs winning the World Series prediction is still TBD, though.

back to the future II 2015 predictions, back to the future predictions vs real life
back to the future II 2015 predictions, back to the future predictions vs real life
back to the future II 2015 predictions, back to the future predictions vs real life
back to the future II 2015 predictions, back to the future predictions vs real life
back to the future II 2015 predictions, back to the future predictions vs real life
back to the future II 2015 predictions, back to the future predictions vs real life
back to the future II 2015 predictions, back to the future predictions vs real life
back to the future II 2015 predictions, back to the future predictions vs real life
back to the future II 2015 predictions, back to the future predictions vs real life
back to the future II 2015 predictions, back to the future predictions vs real life
back to the future II 2015 predictions, back to the future predictions vs real life
back to the future II 2015 predictions, back to the future predictions vs real life
back to the future II 2015 predictions, back to the future predictions vs real life
back to the future II 2015 predictions, back to the future predictions vs real life
back to the future II 2015 predictions, back to the future predictions vs real life
back to the future II 2015 predictions, back to the future predictions vs real life
back to the future II 2015 predictions, back to the future predictions vs real life
back to the future II 2015 predictions, back to the future predictions vs real life
via Izismile


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Oregon's Mascot Flashed a Few Spectators at the National Championship

If you thought Oregon's play last night was hard to watch, wait until you see what the school's mascot did off the field.

Via Deadspin, the Oregon Duck made his way around AT&T Stadium last night, entertaining the Oregon faithful and apparently doing whatever it took to earn a few extra bucks.

oregon mascot flashes crowd
The full frontal came after two CBS radio hosts began throwing money at the glass that separated them from the duck. We're not sure how much cash they threw at the bird, but it was obviously enough to get more than just a peek.

Thankfully, the Oregon Duck is about as anatomically gifted as a Ken doll, so any parents in attendance with their kids were spared from giving the old "birds and the bees" talk during the first ever College Football Playoff National Championship game.

One guy who didn't like it? Larry the Dr. Pepper Guy:

Oregon wound up getting spanked by Ohio State 42-20, but no word if "Puddles" also got spanked for his raunchy behavior.

​If you think a flashing duck is creepy, wait until you see these mascots: 9 Minor League Baseball Mascots You Never Knew Existed


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UK Man Arrested for Selling Whiskey That Was Really Feces and Urine

It's not like buying your whiskey from a random dude on the street was ever highly encouraged, but here's as good a reason as any to buy your sauce from a respected retailer.

According to Metro, a 35-year-old conman in Blackpool will spend 70 days in jail after he admitted to selling people crappy bottles of whiskey. Literally.

blackpool man tried selling poop and urine as whiskey
Police said Nicholas Stewart tried selling bottles of Jack Daniels whiskey that were filled with pretty much everything but the good stuff. Scientific analysis revealed that the bottles contained flat Coca-Cola as well as feces and urine, which authorities think were added to change the color of the fake booze.

Blackpool Council prosecutor Victoria Cartmell said the bottles were "totally unsuitable for public consumption."

Um, no shit.

Stewart's lawyer argued that his client was merely selling the bottles as a means to make money to buy food. Cartmell countered with the fact that Stewart has now been involved with 32 incidents and is a troublesome defender.

The prosecution is seeking a court order to prevent Stewart from ever selling anything on the streets of Blackpool again, but let's be honest: If they want to make sure that doesn't happen, they'll probably want to make sure he spends more than 70 days behind bars.

Hey, these people paid $6 for poop: 30,000 People Bought a $6 Box of Bull Feces From Cards Against Humanity


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Here is Matthew McConaughey Auditioning for 'Dazed and Confused'

Alright, alright, alright.

According to Uproxx, Matthew McConaughey was just 23 years old when he auditioned for the part of Wooderson in Richard Linklater's "Dazed and Confused," and the only reason he got the audition was because he met the casting director at a bar where his buddy was serving him free drinks.

Well, thanks to the Criterion Collection, that audition was made available to the masses yesterday, and it doesn't disappoint.

Sadly, the audition tape didn't feature McConaughey with a pedo-stache or Dawson shoving his fingers beneath his nose, but as you can see, it would have been a lot cooler if it did.

That's what I love about these high school girls: 20 Classic Comedy Quotes You'll Never Forget


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