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12 Types of People Who Should Never Be Allowed in a Movie Theater


Going to the theater to watch a movie is always a gamble. You're paying a chunk of money to watch a movie that may or may not be good while enjoying the most expensive popcorn and soda this side of Disney World. But the biggest gamble of all is who you'll be watching the movie with in the theater. A couple of obnoxious moviegoers can ruin the experience for everyone. Here are 12 types of people who should never be allowed in a theater again.

1. The Custom Ringtone Devil
Most of us have experienced that awful moment of forgetting to put your phone on silent, and having it ring during a movie. It's awful and you furiously dig for your phone to turn it off immediately. That can be annoying, but the worst people are the ones that have a 37 minute Iggy Azalea freestyle set as their ringtone and turn it up full volume, then let it play through the entire song because they don't realize it's their phone. Of course it's your phone! No one else would want to hear that song 20 times every day.

2. The Encore Ringtone
There's a terrible variation of the loud ringtone person that will drive you into complete rage. This person still has the loud, obnoxious ringtone, but it's usually the Motorola techno theme song because they haven't figured out how to add a custom song. They hear their phone go off and pick it up, but they don't click the side button to silence the ringtone, so they spend a full minute staring at their phone, wondering what Aunt Linda wants and blasting "HELLO MOTO" through the entire theater. Just like the director of the movie intended.

3. Free Commentary Track
If I wanted to hear commentary on the movie, I'd buy the Blu-ray and let the words of Barry Sonnenfeld explain all the intricate details of "Men in Black 3." I don't need Husky Steve in the back row to yell out advice and comment on every scene. Will Smith can't hear you, but I can and the only thing I'm praying for is your mouth to do that thing Keanu's did in the first "Matrix."

4. The Lay-Z-Boy
I don't mind if people put their feet up on the seat as long as there's no one within 3 seats of their feet. However, when the shoes come off and the feet go up, you should be charged with a crime. Have you been in public before? You're like two steps from urinating in a milk jug you keep under your seat.

5. Operation: Free Snacks
I don't care if you bring your own snacks so you don't have to pay $316 for a medium popcorn. But please stop bringing snacks that require loud, multiple steps to open or consume. If you're cracking open cans of Dr. Pepper and frying up sirloins on a Foreman grill, you've moved from thrifty moviegoer, to public nuisance. Plus, I used to work in a movie theater, so if I had to clean up your sunflower seeds you spit all over the floor, I will hunt you down and "Tusk" you into a walrus.

6. Mr. Scare My Friends
Let me start off by saying that I hate you more than almost anyone in the world. To me, you are just below terrorist and slightly above people who post daily Facebook statuses about their workout regimen. You're the reason I can only go watch horror movies in the theater on Tuesday afternoons. This idiot will scream loudly during quiet scenes to scare his awful friends, who will then scream and laugh for the next two minutes. Best of all, this happens during critical scenes in the movie, so any suspense is completely destroyed by the Garbage Pail Kids, who I can only assume will be hopping in their dumpster and eating clumps of hair after the movie's over.

7. The Advisor
Here are the phrases this guy always yells:
If you've ever screamed out any of these sentences in a theater, please start illegally downloading your movies so we don't have to sit through a screening with you. If North Korea really wanted to ruin the film industry, they could just send in guys to yell out advice to movie characters and I'd never go back. You didn't think of that one, did you Kim?

8. The Babysitter
Look, I have a child so I know that movie trips get expensive when you have to factor in a babysitter. There are other times when you can't get a sitter and you have to choose to either stay home or bring the baby. Let me, and everyone else in the theater solve this one for you: STAY HOME. Why on earth are you bringing a newborn to the movies? Even worse, why are you bringing a two-year-old to watch a hard R-rated movie? We're either going to be constantly annoyed by crying or sad thinking about the therapy bills you're currently creating for your child when he grows up.

9. The Bathroom Herd
I understand that bathroom trips are sometimes necessary during a movie. The combination of a small bladder and a large drink usually result in a few missed scenes. The problem is when an entire row of teenagers decides to take turns going to the bathroom 487 times. This results in them climbing over each other like some sort of makeshift "American Ninja Warrior" obstacle course and causes all of their terrible friends to cackle loudly every time. There's also another variation of this group ...

10. The Bathroom Stampede
This group doesn't stumble over each other. Instead, they all decide to go to the bathroom at the same time. So now, at the pivotal moment of Interstellar, when McConaughey is taking off into space, you missed all the dialogue because Meghan had to pee and Tiffani decided to get Jake and Chloe to come along so they could call Tylar and see WTF is even up with Jordyn.

Woman using phone during movie at cinema
11. The Unintentional Flashlight Guy
Putting your phone on silent is great, but if you have a cell phone that has a screen as large as a PSP and you keep checking your phone, you're driving everyone behind you completely insane. This always seems to happen in dark movies too. The screen is black and suspenseful, but it's about to be completely ruined because Greg in the fifth row just got a text alert that T-Mobile has phone cases for 10% off and he has to study it for the next 3 minutes. PUT YOUR PHONE IN YOUR POCKET, YOU MONSTER.

12. The Unspoken Rule Breakers
I don't know when we came to this agreement as a society, but we all know that the back row is designated for dry humping and making out. That way you're out of sight and we can enjoy the movie while you guys round second base. The issue is when a couple decides to violate this delicate treaty and moves to the middle of the theater to take each other down Hand Love Blvd. How are we supposed to watch Brad Pitt battle the Nazis with a Keith Sweat song being acted out in the sixth row? Either keep it in your pants or keep it in the back row.


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Here's What Leonardo DiCaprio is Fantasizing About While on Vacation

By now we've all seen those photos of Leonardo DiCaprio spending his New Year's frolicking in the water with a gaggle of models on a private beach in St. Bart's. It just so happens that almost every man has fantasized about being able to do just that at some point in his life. And Mr. DiCaprio gets to do it. So, what does the man who gets to live out every man's dream fantasize about?

Here's your answer.

Leonardo DiCaprio vacation, Leonardo DiCaprio girlsDesign by Chris Kim

See Also: Leonardo DiCaprio Oscar Jokes Never Get Old


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Five-Foot Snake Slithers Out of San Diego PR Firm's Toilet

Either the snake found its way into the toilet through the building's plumbing or one employee's digestive system has serious issues.

According to the Los Angeles Times, a five-foot-long Colombian rainbow boa found its way into a San Diego public relations and marketing firm's toilet earlier this week.

snake in San Diego PR firm's toilet
Vertical PR + Marketing's co-founder Stephanie Lasca said she noticed the water level in her office's restroom was a little high on Tuesday, so she used a plunger in hopes of bringing it down a bit. We're not sure what Lasca was expecting to find as the culprit behind the high water level, but we're pretty sure she didn't think it was going to be a pissed-off Colombian rainbow boa.

Lasca saw the flicker of a tongue and screamed as she ran from the bathroom. She then called the county's Department of Animal Services, and they sent a handler to retrieve the snake. The department said the snake is beyond upset right now, as it has bitten one handler, shed its skin and is dealing with mites.

One thing is for certain right now: Lasca will be relieved the next time she goes to unclog the company's toilet and finds that it was just the result of a monster deuce from one of her coworkers.

This girl's trip to the john didn't go well either: Guy Pulls Evil Saran Wrap Toilet Prank on His Girlfriend


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Laura Govan's Entire Boob Pops Out at 'The Wedding Ringer' Premiere

Kaley Cuoco-Sweeting accidentally left the price tag on the shoes she wore this week to the premiere of her latest film, "The Wedding Ringer," but let's be honest: Who gives a shit about that?

According to Jezebel (link NSFW), Laura Govan of "Basketball Wives L.A." fame was literally hanging out on the red carpet, as well. Or I guess another way to to put it is that her left breast -- which is magnificent by the way -- was fully exposed for all to see.

After Govan blew a few kisses to the cameras, things got even better when her sister Gloria joined her for a few photos, completely oblivious to the fact that Laura's bare breast was pressed up against her back.

It's been so warm in Los Angeles recently that we can totally see why Govan wasn't aware that her entire chesticle was no longer covered by her dress, but we're sure if she attends the premiere in New York, where it's currently 20 degrees, she'll notice it just a tad sooner.

Here's one more pic just for good measure:

Laura Govan, Laura Govan boob slip
Is this the most ironic nip slip of all time? Nicki Minaj Suffers Nip Slip While Talking About Nip Slips (NSFW)


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This Cat Survived Being Shot Through the Head With an Arrow

Even before this poor cat took an arrow to the dome, you knew she had to be tough after being dealt the worst hand ever in terms of sex appeal.

According to NBC Miami, a Florida woman said her cat Akila "got out of the house" Tuesday and had been missing for several hours before being found in a neighbor's yard with an arrow through her head.

Cat shot in head by arrow
Akila underwent emergency surgery, and she was declared good to go just 45 minutes later. Still, a spokeswoman for the Animal Coalition of Tampa said that it was "probably one the worst" things she had ever seen.

"I've seen some terrible things in all my years working rescue, but not like this," Karen Hubby said.

It's unknown who shot the poor kitty in the head with an arrow, but to say he or she doesn't care for cats is a bigger understatement that saying I would be pleased if Kate Upton asked me to sleep with her.

Put that feline on the "Podium of Tough" next to this gal: Badass Cat Saves Boy From Vicious Dog Attack


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Brittny Ward Wins Us Over As Playboy's First 2015 Playmate

Kimber Cox Makes it Hard...To Not Fall In Love With Her

Emma Stapleton is a Stunner From Sydney

14 Famous Actresses Who Have Done Beautiful Bare Butt Movie Scenes

Sometimes, even the most incredibly terrible films can be made into purchasable ones with just one beautiful bare butt of an actress. To celebrate the best bottoms in movies, here is a pretty peachy list of the finest booties of famous actresses we could find. Are we forgetting any?

Natalie Portman - "Closer" (2004)
natalie portman butt, natalie portman ass, natalie portman closer
This star-studded film centered around sex and smoking had everyone talking with a gutter mouth, even sweet little Natalie Portman. The scene where Clive Owen's character finds her working as a stripper is one of the better strip club scenes in film. Her bare butt makes a grand appearance, and does again in "Hotel Chevalier," the opening short to Wes Anderson's "The Darjeeling Limited" with Jason Schwartzman's character.

Jennifer Aniston - "The Break-Up" (2006)
jennifer aniston butt, jennifer aniston ass, jennifer aniston the break-up
How anyone would be dumb enough to break up with Jennifer Aniston and that perfect bare bottom is anyone's guess, but in the case of "The Break-Up," Vince Vaughn's character ends it with the dirty blonde before she makes moves that help him quickly realize what a dunce he is. Namely, there's the scene where she walks around the apartment naked with a can of soda. Damn lucky can of soda!

Kate Winslet - "The Reader" (2008)
Kate Winslet butt, kate winslet ass, kate winslet the reader
Between her actress-on-actress kissing scenes and her topless moment in "Titanic," Kate is getting a lot of attention at Mandatory, but who could forget that beautiful butt? She's had a few bare naked moments, but her scene in "The Reader" on the bed as well as the bathtub rank up there with her best film moments. Thank you, Kate, for all your hard work.

Kerry Washington - "The Last King of Scotland" (2006)
Kerry Washington butt, kerry washington ass
Glowing like a delicious piece of milk chocolate any diabetic would be willing to take a bite of in her bedroom scene across from James McAvoy is Kerry Washington's contribution to fancy ass moments in film. In the power struggle between he and Forest Whitaker's character, they managed to soften the film with Kerry's backside.

Nicole Kidman - "Dead Calm" (1989)
Nicole Kidman butt, nicole kidman ass, nicole kidman dead calm
We all remember Nicole's nippy mirror moment from "Eyes Wide Shut," not to mention the slip of the black dress, but long before she was having white-cotton-wifey moments across from Tom Cruise, she was rocking some bare butt sex scenes in the '80s. "Dead Calm" features a sex scene where Kidman makes a great top for Billy Zane. If you were ever wondering what Zane was known for and had no clue, this might have been it.

Halle Berry - "Monster's Ball" (2001)
Halle Berry butt, halle berry ass, halle berry monster's ball
It's not her finest moment when Halle has her sex scene with Billy Bob Thornton (damn him) in the living room after a good cry, but it is definitely a very naked scene involving a little bit of everything from Halle. It's not nearly as classy as her top-tional scene in "Swordfish," but then again, it's Halle Berry and we'll take anything. Billy Bob Thornton, really?

Anna Faris - "The House Bunny" (2008)
anna faris butt, anna faris ass, anna faris house bunny
She's sweet, she's adorable, and she's got one hell of an ass. Anna Faris shows us what we're missing in "The House Bunny" when she drops trou and reveals what's underneath the towel. As far as the film is concerned, it might not be worth spending the time to watch one of the most airhead movies since Dan Aykroyd rocked a cone on his head when we can just show you the picture right here. Mandatory saves the day again.

Kate Hudson - "The Killer Inside Me" (2010)
Kate Hudson butt, kate hudson ass
Who loves Kate Hudson? Who loves the idea of Kate Hudson's bare bum? Okay, now who loves the idea of Kate Hudson's beautiful bum being spanked on film? Welcome to "The Killer Inside Me," which starts with a prostitute played by Jessica Alba and keeps getting better! Eventually it works its way up to Casey Affleck spanking the behind of Kate. Is the movie's 54 percent Rotten Tomatoes rating due to these sexy scenes? Most likely.

Charlize Theron - "The Cider House Rules" (1999)
Charlize Theron butt, charlize theron ass
How could anyone forget the very Marilyn Monroe-like scene where Charlize lies naked asleep on her stomach, only to awaken to a perky Tobey Maguire staring at her. Anybody who has an unexplained vendetta against Tobey will up their ante when they realize he was once -- 16 years ago in the same room as a naked Charlize Theron in "The Cider House Rules." If life didn't make much sense before, it just got worse.

Cameron Diaz - "Sex Tape" (2014)
Cameron Diaz butt, cameron diaz ass, cameron diaz sex tape
Judging by the title of the movie, you wouldn't be surprised to see Cameron's backside, but then again they had to use that as a selling point to get people to sit through a Jason Segel film. There's a general lack of clothing in the film, which is great for Cameron Diaz lovers, but not so great for people who are tired of staring at Segel's limp dick and pasty ass.

Diane Kruger - "Troy" (2004)
Diane Kruger butt, diane kruger ass, diane kruger troy
It's hard to say which part of the naked love scene was better in the epic war film, Diane Kruger's incredible breasts and bare bum, or Orlando Bloom's shiny torso. But then again, you've got Brad Pitt rocking some bare ass in his scene with Rose Byrne. They're all so beautiful, why did any of them have to die?!

Mischa Barton - "Closing the Ring" (2007)
Mischa Barton butt, mischa barton ass
The former "OC" star starts off her first years outside of teen dramas with an overtly sexual film "Closing the Ring," where the young actress exposes herself multiple times with a few sex scenes. The one scene in particular starts with her standing naked with her back to the camera crying, before turning around topless for all to see. Why are there so many nude scenes with crying going on. It's killing our horny buzz!

Jaime Pressly - "Poison Ivy: The New Seduction" (1997)
Jaime Pressly butt, jaime pressly ass, jaime pressly poison ivy
People often forget that Jaime Pressly wasn't afraid to rock some serious nude scenes -- borderline porn -- in the '90s before she became a TV personality. Although we love a lot of the bare skin scenes Margot Robbie has in Scorsese's "The Wolf of Wall Street," it's still not quite as good as Jaime in her prime.

Scarlett Johansson - "Under the Skin" (2013)
Scarlett Johansson butt, scarlett johansson ass, scarlett johansson under the skin
Since her recent nude scene is so...naked in "Under the Skin," we'll give you a see-through undies shot from "Lost in Translation," which we can actually show. Scarlett has been the victim of online nude photo hacking, so this very raw appearance in the Jonathan Glazer fantasy film puts all that talk to bed as she gets very, very naked -- albeit as a brunette -- which was meant to help "de-eroticize" her in the media. Didn't work.


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Today's Funny Photos

Our Favorite Escalator Fails Of All Time

This Week's 20 Very Funny Tweets


Another week, another batch of the most hilarious tweets compiled just for you. Be sure to follow these guys and gals, and check back here every week for more jokes you can tell your friends and pretend you came up with them yourself. They'll think you're hilarious, but inside you'll be cold and dead.

Follow @robfee on Twitter.

Need more? Check out the 100 Funniest Tweets of 2014.


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Camille Rowe is France's Cure for What Ails You

Pamela Anderson: A Filmography Ranked

Sex symbol, Playboy Playmate, animal activist, vegan, breast implant enthusiast, and hepatitis C sufferer, Pamela Anderson has done it all. And we, as loyal viewers and fans, have been lucky enough to bear witness. She burst onto the scene in 1990 within the glossy pages of Hugh Hefner's magazine and all of our lives clearly have not been the same since. Pam subsequently found a home on television, in movies, in video games, and among adult film aficionados' (and simple curiosity-seekers') private collections. It's been a wild ride for us all with Pam in the driver's seat, and here we rank the highs and lows of her ample career.

No. 10 - "Barb Wire" (1996)
pamela anderson, pamela anderson filmography, pamela anderson barb wire
In "Barb Wire," Pam takes on Humphrey Bogart and ultimately falls hard. This graphic novel approach to "Casablanca" seemed like the perfect springboard from the lifeguard tower of "Baywatch" to the ivory tower of film, but instead turned out to be one big belly flop. The critics did not have kind words to say about her performance and the movie received more Raspberries than a Jamba Juice smoothie. Even her large breasts earned a Worst Screen Couple Award. Now that just crosses the line! To make punching bags out of her gorgeous golden globes goes way too far, even for cold-blooded Hollywood.

No. 9 - "Scary Movie 3" (2003)
pamela anderson, pamela anderson filmography, pamela anderson scary movie 3
"Scary Movie 3" makes admirable use of Anderson and even more admirable use of her large breasts. Taking on the franchise's infamous opening scene, she and Jenny McCarthy have somehow been cast here as dumb blondes. And though there is little scary or suspenseful about these first few minutes -- or funny, astute moviegoers might add -- there are jokes about Pam's sex tape, a lot of cleavage, and a random catfight culminating in a supreme wedgie. Then Pam takes off her shirt to reveal a very full bra and all is right with the world.

No. 8 - "V.I.P." (1998-2002)
pamela anderson, pamela anderson filmography, pamela anderson v.i.p.
Having thoroughly tackled the world of lifeguards in "Baywatch," it was logical that Pam's next foray into television would be the portrayal of a private eye. A reluctant one, it turns out, as Vallery Irons in the syndicated series "V.I.P." Guest appearances by Jay Leno, Paul McCartney and Alfonso Ribeiro confirmed her celebrity clout (well, maybe not Alfonso Ribeiro), and its four-year run proved what everyone already knew -- that Pam Anderson was a true pop culture commodity.

No. 7 - "Stripperella" (2003-2004)
pamela anderson, pamela anderson filmography, pamela anderson stripperella
On television, there has always been frustratingly few options of hot female cartoon characters. Wonder Woman certainly and maybe Scooby-Doo's Daphne. Pam changed all that in 2003 voicing the titular character in the Stan Lee created "Stripperella." Stripper by night, superhero and spy by late night, the risqué cartoon was good, silly fun with lots of animated skin. Unfortunately, creative differences and a lawsuit kept it to only one season, preventing the series from fully taking off.

No. 6 - "Home Improvement" (1991-1993)
pamela anderson, pamela anderson filmography, pamela anderson home improvement
Before the proliferation of home improvement shows on television, there was "Home Improvement," ABC's family-friendly hit sitcom featuring the most SFW role Pamela Anderson has played to date. She didn't have much screen time as Lisa the Tool Time Girl, but she was a series regular and maybe in retrospect everyone was better off that the lines of dialogue she was given were few. Not to say her contribution to viewership wasn't large. We suspect that during her two seasons with the show, she was the one reason its male audience mostly chose to tune in.

No. 5 - "Miserable" (1999)
pamela anderson, pamela anderson filmography, pamela anderson lit music video
As a star, Pam's wattage is big. But never has she been bigger onscreen than in Lit's music video, "Miserable." At its start, we see Pam, looking amazing, lying on her stomach -- a giant, with Liliputian-sized band members performing their superlative song on top of her. A pleasing experience for all, it seems, despite its title, especially since this Herculean version of Lady Anderson is clad only in a skimpy sports bikini. But as "Miserable's" driving riffs push forward, Pam gets up to dance and then eat the miniature musicians alive one by one in a single, bloodless gulp. There are worse ways to go, and unlike "Schindler's List" or the new "Unbroken," thanks to her appearance, we can watch this tragic tale over and over and over again.

No. 4 - "Dancing with the Stars, Season 10" (2010)
pamela anderson, pamela anderson filmography, pamela anderson dancing with the stars
She didn't take home the Mirrorball Prize, but she held on for a while and impressed audiences with her endurance and ability. Pam was finally more than a bombshell here; she was a dancer. And one you rooted for, perhaps more than ever before. Not only did she outlast an astronaut in Season 10's installment of the reality juggernaut -- granted he was around 80 years old at the time -- she also left wannabe TV goddess Shannon Doherty in her dust.

No. 3 - "Borat" (2006)
pamela anderson, pamela anderson filmography, pamela anderson borat
It only makes sense that in the greatest comedy to come around in a long time, the object of the main character's desire is Pamela Anderson. Unlike the millions of men and women around the world who earnestly want to make her theirs, though, our clueless but well-intentioned Kazakhstani hero actually goes about tracking her down. And in "Borat's" truly amazing climax, he does and gets very close to making her his own. But as her screen resume thus far has taught us, Pam is no victim. Regardless of this foreigner's large stature, offensive attempt to seize her, and the colorful allure of the marriage sack she'd be stuffed in, she refuses to be taken and her quick wits, legs, and a posse of agile OC Virgin Records security guards aid in her escape. A larger metaphor perhaps is that Pam Anderson is her own woman who can protect herself and can't be contained by anyone, not even a charming, lovestruck journalist who is not above a random, naked, public man-on-man brawl in a hotel banquet room.

No. 2 - "Pam and Tommy Lee - Hardcore and Uncensored" (1997)
pamela anderson, pamela anderson filmography, pamela anderson tommy lee
"Pam and Tommy Lee - Hardcore and Uncensored" is the Holy Bible of sex tapes. Stolen from Pam and (then husband) Tommy Lee's home in a brazen early morning burglary, the tape and controversy came about during the dawn of the Internet and even may have helped accelerate its rise. Though it only contains about 8 minutes of actual sex, with around 50 minutes of the couple just having fun and being in love, it no doubt became a defining moment in the history of adult film.

At some point in our lives, we all have imagined what it must be like to have sex with Pam Anderson. Here we no longer needed to, it was right before our eyes, and every reason to curse Tommy Lee's name. For within the video's frames he is banging everyone's fantasy girl, with an endowment that could choke a tractor, and he even vacations better than most of us ever will. Yet somehow, with naked proof that Pam is the dirty girl she always appeared to be, our love and affection for her never once waned.

No. 1 - "Baywatch" (1992-1997)
pamela anderson, pamela anderson filmography, pamela anderson baywatch
Next to "The Sopranos" and "Breaking Bad," "Baywatch" was perhaps the greatest hour-long series ever to air on television. And not only did it launch Pamela Anderson's career, it showed her running in slow motion in a tight bathing suit week after week. Her C.J. Parker character practiced New Age philosophy which could have been more warmly remembered today had her rocking bod not been so damn distracting. In each episode, the sharks and explosive devices and earthquakes that consume most real lifeguards' workdays were made even more exciting under C.J.'s protective watch. And the trade's accessory of rescue cans were given a whole new meaning.


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Jaden Smith Will Not Stop Tweeting Stupid Shit

It's been a while since we last checked in with Jaden Smith on Twitter. And if you think he's learned to edit himself and put together coherent thoughts, you clearly don't follow his account. The Karate Kid is still typing out total gibberish in 140 character nuggets of wisdom for his 5.5 million fans. Here are some of Jaden's latest philosophical musings.

jaden smith twitter
Please note the date on this one:
jaden smith twitter
jaden smith twitter
jaden smith twitter
jaden smith twitter
jaden smith twitter
jaden smith twitter
jaden smith twitter
jaden smith twitter
jaden smith twitter


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Liam Neeson Prank Called the Ex-Boyfriend of Maggie Grace


Liam Neeson is the movie father of Maggie Grace in the "Taken" franchise, and it turns out he's pretty protective of her in real life, too. Grace was on "Conan" last night to promote the release of "Taken 3" (which opens nationwide today), and told a story of a prank call Neeson made to her ex-boyfriend after he didn't treat her particularly well. Luckily for us they recorded it, and you can hear what it would be like to be on the other end of an intimidating phone call from "Taken's" Bryan Mills.

That poor ex-boyfriend never stood a chance.


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Louisiana Rapper Had Sex With His Cousin for Two Years, Would Do It Again

His reasoning? You guessed it: "The p**** good."

According to TMZ, rapper Kevin Gates once dated and had sex with a girl for two years despite the fact that his grandma said they were cousins.

A video posted by Kevin Gates (@iamkevingates) on

Gates said that people used to tell him that he and his new girlfriend looked like "brother and sister," but that apparently wasn't the case. After three months of dating and screwing, the rapper's grandmother finally revealed that he was in fact doing the nasty with his cousin.

Gates didn't see a problem with it.

"You mean to tell me that if you've been f***ing with somebody for three months, you hear me, everything beautiful, and your grandmother come tell you one day, 'You know that's your cousin,' y'all done got the hard part out the way," Gates said on Instagram. "Why f*** up a good thing?"

Gates later told TMZ that he and his cousin bumped uglies from 2006 to 2008, and he would do it again because there is "nothing wrong with it."

If for some reason you're looking for something more disgusting than that reasoning, give his "music" a listen.

That relationship actually seems rather acceptable when you compare it to these: The Weirdest Wedding Couples Ever


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Mia Khalifa is Trying to Lure Braxton Miller to Florida State

Getting hurt might be the best thing that ever happened to Ohio State quarterback Braxton Miller.

According to Barstool Sports, the most popular girl on Pornhub is attempting to get Miller to play quarterback for the Florida State Seminoles next season, and she's offering her "pornstar friends" as a reward.

mia khalifa wants braxton miller at FSU
Instead of posting her usual stories about the death threats she is receiving or GIFs of her sex scenes on her Twitter page, Mia Khalifa took time today to let Miller know he has a really good reason to transfer to FSU:

Miller suffered a season-ending shoulder injury in practice before the season, and since both quarterbacks who replaced him have played extremely well, the general consensus is that there is no room for Miller on the Ohio State roster next year. And since Miller would be a "graduate transfer," he would be eligible to play immediately.

Our advice for Miller: Porn stars usually want to do more than just get coffee. Go to FSU, son.

mia khalifa, mia khalifa sexy photos, mia khalifa FSU fan
mia khalifa, mia khalifa sexy photos, mia khalifa FSU fan
mia khalifa, mia khalifa sexy photos, mia khalifa FSU fan
mia khalifa, mia khalifa sexy photos, mia khalifa FSU fan
Photos via Instagram.

​You can't have too much Mia: Mia Khalifa Causes a Sexy Kerfuffle


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Do Men Who Lose Their Testicles Live Longer?

Yeah, but what's the point?

According to Uproxx, a scientific study conducted almost 50 years ago suggested that men who lose their balls can live up to 20 years longer than those fools who spend their entire time on the planet with their nards intact.

science says guys with no nuts live longer
Sadly, the study involved castrating inmates at a "Kansas institution for the mentally retarded." The 297 castrated inmates were compared to the 735 lucky ones who were chosen to live on with their stones.

Virtually every test conducted on the two groups of gentlemen yielded equal results except when it came to life expectancy, where "castrated inmates on average lived 13.6 years longer than the intact ones (55.7 vs. 69.3 years)." And the earlier an inmate was castrated, the longer he would live.

It wasn't just the Americans who were conducting these sick studies. Koreans allegedly studied eunuch guards between 1500 and 1800 and came to the same conclusion.

Still, most doctors today say that if you're looking for a longer life, there are much better alternatives to castration -- like eating better and exercising. That, and you should refrain from walking in front of oncoming buses.

This isn't good for your rocks either: Skinny Jeans Will Damage Your Testicles


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'Wizard of Cat' Is Worth Watching At Least 50 Times In a Row


I have no idea why this cat is sitting in the sink with a wizard hat on while "The Wizard of Oz" song is playing in the background, but I don't care. This has been the best 15 seconds of my Friday, and in turn the best 12 and a half minutes of my Friday (because I watched it 50 times in a row). Thank you, "Wizard of Cat."


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