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Joy Corrigan Can't Sit Still and Now Neither Can We


Joy Corrigan models for Maxim Magazine and tells us some of her biggest dos and don'ts. She may be a typical looking blonde, but Joy is into karate and hanging out with nothing on but a t-shirt. Hey, we're in. If you want to know some of the quickest ways to Joy's heart, you'll have to check out her Maxim video. She can't sit still, and neither can we when it comes to Joy Corrigan.

More: Mia Khalifa is the New Most Popular Girl on PornHub


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'Teen Mom' and Porn Star Farrah Abraham Probably Regrets Her Latest Foray Into Plastic Surgery

Farrah Abraham, porn actress and attention whore extraordinaire, is back making some headlines and this time it's not for taking her clothes off. Known for making questionable decisions, the "Teen Mom" star recently uploaded a couple photos of a botched lip job to her Twitter account. So without further ado, here she is doing her best Lisa Rinna impression.

Farrah Abraham

And you're probably asking yourself what the hell that portobello mushroom lip looks like from the side. Don't worry, Farrah's got that covered for you.

For those of you considering plastic surgery, please keep the link to these images handy.

And if that isn't enough for you to swear off plastic surgery forever, be sure to check out all of these plastic surgery disasters, as well.

(via Uproxx)


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Mia Khalifa Causes a Sexy Kerfuffle

Run To Check Out Alexis Ren

Today's Funny Photos

14 Screenshots That Prove Changing Text Shortcuts on Someone's Phone is Always Funny

Few things are guaranteed in life. One of those few things is the pure joy you'll get out of stealing someone's phone and changing their texting shortcut settings so that whenever they type a specific word or phrase, it automatically replaces it with whatever you selected.

Now, if you're really good at this, you're shortcut selection is going to be something incredibly vulgar and your target is going to be a confused parent who doesn't know how to change it back. While most of these examples fall into that category, you'll see that some people get incredibly creative with the shortcut changes.


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20 Facts About Popular Movies That Might've Gone Over Your Head

Sometimes brilliant moments in movies go completely over our heads. For those of you that have missed some of these moments, this list is for you. Some directors tend to do this more frequently than others so there is a lot of Tarantino, Scorsese, and Fincher on this list. Read on and you might learn a little something new about your favorite movies. As "American Beauty" tells us, "Look closer."

*Potential spoilers if you haven't seen some of the most popular movies of all time for some reason*

Team America: World Police
1. The cobblestone roads in Paris are croissants in "Team America: World Police."

Groundhog's Day
2. The clocks in the diner in "Groundhog Day" are stopped, mirroring Phil's predicament.

No Country for Old Men
3. When Llewelyn finds himself wounded on the sidewalk in Mexico in "No Country for Old Men," the mariachis who wake him sing in Spanish, "You wanted to fly without wings, you wanted to touch the sky, you wanted too much wealth, you wanted to play with fire."

The Shawshank Redemption
4. In "The Shawshank Redemption," Red says Andy's dream of going to Zihuatanejo is a "shitty pipe dream." Turns out his dream was in fact shitty, and in a pipe.

Fight Club
5. When The Narrator and Tyler get on the bus in "Fight Club", The Narrator only pays fare for one.

6. Also from "Fight Club, " when The Narrator answers Tyler's call in a phone booth, it clearly states, "No incoming calls allowed."

Forrest Gump
7. When Forrest Gump calls hotel security, the man who answers says, "Security, Frank Willis." The same man discovered the Watergate Scandal in June 1972.

8. Brad Pitt's character in "Se7en" receives a call of the first murder at exactly 7 minutes into the film. Morgan Freeman's character says John Doe "will win" at exactly 7 minutes left.

The Usual Suspects
9. In "The Usual Suspects," the order in which the men receive their personal packages is the order they are killed off.

The Departed
10. Frank Costello tells the clerk to give a young Colin Sullivan (Matt Damon) a loaf of bread and two quarts of milk at the beginning of "The Departed." At the end, Damon's character enters his apartment with a loaf of bread and two quarts of milk, right before he dies.

Requiem for a Dream
11. In "Requiem for a Dream," every main character assumes the fetal position in their final scenes.

The Big Lebowski
12. Walter is right about everything that takes place in "The Big Lebowski:" the fake severed toe, the fake kidnapping, no ransom, and Bunny returning to the Lebowski mansion on her own.

The Truman Show
13. At the beginning of "The Truman Show," a bottle of Vitamin D is sitting on the kitchen table-needed for those without proper exposure to the sun.

The Wolf of Wall Street
14. The real Jordan Belfort welcomes Leonardo DiCaprio's character onto the stage during the sales convention at the end of "The Wolf of Wall Street."

15. When Jake becomes a Na'vi in "Avatar," Dr. Augustine (Sigourney Weaver) tells him to not play with his tail because "he'll go blind," which is a reference to masturbation (Na'vi tails are genitalia).

The Dark Knight
16. When Harvey Dent's face catches on fire in "The Dark Knight," the very first frame shows the Batman logo.

Dumb and Dumber
17. If Mary married Lloyd in "Dumb and Dumber," her name would be Mary Christmas.

Inglourious Basterds
18. One of the autographs on The Bear Jew's bat in "Inglourious Basterds" is Anne Frank.

19. In "Unbreakable," when David and Elijah meet for the first time, David is wearing a red shirt and Elijah is wearing a purple suit-colors that are on opposite ends of the visible spectrum.

20. In "Idiocracy," Frito's last name is Pandejo. His full name is Frito Pandejo, which means "fried dickhead" in Spanish.


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12 Very Interesting Facts About Farts

Fun Fart Facts, cartoon man farting
Ever since Eve accidentally let one slip in front of Adam after she ate that fiber-filled apple, the world has been fascinated with farts. They're funny; they're stinky; they're a time-honored tradition. These 12 facts show farts are more than just bacterial fermentation and swallowed air.

1. The word fart was coined in 1632, defined as "to send forth as wind from the anus."
Even in the Dark Ages farts were used as a way to lighten the mood. Coming from the Old English word 'feortan' meaning 'to break wind', the term was often used in famous epic poems from Geoffrey Chaucer and William Shakespeare. Variants include the Old Norse 'freta' and the Old High German 'ferzan.'

fun fart facts, man farts woman flies
2. Farts can reach speeds of 10 feet per second.
Depending on the size of your chili burger and the force behind your sphincter, one can eject quite the speedy toot. Humans can send gassers up to 7 mph, according to Muscle and Fitness Magazine.

3. In at least five plays-including "Othello," "King Lear," and "The Comedy of Errors" - Shakespeare cracks fart jokes like a pimply teenager.
"Blow, winds, and crack your cheeks! Rage, blow!" - "King Lear"

"A man may break a word with you, sir, and words are but wind. Ay, and break it in your face, so he break it not." - "The Comedy of Errors"

fun fart facts, woman farting
4. Due to higher hydrogen sulfide content, female farts smell worse than male farts on average.
Preeminent fart researcher Dr. Michael Levitt noticed a higher concentrate of hydrogen sulfide in female toots, giving ladies the leg-up on the smell factor. Don't be ashamed, girls; men clearly take the cake when it comes to butt-bombing bathrooms and living spaces in general.

5. 9.41 million gallons of human farts are released into our atmosphere daily.
For comparison, nearly 10 million gallons of water flooded UCLA's campus this year. Where are you, Al Gore?

fun fart facts, yoda
6. Around 1.15 million farts happen every second on earth.
Simple math: When you factor in that the average person farts 14 times in a day, times that by 7.125 billion people, and divide by 86,400 seconds in a day, you end up with a grand total of 1,158,564 farts every second. That's 100 billion daily!

7. In China, "professional fart smellers" make up to $50,000 detecting flatulent odors to diagnose disease.
According to Rocket News, these courageous men and women are able to identify anal illnesses and pinpoint their bodily location. The scent - whether meaty, fishy, raw, bitter or sweet - can predict whether one has a malady, such as intestinal infection or inflammation. If you're trying to find a job overseas, tell your parents you found the golden opportunity.

Fun Fart Facts, termites
8. The most prolific farters in the animal kingdom are termites.
Due a heart diet of wood, termites eject ungodly volumes of butt gas. It is estimated they are responsible for 11 percent of global methane emissions. That's more than every car on the planet. A close second are camels, and a close third are zebras.

9. The Yanomami tribe of South America uses flatulence as a means of saying hello.
It is said when Ferdinand Magellan stumbled upon the Yanomami, they gave him quite the flatulent welcome. Just kidding. But these people actually exist, and numerous sources support their reputation as fart whisperers.

Fun Fart Facts, man farting people smelling it
10. The University of Exeter said smelling farts can reduce risk of cancer, stroke, arthritis and dementia.
Exposure to tiny amounts of hydrogen sulfide (i.e. the smell of rotten eggs) can prevent mitochondrial damage. The mitochondria, as we all learned from high school science, is the "powerhouse of the cell." Essentially, a light poof can do wonders for your health.

11. It would take nine farts from every person on earth to make a hydrogen bomb.
Let's break it down: The average fart is combustible for 147 Joules, according to this Yahoo! Answers genius. The energy and mass of a hydrogen bomb is 1e13 Joules, according to Dr. Jay Maron. In sum, it would take 68 billion farts to create the energy of a thermonuclear weapon. Every person on the planet would have to bottle nine farts.

fun fart facts, dead body toe tag
12. Dead people fart.
Once the body dies, it continues to contract and expand muscles, including the sphincter. If a person ate Taco Bell mere moments before death, gas could escape through the bowels up to three hours after death ... up until rigor mortis sets in.



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20 Very Weird Dating Sites That Actually Exist

Online dating has become as common as meeting someone at a bar or through a mutual friend. Sites like eHarmony and Match.com are the most popular, but that doesn't mean there aren't some very specific sites for those looking for a partner that shares a particular passion. Here are 20 of the most bizarre dating sites the internet has to offer.

This feels more like a minor detail you'd list on a typical dating profile more than the entire basis of your relationship. Also, are golfers really in that high of a demand?

You never want the story of how you and your spouse met to involve the mutual love and appreciation of adults who wear diapers.

When you sign up for the site, do you have to tell everyone you know or is that just limited to the gluten allergy itself?

If you have a fear of clowns, this may be your literal hell. For those on the opposite end of the spectrum, this is the perfect site to find a little clown love for yourself.

You know those girls that wanted a pony when they were little? What if they never stopped wanting a pony and their pursuit of a horse is more important than their love of a partner?

If the most important questions you ask on a first date involves weed, you just hit the jackpot. 420 Singles isn't the most populated dating site, but that's probably because users keep forgetting their passwords.
The perfect site for the times when you want a guy with a mullet, but there isn't a Kenny Chesney concert nearby.
If you've given up on finding someone attractive and you're fine with someone with self-esteem as low as yours, Ugly Schmucks may be your best bet. I wouldn't recommend signing up a friend or family member up for an account.
The good news is that you'll get to spend a lot of time on the open sea. The bad news is there's probably a 70% chance you'll be murdered and tossed overboard.
Not only do you have to win the girl or guy over, you also have to make sure their pet likes you and each of your pets get along together. After all that, you might as well get married just so you don't have to deal with all the aggravation again.
The idea behind this terrible site is that you post a picture of you and your current partner. Then members vote on which one of you could do better and that person gets into the site.
There are plenty of fish in the sea, but not as many with herpes. This site eliminates all those awkward conversations about your STD and let's you meet others with the same condition. Of all the dating sites for your current partner to catch you on, this might be the worst.
If you don't want to put all of your personal information online, you could always just stand in front of the mall and wait for a security guard to yell at your future boyfriend for kickflipping off the bench.
How exactly do you expect them to set up a profile and check their matches? This is the first time a website has made dating much more impractical.
You'd think the end of Twilight would have eliminated this site, but it still exists and sounds like a teen drama on ABC Family.
If you're not up by 5am and get your milk straight from the utter, then don't even waste your time making a profile on here. This is strictly for farmers only.
The ideal site for attractive, young girls who want to travel, but don't have the funds. It's basically a way for women to volunteer to be in their own version of "Taken."
At least you won't have to wonder what they look like naked before you guys meet. This is a dating site strictly for nudists, so if you're wearing pants right now, this isn't the place for you.
It may look like a regular dating site, but the twist is that every user is ready to get married so there's no casual dating. With a preface like that, there's a good chance your first dinner will be your rehearsal dinner.
Finally, there's a site for people who want to dress up like cartoon animals and dry hump each other besides the storage closets of every comic con!


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8 Totally Inappropriate Moments In Real Kids Books

A Map of the Sluttiest States in America

We wanted to find out which states were the sluttiest and which were the safest. Using Center for Disease Control numbers on STD prevalence in each state, we were able to pull together accurate rankings.

We used the three loveliest sounding STDs - chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis - and added up infections per 100,000 residents, meaning the higher the number is the more of a chance you will catch something when you bring someone home from the bar. Here are the official rankings for the sluttiest states in America.

Sluttiest States in America, Most STDs per state
The Raw Numbers:

State: Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Syphilis = Total Per 100,000 Residents
Alabama: 636, 193, 4.5 = 833.5
Alaska: 756, 100.5, 1.5 = 858
Arizona: 470, 89.6, 3.1 = 562.7
Arkansas: 565, 146.6, 5.9 = 717.5
California: 445, 89.1, 7.8 = 541.9
Colorado: 423, 55.2, 4.1 = 482.3
Connecticut: 365, 59.6, 1.5 = 426.1
Delaware: 489, 99.1, 4.2 = 592.3
Florida: 407, 102.1, 7.2 = 516.3
Georgia: 534, 156.1, 9.5 = 699.6
Hawaii: 461, 59.3, 1.7 = 522
Idaho: 287, 10.5, 1.6 = 299.1
Illinois: 526, 141, 6.2 = 673.2
Indiana: 453, 112.6, 3.4 = 569
Iowa: 372, 65.5, 2.3 = 439.8
Kansas: 388, 77.6, .8 = 466.4
Kentucky: 395, 98, 3.4 = 496.4
Louisiana: 598, 194, 7.4 = 799.4
Maine: 257, 34.3, 1.3 = 292.6
Maryland: 455, 97.6, 7.4 = 560
Massachusetts: 358, 39.9, 4.8 = 402.7
Michigan: 482, 127.4, 3.0 = 612.4
Minnesota: 338, 57.7, 2.2 = 397.9
Mississippi: 774, 230.8, 5.0 =1009.8
Missouri: 463, 131.2, 2.6 = 597.8
Montana: 383, 10.8, .2 = 394
Nebraska: 366, 77.6, .4 = 444
Nevada: 409, 83.1, 4.1 = 496.2
New Hampshire: 233, 11.2, 2.7 = 246.9
New Jersey: 309, 84.9, 2.6 = 396.5
New Mexico: 571, 90.4, 4.9 = 666.3
New York: 517, 116, 6.3 = 639.3
North Carolina: 524, 148.3, 3.6 = 675.9
North Dakota: 425, 49, .6 = 474.6
Ohio: 460, 142.9, 3.7 = 606.6
Oklahoma: 444, 117.1, 2.2 = 563.3
Oregon: 348, 37.8, 5.5 = 391.3
Pennsylvania: 432, 120.8, 3.9 = 556.7
Rhode Island: 410, 48.2, 4.2 = 462.4
South Carolina: 580, 163.2, 4.8 = 748
South Dakota: 476, 85.8, 2.2 = 564
Tennessee: 508, 142.1, 4.2 = 654.3
Texas: 495, 126.5, 6.3 = 627.8
Utah: 270, 17, 1.5 = 288.5
Vermont: 275, 15.8, 1 = 291.8
Virginia: 432, 85, 3.5 = 520.5
Washington: 360, 47.4, 4.4 = 411.8
West Virginia: 258, 44.8, .4 = 303.2
Wisconsin: 415, 82.4, 1.6 = 499
Wyoming: 370, 7.7, .7 = 378.4


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Unprofessional Ref Takes a Phone Call in the Middle of a Game

Most of us couldn't give two craps about middle school basketball, probably because it's the equivalent to watching a WNBA game, but this is pretty ridiculous.

According to Bleacher Report, a referee working Tuesday night's Washington state rivalry between North Whidbey and Oak Harbor decided to take a phone call during the game, and thankfully, somebody caught it on camera.

It's hard to tell if one of the coaches is motioning for his kids to play defense or yelling at the ref to get off the damn phone because he just missed a lane violation on the opposing team.

Either way, it's never a good sign when an official takes a phone call during the game and the majority of people at the game don't seem to care. It's also not a good sign when you're a middle school kid and you're already so large that the team-issued red and white shorts don't fit, so you have to wear your own set of black and white trunks.

Maybe he'd hang up the phone if Carlos Boozer showed up: Watch Carlos Boozer Punch a Ref in the Crotch Over and Over Again


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British Guy on Train Uses Twitter to Get Toilet Paper for His 'Large Poo'

People use Twitter for different reasons. Some folks use it as a form of comedy while some athletes use it to favorite porn sites, but rarely do you see it used as a way to get your hands on some emergency toilet paper.

According to BuzzFeed, that's exactly what a 16-year-old vlogger did last month on a Virgin train traveling from London to Glasgow when he realized there was no toilet paper in the bathroom where he had just dropped a massive deuce.
Luckily for Adam Greenwood and the rest of the people sitting in his general vicinity, a Virgin staff member monitoring the company's Twitter feed saw the post, asked him which coach car he was riding in and had a roll of TP sent to the man in need.

Hey, at least now we know what to do the next time the train's bar runs out of Grolsch.

Twitter was a bad idea for these guys: The Most Embarrassing Sexual Tweets by Famous Athletes


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Watch Fitness Model Paige Hathaway Get Spanked by an Elephant

If you're not familiar with Paige Hathaway, do yourself a favor and call in sick to work tomorrow and get caught up.

According to COED, the sexy fitness model has been enjoying the holidays in Thailand with a friend, and somewhere between go-karting, hanging on the beach with monkeys and getting some quality pool time, she decided to stop by some place that had an elephant that could spank chicks with its trunk on command.

A video posted by @paigehathaway on

We're not up to speed with Thailand's legal system these days, but we're pretty sure that if one of the elephant's handlers would have tried any of those maneuvers, they would have been arrested or caned. We're also pretty sure that if the elephant would have died mid-spanking, the phrase "At least he died doing what he loved" would have finally been used correctly.

Even more Paige Hathaway: Paige Hathaway Proves Being Fit is Very Fine


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Always Bet On the Breathtaking Daisy Betts

British Babe Chloe Goodman Joins 'Celebrity Big Brother'

Someone in TV-land had a good idea. British glamour model Chloe Goodman is set to join the BBC's "Celebrity Big Brother." Chloe Goodman, of course, is known for being hot and she's graced the covers of men's mags such as Zoo and Nuts.

The producers aren't stupid. According to The Daily Star, they're hoping Chloe hooks up with fellow housemate Calum Best. Said a source, "By getting them both in the house, the producers are trying to guarantee a bonk." Gotta love the polite English-ease when referring to sex. Chloe and Calum are both single so anything could happen. As evidenced by a few of Chloe's photos, we think the producers had the right idea.

Chloe Goodman, Chloe Goodman joins 'Celebrity Big Brother'
Chloe Goodman, Chloe Goodman joins 'Celebrity Big Brother'
Chloe Goodman, Chloe Goodman joins 'Celebrity Big Brother'


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Today's Funny Photos

18 Funny Store Fails For All Your Shopping Needs

These Fun Nature Facts Will Make You Feel Bad About Yourself

There are some things that you just don't see coming, and when they hit you, they sting. The nature facts below -- which would all be completely harmless on their own -- are followed up by some sick burns that will leave you feeling bad about yourself. Don't say I didn't warn you.

nature fact insults, funny nature fact burns, i did not see that coming jokes
nature fact insults, funny nature fact burns, i did not see that coming jokes
nature fact insults, funny nature fact burns, i did not see that coming jokes
nature fact insults, funny nature fact burns, i did not see that coming jokes
nature fact insults, funny nature fact burns, i did not see that coming jokes
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The Funniest GIFs of the Week

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