Channel: Mandatory
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This Guy Really Really Loves Balloons


Sometimes we forget to enjoy the simple things in life. Take little round balls of latex filled with helium, for instance. We used to love balloons as kids. And then at some point, they kind of lost their majesty. Not for this guy though. He really, really loves him some balloons. We wish we could get as excited about anything as this guy gets about balloons.


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Vanessa Veasley is a Voluptuous Vixen



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Mandatory Presents: SlickforceGirl Vanessa


Last month, we introduced you to SlickforceGirl, a series created by photographer and filmmaker Nick Saglimbeni to bring together a diverse group of talented models and actresses to fight for a common good. The first girl we featured was SlickforceGirl Erika, and we promised that every month we'd be releasing a new hero. This month, it is SlickforceGirl Vanessa, played by Vanessa Veasley. In the video above and sexy behind-the-scenes shots below, you will see how hard she worked with Saglimbeni and a stunt coordinator to mimic being an astronaut and become the space-traveling hero SlickforceGirl Vanessa is.

SlickforceGirl, SlickforceGirl Vanessa, Vanessa VeasleySlickforceGirl, SlickforceGirl Vanessa, Vanessa VeasleySlickforceGirl, SlickforceGirl Vanessa, Vanessa VeasleySlickforceGirl, SlickforceGirl Vanessa, Vanessa VeasleySlickforceGirl, SlickforceGirl Vanessa, Vanessa VeasleySlickforceGirl, SlickforceGirl Vanessa, Vanessa VeasleySlickforceGirl, SlickforceGirl Vanessa, Vanessa Veasley
SlickforceGirl, SlickforceGirl Vanessa, Vanessa VeasleySlickforceGirl, SlickforceGirl Vanessa, Vanessa VeasleySlickforceGirl, SlickforceGirl Vanessa, Vanessa VeasleySlickforceGirl, SlickforceGirl Vanessa, Vanessa Veasley

Related: See More Voluptuous Vanessa Veasley


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These Video Games Would Be Impossible To Win

Thanks to HD TVs and advanced consoles, video games have gotten incredibly lifelike in the last few years. But nothing on the Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3 is anywhere near as challenging as the below video games based on real-life issues.

Via Pleated Jeans


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Robot Band Rocks Out To Motorhead


This is a band made up entirely of mechanical robots called Compressorhead and they are looking to redefine the term heavy metal. Watching Compressorhead tear through Motorhead's "Ace of Spades" might just be enough to bring hard rock back to the top of the charts. And as someone noticed in the YouTube comments, it is the little things that make this so enjoyable, like the bass player standing almost completely still, just like every human bass player in rock history.


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These Commercials Featuring The Meanest Panda Ever Are Hilarious


The brilliant minds behind Panda Cheese decided that the best way to sell their product would be by having a panda, who happens to be a complete and total asshole, ruin the days of people not using Panda Cheese. We're not sure if the ads boosted sales, but they sure as hell boosted the number of LOLs in our lives.


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Buxom Blonde Jessica Van Der Steen Will Melt Your Troubles Away



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Katsia Damankova Is a Sexy Victoria's Secret Model You Should Know



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How a Single Guy Should Start the New Year

With the drop of another New Year's ball, the return to punching of time clocks, piling into traffic and brewing coffeepots to the brim can finally resume, and the single guy can start a new year.

Whether you've mentally resolved to make it better than the last one, or you've made an actual list of all the changes you may hypocritically overlook, it's time, once again, to start the new year on the right foot, regardless of how poorly it potentially may end.
single guy, new year advice
As you stand by with high hopes of finding a woman as crazy as you are or expect another year dug so deeply into the sofa that the cushions begin to part at the seams, ask yourself whether this is the year you're going to take it up a notch and make the world your oyster, or will you hang loosely from the trees like the sloth everybody thinks you are? Here are some steps you can take to make it the more positive option.

Forgive, Forget and Move On
One of the hardest things for people to let go of is the past. Well, that and a desire for cheeseburgers. The only problem is our inability to change it (the past, that is), raising the question, "Why bother worrying about it?"

No matter which friend stiffed you on the bar tab, manhandled your potential lady lover or darted out of the cab leaving you holding the meter, let the new year be a fresh start for you and all your grudges. Live and let live. Holding onto hatred in the past is only seed for growing hatred in the future, a foul-tasting fruit that will leave you wondering why you were disgruntled in the first place. Forgive others of their wrongs, and hopefully they'll do the same for you. Mend your fences, forget the little squabbles and keep all eyes on the big, bright future that rests ahead this year. If nothing else, Silly String their car to release some tension and then move on.

Make It Better
"It" refers to all of it, every part and everything that comes into contact with you. Whatever limits you felt were reached during peak moments last year, blow right through them and go a little bit further this year.

Don't worry about doing it better than everybody else, as 2013 should be about making yourself better on an individual level. The name of the game is mastering your craft, your relationships and your life in general. Spend your time making everything as good as it can be, making yourself as good as you can be at what you do.

Once you're putting in the hours to become great at what you do, it won't matter what everyone else is doing because you'll be doing it well enough that all they'll see is your trail of dust ahead of them. Expect only the best from only yourself, and everything should progress steadily.

See More, Talk Less
There's something to be said about the power of silence and restraint. Most people spend too much time either in their own heads or speaking to fill an awkward void. Let this year be a perfect time for awkwardness, because if you can get to a point where it's not awkward anymore, there can be something truly cool about sitting quietly and being observant.

It's when we take time to observe ourselves that we notice certain things we wouldn't otherwise see because we're too busy hogging the limelight. Step outside yourself for a few brief moments and feel how much more relaxing it is than listening to constant noise and rap music, which are basically one and the same, anyway.

Use your words wisely, too. Try not to talk constantly, making your words more and more worthless, but save them for when it counts. You might find your jokes generate more laughs and your opinions harvest more thought. Plus, you won't be exhausted from trying to be witty every hour that you're awake. This tip can be translated as "read more, text less," as well.

Slow Your Roll
Everybody has big plans when the year starts anew. There's all this talk about who's going to see the world and who's going to grow a mustache all year and who doesn't care what the bosses say. Why not start simple and small?

Instead of calling out your big-time resolutions and spouting off promises you know you'll never keep, make a few small changes to your life that will close the gaps on your personality in progress and see if people don't notice. That's when it's cool to tell them it's your "resolution," as opposed to shouting it from a rooftop and breaking it half a dozen times before you're back on solid ground. Even if it's just one small change for the better, it'll be a step in the right direction. Remember, it's not the size of the boat; it's the motion of the ocean ... or something like that.

Stay In the Moment
Just as we should forgive and move on, staying in the moment is another perfectly sound way to move to the next step this year and leave everything else behind. The ability to not let the past cloud your instincts and the future weigh on your decisions is a talent worth having.

Any single guy probably has loads of time to himself, meaning it's easy to space out into other places of worry and self-doubt, but it may be best to focus on what's in front of you, even if it's just a sandwich. Step by step, day by day, you'll become better at making the moment you're in as good as it can be if you practice it and you're focused solely on it and not the things that come before or after.

And yes, we meant to add in lyrics from the "Step by Step" theme song. It's good to be nostalgic once in a while, otherwise we're just on a constantly moving train with no stops and terrible food.

More New and Less Repeat
It's a well-known fact that watching some of the greatest films will leave you satisfied and perhaps teach you a thing or two about life, but at some point, it becomes counterproductive and wasteful to watch the movie repeatedly (unless of course it's a Tom Hanks 1980s classic, then you're fine to watch it forever). The same goes for actual life. Once you step outside of your comfort zone, you quickly enter another place full of numerous choices.

Since the single guy lifestyle doesn't require any other person to latch onto his routine, the routine may rarely change, which is to say the same bowl with the same cereal and same expired milk will be applied to the word "breakfast" on a daily basis. Although it may seem small, it could be the first of many repeat choices throughout the day for any single guy.

So, in the spirit of the new year, hang a left out of the driveway for once and take a different route to work. Heck, do it on a bike or even ride the bus to mix it up. Actually, buses are gross and scary, so avoid those for your sanity. The point is to try something new; try everything new. See if you can't reinvent yourself in the little ways and make the big things seem fresh. Don't let yourself become predictable, because that's the death of desire, gentlemen.

Extrovert Yourself
A common symptom of singlehood is an introverted approach to life, that is to say, shying away from the crowds, avoiding conversation and watching porn all by yourself. That's weird, right? But who's to say what the appropriate way is to act, anyway? The point is, a lack of outgoingness can be mistaken for a lack of excitement and confidence, which can lead to some less-than-desired life situations, such as costly, lonely nights on the phone with pretty voices you've never met before or getting adjusted by a couple dozen booze bottles that land you in the arms of a woman who may not have her front teeth.

Mix it up this year and push yourself to be a little more extroverted, a little more talkative and a lot more chivalrous. You may not be yourself, but then again, you might like it and realize that you were never "you" to begin with. If things aren't working for you, now is the time to fix them by trying something else. We're not suggesting you try to fix your bank account by robbing the local grocer, but soberly engaging in casual conversation and going out in public when you'd normally watch the boob tube are good for starters.

Dig Deeper
The human soul is a bottomless, limitless entity full of infinite possibility, kind of like a beer tent at a kid's carnival. There is no height or depth too far away for us to achieve, so think about that as you enter the next 12 months. Take the time to get to know yourself and what it is you want out of this crazy life. Most people never know and go on to make lots of big life decisions, and if that's the case, you should ask again later.

Maturing is not something we do as we go through the pubescent practices of acne medication application and squeaky sentences, it's when we gain a little conscious awareness for the difference between who we want to be and what we actually are. You might find yourself looking in the mirror most mornings, wondering who the guy is staring back at you, a clear sign of disconnect with who you are. If you're miserable while working a job you never wanted, spending time with people who drive you nuts and living in a place that brings you zero happiness but lots of anxieties, it might be time for a one-on-one with yourself.

Life is short, and the year is even shorter, so why waste it being unhappy? It's a question that gets asked thousands of times each day, and with good reason - but only some of us are mature enough to answer it.

Although this year is not booby-trapped with specific dates for the end of the world, it doesn't mean we're safe from other tragedies that lie inside, like unwanted loneliness and bad breath. For the single guy who reigns in us all, may he take on the newest year fearlessly and make every moment his finest. And for the coward who stays in bed and lives in the past watching reruns of "Step by Step" on repeat, may you come to find that happiness is right outside your door ... even if that is a great show.


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The 'Stop Weed Smoking' Facebook Page Is Really Upsetting the Idiots Who Don't Know It's Fake

If you read my OK Cupid article where I pretended to be an attractive, yet incredibly horrible girl on a dating site in order to bait unsuspecting guys with no standards, you would know I'm no stranger to Internet trolling. Well, I may have met my match. The other day I logged into my Facebook account and began scrolling through my news feed when I noticed a bizarre picture that caught my attention. Just take a moment and read this "testimony."

After sending it to every friend I could think of and sharing it on my own page, I began to read through the 15,000+ comments on the photo. I assumed it would just be people laughing at the story, but, boy, was I wrong. It was full of stoners and what are apparently the most gullible people on the Internet arguing the logistics and science behind a photo where the author claims to have been born three months after his mother died.

I followed the link back to its original page and discovered what may be my favorite Facebook troll ever pulled off. Stop Weed Smoking, which has accumulated over 55,000 'Likes' since its creation on December 13, features a profile picture of a middle-aged mom who is on a mission to eliminate marijuana use, or as she calls it, the "devil's lettuce." Here are a few examples of her protests:

As hilarious and absurd as these posts are, the number of serious replies is truly astounding. For every person who gets the joke and is there for entertainment, you have 10 who are there to debate whether or not her son actually went into a coma after taking a single puff of marijuana. You really have to go see it for yourself, but here's a fraction of what's in store for you:

That's right, outrage and fury over some of the most ridiculous statements you'll ever read. And just to make sure we're all absolutely clear how absurd these posts truly are, here's another gem:

So, if you haven't already, go check out STOP WEED SMOKING, but be prepared to follow this rabbit hole of gullibility for the next several hours.


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10 Of the Craziest Covert Operations And Rescue Missions



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Today's Funniest Photos 1-7-14



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Reporter Run Over In Fake Football Play By Her Own Cameraman


We love live news bloopers but this one really stands out because instead of some random videobombers popping up in the background to interrupt a report, the damage here comes from a staffer. In this live rooftop report, the reporter is giving the details on a local restaurant when her camera man tries to run a fake football play behind her. The play was effective from his standpoint as he absolutely tramples the reporter on his way to the fake end zone. Despite the bruising hit, the reporter was able to brush it off and continue her report. No word yet on how she'll be listed in next week's injury report.


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Battle of the Best Benchwarming Dancers In The NBA: Robert Sacre vs. Kent Bazemore

We have found the best reasons to watch the Los Angeles Lakers and the Golden State Warriors and they have nothing to do with the Lakers' future Hall of Famers and the Warriors surprising resurgence. It's really all about the teams' maniacal dancing bench-warmers.

For the Lakers, we have Robert Sacre, who is so bad at basketball he's now playing in the D League. For the Warriors, there's Kent Bazemore, who's logged a total of 28 minutes this season. While both guys haven't exactly had a huge impact on the court, they do plenty of heavy lifting when it comes to bench celebrations following highlight plays. So who's better? Let's look at the tape.

Robert Sacre:

Kent Bazemore:

Sacre, like any good big man, relies on his size to get your attention before raising his arm and wiggling his fingers or crouching in a wide stance and unfurling what looks loosely like a flurry of wildly inaccurate Donkey Kong punches. On the other hand, Bazemore shows off his versatility with a variety of moves, including a hyper-exaggerated muscle man flex and a ridiculous bowling roll follow-through. This competition might be too close to call until the playoffs, when the two really have to step up their games. (If the Lakers even make the playoffs, that is.)


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Baseball Card Vandalism Makes Baseball Cards Worth Collecting Again



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Hard of Hearing Darth Vader Is Quite Enjoyable


We all know that Darth Vader had some trouble breathing. However, that only seemed to add to how intimidating he was as a movie villain. But what if he had been hard of hearing? ...WHAT?...
I said, what if he had been hard of hearing? ...WHAT?... Nevermind, just watch this. It's hilarious.


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Internet Classic: Interviewer Does Not Know Who John Cusack Is


In case you need another example of why it is important to do your homework before you interview someone, especially a famous actor, check out this classic from 2007. This girl is about to interview John Cusack about his role in "Grace Is Gone," but there is just one problem: She thinks he is Kevin Spacey. In her defense, I always think Cusask was in "American Beauty" too, but then I realize I am confusing it with "The Life of David Gale."


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Kelli Hutcherson: Rockstar Ring Girl



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Today's Funniest Photos 1-8-13



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The Art of Sexting

One bad sext can ruin everything. As we've seen with some not-so-tactful celebrities, athletes and politicians, sexting can be rife with pitfalls and quickly sabotage any chance of reaching the promise land. Make no mistake: Sexting is an art form that requires a keen sense of timing and skill. We thought we'd share some important dos and don'ts to put you on the right track.

Sexting Isn't An Ice Breaker
Some girl giving you her number at the gym last week isn't necessarily an invitation to vividly describe your cheerleader fantasy to her. Sure, the "let's roll the dice and see what happens" approach may work once in a while, but odds are you're going to be visiting the old standbys on Youporn. Start with some normal pleasantries, maybe even a date or two then when the time is right introduce her to your awesome sexting skills.

Check the mood
Just because you've had a few drinks and are feeling a little randy doesn't mean she is. You need to test the waters before diving in. If you don't, you may run into something similar to this exchange:
Him: Trying to guess your favorite position...
Her: My dad had a stroke.
Enough said.

Let her send the pictures
If you did a bar graph of the failure rate versus the success rates of guys who texted pictures of their junk to a female acquaintance, the failure rate bar would be the height of the Sears Tower (or whatever it's called now) and the success rate bar would be the height of a dime. Most would agree that the female form is inherently more photogenic than its male counterpart. However, if she asks you to send a photo, you don't want to be a prude. Just make sure to show yourself in a flattering light. Crocs or tighty-whities aren't recommended. Neither is swimming in cold water.

If you're too drunk to talk, you're too drunk to sext
This is when mistakes happen. We've all accidentally selected the wrong name in our phone and sent a text to the wrong person. Obviously, the stakes are higher here. If your Uncle Ernie accidentally receives a text intended for the object of your affection, things could be very awkward at your next family gathering. Recognize your current state and live to fight another day.

Avoid the voicemail vortex
"Hey, it's Tiger, I need you to do me a huge favor. Can you please take your name off your phone? My wife went through my phone and may be calling you. So if you can, please take your name off that. Just have it as a number on the voicemail. You got to do this for me. Huge. Quickly. All right, bye."

The world's greatest golfer (at one time) - a man worth hundreds of millions of dollars - found himself begging one of his hook-ups to change her voicemail message. Just remember, even if everything is hunky dory with your special lady friend, things can go south quickly and that voicemail of you doing your dirtiest Barry White imitation could be featured in her next blog post.

Let her lead
This one's pretty obvious but that doesn't stop some guys from going all caveman. Remember this is a dance, not a drunken wrestling match with one of your buddies. Reciprocating only after your sexty lady has started sending you the filthy things you were thinking first is the way to go. If you take your cues from her and follow her lead, good things are bound to happen. If, instead, you decide to tell her every dirty thought that entered your head the moment you saw her, you could be sitting in bed alone wondering if your message about putting her in a choke hold was too much.

It's not a group project
Passing your phone to your buddy to let him type in a few lines is not only disrespectful it's just plain stupid. As the old saying goes, it's always easier to spend someone else's money. The same holds true for sexting. With nothing to lose, your buddy might get reckless and start using phrases like" group grope" or "me sandwich." Be your own man and always maintain full control of the helm.

Spelling counts
Yes, a little text shorthand here and there is acceptable but use it too much and she may think she's texting with her teenage niece. Also, improvising your own text shorthand is not advised. This is about keeping her in the moment. If she has to stop and decipher your shorthand you will bring things to a grinding halt. Show her that you care by making your messages intelligible - even when you're talking about doing things to her that you don't even know how to spell.

Hit the film room
Where will you find Tom Brady or Aaron Rogers the Monday after a game? Win or lose, they're breaking down game film seeing what they did well and what they did poorly. You should take a similar approach to your sexting. Reflecting back on some of your old exchanges - both good and bad - will not only help you avoid repeating the same mistakes, it will allow you to remember that random stroke of genius you may have forgotten.

Remember the big picture
Finally, remember sexting is a means to an end. No guy thinks it will ever happen to him, but getting caught in a sexting-only relationship is not uncommon. If things don't go beyond sexting after a few exchanges, move on. You're not looking for a pen pal.

Good luck and happy sexting!


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