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Girl In Knee-High Boots Disarms Suicidal Girl With Spectacular Karate Kick


Fan boys rejoice, you have a new female superhero in knee high boots - and this one is the real deal. This amazing scene took place downtown in the city of Guangzhou in China, where a mentally unstable woman was waving a pair of scissors and threatening both innocent pedestrians and herself. As the situation escalated, a young woman who studies Tae Kwon Do used money to distract the suicidal lady and get within striking range. Then boom - a swift and effective kick dislodged the pair of scissors from the woman's hand. As you can see from the replays, it was a perfectly placed kick that spooked the woman enough to send her fleeing from the scene unarmed. We shudder to think what would've happened if our heroine missed her mark.

Via Uproxx

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Andrew Bynum's Philadelphia 76ers Highlights

Recently, this photo of the Philadelphia 76ers' Andrew Bynum popped up. It catches Bynum at a steakhouse lounging in pajamas, slippers and no socks. It is not the portrait of a rehabbing athlete trying to make it back on the court as soon as possible.

Bynum used to be considered a franchise player in the NBA, but a lot has happened since he was shipped to Philly as the centerpiece of a multi-team trade that landed Dwight Howard alongside Kobe Bryant and Steve Nash in Lakerland. To see how it all went down, let's take a look at Bynum's highlights since he landed in Philadelphia.

All smiles. Looks good.

Ah, team photo day. How exciting.




What are you doing?

Please, Andrew.


Finally, back to work.

Wait a minute, is that a Dave & Busters?


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Hannah Davis Makes Us Dream of DIRECTV Genie



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Taken - The 1930 Version

The 10 Most Annoying People of 2013

There's a lot of annoying people we're all going to have to deal with in 2013. Here are the 10 worst offenders.

political junkie10. Rich Kids Who Consider Themselves "Political Junkies"
Look, I like "The Daily Show" and "Meet the Press" and "Face the Nation" and all the other political shows out there as much as the next guy. But I don't mistake watching TV for actual activism. Most shitheads who make a point of calling themselves "Political Junkies" are upper middle class white kids who watch a bunch of boring TV and read of a bunch of boring New York Times articles and then regurgitate what they watched and read into my ear at parties.

I get it, someone at Slate.com told you oil companies do bad things and that homeless people get cold in the winter. It makes me sad, too. But repeating these facts while swirling your Pinot Gris doesn't actually "do" anything. Getting into circular arguments with semi-like-minded friends and acquaintances won't warm up the homeless or stop the oil companies from fucking up the polar bears. You're not changing the system and you're not changing anyone's mind. No one's walked away from a dinner party argument and said, "Hey, that guy wearing the thick-rimmed glasses and the scarf indoors was right. I'm voting for the Green Party."

All your postulating does is give you a hollow sense of superiority on your way home to your $2,400/month apartment because you were able to bring up more obscure statistics than anyone else in the room. Please shut the fuck up.

9. Your Friend Who Just Had A Kid
Friends with children used to be mildly annoying, because you could ignore them long enough and they went away forever. But now you can't ignore them because they're posting shit on Facebook and Instagram and Twitter and Google+ and Tumblr. I swear I'm still getting baby pictures faxed to me. I get it, having a child is a magical experience that has taught you the true meaning of love and you can't remember what your life was like before your wife shat out your beautiful little baby. Please, tell me more about it, all the time. You're the first person this has ever happened to, right? And don't forget to bring it up every time I come over to watch football. Because why would I want to talk about football or stupid jokes when you can tell me ONE more thing about the new small person in your house that's shitting itself as we speak. Remember when I used to text you something funny and then you would text me back something funny? Remember how now you text me back a photo of your infant wearing sunglasses? Yeah, so do I.

Breaking Bad8. Breaking Bad Fans
I get it, I really need to watch this show. Meth is cool and he is the one who knocks and all that blah blah blah. I'm sure I'll turn into one of you after I see a few episodes and get hooked. But let's get one thing straight: If it really is the best show in the history of television, it would be called "The Wire."

people who take coffee too seriously7. People Who Take Coffee Way Too Seriously
Yes, we know. Good coffee is good. And bad coffee is not as good as good coffee. But if you find yourself in an establishment that doesn't serve Rwandan free trade beans that were shat out by a spiritual donkey shaman whose fur also cures AIDS before being quad-brewed through the skin of a petrified alligator, then just shut the fuck up and drink whatever coffee is available.

And why are you worrying about the nuances of something that makes you take the world's most explosive shit eight seconds after it touches your lips? It's coffee. It's tasty, but it's not a goddamn religion. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to stop lecturing you on how annoying you are because I'm about to shit my pants from the 16-ounce latte I just chugged.

mixologist6. Mixologists
Let's get one thing straight, you're a bartender. And just because you're using fancy cocktail words like "macerate" and "egg foam" and "turbinado" doesn't mean you can charge me $15 for a goddamn Margarita. I don't care what kind of pseudo-Scientific title you're giving yourself to justify the $200,000 your parents spent on your English BA from Columbia. You wear an old-timey vest and string tie to work. Stop enlightening me on the subtle nuances of muddled cucumber and give me three fingers of bourbon so I can drink til I can't hear you.

5. The Next Apocalypse
Can we stop freaking out every time some ancient civilization said some vague, pointless bullshit about the end of the world? Let me make my own prediction: They will be wrong. And guess what, they will always be wrong. Remember that one time some 400 B.C. dickheads predicted the end of the world and they were right? You don't, because it's never happened. These people couldn't figure out penicillin, yet you think they unlocked the secrets of the universe?

And one more sidenote: We're not a bunch of Indiana Jones's deciphering some long lost ancient scrolls. Most of you wouldn't know a Mayan from an Aztec from an Olmec from a Teotihuacan--yet you think you're going to turn into Dan Brown just by analyzing the Mayan Apocalypse Wikipedia page? If you're so worried about the end of the world, maybe you should do something productive with your life instead of worrying when it's going to end.

4. Fat People
Everyone hates you. From the mayor of New York to Sanjay Gupta to Bill Maher to the lesbian on the Biggest Loser. Everywhere I turn someone's telling me some annoying statistic about some fat person. And I'm tired of it. Normally, I'd say you should eat a goddamn pile of fried dough for breakfast if you want, I don't give a shit. But since my tax dollars have to pay for your insulin party, the media is screaming in my face about you every two seconds. So, do us all a favor. If you fat people could just ease up on the lardcakes and drop a few pounds this year we could spend less time hearing about your BMI and more time worrying about important stuff, like DVRing "Breaking Bad."

HGTV shows property brothers3. HGTV Shows
Do you watch too much HGTV? I do (well, my wife does, so, therefore, so do I.) And here's what I've learned. There's essentially one HGTV show. Here's how it goes:

1. Introduce weird couple who want to move/need to remodel.
2. Realtor/Contractor shows couple multiple houses/remodeling possibilities.
3. Weird couple decides on a house/remodel plan.
4. Realtor/Contractor begins work.
5. Problem! Usually involving a rival bid on the house or the contractor found a load-bearing wall that completely ruins the remodeling plans.
6. Interviews of weird couple talking about how stressed out they are about this problem.
7. Interview with realtor/contractor talking about how the couple needs to be flexible.
8. Problem somehow solved!
9. Reveal where everyone is ecstatic with their new house/remodeling and can't believe they ever doubted the the realtor/contractor.
10. Credits.

Every. Single. Time. And yet, here we are watching our third episode in a row of "Property Brothers."

2. Shitty Parents and Their Shitty Children
Why is every kid shitty these days? I used to like children. They're fun. They remind you that you can wear bananas as hats or have a pretend lunch with the Queen of Wherever. But now kids just suck. If they're not blankly staring at an iPad (I don't have an iPad, yet every 8-year-old in the airport seems to have one AND an iPhone), then they're whining because Mommy isn't yelling at the cash register lady for not getting her juice fast enough (true story). If you're a parent and your shitty kid is acting like a little shit in public, then you should grow a sack and tell that little shit to stop being such a shithead.

1. Everyone
You know what? Fuck everyone this year. Stupid Congress is just going to suck egg after egg until they completely fuck our economy with their whining and piss-moaning. The media is one, big nonstop shithead who treats real news like reality shows. And let's not forget music. Does every song have to have a mandolin on it now? Is that some sort of music law I wasn't aware of? (I hate mandolin, FYI.) And if I have to hear more about Superfoods or Taylor Swift or Discount Double Checks or Al Roker sharting or anything else that makes my day worse, I'm going to go to sleep until 2014. (But please wake me up if the Ikea Monkey comes back.)


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Iconic Blonde Christina Applegate Flaunts It 'Cause She's Got It



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10 Strange Museums Around the World



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The Fortunate Rise and Strange Fall of Claudine Longet

At the young age of 18, French-born Claudine Longet set off to Las Vegas to begin her search for fame as a showgirl dancer, though ultimately it was the death of professional skier Spider Sabich that instead cemented her place in American celebrity history.

Oddly, it was a flat tire in 1959 that set the stage for her first big break when the suave-crooner Andy Williams, who was performing in Vegas at the time, pulled over to help her fix it. The small gesture sparked a 10-year relationship that showered Claudine with money, marriage, three kids, and a coat-tailing career as an actor and singer.

(Pictured: Longet and Tim Conway, 1963, Wikimedia Commons)

Unfortunately for Claudine, she possessed a lispy and accent-heavy singing voice that was more kitsch than talent. Like a poor-man's Francoise Hardy, her attempts at Beatles' covers were equal parts catchy and comedic, but her relationship to TV-sensation Williams ensured her a steady release of albums with enough promotion to secure nominal success.

Throughout the '60s, Longet made a few appearances acting, most notably as the romantic interest in the classic Peter Sellers movie "The Party" where she played a thinly-veiled version of herself named Michèle Monet. However, most of her time was spent as Andy's wife with occasional holiday appearances on his variety show and a lifestyle that you would expect from Hollywood royalty. Claudine and Andy's best friends were Robert Kennedy and his wife Ethel, who they tragically happened to be with at the hotel the night Robert was shot.

In 1970, Claudine's perfect TV-captured marriage unraveled, but her network of influential and famous friends remained. It was through Liza Minelli and Clint Eastwood that she met then "professional skiing's richest racer" Vladimir "Spider" Sabich. The two hit it off instantly and began what would later become an often tumultuous relationship throughout the first half of the '70s.

Then, on March 21, 1976, the police were called to the Aspen home of Spider Sabich that he shared with Claudine and her three kids. Inside, Spider was slumped dead from his .22 while a nervous Claudine explained he was showing her how to operate the gun when it fired accidentally. She was arrested, but maintained it was an accident and that her relationship with Sabich had not soured.

Friends of Spider told a different story of the relationship, though, one that suggested he had asked Claudine and her family to move out of the house recently in response to her increasingly difficult behavior and jealousy. The subsequent court hearing for manslaughter was the crime event of the '70s, bringing heaps of unwanted attention to the then still quaint Colorado ski town. The press descended on this dark spectacle in ways that could be seen as the earliest seeds of our TMZ generation.

Surprisingly, the police made several errors handling the case and Claudine was only charged for misdemeanor criminal negligence even though the evidence strongly suggested she had shot Spider in the back. She may have won the case, but in the court of public opinion, she had wholeheartedly lost, especially after vacationing with her then-married defense attorney, Ron Austin, afterward.

The attention was so absolutely negative that Claudine has since slipped out of sight, eventually marrying the now-divorced defense attorney and is rumored to be keeping a low profile between their homes in Aspen and Hawaii. A vanishing act so complete that our only evidence of her actual existence is a legacy of awesomely cheesy thrift-store vinyl scores.

"It's a shame because Spider accomplished so much in his life. Claudine accomplished only two things, marrying Andy Williams and getting away with murder." - Steve Sabich, brother of Spider

Video: Andy Williams and Claudine Longet Singing Together


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Today's Funniest Photos 1-9-13



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Priest to 911: Please Help With These Handcuffs and Gag I Was Playing With

A priest in Springfield, IL has gotten himself tied up in quite a mess. Father Tom Donovan of the St. Aloysius church on Springfield's north end called 911 from the rectory when he found himself unable to undo a pair of handcuffs and a gag. "I'm going to need help getting out before this becomes a medical emergency," Donovan told a dispatcher during the Nov. 28 call.

When the dispatcher asks for more information, Donovan offered up this explanation: "(I was) playing with them and I need help getting out." Since the call, there has been no explanation for how Donovan was able to gag and cuff himself.

Donovan's voice sounds garbled on tape of the call (hear the full audio from Donovan's 911 call below) and when police arrived, they found Donovan in some sort of gag. Donovan has since taken a leave from the church, something he was granted from Bishop Thomas J. Paprocki, who is the leader of the Springfield diocese.

Paprocki made headlines last Thursday when he testified against Illinois' gay marriage bill. He also once stated that voting for Democrats, "makes you morally complicit and places the eternal salvation of your own soul in serious jeopardy." No word yet on how handcuffing and gagging yourself alone in a church for God knows what reason impacts your morals, soul and eternal salvation.

You can hear Donovan's full conversation with the confused dispatcher below.

Via Illinois Times

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Richard Sherman Mic'd Up Is Quality Entertainment


Seattle Seahawks cornerback Richard Sherman is known for flirting with drug suspensions, mocking Tom Brady and, since last weekend, getting punched in the face during the post-game handshakes by the Washington Redskins' Trent Williams. He's the ultimate guy you want on your team but you hate if he's on the other team. In any case, thanks to this awesome mic'd up segment, you can now judge for yourself how annoying all of his antics are. The clip even includes the Williams punch up close and personal.


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The Proper Way To Drink Johnnie Walker


If you drink Johnnie Walker scotch whisky, you want to do it right. They put a lot of effort into crafting their blends, so you want to know what you're doing before you dive in. If there's anyone you should trust on the matter, it's the man they call the Master of Whisky, Stephen Wilson. Join Wilson as he walks you through some of the finer points of Johnnie Walker Black Label, the newly re-released Double Black Label and Johnnie Walker Red Label.

Learn all you need to know about Johnnie Walker right here.


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This Outrageous Men's Knitwear Collection Stole The Show At London Fashion Week



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More Super Sexy SueLyn Medeiros



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Dawn Olivieri is Vieri Vieri Attractive



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Welcome To The Age Of Star Wars-Style Military Laser Beams

by Geoffrey Ingersoll

Right at the end of 2012 we reported on a laser beam missile defense system Lockheed developed that would make Israel's Iron Dome look wimpy.

It turns out, German company Rheinmetall concurrently produced a system quite like Lockheed's ADAM - one which can accurately target an 85 centimeter thick ball bearing, traveling 50 meters per second, and sear it out of the sky.

Perhaps the most terrifyingly cool bit of information out of the company's press brief (released in mid-December and largely unreported in American media) is this tidbit: Several experts gathered to witness as "a massive, 15mm-thick [.6 inches] steel girder was cut through at a distance of 1,000 metres [3,000 feet, about .6 of a mile]."


See Also: The Most Effective Weapons in the US Arsenal

Both of these systems, Germany's and Lockheed's, are part of a large push to develop missile/mortar defense systems that don't use ballistics as a primary means of execution. Ballistics, as we've all learned over the years, are not only incredibly difficult to produce, expensive and relatively inaccurate - but also they can only be used once.

Rheinmetall's lasers use something called Beam Superimposing Technology (BST), which overlaps beams in order "to irradiate a single target in a superimposed, cumulative manner."

See Also: A Quick Glimpse at the Coolest Job in the World

The efforts of military developers worldwide can, in a way, trace their roots back to Ronald Reagan's oft-joked about Star Wars missile defense program. Though these lasers aren't quite like what Luke Skywalker dodged in George Lucas's 70s film - first of all they're invisible - they have proven effective at removing drones from the sky.

via Business Insider


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10 Fads That Killed People



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The 7 Stages of Getting Fat

I put this piece together as few years ago with Justin Halpern and thought it deserved to see the light of day again. As we all know, life is usually a struggle to stop packing on the pounds. But there are certain stages that you go through as you let yourself go. Which stage are you in?

stages of fat, am I fat?,
second stage of being fat, sexy fat girl
third stage of being fat, funny fat guy, party animal fatsporty fat, fourth stage of being fatstage five of being fat, double take fat
surrender fat, wheelchair fat, rascal riding fat, sixth stage of being fat
melding with furniture fat, seventh stage of being fat


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Today's Funniest Photos 1-10-13



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10 Things You Can Expect From The 2012-2013* NHL Season

Contrary to popular belief, the NHL season did not start as usual back in October, but instead has been embroiled in a bitter lockout for a whopping 113 days (if you study Canadian math, that's Jacques Plante + Mats Sundin amount of days). Rather than lose an entire season (like they did in 2005), the league and the players came to an agreement and will now play half a season (like they did in 1995), and hope they won't have to go through this again (like they will in 2021). Now that the asterisk-laden semi-season is set to begin, here's what you can expect...

Rather than slogging through a lengthy season that usually sees teams like the Columbus Blue Jackets, Toronto Maple Leafs, and Winnipeg Jets sent to the non-playoff cornfield by Mid-January, this 48-game sprint to the playoffs is anyone's game. Sure, their Stanley Cup will come with a huge glaring footnote, but a ring's a ring, right?

Once the lockout was announced, a bunch of players hopped to Russia to sign up for the NHL's rival league, the KHL (Kontinental Hockey League). Sure, this is the league that had an entire team die because they were shuttled back and forth to games in WWI-era biplanes, and that treats players who suffer neck injuries by rolling them in tarps and carrying them off the ice like dead prostitutes, but hey - $10 million contracts! Players that survive without injury or Hep C will, however, come back in much better shape than guys who've been sitting at the bargaining table...so prepare for a wildly out of balance fitness spectrum among players.

Thanks to that crazy fitness spectrum ("I've been tearing up the Swiss Elite League" vs. "Pass that second helping of poutine, merci") and an incredibly tight schedule (fewer days off between games), players will be dropping left and right. Watching a dude who's been playing 30 games in the ass-end of Bratislava collide with a guy who's been golfing in SoCal is going to look like that scene in RoboCop when the OCP cruiser hits the toxic avenger. This will give teams loaded with teenagers (Hello, Edmonton) a distinct advantage over creaky veteran squads, which will further unbalance all that you think you know.

Ready to still be watching hockey on the fourth of July? It could almost happen. But rough estimates - if every playoff series goes the full seven games - the Stanley Cup playoffs might not end until the last few days of June. The guys who go in for playoff beards are going to look like artisanal brine makers from Brooklyn by the time the Cup is handed out. But it will be worth it just to see Commissioner Gary Bettman (who has just completed his lockout hat trick as commish) take his annual walk of shame to center ice amid boos, hisses, and hurled Tim Horton's cups filled with pee.

One of the most interesting aspects of the newly-minted Collective Bargaining Agreement is that teams stupid enough to sign bad players to ridiculous contracts can now safely wipe those contracts off their books (each team gets two such "amnesty buyouts') to clear cap space to sign other bad players to ridiculous contracts. So teams with horrible albatrosses (Rangers + Wade Redden, Canadiens + Scott Gomez, Flyers+ Ilya Bryzgalov, Islanders+ injury wunderkind Rick DiPietro) can finally be semi-free. GMs are going to be hunting down and killing bad contracts like Liam Neeson. But on the bright side, your local men's league is going to be flush with new talent!

Remember the season after the last lockout? When the NHL stenciled "Thank You, Fans" on the ice and then....well, that's pretty much it? This time around, don't expect much more. Owners just spent the last four months arguing over every nickel, dime, and whatever Canadian money is called (food tokens?), so if you're expecting discounted hot dogs and beer you can forget it. Maybe Bettman can send every fan a T-shirt: "I survived three lockouts and all I got was the Phoenix Coyotes."

The Los Angeles Kings, who have labored in obscurity in Southern California since the 1960s, finally broke through and won their first ever Stanley Cup last year (something not even Wayne Gretzky could accomplish)...only to see their fans' newly-minted bandwagons put in dry dock, their banner unraised, and the city's focus once again fall upon their true favorite team: Kobe Bryant and the Kobe Bryant Five. The Detroit Red Wings have to postpone the number-retiring ceremony honoring their legendary captain Nicklas Lidstrom until next season, and several aging greats (Anaheim's Teemu Selanne, Ottawa's Daniel Alfredsson, and New Jersey's Martin Brodeur) may go out with a half-season whimper.

Usually, at this time of year, the league divides into "buyers" and "sellers." The buyers are teams headed to the playoffs that want to beef up their roster. Sellers are basement dwellers looking to sell off assets and plan for next year. This time? Everyone is in buyer mode because, who knows? The playoffs could be in anyone's future. It's going to be the wild west (and east, and, um, wherever the hell Winnipeg is). So get ready for the biggest, loudest, and dumbest transaction period you've ever seen. Roberto Luongo to the Leafs for Joffrey Lupul, Nazem Kadri and a bucket of Phil Kessel's tears! Jarome Iginla to Philadelphia for both Schenn brothers, Ilya Bryzgalov's sexy-ass husky, and a signed Oggie Oglethorpe jersey!

With the entire hockey world flipped on its axis, determining the order for the 2013 Entry Draft is going to be tricky. The league has hinted that it will be broadening the scope of its lottery system, so like everything else this will become a crapshoot. It'll be safe to assume, though, that if Edmonton gets its fourth or fifth consecutive #1 overall pick, the fix is probably in. Our only hope for a "fair" draft will be location: This year's selection is being held in the Prudential Center in Newark, New Jersey, and if anyone can ensure things go smoothly, it's the local Jersey, um, "business community," capiche? Yeah, so Devils GM Lou "Big Lou" Lamoriello was given the top pick. You got something to say about that, tough guy? Thought so...

You've heard all the whining, all the increasingly moronic boycott plans ("Buy a ticket, go to the game, but DON'T CHEER!"), and all the players' threats to remain overseas (which we understand in the case of Lubomir Visnovsky. We'd rather play for a club team in Slovakia than report to the Islanders, too) - but in the end, everyone will come back. The fans will learn that being forced to live without hockey is different from choosing to live without it, and the players will realize that this is the only league that matters. By the start of the 2013-2014, no one will even realize the league was ever closed (especially ESPN). So...Game on, eh?


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