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Will Ferrell and Ryan Gosling Are The "Knife Guys"


Last night, "Jimmy Kimmel Live" premiered in its new time slot at 11:35. Little did Kimmel know, the studio had already been booked at that time for quite a while for a QVC knife show hosted by a couple of familiar faces. If all QVC shows were like this, we might actually tune in to watch occasionally.


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Hooters Girl Legend Leeann Tweeden Does Not Disappoint



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WWE Divas Champion Eve Torres is a Knockout



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No More Chewing the Fat: Juice Your Way to a Healthy Life

So there I was scarfing down McNuggets and an Oreo McFlurry at about 10 p.m. on Jan. 2 and I thought to myself, well, I guess New Year's resolutions are meant to be broken. This was, of course, after a full dinner (hamburger and fries from another restaurant) and just before I began to hate myself for the first time of the New Year - incidentally, breaking a second resolution.

While gluttony is my favorite of the seven deadly sins, there is a part of me that thinks maybe - just, maybe - it's time for a change. So, on a friend's recommendation I sat down and watched "Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead," a documentary that follows Joe Cross as he travels around America drinking nothing but fruit and vegetable juice for 60 days. He sheds 100 lbs. off his 310-pound body, talks to more than 500 Americans about food and even helps another guy lose weight, all while also helping himself get off all medication from an autoimmune disease that nearly killed him.
joe cross, juice cleanse, reboot with joe
It's all very impressive and inspirational, and despite the great Nicole Richie tweeting recently that "telling people you're on a juice cleanse is a perfect way to make sure everyone is visualizing you having diarrhea," I decided I just had to talk to Joe, anyway. Here is our Q&A:

What's the best way for someone to survive the holidays?

First, to be realistic in your expectation. At reboot, we think it's important to enjoy your life - and live it fully. That's not permission to give in to every temptation, but I reckon that a happy life includes the occasional treat or party! Also, have a plan for January. At Reboot with Joe you can download our quick start guide to a 3-day reboot for the New Year that easily gets you back on the right path.

What's the hardest part of turning your life around and completely changing your eating habits?

The hardest part is starting. The first three days, while you're detoxing (in my case, from a lifetime of unhealthy behavior) and before it becomes a natural habit, can be a bit tricky. That's when the support of friends and family is critical. However, once I began and discovered how very much better I felt, it was easy to keep the momentum going.

What combination of exercise goes with the typical juice fast? What exercise did you do during your 60-day juice fast?

I walked quite a bit - if you remember, I was making "Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead" and walking around towns in America trying to get people to talk to me! The best kind of exercise will vary for everyone and will also be determined by what you're used to. For example, it's probably not the best time to train for a triathalon. But it's a great time to get plenty of moderate aerobic exercise like walking (it will help you detox and feel energized), do some yoga and stretch your body. Our Reboot Community shares great stories with us and I'm encouraged to see how many people really start enjoying physical activity after a few days on a reboot.

This venture seems like it can be pricey. How much does it cost to juice? How many juices a day?

It doesn't have to be pricey at all if you plan and shop well. Also, although I think organic is great, if that is out of your price range you can easily juice conventional fruits and vegetables if they are washed thoroughly. Price varies for everyone based on what you're juicing, where you live, what's available to you, will you be juicing yourself, etc. It's the same for the number of juices (6-8 is typical of most people.) The cost of juicing pales in comparison to the cost of being fat and sick - I can tell you that from personal experience.

How does someone who can't afford to take a month off work and travel around the country realistically get this done?

With planning. With the support of their community at home and at work, and with realistic expectation. At rebootwithjoe.com we've got all of the tips and guidelines to make rebooting easy. We recommend a few days of clean eating to transition in, notifying your close friends and colleagues in advance to enlist their support, planning your shopping and juicing schedules and pacing yourself!

What do you say to someone who says they want to enjoy life, and if it means dying a little younger then it's OK?

That is everyone's personal choice and I'm a big advocate of personal freedom. However, those things are usually said by people who haven't yet had a wake-up of serious illness - for me, that was a game changer. If they were interested, I would probably tell them how much more I enjoy my life now - it's richer and more delicious than it was when I lived on pizza, burgers, soda and the like, that's for sure.

What about alcohol? Would someone have to give up drinking altogether?

Again, a personal choice. You don't drink on a reboot, and I can tell you, you don't want to. After the first few days, the clarity you get from great nutrition in that liquid sunshine and the vitality and energy that you discover make drinking less appealing.

So many overweight people in the video say they are happy and food makes them happy. That can't be true right?

Food can make people happy - in moderation. Delicious food is a pleasure, and enjoying food with people you care about is an important ritual. However, I don't know anyone who feels happy about being obese or ill.

Is following up a 3 or 5 day juice fast with bad eating worse than not doing the fast at all?

No! Any time you are able to inject your system with more nutrients is better. In our experience, people don't want to return to bad eating after a reboot. All of those processed foods really don't taste as good.

Many people use eating and drinking as a form of social activity. Is it lonely when you turn to juicing? How do you solve that problem?

I say, don't skip the party! Let the host or hostess know in advance that you're making some important life changes and are on a reboot, and turn up with your juice in hand. You may be very surprised by how much positive reinforcement you get.

What everyday lifestyle changes need to occur to reboot your life?

Buy a juicer or arrange access to a juicer or juice bar. Educate yourself about what to expect and just start where you are.

Lastly, what sort of positive reinforcement helps the process? Do you buy new clothes to feel the weight loss? Is there a "day off" on the diet ever?

Well, it's not a diet - that's an important place to start. In my experience, the best positive reinforcement comes from within - when you start to feel and look exponentially better, when your health improves, when your thinking becomes sharper, when the people in your life start remarking on how great you look - that is pretty powerful motivation!


Joe Cross is currently working on a second documentary, a how-to-reboot with Joe book, and wrapped filming a series of programs on heath and wellness. For more information on Joe's upcoming events and projects, visit RebootWithJoe.com.


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The Evolution of Merril Hoge's Tie Knot

Chances are you're going to see Merril Hoge talk football at some point this weekend. If you're like us, you probably have a hard time actually listening to what Merril has to say about football because you are transfixed by his enormous tie knot. Merril's windsor continues to widen at an alarming rate, something we've projected into the future.

merril hoge, merril hoge tie knot, espn, nfl


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#cutforbieber Has A Bright Side

Justin Bieber got caught (allegedly) smoking weed so his fans decided to do something about it. That something was cut themselves. Because they were tricked by some crafty people on Twitter. We're sorry to the few people who actually shed blood over something so ridiculous but we are also really happy for all the mocking photos it resulted in. Enjoy the best of the #cutforbieber meme.


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This Week's 20 Inappropriately Hilarious Tweets



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Today's Funniest Photos



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The Strange Fate of 10 One Hit Wonders



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12 Celebrity Sex Tape Scandals



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Genesis Rodriguez Has The Invisible Touch



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April Rose Is A Windy City Hottie



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Fabiana Semprebom Is A Semprebom-shell



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Former Miss Florida Jessica Rafalowski Will Floor Ya



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These Old Guys Know How to Party


Well, not really. But they know how to sing together at their local coffee shop for your listening pleasure. Apparently these Canadian fellas get together every Monday at this Tim Hortons and sing beautiful songs like "Can You Feel the Love Tonight" a capella. I know I am about 50 years too young, but I really want to make my way into this group.


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Mark Kozelek's 'Ruth Marie' is the Saddest Song Ever Written


While perusing the Internet this week, I came across a few sad song playlists. And while they had a lot of the same artists you see on all those lists (Richard Buckner, The Smiths, Jason Molina etc), they were missing the saddest song ever written - Mark Kozelek's "Ruth Marie."

If you're not familiar with Mark, his songs usually appear on anything tagged sad or depressing. As frontman of Red House Painters and Sun Kil Moon, his music has the ability to take control of your mood immediately. Especially if you just broke up with someone. His haunting voice and (usually) stripped-down melancholic-yet-catchy guitar riffs resonate with the awkward teenage angst far more than any other singer songwriter who has somehow found more acclaim. He's more accessible than shoegazer bands like Codeine, yet much more powerful than anything you've ever heard on radio. To put it in today's terms, he was Bon Iver before Bon Iver was Bon Iver.

A little background: I've had a soft spot for Mark since 1992, when I found his first EP (Down Colorful Hill) at a college record store in Lexington, KY. As a frustrated 16-year-old in a small town who hated everyone, I had the perfect sensibility for Mark's music. Everything from the artwork (sepia-toned photos of rustic furniture) to the intensely personal lyrics to the guitar hooks that stuck in your head, I was hooked from the first listen and have followed him ever since.

But 'Ruth Marie' is a different kind of depressing than his RHP or SKM stuff. It's not about pining for some girl or the empty loneliness of getting older. It's about a dying old woman who's looking back on her life as she fades into dementia. He wrote it right after visiting a friend's grandmother in a elderly home. (Who's ready for some LOLs?)

If you've ever seen Mark live, he's actually pretty funny (he's also appeared in a number of movies - most notably as the bassist in Almost Famous.) I'm not sure why he never took off like Bon Iver. Maybe he was too ahead of his time. I'm not sure, but if you are ever wondering what the saddest song ever written is, it's going to be hard to top 'Ruth Marie.'


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Pink Crown Victoria Comes With Everything, Including A Toilet In The Back Seat

A pink Crown Victoria is pretty dope. Adding the Charmin toilet paper logo to your paint job ups the bad-ass factor a little. But dropping a toilet in the back seat? That, friends, is commitment to a bit. And with all that toilet paper there, it seems the driver here is really intent on using this toilet for real. Talk about skid marks...

Via Donk Snob


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Kiana Kim: Meet the Mrs. of 'Pete Rose: Hits & Mrs.'



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What You Are Talking About At Your Office Meeting

What Is Happening On Richard Branson's Private Island?

richard branson, necker island, fireOwning an island is one of those things you do when you're so rich that money doesn't matter anymore. The sheer cost it takes to transform an isolated bit of land surrounded completely by water into something habitable is outrageous, so only the highest of the high rollers can pull it off. Richard Branson is one such man, but Necker Island - his private retreat in the British Virgin Islands - has been the subject of some pretty intense events lately. Pack your snorkels, friends, because we're going for a deep dive.

Branson first discovered that some of the British Virgin Islands were up for sale in 1979. They were owned by Lord Cobham, who was desperate for cash. So Branson ponied up £180,000 for an uninhabited 74 acre island. He was just 28 when he bought Necker Island, and under the gun - the British government had a law that if you bought an island, you had to build a resort on it in 5 years or you lost it.

Three years and ten million dollars later, Branson had his resort. Thankfully, Virgin Records made a bunch of money for him - he commented once that every time the label had a hit, he'd spend a little money on the resort. Necker Island boasts two pools, tennis courts, a private chef, wireless Internet and tons of water sports equipment. Oh, and Branson has an outdoor toilet positioned where he can gaze out over the whole island.

August of 2011 brought media attention to the island in a bizarre way. A bolt of lightning from Hurricane Irene arced out of the sky and struck Branson's house, setting it aflame. Staying there was his 90 year old mother, who almost died in the blaze until she was rescued by... Kate Winslet. Winslet actually met current husband Ned Rocknroll (who is Branson's nephew) on Necker as well, so it's a good place for a love connection.

richard branson, harry styles, necker islandOr a love disconnection, as perpetually jilted singer Taylor Swift just discovered. Swift, who has been dumped more times than a garbage truck, just split with Harry Styles of boy band One Direction after Branson invited Styles to come party on Necker. Photos of the lad in a hot tub with a lady that sure wasn't Swift had Taylor flying off in a huff, presumably to write some songs. Thankfully lots of things rhyme with "Harry."

The amazing thing about Necker is that it's not Branson's only island. He also owns Moskito Island in the British Virgin Islands and Makepeace Island off the coast of Australia. Moskito brought him some bad press when he announced his intentions to relocate ring-tailed lemurs from zoos to the island.

Branson's not the only super-rich jerk to own an island, though - it's almost a rite of passage once you have eight or nine figures under your belt.

One of the most bizarre collections of private islands is "The World," an artificially-created archipelago of islands that look like a scaled-down map of the world. The mini-Greece was bought for Pamela Anderson by ex-husband Tommy Lee for $15.5 million. Other famous private island owners include Segway inventor Dean Kamen, who bought North Dumpling Island off the coast of Connecticut and turned it into a carbon-neutral "kingdom" with its own flag, and Mel Gibson, who bought Mago Island northwest of Fiji despite what the native people living there thought about it.

If you want to sample a little bit of private island insanity for yourself, you can rent rooms on Necker Island during "celebration weeks." The price is... a little steep, though. We're talking $3,800 a day. Renting the whole island clocks in at a very modest $53,000 a day. If you're willing to cough that up, you can relax in luxury. At least until lightning strikes again.


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