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Zong Fuli - The Daughter of China's Richest Man - And Other Sexy Billionaire Heiresses



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10 of the Worst Inventions of All Time



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Hana Nitsche is Russell Simmons' Girlfriend, and We Applaud Him for That



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Mascot Frog Gets Injured, World Stifles Giggles

"I Beat Mike Tyson": The Story of Boxer Kevin McBride


I BEAT MIKE TYSON - (FULL FILM) from Joshua Z Weinstein on Vimeo.

In 2005, unknown Irish heavyweight Kevin McBride knocked out Mike Tyson to stun the world. After that, he pretty much disappeared.

This illuminating look at the personal side of boxing tells the story of what's been going on with McBride since the Tyson bout. You'll see his wife and kids fretting over his career choices and the health problems that come from a life in the ring. There's also a couple of potential comeback fights included in the clip that director Joshua Z. Weinstein covers from the bowels of the arena. It's a unique perspective on a life that very few people can comprehend, one McBride sums up perfeclty himself: "It's just one of these things in boxing. One punch can change the chapter of anybody's story. And my story is that I beat Mike Tyson."


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Sexting Examples For Every Type of Person Out There

No matter what type of person you are, sexting is probably a part of your life. Whether you're trying to impress a new hook up or you're trying to keep it fresh with someone you've settled down with, sexting can keep things fresh in the bedroom - even if you're in separate bedrooms. As a helpful guide, we've put together these examples on what you should be sexting depending on who you are.

Fat people sexting example
sexting examples, fat people

Tweens sexting example
sexting examples, tweens

Old people sexting example
sexting examples, old people

Friendzone'd dude sexting example
sexting examples, friendzoned

Virgins sexting example
sexting examples, virgins

Politicians sexting example
sexting examples, politicians

Little people sexting examples
sexting examples, little people

Siri sexting example
sexting examples, siri

Taylor Swift sexting example
sexting examples, taylor swift

Cats sexting example
sexting examples, cats

Celebrities sexting example
sexting examples, celebrities


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The Funniest GIFs of the Week - January 17, 2013



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Meet The Most Spoiled Kids In The World



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Today's Funniest Photos 1-17-13



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The Funniest Manti Te'o Fake Girlfriend Photos, Gifs and Tweets So Far



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Teoing: Manti Te'o Takes Tebowing to the Next Level

The story of Notre Dame linebacker and Heisman finalist Manti Te'o is a complex tale that deserves a thorough investigation. It also deserves to be mocked immediately by a bunch of strangers. Forget Tebowing, here's Te'oing. Put your arm around your invisible girlfriend, snap a picture and post to the Internet. And a meme is born.

manti te'o, teoing
manti te'o, teoingmanti te'o, teoingmanti te'o, teoingmanti te'o, teoingmanti te'o, teoingmanti te'o, teoingmanti te'o, teoingmanti te'o, teoingmanti te'o, teoingmanti te'o, teoingmanti te'o, teoing

Via the fantastic Teoing


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An Open 'Thank You' Letter From Lance Armstrong to Manti Te'o

Dear Manti Te'o,

Hey pal... It's me, your buddy Lance Armstrong (or is it? Lol jk it's really me). Now I know we haven't technically met but I wanted to thank you for taking all the attention off of me. I know you're probably really nervous right now, so your pal Lance, Dance Revolution (it's a nickname I'm trying to start, feel free to call me that) came up with a few options to get yourself out of this:

1. Photoshop
Let's produce a picture of you and your girlfriend. I took a couple of online Photoshop classes (YouTube) and put together this picture for you. This may solve all your problems.

If that sexy little minx looks familiar, yes, it is country superstar Reba McEntire. I wasn't sure what nationality you said your girlfriend was so I went with the safe route and combined two. Pretty cool effect huh??

2. Get real cancer
I know it seems like a little much, but people will forgive you. I just saw that movie "50/50" and it totally made me forget that Joseph Gordon Levitt was in that awful bicycle movie. Just consider it. And maybe buy a bunch of microwaves and tanning beds in case you change your mind.

3. Date a high profile celebrity
I'd say make it a Kardashian, but I think the only one who would be willing to sleep with you after this would be Bruce. How about my ex-girlfriend, Sheryl Crow? You could even do that whole celebrity couple name thing, like Mantyl Te'Crow or Sheri Cre'o. She probably won't go for it, but you can just add her as a friend on Facebook and that pretty much means you guys are married in your mind, AMIRITE?

4. Just don't talk about it.
Let me tell you a little story. Once upon a time Ray Lewis murdered a guy but then he did fun, wacky Madden commercials with Paul Rudd and everyone forgave him. The end. Instead of talking about it, just completely ignore it and find your own zany commercials to do. Maybe do a NBA Jam commercial with Helen Hunt or a Call of Duty commercial with the guy from Quantum Leap. That show was wild! I had a similar idea but instead of traveling through time to solve crimes, I would travel into the past and hang out with people who don't hate me. It's still being pitched around.

Has Oprah called you yet? I know that flesh eating she-monster is lurking in the water, waiting to consume you and your girlfaux-nd (Haha a little joke between pals!). So, what if we turn it on her and actually produce a girlfriend! She came back from the dead! How you ask? We covered her coffin in Livestrong bracelets and their power literally blew the breath of life back into her corpse. Oh man, I would $ell $o many bracelet$...uh I mean, this would help you with your problem. Now the girlfriend has to be someone we trust so, again I put another little Photoshop example together and came up with this idea:

You're not going to believe this, but THAT'S ACTUALLY ME! Haha it would be a real hoot! I could help you keep the story straight while at the same time looking like that girl from The Fifth Element. Double trouble!

These are just a few ideas for ya pal. I won't contact you until you contact me so I can know if you're really interested. I guess you could say the ball is in your court (lol just a little testicle joke, I'm sure you get it). Livestrong Manti! Together we can catfish the world!

- Lance Armstrong

P.S. I'm really enjoying the Te'oing craze. Here's a picture of me and my imaginary girlfriend after one of my imaginary wins.


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Manti Te'o's Fake Girlfriend Gets Her Own Taiwanese Animation


Manti Te'o and Manti Te'o's fake girlfriend have been reported on by a lot of different news organizations, but this Taiwanese Animation seems to tell the most accurate story.


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Ellen Degeneres is Full of Shit in 3 Gifs

10 of the Weirdest Laws From Around The World



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How They Make The Super Bowl Trophy



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An Awkward Moment Between Male Toy Dolls In A Locker Room

Laura Spiller is One Hot Viking



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10 Courageous Kids Who Saved Adults' Lives



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Today's Funniest Photos 1-18-13



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