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Hot Girl 'Accidentally' Gets Naked In Fantastic Prank

There are a lot of awful, mean spirited pranks all over YouTube, but then there are fantastic pranks that involve hot women getting naked because that's sometimes all you need. The prank below involved just that, as men were brought in with the hopes of picking up free toner. But what's even more arousing than free toner? You got it, a sexy naked lady. Although, things get a bit intense for all the prank victims when the woman's pissed-off husband walks in.

Take a look at the fantastic prank below brought to you by the folks at Break:

Let us save you a Google search and tell you that the gal in the video is Charlie Taylor. And of course we're going to show you more of her thanks to her Instagram:

I'm melting #sunshine #desert @isabelleruen

A photo posted by Charlie Taylor (@charlietaylorofficial) on

Girl eating mac and cheese #woodranch #healthyeating #fitness

A photo posted by Charlie Taylor (@charlietaylorofficial) on

#polaroid @chuckespinozaphoto

A photo posted by Charlie Taylor (@charlietaylorofficial) on

Once upon a time in Malibu @sickysworld

A photo posted by Charlie Taylor (@charlietaylorofficial) on

@kateandlace @honeydewintimates #cabovillasbeachresort #cabovillas #caliente

A photo posted by Charlie Taylor (@charlietaylorofficial) on

h/t Playboy

That's one powerful sneeze: Girls Lose Their Clothes In This Hilarious Sneeze Prank


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Selena Gomez Parades Around In Her Underwear In Music Video Preview

Regardless of how you feel about the songs that Selena Gomez releases, chances are that you're more interested seeing her in her underwear. Well, that's probably what Selena and her team realized because that's exactly what she's giving us in her new music video.

The 23-year-old pop star shared a preview for her upcoming music video, "Hands to Myself," on her Facebook page, and it has already reeled in more than three million views. Check out the 30-second preview below:

I'm really liking the creative choices Selena is making.

Things have certainly changed: Former Disney Channel Stars And Their Very Different Roles Today


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Madalina Diana Ghenea Is Only Getting Hotter

Today's Funny Photos

The World's Most Disgusting Snacks

Snacking: It may be our dietary downfall. Human caloric intake has increased by so much in the last few decades that we're on a one-way path to global obesity of "Wall-E"-like proportions. Having some problems putting down the chips and candy bars? Print this article out and stock up on these ten downright disgusting snack foods from around the world -- your curbed appetite will thank you later.

Chocolat de Tomato
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The World's Most Disgusting Snacks, Chocolat de Tomato

Japan has a reputation for pushing the snack food envelope way beyond the limits of good taste. Once you get past the shelves of fish-flavored chips, though, you can run across some really weird stuff. Meet "Chocolat de Tomato," which is exactly what it sounds like: a white chocolate bar made by the redoubtable Meiji company that fuses in the unmistakable flavor of freeze-dried tomatoes. Pairing fruit (and yes, tomatoes are fruits) with chocolate is fairly common, but the end result here is a grotesque abomination of flavor that tastes more like toddler vomit.

Pumpkin Spice Pringles
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The World's Most Disgusting Snacks, Pumpkin Pie Spice Pringles

Pringles on their own are an atrocity. Invented in 1967, the hyperbolic paraboloid of oval baked potato rounds (made on a machine designed by sci-fi legend Gene Wolfe) are a poor parody of real potato chips, and they're legally not even allowed to be called "chips." So what could make them worse? The addition of really disgusting flavors. Manufacturer Procter & Gamble started out with the classics -- barbecue, salt and vinegar -- but in the 2000s they started getting sassy with "seasonal" flavors. The absolute worst came in 2012, when they produced a line of "Pumpkin Spice" Pringles, combining the ubiquitous autumn latte additive with their starchy, dry not-chips to produce a truly bad snack.

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The World's Most Disgusting Snacks, Balut

The cuisine of the Philippines is an unusual one, fusing cultural influences from Asia and Europe into a funky stew. One of the absolute most disgusting things they eat, though, is the snack known as balut. How to make and eat Balut? First, get a fertilized duck egg. Boil it, in the shell, about 18 days after it's laid. Then crack it open and chomp down on the fetal bird in a broth made from its amniotic sac. Just looking at the damn thing is nauseating, and tasting it isn't much better.

S'mores Covered Bacon
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The World's Most Disgusting Snacks, S'mores Covered Bacon

We could do a whole article just on awful baseball stadium food. The good old days of hot dogs and peanuts in the shell are behind us, and now sports team owners are looking to rake in more concessions money by turning out high-calorie nonsense with high price tags. Some of these treats are actually pretty tasty, but the nadir of the trend probably came with the New York Mets's 2015 offerings, most notably the "s'mores-covered bacon on a stick". Bacon is delicious, s'mores are awesome, but when you put them together you get a disturbing sweet, salty turd log. Foul ball.

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The World's Most Disgusting Snacks, Hakari, Hákari

Many of the snacks on this list come from Asia, but the cuisine of Europe's frozen north serves up its share of horrors as well. Hákarl is a traditional Icelandic snack or light meal consisting of cubed pieces of Greenland shark that have been allowed to ferment over a period of several months. The flesh of this shark is actually poisonous when fresh, so letting it stew in its own juices removes that toxin, leaving the meat with a pungent ammonia odor. After it rots, it's hung out to dry for several weeks before serving; the end result -- typically served canape-style on a toothpick -- is one of the most disgusting foods on Earth.

Crab Cream Gratin Pizza Doritos
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The World's Most Disgusting Snacks, Pizza-la, crab cream gratin pizza Doritos

One thing Japan really loves to do is come up with new flavors for traditional snack foods. Doritos, which for decades did just fine with Nacho Cheese and Cool Ranch flavors, has seen a bevy of disgusting additions overseas. One of the absolute worst came when Frito-Lay paired with popular chain restaurant Pizza-La to make Crab Cream Gratin Pizza Doritos. Pizza and tortilla chips alone isn't such an awful idea, but when you throw in an overwhelmingly fishy smell, tons of white cheese powder and actual chunks of corn, you have a culinary abomination that should not appear on this earth.

Gravy Candy
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The World's Most Disgusting Snacks, Gravy Candy

The novelty-loving minds at Seattle's Archie McPhee are notorious for creating some seriously bizarre foods, but nothing hits the disgust scale quite like their gravy-flavored hard candy. First released in 2013 leading up to the Thanksgiving season, the treats deliver a solid punch of fatty, salty umami flavor. Did you ever go over to an old lady's house and see that she had a crystal bowl of hard candies all stuck together and covered with dust? Gravy flavoring is the only thing that could make that experience worse.

Garlic Chocolate
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The World's Most Disgusting Snacks, Black Power Garlic Chocolate

Back to Japan for another perversion of the holy institution of chocolate. Mixing in savory flavors is a time-honored tradition -- think salty pretzels or peanut butter -- but we draw the line at garlic. Candy manufacturer Takko Shoji debuted their "Black Power" garlic chocolate in 2008, and it's a disturbing treat indeed. Not content to just grind up garlic and mix it into a chocolate bar, Takko Shoji instead took whole cloves of black garlic, let them ferment until they were nice and squishy, then coated them with chocolate and a dusting of cocoa powder. The resultant truffle was a thing that should have never seen the light of day.

Fried Tarantula
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The World's Most Disgusting Snacks, Fried Tarantula

In the United States, we kind of take the processed food industry for granted. No matter where you go, you're likely to find Little Debbie products and they'll all taste the same. But in less-developed nations -- like, say, Cambodia -- snacks are a little more ground-level; literally, regarding one of the nation's most beloved crunchy treats. Tarantula spiders are a popular street food in Phnom Penh, fried to a crisp and coated with caramelized sugar. Arachnids and lobsters are close biological relatives, so maybe that'll make this scary snack go down easier for you.

Spicy Sticks
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The World's Most Disgusting Snacks, Spicy Sticks

On the surface, one of China's most popular snack foods doesn't sound like it would be so bad. Spicy Sticks are rods of fried wheat gluten rolled in hot oil and sold for just a dime a pack, making them a commonly seen snack in schools and among the working class. Although they're not super-delicious, the reason that Spicy Sticks close out this list is because of their toxic side effects. Allegedly produced in a filthy, ramshackle factory with no care for health code, people who have eaten Spicy Sticks report brutal bouts of diarrhea and stomach ailments, and one little girl even showed up with a ring of festering sores around her mouth -- now that'll make you lose your appetite.

In other delectable weirdness: Strange Movie Theater Snacks from Around The World; 5 Snacks You're Eating Wrong


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10 Fascinating Band Name Origins, Including The Jackson 5

Naming a band is a make or break proposition, not just externally, as in the impact on the audience, but also internally, as in the band surviving the fights that go down while trying to decide. Oftentimes, the story behind the name is kind of a letdown, because the real inspiration is so mundane. Like Men at Work was named after -- you guessed it -- men working. Colin Hay saw a sign that said as much, then drove by the men advertised. Boom, band name. Serendipitous band naming happens more often than you'd think.

Still, a good band has to have a good name, or at least a few good stories behind it. Band names are the stuff of lore. And the bigger the band, the bigger the legend. So it's also frequently hard to tell fact from fiction. But hey, it's only rock 'n' roll, so that makes these origin stories even better.

The Velvet Underground
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10 Band Name Origins Including the Jackson 5, the velvet underground

Oftentimes, bands will be inspired to name themselves after a work of art that has inspired them. Which is what Lou Reed, John Cale and company turned to when neither "The Primitives," nor "The Warlocks," nor "The Falling Spikes" could stick. They finally agreed on The Velvet Underground, the name of a popular paraphilia paperback by journalist Mike Leigh, whose cover promised to be "a documentary on the sexual corruption of our age." Well, he wrote that sexual depravity documentary in 1963, so by the time Lou and the boys got a hold of it, circa 1965, the sexual corruption had only gotten worse. So it seemed like the right fit for a band that had already ripped off the name of a song, "Venus in Furs," from the title of Leopold von Sacher-Masoch's novel about sadomasochism, bondage, and submission. Wait, aren't those the same things?

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10 Band Name Origins Including the Jackson 5, weezer

When frontman Rivers Cuomo was a kid, he had noticeable asthma. Which sucks. But it sucks much more when you're a kid, cause you get made fun of for gasping instead of earning sympathy for struggling to remain alive. Anyway, everyone called Cuomo "Weezer," so he named his band that. Perhaps as a giant "F--k You" to all his old schoolmates, who are no doubt poorer than him now. Hey, at least they didn't give him my nick name in school: "Jewy Smurf." Although come to think of it, that's a pretty excellent band name.

Three Dog Night
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10 Band Name Origins Including the Jackson 5, cheech and chong, three dog night

Even though these guys are best known for singing more obscure songwriter's songs -- Hoyt Axton's "Joy to the World," Paul Williams' "An Old Fashioned Love Song," Randy Newman's "Mama Told Me Not to Come" -- that doesn't mean they couldn't come up with an ingenious name on their own. Well, kind of on their own. One of the three singers, Danny Hutton, was going out with actress June Fairchild, a.k.a. the Ajax snorting lady from the scene (above) in Cheech and Chong's "Up in Smoke." Fairchild told Hutton about an article she was reading on indigenous Australians who were in the habit of sleeping with their dogs, one on a warm night, three on a cold one. Which at least makes more sense than the lyrics to "Never Been to Spain," which was no doubt written by guys on Ajax.

Parliament - Funkadelic
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10 Band Name Origins Including the Jackson 5, parliment, funkadelic

In 1955, when George Clinton was the funkiest hairstylist in Plainview, New Jersey, he named his doo-wop group the Parliaments after a pack of Parliament cigarettes, which were smooth as can be, thanks to their recessed paper filters. Clinton then got himself a backup band, The Funkadelics, comprised mostly of dudes who got their hair done at George's barbershop. So technically, Clinton formed the baddest motherfu[n]king barbershop musical ensemble ever. Eventually Clinton dropped both the "'The's," to come up with the mouthful we still have today -- thank funkin' God.

Jane's Addiction
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10 Band Name Origins Including the Jackson 5, Jane's Addiction

Back when Perry Ferrell, nee Peretz Bernstein, was a crack-head playing in a band funded by a whore, he was a lot more creative. His housemate at the time, Jane Bainter, had a bit of a heroin habit, and Perry loved Jimi Hendrix, so he thought Jane's Heroin Experience might make a swell band name. After he came down, or perhaps on the way up, Perry wisely whittled the name down. Side note here: did you know 15-year-old Dave Navarro came home to find his mother "butchered" and stuffed into a cupboard by a jealous boyfriend? And they didn't find the guy for ten years! That's fucking rock 'n' roll. Dave, and his backstory, not the murderer.

Duran Duran
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10 Band Name Origins Including the Jackson 5, Barbarella, Duran Duran, Durand Durand

In case you didn't know, Jane Fonda used to be a stone cold fox, and nowhere is that on display more than when she took on the title role in the 1968 cult horny space opera, "Barbarella." Barbarella spends the whole movie banging space dudes -- and dudettes! -- and searching for the bad guy, a mad professor type by the name of Dr. Durand Durand, a master of the Excessive Machine, a device that can drive its victims to death by pleasure. Fortunately Barbarella's pleasures know no limits, and Duran Duran was wise enough not to name the band after another character in the film, Dildano. They did, however, pay further homage to the film by creating the masterpiece song and video, "Electric Barbarella," which finds the Birmingham boys bringing a blowup doll to life, team dressing her like a thong-wearing French maid, and having her sexily clean their very pink room. God bless MTV.

Steely Dan
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10 Band Name Origins Including the Jackson 5, steely dan, yokohama

It took me forever to come around to this band. I used to just think they were soft. But as I began to play music myself, I realized these guys were tight as hell, and pretty damn funky, too. But still, that wasn't enough for me to come around. Then I started to listen to their lyrics, and realized that they only sound soft to relax the unwitting, so they can hatch ear-hole rebellions upon the sheep. And that starts with the subversive name, which comes from the degenerative mind of Beat writer William S. Burroughs, who in his fucked up novel "Naked Lunch," wrote about a steam powered strap-on dildo named "Steely Dan III from Yokohama." Of course, there couldn't have been a Steely Dan III without Steely Dan II, which was "chewed to bits by a famished candiru in the Upper Baboons-asshole," and Steely Dan I, which was "torn in two by a bull dyke" with the "most terrific vaginal grip." Sorry, but that's not soft.

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10 Band Name Origins Including the Jackson 5, Incubus

I know basically nothing about this band, except that I don't like them. I came to that decision instinctively, based upon their creepy name. And of course their music. What the fuck's an incubus? It sounds like something cool. And something tough. And maybe a little evil. None of which I hear in their music. I never got the impression these guys really had a darkside, which is what I'm really looking for in my rock n' roll named after satanic shit. Incubus is basically a mythological sex demon who bangs sleeping women. Ew. Add that to the fact the band got started by three high school kids from Calabasas-home of the Kardashians-and you've got yourself the makings of softness. That's right Calabasas, I'm calling you out.

Joy Division
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10 Band Name Origins Including the Jackson 5, joy division

I guess I have a fear of softness, though I always thought it was an allergy more than a fear. Either way, this band just exudes soft from the second you hear their name. Who the hell has been joyful since the early '60s anyways? Joy's not cool, man. Joy in a band name immediately makes me think of Jem and the Holograms. But I guess I always did kind of wonder what the name meant. Turns out Joy Division comes from the term for the prostitution section of a concentration camp, where guards could enjoy some quality conquests, and the good non-Jewish prisoners could forget about their Holocaust plight with some scared-for-their-lives sex slaves. The band discovered the term -- Freudenabteilung in German -- from Ka-tzetnik's 1955 novel, "House of Dolls." Yeah, I'm beginning to think that my instincts were right about this band.

The Jackson 5
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10 Band Name Origins Including the Jackson 5, the jackson 5

In the beginning, they were the Jackson Brothers -- Jackie, Tito and Jermaine -- three brothers, all with the same last name: Jackson. Then came brothers, Marlon and Michael, who also shared the family name. Together, they became -- drum roll -- The Jackson 5.

Related: The 20 Worst Band Names of All Time


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A Guy Is Replacing Guns With Dildos In A Bunch Of Pictures Of Republicans

Matthew Haughey, a senior editor at Slack, thought up of a genius idea as everyone is chiming in with their own opinions about gun control in America: look up a bunch of pictures of Republicans holding guns and replace it with dildos.

Haughey even added an important hashtag: #GOPdildo. Check out Haughey's tweet that kicked off everything:

Haughey's followers helped out by sending him pictures of Republicans holding guns like it's their first born, and all Haughey did was add a dildo. Check out some of his best creations below:

Haughey even has a Tumblr where he posts even more Republicans with dildos. He's truly doing God's work.

h/t Distractify

And here's a bunch of dicks on a total dick: A Genius Made A Portrait Of Donald Trump Using 500 Dick Pics


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The Definitive Ranking of Quentin Tarantino Movies

Film connoisseurs will get their stockings stuffed this holiday season when Quentin Tarantino's "The Hateful Eight" arrives in theaters on December 25. The writer/director's output has been consistently captivating since 1992. Even though a ticket to the filmmaker's latest release should be easier to snag than "The Force Awakens," it will be no less coveted by many of us. So as we wait anxiously for Tarantino's latest to bow, let's rank his filmography to date.

#9 - Four Rooms (1995)
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Definitive Ranking of Quentin Tarantino Movies, four rooms

Critics were not kind to "Four Rooms," the 1995 anthology of four stories taking place at one downtrodden Los Angeles hotel on New Years Eve featuring Tim Roth as one hapless bellboy who gets involuntarily caught up in each of them. Tarantino's effort concludes the film, and while it by no means saves it, it is the most compelling of the quartet. A riff off a classic "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" TV episode where a gutsy man is willing to potentially have a finger chopped off in order to win a car, the segment is not so heavy on Tarantino's revered style as it is Tarantino himself, whose role takes up most of its screen time and dialogue. His "Room" still wouldn't garner many positive Yelp reviews, but it does deliver a sharp, satisfying punchline to an otherwise forgettable film.

#8 - Jackie Brown (1997)
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Definitive Ranking of Quentin Tarantino Movies, Jackie Brown

Based on author Elmore Leonard's bestseller "Rum Punch," the story has all the trappings of a Tarantino film: likable criminals, bad guys with crackling dialogue, and lawmen who can only try to keep up. "Jackie Brown" is a favorite among Tarantino fans, but not us here. Sure we've got great performances by great actors - including the resurrection of Pam Grier and Robert Forrester - in an homage to 1970's Blaxploitation films but there are few surprises along the way, including a contrived, chemistry-less attraction between the two aforementioned actors. Leonard is a lauded, influential author but this adaptation falls into one of his familiar traps: a colorful quandary is thrown the protagonist's way which she proceeds to resolve colorlessly and sweat-free.

#7 - Kill Bill Vol. 2 (2004)
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Definitive Ranking of Quentin Tarantino Movies, Kill Bill Vol 2

But it's got The Bride's backstory! And the fateful reunion between her and Bill! For those reasons and others, many would argue this finale to Tarantino's two part martial arts extravaganza should have a higher rank on this list and supercede its predecessor for sure. We find it hard though to reward its over-talkiness, slow motion flashbacks, and glacially paced climax. Daryl Hannah steals this show, and had there be more of her inspired wickedness maybe "Vol. 2's" placement could have increased. Instead that time is given to acting legend David Carradine to talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and...

#6 - Death Proof (2007)
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Definitive Ranking of Quentin Tarantino Movies, Death Proof

Part of a 2007 science experiment of sorts, this is the second film in a double feature paired alongside another fellow daredevil filmmaker, Robert Rodriquez, and released together as "Grindhouse". Both are tributes to the bygone era of cheaply made and sold exploitation films loaded with sex, violence, and bizarre subject matter. "Death Proof" itself is basically two films in one: the first an introduction to villain, Stuntman Mike, and a passel of frolicking females unaware they've already become his prey. The second follows another group of ladies who might look like victims to Mike but to his surprise prove to be anything but. "Grindhouse" did poorly in theaters and Tarantino himself conceded that "Death Proof" may turn out to be his worst film ever. Though its first half too slowly builds to a gruesome conclusion, the second culminates in a sky-high octane, edge-of-your seat car chase that could be one of the best ever put to film.

#5 - Django Unchained (2012)
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Definitive Ranking of Quentin Tarantino Movies, Django Unchained

Now we've turned the corner to Tarantino's masterpieces. A hopeless devotion to film seems to course through the maestro's veins, and with "Django Unchained" he sets his sights of one of its most cherished genres, the Western -- and its equally esteemed subgenre, the Spaghetti Western. Revenge is a common theme that sprouts up in most of Tarantino's films and in "Django" it rears its head deliciously during the brutal, antebellum era of the Deep South. A white bounty hunter mentors a freed black slave into his profession where the latter himself begins to showcase uncanny abilities as a gunslinger. When the duo decide to rescue the slave's plantation-bound wife the results are explosive, literally and figuratively. A constant visual reminder throughout that Tarantino, as a writer/director, operates on a level reserved for only a select few.

#4 - Kill Bill Vol. 1 (2003)
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Definitive Ranking of Quentin Tarantino Movies, Kill Bill Vol 1

In "Kill Bill Vol. 1," revenge is meted out mercilessly with knives, razor blades, doors, mouths, and one glorious sword. Again, "Vol. 2" seems to get all the props but to us, "Vol. 1" comes first. Uma Thurman shined so brightly in "Pulp Fiction" that Tarantino gave her two movies in one to carry all on her own, and as a reignited assassin who'd been crossed by her squad and left for dead, she lights up the sky. Her Bride is one badass martial artist who, with cunning and agility, slashes through her individual adversaries as effectively as she does a mob full of masked henchmen.

#3 - Reservoir Dogs (1992)
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Definitive Ranking of Quentin Tarantino Movies, Reservoir Dogs

It may be surprising that one of the greatest movies ever made would rank number 3 on our list, but when it comes to quality and substance, Tarantino's work exists in some kind of alternate universe. The writer/director's first film, it would have hit movie audiences like a ton of bricks when it was released in 1992, had there been actual audiences. Instead there were the steady echoes of Sundance's ovations and a rabid, universal discovery on home video. Here the colors Blonde, Pink, Brown, White, Blue, and Orange collide with black, more white, and splatters of red to paint perhaps cinema's greatest achievement in independent film. A breakthrough, a style marker, and the world's introduction to an artist who would teach us that movies' best days were in no way behind us.

#2 - Inglourious Basterds (2009)
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Definitive Ranking of Quentin Tarantino Movies, Inglourious Basterds

Though the influence of the Spaghetti Western is on full display in "Django Unchained," traces of it could be first found here, despite being a cinematic Adolf Hitler revenge fantasy set in 1944 France. Tarantino is often criticized for the slow pacing in his films, but in "Basterds" that pace can also be defined as taut, masterful storytelling reminiscent of a Sergio Leone classic's most breathtaking moments. The movie poster may put Brad Pitt front and center, but it is Christoph Waltz, as an insidious Nazi colonel, whose performance leads the film into something way, way beyond the perishable whatnot usually clogging up multiplexes. And as for Tarantino himself, this film truly showcases how he, right before our eyes, has become our greatest living director whose new work continues to be just as fresh, innovative, surprising, and exciting as his earlier works.

#1 - Pulp Fiction (1994)
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Definitive Ranking of Quentin Tarantino Movies, Pulp Fiction

A landmark film in every respect. Cunning, cool, brash, subversive, sublimely scattered, funny and bloody as hell. Early '90s cinema, still slightly hungover from the sugar rush of the '80s movie, needed a grand influence, and in "Pulp Fiction" it got it. It relaunched John Travolta's career. It made Samuel L. Jackson a god. Uma Thurman single-handedly returned the cinematic portrayal of the femme fatale back to the pedestal on which it belonged. It made people wonder if Bruce Willis wasn't in a particular movie, was that movie really even worth seeing? Quentin Tarantino hit a home run with "Reservoir Dogs," which might naturally psyche out any writer/director's follow-up effort. But Quentin Tarantino is not just any writer/director and his "Pulp Fiction" was by all accounts a grand slam. A film for the ages, and out of a phenomenal body of work all listed above, his very best.

Related: If Quentin Tarantino Directed Children's Movies


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Cowboys Fan Stabbed After Redskins Loss In Washington

Talk about being a sore loser. And sadly, a sore winner, too.

After the Dallas Cowboys defeated the Washington Redskins in Washington by a score of 19 to 16, a fan (or fans) were so unhappy that they couldn't just scream into their pillows until they fell asleep. Instead, a Cowboys fan was stabbed, and the injured man was caught on video clutching his leg.

Check out the video below posted on Facebook:

Wowwwww. This place is a war zone right now. Fights breaking out everywhere. One dude got stabbed.

Posted by Mike Vaughn on Monday, December 7, 2015

I wonder if people are aware that football is a game and no one should be stabbed over the outcome. Here's hoping that dude is OK and that people stop being awful idiots.

Authorities are said to be aware of the video.

h/t The Big Lead

More idiots in society: Cowboys Fan Knocks Out Eagles Fan With One Punch


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This German Thrill Ride Will Make You Lose Your Lunch

Germans sure do know their thrill rides.

I can't say I'm a thrill ride enthusiast, but I also can't say that I'm a torture device enthusiast either because that is what Germany seems to have at one of their amusement parks.

Germany has an amusement park called Phantasialand, and that's the spot for the ride in the video called Talocan. It's pretty much about three minutes of spinning and flipping around and around until someone pleads for it to end.

Check out the video below which may get your heart racing:

Can't say I'll be trying this one out anytime soon.

h/t Diply

Well that didn't go as planned: A Cable Snapped On This Amusement Park Ride To Remind Us To Stick To The Teacups


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Albania Has Another Topless News Anchor For All Of Us To Enjoy

Back in September, everyone learned that an Albanian news program employed a news anchor by the name of Enki Bracaj. And this bit of news would have gone unnoticed if not for one large detail: she gave the news while showcasing her boobs.

The ratings of course went up for Zjarr Televizion, but the fairy tale didn't last when Bracaji was fired after posing for Playboy. However, Zjarr Televizion realized that they actually like high ratings so they have replaced Enki with another news anchor who also enjoys showing off her goods (even more so).

Her name is Greta Hoxta, and she's here to tell you the news:

That's some hard hitting news.

h/t Uproxx

And Mexico has a hot weather girl: Hot Weather Girl Yanet Garcia Plays Volleyball In Tiny Shorts


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Weird News: Florida Man Hiding From Cops In Pond Gets Eaten By Alligator

Odds are he tasted like cigarettes and some form of government cheese.

According to Huffington Post, a 22-year-old Palm Bay man who told his girlfriend he and another guy were going to break into homes last month thought it would be a good idea to hide in a pond when police began chasing him.

It was not.

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Florida man wanted by cops eaten by alligator instead

Police discovered what was left of Matthew Riggins floating in a lake in Barefoot Bay ten days later. They also found an 11-foot alligator that was quite pissed they were removing Riggins' body, which was missing the lower halves of his legs and part of one arm, from the water.

In fact, the gator was so damn "ferocious" that it had to be euthanized by a Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission trapper.

One nearby resident told a local news station that it sounded like Riggins "hid in the wrong place."

Um, no shit.

No word if the alligator will be given some kind of medal of honor posthumously for saving the taxpayers a boatload of dollars.

This Florida man probably deserved to get devoured by a gator as well: Florida Man Had Sex With His Pit Bull In Front Of His Neighbors


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21 Of The Best Tinder Profiles Of 2015

Some people are just surviving Tinder, while others are truly thriving in it. These men and women definitely know how to break the ice, even if some of them aren't being hilarious on purpose. You can find hundreds of other great profiles and Tinder conversations on Reddit's /r/Tinder. Here are 21 of the best Tinder profiles of 2015. Enjoy!

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21 of the Best Tinder Profiles of 2015

Some people just know exactly what they want in life.

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21 of the Best Tinder Profiles of 2015

At least you know she's a master of Photoshop in case you need any graphic work done.

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21 of the Best Tinder Profiles of 2015

There are a lot of things going on in this photo. Give yourself a minute to take it all in.

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21 of the Best Tinder Profiles of 2015

I can't even tell which one is Bieber and which one is Derek.

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21 of the Best Tinder Profiles of 2015

To be honest, even I would swipe right on Pete just for the conversation alone.

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21 of the Best Tinder Profiles of 2015

Is that what they mean by live, laugh, love?

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21 of the Best Tinder Profiles of 2015

I never felt pity for bath water until right now, at this exact moment.

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21 of the Best Tinder Profiles of 2015

Say what you will about Glen, but the guy knows how to keep it classy and majestic.

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21 of the Best Tinder Profiles of 2015

Is Dean ... dead? And if he's not dead, then whose grave is this??

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21 of the Best Tinder Profiles of 2015

You know, maybe Tinder just isn't for you?

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21 of the Best Tinder Profiles of 2015

At least you're not going to be caught off guard by anything that happens on your first date.

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21 of the Best Tinder Profiles of 2015

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21 of the Best Tinder Profiles of 2015

It's great to see that, at even 110 years old, she's still pleasant and clean shaven.

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21 of the Best Tinder Profiles of 2015

So tired of falling for that old line over and over again.

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21 of the Best Tinder Profiles of 2015

Can we just be friends? I'm legitimately scared of you right now.

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21 of the Best Tinder Profiles of 2015

He didn't have to say he was a real catch, because we could tell from that unicorn alone.

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21 of the Best Tinder Profiles of 2015

Her bio should be "Joining Isis suddenly looks a little more appealing, doesn't it?"

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21 of the Best Tinder Profiles of 2015

Harvesting your organs is maybe the 6th worst thing that could happen on a Tinder date.

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21 of the Best Tinder Profiles of 2015

Something tells me he's not the original author of his bio.

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21 of the Best Tinder Profiles of 2015

Bet you can't eat just one!

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21 of the Best Tinder Profiles of 2015

We've all been there at some point, James. We've all been there.

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21 of the Best Tinder Profiles of 2015

This may be the greatest picture and bio combination anyone on Tinder has ever posted. You win.


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Mandatory's 2015 Holiday Cocktails And Spirits Guide

No matter what you celebrate during the holidays, gift-giving and family gatherings are inevitable. So do it all the right way by making some of the best cocktails and spirits out there a part of your festivities. Cheers!


The Toasty Mitten

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2015 Lynnette Marrero Zacapa Room cocktails shannon sturgis zacapa 23 zacapa rum zacapa xo

Created by Mixologist Kate Bolton

1/2 oz Baileys Original Irish Cream
1 oz Zacapa Rum 23
1/3 oz Almond Syrup
2 1/3 oz Freshly Brewed Coffee
2 dashes Angostura Bitters
2 1/4 oz Coconut Milk Crème*
Grated Nutmeg for Garnish

*Coconut Milk Crème Ingredients:
1 can Chilled Coconut Milk
3/4 oz Simple Syrup

Coconut Milk Crème Preparation:
Chill can of coconut milk, allowing liquid to separate. Combine 1 1/2 ounces of the separated fats and simple syrup in a cocktail shaker. Shake well until consistency of whipped cream.

Combine Baileys Original Irish Cream, Zacapa Rum 23, freshly brewed coffee, almond syrup and bitters in a footed coffee mug and stir. Top with Coconut Milk Crème. Garnish with grated nutmeg.

Caramel Cooler
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2015 Lynnette Marrero Zacapa Room cocktails shannon sturgis zacapa 23 zacapa rum zacapa xo

1/2 oz Zacapa Rum 23
1 oz Baileys Salted Caramel
1 oz Iced Coffee
1/4 oz Allspice Dram
Cinnamon Stick for Garnish

Combine Zacapa Rum 23, Baileys Salted Caramel and iced coffee into a cocktail shaker with ice. Stir gently. Strain contents into a rocks glass. Top with allspice dram. Garnish with cinnamon stick.

Bacardi Party Punch
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Bacardi party punch

This holiday season, make at-home entertaining simple and fun with a seasonal rum punch. Made with BACARDÍ Superior rum - a smooth, mellow white rum - and easy to source ingredients, like cranberry juice and fizzy ginger ale, the BACARDÍ Party Punch is a festive drink to enjoy all season long.

750 mL bottle BACARDÍ Superior rum
1 L cranberry juice
2 L ginger ale, chilled
8 oz. orange juice
1 oz. lime juice
1 ½ oz. lemon juice

In a large container, combine rum and fruit juices. Chill. Just before serving, pour into large punch bowl. Add ice and gently stir in chilled ginger ale. Garnish by floating orange, lemon and lime slices on top. Makes 16 cups.

Cruzan Champagne Star
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cruzan rum cocktail

1 1/2 parts Cruzan Estate Diamond Light Rum
1/2 parts Elderflower Liqueur
1/4 parts Fresh Lemon Juice
Sparkling Wine

Combine Cruzan Estate Diamond Light Rum, Elderflower Liqueur and fresh lemon juice over ice in a shaker and stir for 10 seconds. Strain into a champagne flute and top with sparkling wine. Garnish with a wide lemon twist.

Planet Hoth Toddy
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star wars cocktail, planet hoth toddy

On December 18, millions of fans around the world are going to rejoice at the premiere of "Star Wars: The Force Awakens," and there's no better way to celebrate that momentous occasion that to drink the Planet Hoth Toddy!

2 parts BACARDI Gran Reserva Maestro de Ron
¾ part lime juice
½ part simple syrup
¼ part Maraschino liqueur
1 egg white

Shake all ingredients vigorously in a shaker with plenty ice. Double strain into a coupe and garnish with nutmeg.

Étoile de Picardie
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holiday cocktails, grey goose holiday drinks

This holiday season, make spirits bright with festive cocktail recipes from Grey Goose vodka. Perfect for a variety of holiday moments, each recipe calls for an occasion to raise a glass to the season.

For a delicious drink to savor by a warm fireplace, try the slightly spicy Etoile de Picardie -- a fresh take on the Hot Toddy served warm and garnished with star anise.

35ml GREY GOOSE L'Orange
35ml cranberry juice
10ml freshly squeezed lemon juice
5ml gomme (gum) sugar syrup
5ml Cointreau or Dom Benedictine
Star anise

Build all the ingredients in a glass mug, add 50ml boiling water and stir. Garnish with the star anise.

Noël Rouge
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holiday cocktails, grey goose holiday drinks

Or, try the Noel Rouge, a simple yet sophisticated drink to serve to guests; it's ingredients give it a subtle taste while looking festive & cheerful with pomegranate seeds.

50ml GREY GOOSE vodka
20ml ST. GERMAIN elderflower liqueur
10ml freshly squeezed lemon juice
10 pomegranate seeds

Muddle the pomegranate seeds and lemon juice in a highball, add crushed ice, followed by the GREY GOOSE, then ST. GERMAIN. Stir and serve.


Johnnie Walker Blue Custom Engraved Bottle
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johnnie walker blue, johnnie walker blue custom engraved bottle

Johnnie Walker Blue Label sets the standard, a blend of the rarest malts from hand-selected casks across Scotland. Its flavors are influenced by the smoke of the west and the rich, sweet whiskies of the east. Engrave a bottle of this most precious blend with a personalized message. It's the perfect way to show gratitude this holiday season. (40% ABV, $229/750mL bottle)

Booker's Bourbon
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Booker's Bourbon is proud to release the fifth batch in its 2015 limited-edition collection, "Maw Maw's Batch," named in honor of one of the most important people in Booker's life - his grandmother. After living at Maw Maw's house in Bardstown, KY during high school, Booker eventually moved next door when he returned from college. It was while living next door that Booker created the iconic recipe that his namesake bourbon is known for today. Maw Maw's batch is rich with hints of vanilla and toasted nuts, and the taste is well balanced with a warmth which moves to a clean, long finish. (64% ABV, $69.99/750mL bottle)

Tanqueray Bloomsbury Gin
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If you enjoy gin, you have to try the latest release from venerable gin house, Tanqueray. Just released this year, Bloomsbury is assertively juniper-forward, with complementary botanicals like coriander, angelica and cassia also making their way into the mix. Diehard gin enthusiasts will love it simply poured over ice with a twist, but it's also sublime in a classic martini or G&T. (47.3% ABV, $32.99)

2 GINGERS Irish Whiskey
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2 GINGERS is an incredibly smooth, flavorful Irish Whiskey when consumed neat or on the rocks, and also has the versatility to stand up in a cocktail, such as their signature drink -- the "Big Ginger." Just add ginger ale and wedge with both a lemon and a lime. 2 Gingers Whiskey is available nationwide for only $19.99/750mL bottle.

Jose Cuervo Limited Edition Rolling Stones Bottle
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jose cuervo limited edition rolling stones bottle

You can't always get what you want, but now's your chance to party like a Rolling Stone. Get your limited edition bottle and taste the glitz, glam and controversy that made the '72 tour the benchmark of an era and cemented the Stones as the world's greatest band. The Rollings Stones and Cuervo-two rock n' roll legends, one bold new bottle.

Basil Hayden's + Quoddy Limited Edition Gift Set
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Each gift set features four Horween leather-wrapped rocks glasses - the same leather used to create the iconic Quoddy shoes - and are packaged in a handmade, co-branded leather gift box. A pair of custom, made-to-order co-branded Basil Hayden's + Quoddy shoes accompanies each gift set providing bourbon fans the opportunity to don their "drinking shoes."

Set includes one pair of drinking shoes, four rocks glasses wrapped in leather and one Basil Hayden's + Quoddy co-branded leather gift box. ($399)

Jack Daniel's Sinatra Century
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jack daniel's sinatra century

Jack Daniel's Sinatra Century is the newest stunning Sinatra selection crafted in celebration of the legendary crooners 100th birthday. Like all of Jack Daniel's expressions, Sinatra Century is crafted using the same cave spring water from the Jack Daniel's Hollow, proprietary yeast and charcoal-mellowing process that's been used in the distillery's nearly 150-year-old Tennessee Whiskey recipe. From there, the liquid enters specially selected "Sinatra" barrels hand-picked out by master distiller Jeff Arnett. Additionally, the set will also offer a selection of previously unreleased Sinatra tracks, entitled "Sinatra Live at the Sands in 1966," to accompany the specially designed Jack Daniel's Sinatra Century bottle. Available nationwide and in duty-free retailers at top international airports around the world ($499.99).


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The 10 Worst Songs Of 2015

If there's one holiday tradition I look forward to every year, it's my annual ritual disemboweling of the worst garbage music to hit the airwaves. I've been chronicling the worst songs of the year since 2010, and my ears have endured all manner of trash. This year didn't seem quite as bad, honestly. Sure, there was tons of crap all over the airwaves (and streaming services), but it doesn't seem like we pushed the envelope of bad like, say "Rude" by Magic did. That said, all ten of these 2015 songs are total aural garbage that should be prosecuted as crimes.

J Sutta - Feline Resurrection
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10 Worst Songs of 2015, J Sutta, Feline Resurrection

Is there any phrase that implies musical quality less than "from a former member of the Pussycat Dolls?" For some reason, record companies believe that the flash-in-the-pan group of lingerie dancers turned pop stars are still relevant, so 2015 saw the release of former Doll J Sutta's abhorrent "Feline Resurrection." If you wanted one song that summed up all of the awful musical trends of the year, this is a pretty solid pick. Pitched-down male vocal hooks? Ok. Inept lady rapping? Sure. Inept lady rapping at double speed? Why not! Insanely dumb-ass lyrics? She says "this pussycat's learned to growl," so there you go.

iLoveMemphis - Hit The Quan
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10 Worst Songs of 2015, iLoveMemphis, Hit The Quan

Yes, this was the year of Silentó's ubiquitous "Watch Me (Whip/Nae Nae)," but as bad as that song was, the endless deluge of imitators trying to cash in on it was worse. Probably the most egregious was iLoveMemphis's "Hit The Quan," where the young rapper literally took a dance done by Rich Homie Quan and made a whole song around it. And the song... is bad. Like a lot of modern radio-ready hip-hop, it's infuriatingly repetitive, but iLoveMemphis (and he should lose points for that awful-ass Steve Jobs-ass stage name) has some of the worst flow of any charting MC this year and sounds like he's only halfway through puberty.

Nickelback - She Keeps Me Up
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10 Worst Songs of 2015, Nickleback, She Keeps Me Up

It's almost a cliche to put Canadian rockers Nickelback on a "worst music" list, considering that their name has basically become shorthand for awful taste. But their 2015 single "She Keeps Me Up" pushed the group into new and hilariously bad territory. A warmed-over lite-funk joint with lyrics like "Coca Cola Roller Coaster," it sounds like somebody's dad discovered "Uptown Funk" and tried to copy it. There's auto-tuning, wah-wah guitars, and a video that looks like a real estate agency's Christmas party. Who would have ever thought that leaving nu-metal behind would actually make a band worse?

Chief Keef / Andy Milonakis - Hot Shit
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10 Worst Songs of 2015, Chief Keef, Andy Milonakis, Hot Shit

Oh, no, buddy. Hip-hop history is full of rappers collaborating with unusual musicians -- who can forget Run-DMC and Aerosmith knocking that wall down in 1986 with "Walk This Way" -- but sometimes it's good to say no. Chief Keef's one of Chicago's most prominent rappers, but "Hot Shit" is anything but. This track is ass even for a mixtape toss-off, with Keef sounding bored and barely rhyming, but the real disaster comes a few minutes in when the track's guest comes in. Andy Milonakis is a former viral video star with a hormone deficiency that keeps him permanently looking like an awkward pre-teen... and apparently he raps now. No thanks.

Nikki Tino - Shake That La La
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10 Worst Songs of 2015, Nikki Tino, Shake That La La

When your song debuts on Radio Disney, you know you have a problem. Staten Island singer Nikki Tino is 25, acts and dresses like she's 14, and for some reason sings in a bizarre fake-Jamaican patois. Throw in a backing track that seems to be 90% hillbilly whistling and handclaps and you've got one of the most perplexing and painful songs of the year. This seems like the kind of thing a super-rich Mafia dad would do for his daughter to get her to shut up about "her career," already. Like you can see Meadow Soprano in this video, completely.

Bret Michaels - Girls On Bars
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10 Worst Songs of 2015, Bret Michaels, Girls on Bars

What happens when you're just too old and flimsy to sell the rock 'n' roll lifestyle anymore? You go country. That's what former Poison frontman Bret Michaels did this year with "Girls On Bars," easily the worst honky-tonk track of 2015. Everything about this is a mess, from the cliched lyrics to the awful delivery. The modern country trend of almost rap-esque talk-singing is in full effect, but when Bret puts his pipes into play it's almost worse. We're not even mentioning the backing track, which sounds like you paid somebody on Fiverr $5 to lay it down.

Britney Spears / Iggy Azalea - Pretty Girls
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10 Worst Songs of 2015, Britney Spears, Iggy Azalea, Pretty Girls

Oh, Britney. Britney, Britney, Britney. Every time it looks like you're going to be able to crawl out of the Cheeto-dusted hole your career has been in for a decade, you make a bad decision and throw it all away. Spears's solo career has floundered so hard that she basically just does features for more popular artists. The latest installment? "Pretty Girls," which pairs her with abhorrent Australian rapper Iggy Azalea. The hate on Iggy is well-documented, so we won't waste the space, but this is an obvious attempt to make another "Fancy" that results in an even worse track. And that's saying a lot.

Dead Cold Inside - Making Me Nothing
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10 Worst Songs of 2015, Dead Cold Inside, Make Me Nothing

Most of the songs I spotlight on these lists are from major label artists, successful musicians who are making bank to suck. But I don't want to be prejudiced, so I try to survey the world of independent music as well to find tracks that are truly awful even if you don't hear them on the radio a million times. Meet Dead Cold Inside, a two-man "numetal-core industrial experimental metal rapcore" group from Dayton, Ohio. That's twice the core! One core for each dude! "Making Me Nothing" is such a hilariously ill-advised track that I've been obsessively sharing it with people so they, too can experience the horror.

Meghan Trainor - Dear Future Husband
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10 Worst Songs of 2015, Dear Future Husband, Meghan Trainor

Meghan Trainor rose to fame in 2014 with the irritatingly catchy "All About That Bass," a bubbly ode to body positivity that was played to torturous excess. As befits any one-hit wonder, she's been spending the last year trying to recapture that success with increasingly diminishing results. "Dear Future Husband," Trainor's paean to the qualities she requires in a mate, reads like a time traveler from 1954 landed in modern-day America and quickly suffered a traumatic brain injury. The cliched, corny doo-wop production and idiotic lyrics are literally painful to listen to, and hopefully we won't have to much longer.

Madonna / Nicki Minaj - Bitch I'm Madonna
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10 Worst Songs of 2015, Bitch I'm Madonna, Nicki Minaj, Madonna

We're not the kind of guys who think that the only value women have is in their youth. There are plenty of mature, accomplished female musicians who are still doing great work decades after they debuted. Madonna... is not one of them. The Material Girl has aged into a terrifying automaton, desperately grasping at current stars for relevance, and her 2015 album "Rebel Heart" was lousy from stem to stern. This track, the biggest hit on the LP, features a verse by Nicki Minaj and production by list two-timer Diplo, crammed into a vaporwave mish-mosh that's legitimately irritating to the ears.

Related: 11 Reasons Music Sucks Now More Than Ever


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Kid's Attempt At Multiple Backflips On Trampoline Shows Why You Shouldn't Attempt Multiple Backflips On Trampolines

Somebody might want to get this kid a set of golf clubs this Christmas so he doesn't wind up killing himself on his trampoline.

Then again, he might never set foot on that thing ever again after he damn near broke his neck attempting the Triple Lindy of trampoline jumping.

That kid's dome is going to hurt like hell for days, but hey, it could have been much worse. At least he still has feeling in his legs.

And look on the bright side, kid. If you would have landed it, you wouldn't have become a viral video star. And that makes the pain totally worth it.

h/t Barstool Sports

Trampolines look like way more fun when a smoking hottie is jumping on one in slow-motion: The Slow Mo Show: Trampoline Antics


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Justin Bieber Stalked This Girl On Social Media And Now She's Famous

When Justin Bieber isn't roaming around on a scooter and pissing people off he's stalking girls on Instagram, and one girl's picture caught his attention so much he asked his 47 million followers on Instagram to find out who she is. You know, because Justin gets bored sometimes.

Omg who is this!!

A photo posted by Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) on

Well, 12-year-old girls went searching and found out who the mystery girl was: her name is Cindy Kimberly (according to her Instagram) and she's gotten a bunch of attention.

Check out some of the pictures that Justin is probably currently obsessing over:

This is my fav pic of myself so no matter how many times I delete I'm gonna still repost

A photo posted by Cindy Kimberly (@wolfiecindy) on

I really don't remember why nor when I deleted this pic?? Sorry for all the reposting lmao

A photo posted by Cindy Kimberly (@wolfiecindy) on

Cindy has since responded to all the attention she's received, and she's definitely noticed, because she can't even handle it according to the caption accompanying her blank post below.

Good going, Justin.

h/t Complex

Justin also enjoys showcasing his penis: Justin Bieber's Penis Caused Hilarious Reactions On The Internet


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This Story Of The Perfect Girlfriend Will Make You Appreciate Yours

Not everything on the Internet involves someone getting arrested in Florida for a bizarre crime or people hating the world and every nice thing about it day in and day out. In fact, there are those out there who actually take a moment and reflect on how good they've got it. It's nice to focus on such things now and then. Take this story of the perfect girlfriend, for instance. Sure, it pulls the rug out from underneath you in the end, but hopefully in doing so it gets the point across. Don't take the good things in life for granted, and for God's sake enjoy them while they last!

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perfect girlfriend, story of the perfect girlfriend

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perfect girlfriend, story of the perfect girlfriend

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perfect girlfriend, story of the perfect girlfriend

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perfect girlfriend, story of the perfect girlfriend

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perfect girlfriend, story of the perfect girlfriend

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perfect girlfriend, story of the perfect girlfriend

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perfect girlfriend, story of the perfect girlfriend

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perfect girlfriend, story of the perfect girlfriend

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perfect girlfriend, story of the perfect girlfriend

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(via The Chive)


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73-Year-Old Seattle Man Arrested After Attempting To Snort Coke During Traffic Stop

Driving past a police officer with your headlights off at night is a bad idea.

Even worse? You guessed it: Trying to do a line of blow while he runs your license and registration.

According to the WWWN, a Seattle police officer was beyond shocked last week when his night quickly escalated from pulling over a 73-year-old man for driving with his headlights off to arresting that man for trying to snort cocaine during the traffic stop.

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Man Arrested for Trying to Snort Cocaine During Traffic Stop

When Officer Nic Abts-Olsen approached the vehicle, he informed the man that the reason he had been pulled over was because he was driving without his headlights on. The man politely apologized and handed Abts-Olsen his license.

Roughly 30 seconds later, Abts-Olsen returned to the vehicle and was about to let the man off with a warning because of his flawless driving record. But when he knocked on the window, Abts-Olsen startled the man, and by "startled" we mean he made the man spill the cocaine he was about to snort "all over his hands and the floor of his vehicle."

The warning was rescinded, the man was arrested for drug possession, and now somebody's grandpa in the Seattle area has one hell of a story to tell the grandkids around the fire this Christmas.

This woman's mugshot is almost as crazy as her eating crack cocaine while being arrested: This Woman Tried To Eat Crack Cocaine While Being Arrested Because You Shouldn't Let Things Go To Waste


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College Professor Fired After He Snapchats Himself Getting It On With Student

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college professor snapchat sex with student

There are worse ways to get canned. Probably. At least we're sure this college professor's friends are telling him such things to make him feel better about banging one of his students and recording it. But in all truth, he's just a complete moron. The story, which was submitted to DudeComedy.com, goes a little something like this:

"My little sister is a Sophomore in college. 2 weekends ago, one of her professors stopped showing up for class, after 3 days the rumors were he was on leave for inappropriate behavior. Its a small school and it wasn't long until everyone found out he filmed himself having sex in his classroom. It also turned out the girl in the video was one of his students. I know you guys always post crazy shit like this so I made my sister send me as many videos or pictures as she could get, i am sure there will be more coming out soon. [sic]"

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college professor snapchat sex with student

The somewhat NSFW video below only contains about four seconds of the incident which cost the professor his job. Of course, there is at least one more floating around out there on the Interwebs. It's a little too raunchy to show you here, though. Happy hunting!

Related: Snapchat and Sex With Student Ruin Another Teacher's Career


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